In the dingy and improvised streets of Harlem a young teenager trudged past all the homeless elders and youngsters. A sigh escaped his lips for the umpteenth time as he looked at all the druggies and depressed people around him. Life was not easy for the poor and many didn't care, they were busy with their own lives. His parents were unknown to him and the orphanage that took him in was incredibly neglectful, they knew that it was unlikely any family would foster a child from this part of the city. Crime rate was at an all-time high with super humans and Mutants coming out like cockroaches, the police had all but given up on their endeavour to try and reduce the crime rate. People like him didn't last long, it wasn't uncommon for a gangster to kill a homeless person nor it was uncommon for a superhuman to kill one of them. Luckily Naruto was very adept at fighting; it was probably because he had been fighting all his life. It was also because he was a Mutant or so he thought he was. He possessed incredible human condition that many had said he was akin to an all-round athlete.
Naruto turned and entered a busy street in Harlem, it was filled with food stands and shops. Naruto walked past one of the stands that was selling some fruit and in a blink of an eye stole an apple. Continuing his pickpocketing run, he came out of the street with an apple, a loaf of bread and some milk he took from a man's shopping cart. He had long since mastered the ability of lowering your presence till it was almost non-existent.
As he turned around the bend, he entered an alleyway and knocked on one of the doors. The slider situated atop the door was opened by a young man, "Oi Uzumaki. Did you bring some food?" Naruto merely lifted his hand showing the bread. The door was opened and Naruto walked into a small room, it was filled with the aroma of smoke and alcohol, the sound of sex could be heard from the floor above. None of the youngsters seemed to care, Naruto looked at the man and said, "Mark…What did I tell you about bringing new people."
Mark was tall skinny black teenager; he was also very selfless more so than Naruto. It irritated the blond when Mark continued to make stupid moves, it wouldn't be long before this was place was found by a gang. Naruto sighed and dumped all the food onto the ground, keeping the apple. "I swear you're going to get us killed."
Mark frowned, "Sometimes that doesn't sound too bad." Naruto growled angrily, "Don't act all depressed on me Mark, if you want to die so bad all you have to do is follow the gunshots." Naruto walked to the cupboard and picked out two daggers before walking out of the room. "Where is he going?" A young boy asked.
Mark smiled slowly, "I have no idea."
An hour later
Naruto was walking down the busy streets of Manhattan with a newspaper, it seemed the Mutant crisis was escalating more so than ever. M-day it was dubbed, they day that 90% of mutants lost their powers. Nobody knew why but many saw it as an act of God, one that would allow them to enact his fury to eradicate the so-called devils on the earth. Naruto's smile was bitter; people were all the same fearing what they didn't know or understand.
"Look Mommy, I don't have my powers anymore."
Naruto turned his head and so a young child walking down the street with his mother, in his peripheral vision he caught a glimpse of a car that was speeding towards the child and mother even though the red light was on. Naruto shouted, "Get off the street now!" The mother turned and saw the car, she was paralysed in a bout of fear and the child looked no different. Naruto growled as he took off towards the pair, many onlookers were holding their breath. Many thought that the boy would die, he didn't seem to exhibit any powers and the car was travelling at speeds that only an athlete could hope to save the child and his mother.
They watched as the young teenager sped across the street before rugby talking the pair out of the car's way. The car came to a halt and Naruto stood up, he shouted, "Oi What's your problem."
A man came out of the car, he was very muscular and around 6'4 in height. He wore a black mask with a white cross on it. Naruto's body almost trembled as he saw the man holding an assault rifle and a grenade launcher on his back. The man raised his gun, "God has given us a chance to rid ourselves of these vermin. Move, I must enact god's will."
The mother whimpered slightly as she hugged her 6-year-old son, Naruto heard the faintest whisper, "Please don't hurt him…He's just a child."
The man loaded his gun and Naruto out of reflex jumped in the way of the mother and son, he looked at the man with pleading eyes, "Come on man, they haven't done anything to you. Why?" The man didn't listen as he aimed his gun at Naruto, "Because God demands it."
