In his mind, John hears a voice whispering to him in the back of his mind...

It is the same voice from his dreams during his five-year long hibernation.

It is the voice of a long deceased lord.

It is the voice... of the one known simply as... The Betrayer.

They Are Rage.


Without Mercy.

But You?

You Will Be Worse

Rip And Tear

Until It Is Done.

Kuoh City

10:27 p.m

John's eyes flickered open as he felt his body lying on…grass? As he lifted himself up he saw that he was in a city of some sorts. It seems his teleporter somehow pulled a miracle and sent him back to Earth.

"How about that", John said to himself "Looks like my tether system still had a little juice left in it. Question is: Where on Earth am I?"

Suddenly, John's HUD picked up something he hoped he never see again.

Its sensors had picked up a hell energy signature at a nearby alleyway.

"Seriously?!" John said surprised. He then sighed "I guess a hero's work really is never done"

As the scourge of Hell made his way to the alley, he heard horrible gnashing sounds like someone ripping a tarp open with their teeth. Curious, he pulled his chainsaw out of his backpack, ready to cut down what sounded like a vicious, nightmarish creature. As John approached a corner, sweat dripped down his brow and his hands rattled in anticipation of what would face...

He peeked around the corner and saw it:

A lanky, naked female figure with blood red eyes, long black hair, ghostly white skin and long snakelike fangs, was feeding on what appeared to be human remains. She had abnormally long limbs and was crouched like a spider.

The Doom Slayer leapt from his position and swung his chainsaw at the monster which sounded like a velociraptor. His chainsaw buzzed through the air as the creature ducked, while letting out a spine-chilling, snarling hiss. As the Hell Walker recoiled, the beast, with a severed head in her mouth, dug her razor-sharp claws into John's leg and flipped him onto his back, causing him to drop his chainsaw. The arachnid-like abomination spit the head out of her mouth, pinned John to the ground and licked her long fangs.

"Kekekekeke…" The beast giggled. "Time to Feassstttt…."

Oh yeah? Feast on THIS!" John retorted, headbutting the creature, causing her to stagger back.

The beast hissed at John and fired a bolt of red energy from her mouth. John easily evaded the attack and brought down his chainsaw, severing the right arm from her body and earning a horrible ear-piercing shriek from the creature. She tried to lunge at him, but the Doom Slayer kicked her away and dug his chainsaw into her chest, earning another loud scream from the monster. Finally, John pulled his chainsaw out of her body and swung it sideways, carving through the beast's neck, decapitating her. A shower of blood erupted from the now opened neck, soaking John's Praetor Suit in the monster's blood.

The Doom Slayer walked up to the monster's severed head and picked it up. He then crushed the head in his palm. John wiped the blood off his visor and returned the chainsaw to his backpack. After that took out his Soul Cube and sent it at the corpse. The demonic artifact proceeded to reduce the beast's corpse into tiny giblets and absorbed its soul and argent energy. John caught the Soul Cube and locked it into his Praetor Suit's breastplate.

As the Praetor Suit proceeded to absorb the newly collected argent energy, it emitted a deep red glow which lasted only a few seconds before dissipating.

John was confused. Where did demons learn human speech? He decided that he'll save that question for later. What mattered was finding out where the hell his personal teleporter sent him to…

Kuoh City Docks

10:43 p.m

So far John learned two things:

His tether system most likely sent him to an alternate version of earth, which wasn't as far-fetched as it sounded at first.

He was in an area of Japan called 'Kuoh City'. But he'd never heard of 'Kuoh City' before.

John needed to find a place to rest for the night and decide that the warehouse he was staring at was a good place to sleep. Even after repeatedly exposing himself to both ancient forms of hell energy that has existed for possibly thousands of years, and the more purified argent energy, which increased his physicality to levels most normal humans, could only dream of reaching, as well as slowing his aging to a borderline crawl... he still needed to eat and sleep.

John carefully picked the lock and slowly opened the door. He scanned the warehouse, trying to find a place to sleep. Suddenly he spotted a mattress with sheets, a pillow, and comforter, and an open crate. John approached the crate and what a coincidence.

There were clothes inside of the crate. The clothes consisted of a clean white t-shirt and grey socks, a mossy green dress shirt, brown leather work boots, a tan baseball cap, and a pair of beige jeans.

John took off his helmet revealing his face. (I'm using the Doom 3 Marine's face. He has black hair and appears to be in his late twenties to early thirties) Afterwards, he removed the Praetor Suit, leaving him in only a pair of black boxers. John put on the clothes and smiled.

"A perfect fit," John said grinning. The Scourge of Hell took off the cap, shirt, pants, and boots. He then stored them and his Praetor Suit into his backpack. Finally, he climbed into the makeshift bed and closed his eyes...

Meanwhile, back at the alley...

10:52 p.m

The Occult Research Club has informed by the Archduke that a stray devil was spotted in this general area. What they didn't expect, was that they were too late.

They stray was gone.

The only thing that indicated that it was the walls and floor of the alley, which were caked with the stray's blood. After a minute, one spoke up.

"Ara, Ara. What a mess. Whoever did this, has a serious brutal streak," said Akeno, licking her lips.

Rias herself was baffled. They had never heard of someone being able to kill stray devils before they were even notified of their presence. Whoever did it, as Akeno mentioned, made quite a mess too.

"Let's head back to the Meeting House. We need to find out who our mysterious assailant is."

""""Yes, Lady Rias."""

The club members gathered around Rias, who generated a magic circle, taking them back to Kuoh Academy Campus.

At last, the first real chapter of Doom DxD Remastered is out.

Obviously if you read the original Doom DxD by Maximus Fatimus, yes, I split the first chapter into two. This is because I felt if I kept it as one chapter, it would be too long.

Also, even though I'm trying to keep this as close to the original as possible, there will be some differences from the original

Finally, the part where John faces the stray devil was indirectly ripped and retooled from a YouTube video by Planet Dolan.

Stay tuned, 'cause in the next chapter we're going to learn the history of my version of the Doom Marine...

As always, any positive feedback will be accepted.