Heero Yuy, had gotten a call from some anonymous person that he had found to be named Severus Snape telling him that he had two older sisters, Petunia age 25 and Lily age 22 , he himself was age 19. He couldn't remember these people and didn't understand why he felt compelled to show up and meet the man in Surry. But he did of course he brought the others with him.

"Severus Snape?" Heero asked the man standing in the park.

"That's right." Severus said, to them, "You're Heero Yuy?"

"Yes." Heero said, "I remember none of what you claim to be true."

"I know." Severus said, "You have a memory charm on you."

"What?" Quatra asked.

"Wait." Duo said, stopping Wufei from drawing his gun when they saw that Severus had pulled a stick of wood out. "I've heard of this. Are you a Wizard?"

"I am." Severus frowned, "Are you a Squib?"

"Wouldn't know if I was." Duo laughed arms behind his head. "But your people don't exactly educate up in the colonies . My friend Solo was a Wizard. Kept us alive with that magic of his. So Hee-Chan's got a memory charm. How do you remove it?"

"A simple spell." Severus said, "I point the wand think it, put the wand away he remembers things. I do not in anyway mess with his mind."

"Well, if it doesn't mess with my mind." Heero said, slowly. "But why are you calling me up now?"

"Lily's dead." Severus stated, "Her baby. Her son. " they all saw him flinch at that." He was given to Petunia but he's magic and she hates magic! She'll abuse the kid! He's only been there two days but I got this really bad feeling about it. He has to be with a blood relative..." Severus made a very un Severus sound and explained the whole story. "That's what everyone is saying happened but I don't believe it for a second. So I figured if I return you memories and we got to Gringotts to confirm your his Uncle then you can claim custody and we can ...I dunno set up our own side where Harry doesn't fight...I haven't thought that far ahead yet. But I know the boy needs help."

Duo did what Duo did best. He picked the lock on the door and let them. Severus' spell lead to the cupboard under the stairs while Quatra mixed up a few bottles and the others gathered some baby supplies.

Heero opened the door and a 15 month old came out staring up at them.

"Here's some milk." Quatra told the boy holding a bottle "Allow us to take you away and you can have it."

The boy went back in the Cupboard and came out with a baby blanket he then sat and waited. Heero scooped the kid up , wrapped him in the blanket and stuck the bottle in his mouth. They left with no one the wiser.

Harry sucked his bottle happily.

+10 hp

His little blue screen read to him. It had shown up two days ago and told him his life was a game and explained things to him that stuck in his head no matter that they were too hard for him to understand. He didn't know who these people were but they had taken him away from the yelling people and that was nice. Plus they fed him. The yelling people hadn't fed him! He loved milk! He remembered his mommy saying that if he drank his milk he'd grow up to be big and strong like his daddy!

They then stayed in a new place. It had a bed and desk and that was about it. The one carrying him set him on the bed.

"I'm Heero." The teen said, "I'm your Uncle." Harry just blinked his eyes at the man. The other people were about. "I'm Heero." he repeated. "Man, I wish I knew if you could talk."

Harry took his now empty bottle out of his mouth.

"Dada." He said.

"No, not dada, Heero."

"Heero." The blond one laughed, "It's too hard for him to say. He's only 15 months old. I doubt he can hardly walk."

Harry huffed at him and demanded to be put on the floor. Heero did. Harry stood and walked like an expert to each one of them before stopping at the blond and patting his own little butt.

"Guess you just earned dipper duty." The one with the long braid laughed.

"Very well." Quatra said, picking Harry up. "Lets get you changed."

"I shall come. " Severus said, "He will most likely need creams to take care of a rash and wizard's creams are superior to your Muggle cream."

They entered a small bathroom and changed Harry who got his revenge by peeing on Quatra.

"Heero, he's so mean!" Quatra cried when they finally came out of the bathroom. "My nephew's have never done that!"

"Don't insult him. " Heero said, "Wufei, Jr, and I will take this room. The rest of you sort out the rest. We go to the bank first thing."