The onlookers looked conflicted, some believed in Reverend Stryker and whilst it was going to be gruesome they thought it would be the greater good. Other believed that man was nothing but insane and they wanted to go help. Then chaos erupted amongst the streets of New York as the masked man fired his gun. Naruto thought, 'Oh shit.' Naruto knew this was how he was going to die. Adrenaline pumped through his veins more so than ever, his body however was stuck. Why? Why couldn't he move?
Then it happened, the bullet seemingly ricochet off his body and went right back towards the man, piercing his skull. The man dropped dead and every person who saw what happened looked at Naruto with shock, "Mutant! Call the cops a mutant killed this man."
Naruto's mind was in disarray as he heard people weave and fabricate the truth, they were all lies. He never meant to kill the man, it was an accident. The sounds of sirens could be heard in the distance and Naruto in a fit of desperation began to run.
Emma Frost was having a terrible headache, for the past 2 days the children were in chaos. Many had lost their powers and many were trying to use them to no avail. Some like Hydro died whilst trying to use their powers.
Cyclops entered the office of Emma Frost, he saw Danielle Moonstar storming out of the room, "Dani, Wait! What's Wrong?" No answer was given as she rudely slammed the door shut.
He turned to Emma, "What did you do?"
"She has no place here, Scott. None of them do."
A frown eclipsed his face, "We will discuss this later, Emma. I came here to tell you that there is a new Mutant."
Emma turned to Scott, what appeared to be shock marred her face. "He was spotted in New York; he was stopping a Purifier killing a depowered Mutant child. "
Emma Frost stood up and said, "I'll assist you with Cerebra, Take Logan and bring him here." Scott merely nodded as he walked out of the room. He turned to Logan who was most likely eavesdropping on their conversation. "Seems like we have a new runt to recruit."
Half an Hour later
Naruto was sprinting through New York, once he made his way back to the hideout in Harlem he could probably lay low for a while. Another bullet rang, Naruto said, "What the…" It ricochets again and hit the man. "What an earth was going on."
Naruto heard several men, "Found the God damned Mutant." Naruto began to run again, how had they found him. Why were they tracking him? 'Run to your left as soon as you come out of this alleyway.' He heard a soft whisper. Wait why on earth did it sound feminine? He sprinted out of the alleyway and caught a glimpse of military looking men chasing after him from the right. He thought, 'Left it is then.' He continued his sprint, bullets rang but everything was deflected off his body. The same voice, 'Quite the power you have there, Naruto. Seems like you are subconsciously controlling vectors. If you want to get out of here without killing anymore people. Run down the street and turn to your right, then walk into the alleyway on your left. You'll be extracted.'
Naruto seemed apprehensive, 'Why should I trust you?'
A soft chuckle echoed throughout his mind, 'You can't.' Now wasn't that the truth. 'As you can already deduce, I am a telepath. I have entered your mind, if I were against you. I could shut down your powers and let those men kill you.' Naruto sighed, it seemed he had very little choice but to simply comply with the female telepath. He didn't even know what a vector was.
Doing as he was instructed Naruto entered the alleyway, he saw a short stocky man with incredibly bushy sideburns. He believed the man to Wolverine and the X on his belt only seemed to prove his theory to be correct. "You must be the new runt." Naruto glared at the man but he didn't seem to care. "We should probably get going then, More Purifiers will be on their way." He grabbed onto the boy's shoulder and then grabbed the air? Naruto watched as the air shimmered and a rope leading to black jet appeared. "Scott reel us in. Hold on to the robe, Kid." Naruto did and the two were reeled into the aeroplane. The Purifiers wanting to shoot but knowing it would be a wasted effort, kept their ammo for another battle.
Both Scott and Logan had formally introduced themselves to Naruto who was still in a little bit of shock. Naruto stood with his arms crossed, "So you're the X-Men. What do you want from me?"
Logan grunted, "You're a mutant kid, If we hadn't saved you the Purifiers would hunt through the entirety of New York to kill you."
A sigh escaped from his lips, "I thought Mutants were becoming extinct, what with M-day and all. I also assumed that Mutants that possessed a dormant X-gene would also lose their X-gene."
