Emma watched Neal run around the courtyard, the toddler close behind. She heard the squeals from her son as he tried to catch his father. Her pregnancy with him had been unexpected but, after the initial shock, Emma and Neal couldn't have been happier. She waited until the honeymoon was over to get her confirmation of the pregnancy and then tell Neal. Henry was born only seven months after the wedding. It didn't give Emma and Neal much time to enjoy a childless wedding but after three years they agreed Henry came when he was supposed to.

"He's quite the mix of both of you," David said, sitting next to his daughter. "He's got that fiery spirit of yours. I wouldn't be surprised if he starts causing you and Neal quite the bit of trouble."

Emma laughed. "Neal's talking about the day he'll get to teach him to sword fight and I'm fighting to keep him little." Emma watched Neal scoop Henry into his arms and gently toss him up above him. He caught him and then swung him low. She heard Henry's laughter as she saw Neal start to tickle him.

David put his arm around his little girl and pulled her close. "They can't stay little forever."

Emma tilted her head so her eyes met her father's. "I don't think I've ever thanked you for taking Neal in when we were younger. I didn't know it then but because you did that I was able to meet him, it all led to this."

"I've always liked Neal, and when his father vanished I couldn't let him just disappear. I knew you two had been friends so I figured he could come and help." David kissed the top of his daughter's head. "And help he did. He brought you back to me, he saved you twice and he's kept you happy since."

"I hated him for a little bit. He was arrogant."

David's laugh rumbled from deep inside. "Most men in love are that way."

"Mommy!" Emma watched Henry run towards her, hoping to escape his father. He squeezed himself between her legs and tucked his head against her stomach. His chest rising and falling fast.

"Emma, have you seen Henry?"

Emma stroked a hand over her sons head. "I haven't seen him. Perhaps he's under the bench."

Neal bent down and pretended to search. "Hmm, not down here." Neal moved next to Emma and sat. "Emma you seem to have a growth here." Neal skimmed his fingers over the back of Henry's neck and grinned as he squirmed.

"Oh no, you're right, whatever could it be?"

Henry jumped out and gripped his mother's hands. "It's me mommy!"

"Henry, what do you say to some water and a snack?"

Henry eyed his grandfather and then looked back at his mother, his eyes asking if it was okay.

"Go ahead my prince."

Henry raced off, beating his grandfather to the castle.

Neal dropped an arm around Emma and relaxed, letting out a deep sigh. "He's got far too much energy for a child who wakes up at six in the morning."

"Are you saying you're tired?"

"Very much so. I thought after we'd gotten him to sleep through the night that we would get a little bit more sleep but after everything that we have to do plus taking care of him I'm beat."

Emma stood up. "Well, I'm not as tired and I would like to go for a walk through the garden, care to join me?"

Neal took Emma's outstretched hand and walked with her to the garden.

"What would you say if I told you I wanted to have another baby?"

"I would tell you that Henry's old enough to be a big brother."

Emma stopped walking and held her hands over her stomach. "And you'd be ready for another one?"

Neal had only taken a few more steps before he realized Emma stopped. "I think I could be." When Neal turned back to Emma he saw where her hands rested. "Are you saying right now?"

"I just found out."

Neal scooped Emma up in his arms and kissed her, deeply. "Maybe it'll be a girl this time."

"I have a feeling we're going to be happy no matter what happens. Do you want to go and tell Henry he's going to be a big brother?"

"Right after I have you to myself just a little bit longer." Neal kissed her again, trailing his lips down her neck. The world melted around them, both of them blissfully unaware that in only a few short months they would be welcoming both a girl and a boy into their family.