The others all said good night.

Harry was soon curled up between two people.

The dream didn't come that night. No lady screaming no flash of green light. Just a a nice restful night.

He was changed and fed the next morning as well. He was starting to like these people and the blond had bought him clothes! Nice warm clothes, that fit him perfectly. He refused to let go of his blankie though.

They went to a big building with weird creatures walking around. Then they were in a room with one and the big people were talking.

"So Albus is already stealing from the child." Severus sighed, "We have proven Heero is the uncle so he can demand it all back and take control."

That's exactly what Heero did then made it clear that even if they weren't all blood related they were brothers and would be working together to raise Harry.

"Well, you are a Squib, Mr. Yuy." Griphook said, " You are within your rights to invite your friends into the Evans-Potter family. "

"Then I'd like to do that. So if something happens to me they can legally take over Harry's accounts and protect him. " Heero nodded. Quatra smiled at him and he knew he'd said the right thing.

They all gave blood.

"You are all very fortunate." Griphook said, "You are all squibs. Your powers must be limited if they have manifested at all."

"That would explain my empathy." Quatra said, watching Harry climb into Severus' lap and plop down. "I have very strong Empathy ."

"It would." Griphook nodded. "Lord Prince here will be joining you on this list of guardians?"

"Yes." Heero said instantly . "He gave me my memories back and returned me to my nephew."

They all had to fill out paperwork that was instantly approved for guardianship."

"I hate to bring this up." Wufei said, "But if this Dumbledore person wants Harry as much as Severus tells us he does than shouldn't one or two of us formally adopt Harry?"

"Dada?" Harry asked , tilting his head to one side. "mama?"

Harry was now in Heero's lap and hugging Duo's braid.

"The young heir has made his decision. "

"I think it should be Wufei and Heero." Duo said shaking his head. "and is there anyway to make him look more like them?"

"Of course." Severus said, "an adoption Potion. Fairly simple and will make him their son. "

"Dada." Harry said, again brightly.

So Wufei and Heero became parents to the 15 month old who seemed to like playing with Duo's braid.

"Can we rename him for safety reasons?" Wufei asked taking the child that was now his.

"Of course." griphook nodded. "Just fill out these forms."

Your name is now Derek Chang-Yuy

His blue screen read to him.

'I got a new name?' he wondered, 'Okay.'

After another hour Wufei was holding Derek Chang-Yuy. The boy had his sleek black hair and Heero's cobalt eyes. He was the perfect match of Chinese and Japanese.

Derek smiled brightly at them obviously not understanding what was going on. They had had to remove blocks on his magic set by Albus Dumbledore.

With Derek now theirs they left Gringotts.

"Where are you all going to stay?" Severus asked staring at the child that was no longer Lily's he new it had needed to be done.

"We have safe houses all over ." Trowa finally spoke, "But we'll probably head for the colonies again. "

Severus nodded,

"Don't worry." Heero said, "we'll keep in contact and you'll be able to see him as much as you want."

Lady Une and the other Preventors who'd taken part in the war stared at Derek in shock. He cooed at them.

"You took in a child?" Zechs asked, "In our line of work, Yuy? Chang?"

"I remembered." Heero said, slowly, "That I had two sisters." Everyone was quiet. Sally and Heero's therapist who was on a screen began scribbling notes. "When I went to find them I found out that one was dead and she had a son. The other has a son as well and she's living a nice normal life. She didn't want Derek so I took him myself. Wufei agreed to become his other parent so we could adopt him and the others have agreed to help me raise him."

"Two sisters?" The Therapist asked, "Younger or older than you?"

"Older." Heero supplied, He ran finger's through his son's hair. "We just don't know where we are going to raise him."

"Well, I want you in this office on Monday no later than 10:15." The therapist ordered. "That goes for the rest of you as well. We have to discus this. "

With that the man hung up.