Scott came out of the pilot bay and took a seat beside Logan, he said "That is a fairly accurate assessment, Naruto. Most people possessing the X-gene have lost their ability to use their powers. We believe that your mutant ability to manipulate vectors allowed you to survive whatever happened to Mutants around the world. Or the fact that you are not from this dimension."
Naruto was confused about the last statement, "What?"
Scott and Logan looked at each other, "I believe Emma would be the best one to talk to you about that. For now, we will take you to the institute."
Naruto asked, "What will I do at the institute?"
Scott said, "You will get a formal education as well as training to help with your abilities. That is if you were to accept our offer to join the School."
Naruto shrugged, "I accept, I have nothing better to do."
Scott extended his arm and Naruto took it, "Well then I formally welcome you to the Xavier Institute."
"Thanks for having me." Naruto took a seat opposite the two, his breath haggard and his body tired. He wondered what they meant from a different dimension. Joining the X-Men, it appears that life would get a tad more interesting for him.
Xaviers Institute
Naruto looked on in wonder as he saw the massive school, he knew it was big as he had seen it on newspapers before but it was quite a spectacle when you look it with your own eyes. Scott smiled, Naruto was very excited to see inside the institute. He had yet to forewarn Naruto about the students and their current state of disorder but considering his powers, he doubted that anyone in the mansion would be able to harm him easily.
Scott escorted Naruto through the Mansion and Naruto was looked upon by many ex-mutants who were wondering who the new kid was. They finally reached Emma Frosts office, Scott knocked on the wooden door before walking in with Naruto. Logan had long since disappeared, he said he had some business to take care off.
"Nice to finally meet you Mr Uzumaki." Naruto heard a sultry voice, it was eerily familiar to the voice that was speaking in his head earlier. He gazed at her and found himself almost blushing, Emma Frost was beautiful. Her flawless creamy skin, her ocean blue eyes and her symmetrical facial features.
"You must be Emma Frost, It is a pleasure to meet you." Naruto said as politely as possible. He watched her critical eye trail across his body. She thought, 'You don't look to shabby yourself Naruto.' Naruto almost stumbled to the ground, he really needed to get used to that.
Emma Frost analysed Naruto, one could already tell he was poor. His clothing was the most obvious culprit; he wore cheap tracksuit and a white T-shirt. The tracksuit seemed as though it hadn't been washed in a long time with holes all over. His body however was a different story; he was well built if a little bit on the skinny side. He was incredibly lean with very little body fat, his golden yellow hair glowed perfectly in the light. His whisker marks made him appear a little feral but cute at the same time. All in all, he was quite the specimen. Though there was suspicion about him, considering his memories and the fact that he ate the bare minimum to survive, it made very little sense that he would have grown to be 6 feet or to be so muscular. What was he? She had a feeling that Naruto was just as clueless.
"Take a seat Naruto, this may take a while." Emma instructed. Naruto sat on the comfy leather chair and asked, "Scott said that I was from another dimension."
Emma glared at Scott, she let out an inaudible sigh. "It is merely a hypothesis of mine. I analysed your mind as well as your memories. There is a period of overlap when you were born, it is almost like you had a previous life and then your age was reversed. Sadly, I cannot access your previous memories and the only thing that I heard was a name, Kaguya Ootsutsuki." Naruto froze at the name, a brief vision of a creepy looking woman with white hair and three eyes appeared. Then it was gone, he couldn't conjure the vision again nor could he picture the woman in his mind. Emma's eyes flashed with recognition, "Your case is the same as Wolverine, I will try and recover your memories through regular telepathic sessions. It may be that you possess other powers if you come from another dimension."
Naruto asked apprehensively, "Wait Am I from some sort of parallel universe."
Emma shook her head, "I doubt that it was a parallel universe, the multiverse is filled with an array of different earth with different histories and people. Your earth is most likely one of those unique universes."
Naruto nodded, all this dimension and time nonsense was beginning to fry his brain. "What about my powers."
Emma smirked, "Power, Mr Uzumaki. I only detected one ability from you, it is vector manipulation. I had Hank confirm it. You have the ability to control the magnitude and direction of matter and energy. You could hypothetically kick a rock and make it move at the speed of a bullet. Your power is only comparable to that of Telekinesis but will require a different training method. If you wish, I can block your powers…" She saw Naruto's confusion, "Considering the fact that you don't have any knowledge about vectors or how to control them. Your powers are on autopilot, they reflect almost everything that is coming towards you allowing only the things you absolutely require to live through like oxygen."