"You could stay right here in England." Une suggested. "That way we could all help raise the boy. "

The pilots soon learned that raising a baby was going to be harder than they thought. Harry got into everything right off the start. They had moved into Private Drive for no other reason than Heero wanted to meet his sister. There was a nice big manor home that looked to be a hotel at some point at the end of Petunia's block. They moved in in the dead of night.

It was two weeks before Heero met with his sister. They were taking Derek to the park today and Petunia happened to be there with her son.

"Are you Petunia Evans?" Heero asked.

"It's Dursely now." She quipped, then gasped when she saw Heero. All the neighbors were here because it was a block party so they all heard. "Forgive me you look like my brother Rowan."

"I was Rowan."Heero replied, "When I was younger. I just found out recently that was kidnapped as a baby." Derek was pulling at Duo's braid while in Heero's arms. "I traced down my family and it seems you are the only one left. You and your son."

"We have a middle sister." Petunia said, instantly believing the teen." she had a son as well."

"Oh, i know." Heero said, "I recently found out that she died on Halloween, please come over here and speak with me and I will explain it to you."


It's time to finally have some fun and learn the ropes.


Sandbox discoveries!

The babies are eating sand show them how it's really done.

Tutorial now active!


20 xp

Whatever you find.

Derek got Heero's attention and motioned to the sandbox. Heero set him down.

"I'll take him!" Duo said, brightly taking the boy's hand, "Come on Derk-Chan."

Derek nodded. Derek could soon hear how people were amazed that he could walk so well. He plopped down in the sand box when they arrived.

think inventory


it was a big word but he thought it just how his screen told him. Another screen appeared .It was laying flat in front of him in the sandbox

Fill inventory with sand.

Duo shifted maybe this hadn't been the best idea. He sighed when his new nephew grabbed a shovel and stared at before actually filling it with sand and dumping it out again.

"Derk-Chan you're so smart!" Duo praised the baby . Derek smiled up at him but then resumed his work. He did seem to find things in the sand that would appear in his inventory next to the sand.

"I was wondering though..." Heero said, to Petunia "How I am Japanese?"

"You are our half brother." Petunia told him softly. "Mother and father took a little break from each other when Lily was three. Mother was so worked up when she confessed to father about you but Father accepted you and raised you like you were his own. Mother said you were the result of a one night stand with a Japanese business man she met in the hotel . A Politician also named Heero Yuy."

Quatra was coughing into his hand now. Heero gave him his signature Death Glare.

"You'll have to excuse Quatra." Heero said, "But we are familiar with this man. Though we've never met him. It is recorded that he is dead."

"Oh, I highly doubt it." Petunia said, "He contacted me not three weeks ago." She got into her purse and gave him a business card. "He said that if you ever came looking to give you this."

"Heero Yuy the man you say is my father died 28 years ago. He could not be my father." Heero said, "I do ..."

His eyes drifted to Derek in an instant. Everyone had gone silent. Duo was pointing a gun and Derek was looking between Duo and the new man.

Derek was playing happily with his sand and Duo was chatting up some girl who'd come over to talk to him when suddenly a man picked him up. This person looked like his Heero daddy but wasn't so he began fussing.


Oh, no attempted kidnapping!

This is a random event! Your luck stat will determine what event pops up!

Get the attention of your adults!


1 pound

10 xp

Duo suddenly whipped around and had his gun out.

"Preventors!" he yelled and everyone looked. "Put my nephew down!"

The man knelt and put Derek down. Derek stood between them as the man stood up hands on either side of his face palms toward Duo.

Everyone was silent now.

"Derk-Chan, go find daddy."

Derek shrugged and ran to his daddy who was running toward him with his other daddy and uncles. Quatra scooped him up as the other three joined Duo guns out.

"Preventers!" they all three said.

"Yes, that's what he said." the man said,"I wasn't going to take the boy. I was just greeting my grandson."

"Petunia, is this the man that told you his name was Heero Yuy?" Heero asked.

"Yes, he's the one who said he was your biological father." Petunia answered, holding her son Dudley close to her chest.

"Trowa, Wufei." Heero ordered.

The two men lowered their guns and moved to cuff the man.