"No thanks." Emma looked at Naruto inquisitively, why did he reject her offer. She read his mind and understood immediately. It seemed underneath all that clutter lay quite the intelligent mind. She had to admit it was a clever little strategy, if a little odd. "If that is all Mr Uzumaki, I will allow Scott to escort to your room. You will be given your own room. A schedule will be sent to you by before lunch and I expect you to attend each of the lessons. You will also be given tests throughout the week to see what grade you will be placed in." Naruto nodded and thanked the headmistress before walking out of the room. Scott remained for a second, she looked at her boyfriend. "What?"
Scott merely said, "You've changed, I would have expected for you to look at him as if he were a peasant."
Emma retorted, "Is this still about her. Stop deflecting onto me Scott, I am not the evil bitch that you think I am."
Scott said as he was walking out of the room, "There is always some truth in stereotypes and opinions. Either you've changed or Uzumaki Naruto interests you. I think it's the latter." She almost snorted. Typical Scott, he was as good a reader as ever. She wasn't interested by Naruto per say, now she was intrigued by his mind. His past was rough and the fact that he seemingly housed two different versions of himself with different pasts would intriguing to any student of the mind. She wondered what he would become after he merged with his 'other-self' for the lack of a better term.
The Living Tribunal also known as God's right hand was being assaulted with questions by Master Order and Eternity. Eternity shouted, "You said the Uzumaki would be depowered."
The Living Tribunal spoke for the first time, "My judgement is passed, Uzumaki Naruto will regain his powers and more. He is needed on Earth."
Order shouted, "You would risk destroying the order of the universe. Uzumaki is an anomaly in the timeline, he should not be on this universe."
"Time has set, He was born in this timeline just as he was born in the Elemental Nations. The entropy of the universe will not be damaged."
Eternity looked displeased, "You do so invoking the rage of the other entities, Living Tribunal. They will come for him should he ever regain his chakra."
Living Tribunals white eyes flashed with the power of a thousand suns, "Their rage accomplishes nothing, it is the will of my master. Uzumaki Naruto was to be reborn to relive his life, My Master demanded it. He has been gifted with a second chance what he does with it is his own accord. Tell the others any act to erase him will only result in their death." Master Order and Eternity watched as the Living Tribunal vanished. They know that the Living Tribunal was hiding something, what it was, no one knew. Also what made Uzumaki Naruto so special that he would have the protection of one of the most powerful entities in the universe. Little did they know that Naruto would change the face of reality as they knew it.
A/N Alright this is my new story, the synopsis is that Kaguya sent Naruto into the Marvel 616 universe. The living tribunal interferes and changes Naruto into a child sending him down to earth. He binds his chakra abilities and gives him an X-gene.
He won't be getting all his chakra abilities at once. It will take a while until he regains his chakra and his memories.
You may all think that Naruto is overpowered but believe me Naruto is considerably weaker than quite a lot of people. His vector ability does have a weakness which will be shown in the next chapter and his chakra is only being used to equal the ground between the heavy hitters of Marvel like Thor and WB Hulk. To be honest despite all the Hax, Kaguya has she probably won't be able to defeat the upper tiers Characters in marvel. Do remember that these are the comic versions so they are considerably more powerful than the movie and cartoon versions.
I am going to try and write Emma properly, her character is incredibly hard to write without it making her out to be some sort of bitch.
Anyhow I don't really know much about the other characters in this timeline, so you can expect a few made-up missions. I will be following the X-Men and Avengers plot and may just change things here and there. Naruto will change a lot of the dynamics in the New X-Men comics. If any of you want to read the issue I started at, It's the New X-Men 2004 Issue 20. Just type in ReadComiconline. That website should have what you're looking for.
I want to make the chapters longer, so the updates will be more sporadic than Omega Rising so you will probably have to wait a week or more. I don't know whether to make this a harem fic or not, tell me what you guys think about that in the comment section. Anyway, thank you and please leave a review.