"that's right, Lady Une." Duo said, into his phone gun still pointed, "This man just tried to kidnap Derk-Chan."

Within minuets a Preventor truck pulled up and the man was taken into custody. Heero bid good bye, kissed Derek's head and went with. The guns now gone people relaxed.

Random event complete!

"We apologize." Wufei told everyone. "Please go back to your party."

"You just saved a kid from being kidnapped." A man laughed, "No need to I'm shocked that kids like yourselves work for the Preventers."

"We are all prodigy level." Trowa cut in." Graduated early in our fields at 14. At 15 we were all recruited and made our own little family. "

That relaxed people even more.

Petunia though did not believe it .

"Why don't we all go back to my house and have some tea." she offered. Her husband frowned he didn't really like these people more so now that he knew what they did for a living. They nodded and followed.

"Dada!" Derek fussed , "Dada!"

Wufei scooped the boy up.

"I'll explain." Wufei said. They were soon in the Dursley's living room. "Heero and I are not lovers or anything. " he started, "Though I am gay we have never had that kind of relationship. We are partners at work. "

"But the boy looks just like you Vernon grunted. "

"Yes, that is really do to a childhood friend of Lily's." Wufei said.

Petunia gasped.

"Is that Lily's son?"

"Yes." Wufei nodded. "Or he was . He was once Harry James Potter. A man named Albus Dumbledore left him on your step one November 1st. Your sister died on Halloween along with her husband. Only Harry survived. We know what you did with the boy." Vernon's face was turning purple and Petunia paled. "This friend came to Heero and helped him recover his memory of you and Lily and your family. We then came in here while you were sleeping and took the boy. We'll raise him with love. " Derek watched as Dudley repeatedly hit his head on the coffee table learning to waddle and no one seemed to care or notice.

"Urt." Derek said, wiggling down and going to Dudley. He put his hand on Dudley's head and it glew green. The bleeding stopped instantly and the wound closed. "etter."

Healing Touch Learned!

Healing Touch-Level 1

You can heal small scratches and booboos. Recovers 5 Hp. (5mp)

"Very good." Quatra beamed picking Derek up. "That was very good, Derk-Chan."

Derek beamed brightly while Petunia suddenly fussed over her baby.

"FREAKS!" Vernon bellowed, "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!"

"We are not freaks." Duo huffed, "None of us besides Derek can use magic. We're all Squibs. That means we were born with magic we just can't use it. Qat manifested something a kin to Empathy out of his but other than that were just as normal as you. Now sit down and don't make me pull my gun."

Vernon sat.

"We took Harry to Gringotts and got everything sorted out. Heero and I agreed to adopt him because Dumbledore was already stealing from his inheritance. We stopped that. This friend told us of away to make it so that Harry could look exactly like us and we took it. His name is now Derek Ling Chang-Yuy."

Derek looked at his daddy when his name was said. The man patted his head and he grinned then went back to playing with uncle Quatra.

" I see." Petunia nodded. "Thank you for explaining all this to me." her mind was buzzing. "You said Heero was born with magic? From his mother's or father's side?"

"Both from the blood test." Duo responded. "He just never manifested his magic. Or he did and it took up something else. See Heero he didn't have the best life. When he was taken from you he was given to a cruel man who trained him to be an assassin. He brainwashed Heero and got him involved in the Eve Wars. We fought alongside him in the wars." Duo fought off the memories. " It's how we all met. Heero's had a really hard life so his magic probably manifested in helping him shoot and fight because man no one can beat him. "

Wufei scoffed.

"So you're saying my mother was from a magical family?" Petunia cut in.

"Yep." Duo nodded. "No doubt about it. The Evans family is an old one from what we saw but you, Dudley and Derek are the last members and it looks like you and Dudley don't have magic. We'll we'll have to keep an eye on Dudley over the years he might manifest at some point who knows."

Petunia sat trying to take this all in and ignore her fuming husband who had Trowa's gun to the side of his head. The man was shaking in rage.