Here you go guys! The first chapter of Shattered Hope. Thank you all of you for the OCS you gave me. They all will help :) thanks to DNAcat for Beta reading.

Sorry it took me a while to post


Leader- Leafstar- tortoiseshell(mostly white and brown with a little bit of black) she-cat with pale green eyes

Apprentice, Reedpaw

Deputy- Hawkwing- mottled brown she-cat with a white chest and blue eyes

Medicine cat- Dawnmist- light ginger she-cat with pale golden stripes and dark green eyes


Thornpelt- Dark brown tabby tom with green eyes.

Iceclaw- dark brown tabby she-cat with white paws and ice blue eyes

Falconflight- light brown tom with white paws and bright green eyes

Shoreheart- Sandy tan she-cat. Her eyes are blue with flecks of gold in them

Apprentice, Ashpaw

Shadowsky- jet black she-cat with icy blue eyes

Oakspots- white and light ginger splotched tom with golden eyes

Apprentice, Featherpaw

Emberstorm- black tom with dark amber eyes and golden splotches down his side, back, and tail.

Sunheart- light ginger tom with amber eyes

Tansyfoot- dark ginger she-cat with golden paws and dark green eyes

Yarrowfur- russet-golden tom with dark amber eyes and a plumy tail

Apprentice, Twigpaw

Foxfur- Ginger tabby tom with green eyes

Wrenleaf- reddish-brown tom with green eyes and white paws, chest, and tailtip

Mallowwhisker- light brown tom with blue eyes

Crowsong- black she-cat with bright green eyes

Brichnose-white she-cat with blue eyes and tan stripes


Ashpaw- light gray tom with blue eyes

Twigpaw- golden brown tabby tom with green eyes

Featherpaw-white she-cat with light and dark gray patches ad sky blue eyes

Reedpaw- very dark ginger tom with hazel eyes


Duskwing- silver tabby she-cat with blue eyes (mate: Emberstorm)

Windheart- cream and white tabby she-cat with blue eyes


Whitekit- fluffly white she-cat with blue eyes (mother: Windheart father:unknown)

Flowerkit- Cream and tabby she-cat with blue eyes (parents same as whitekit)

Mistkit- light gray she-cat with blue eyes and black and white flecks(parents unknown)

Mosskit- gray tom with amber eyes(same as Mistkit)


Toffee- (former rogue) pale brown she-cat with light blue eyes

Snowbush- white she-cat with blind blue eyes

Rosemary- pinkish ginger sheo with amber eyes


Leader- Shadestar- dark gray almost black tom with blue eyes

Deputy- Swift-tail- mottled white and gray tom with blue eyes

Apprentice, Leafpaw

Medicine cat-Softwing- white she-cat with silver tabby stripes and clear blue eyes


Bluenose- bluish-gray she-cat with green eyes

Apprentice, Snowpaw

Rustingbreeze- russet brown tom with darker brown spots and bright amber eyes

Apperintice, Nettlepaw

Willowmist-light gray tabby she-cat with bright blue eyes

Yelloweyes- brown tabby tom with pale yellow eyes and white paws

Apprentice, Ashpaw

Oaknose-light brown and white she-cat with green eyes and tabby stripes

Lightningfrost- light ginger she-cat with bright amber eyes and white paws and tailtip

Larkwing- dark brown tabby she-cat with crisp green eyes

Stormflight- dark gray tom with stormy blue eyes

Sparrowsong- gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes

Mistfall- white and gray she-cat with green eyes

Mossfall-gray she-cat with green eyes


Nettlepaw- light brown tom with darker brown stripes and white paws, chest, tailtip, and underbelly and green eyes

Ashpaw- dark gray tom with amber eyes and white paws and underbelly

Snowpaw- white she-cat with green eyes

Leafpaw- brown tom with white patches and green eyes.


Brightfoot- white she-cat with green eyes and one ginger paw

Hazelpelt- light brown she-cat with hazel eyes


Hollykit- black she-cat with green eyes and a bushy tail(mother:Brightfoot father: Swift-tail)

Deerkit- bown tabby tom with amber eyes( mother: Brightfoot father: Swift-tail)

Ivykit- small gray she-cat with dark green eyes (mother:Brightfoot father; Swift-tail)


Longwhisker-ginger Tom


Leader- Thistlestar- spiky furred black tom with bright amber eyes

Deputy- Cinderlight- long haired dark gray she-cat with amber eyes

Medicine cat- Oakleaf- brown tabby she-cat with a white underbelly and large green eyes

Medicine cat apprentice, Littlepaw


Silentstorm-. Gray she-cat with bluish-gray markings and blue eyes( maybe later on)

Apprentice, Hollypaw

Magpieleaf- brown she-cat with green eyes

Embersplash- ginger she-cat with light ginger stripes down her back and sky blue eyes

Apperintice, Lionpaw

Miststream- light gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes

Redfur- pale ginger tom with amber eyes

Troutclaw- small,dark brown tabby tom with dark brown eyes

Ripplepool- light gray tabby she-cat with green eyes

Lakefeather- dark gray almost black tom with icy blue eyes

Silverdawn- light gray she-cat with a white paw, tailtip, chest and muzzle and one blue eye and one green eye

Foxflight- ginger, black, and white she-cat with green eyes

Apprentice, Skypaw

Sparkflame- ginger and black tom with a white underbelly and amber eyes (one blind)

Blackfern- black and white tom with blue eyes

Heatherfrost- black and white she-cat with green eyes

Paleclaw- light gray tabby Tom with pale green eyes

Apprentice Nightpaw

Mouse-(rouge) gray tom with green eyes


Littlepaw- light and dark gray apprentice with a twisted front paw and blue eyes

Lionpaw- golden tom with light orange eyes

Skypaw- white and gray tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes

Hollypaw- black she-cat with dark green eyes

Nightpaw- white and black she-cat with blue eyes


Berryheart- light gray almost white she-cat with darker flecks and light blue eyes

Mintleaf- light gray she-cat with light green eyes

Whitereed- white she-cat one ginger paw with green eyes


Pearlkit- completely white she-cat with hazel (mother Mintleaf)

Skykit- very dark gray tom with sky blue eyes (mother :dead)

Flashkit- light brown ginger splotched she-cat with amber eyes(same as skykit)


Minnowleap- gray she-cat with misty blue eyes

Blazefeather- ginger tom with amber eyes


Leader- Adderstar- dark brown tabby tom with green eyes.

Deputy-Blackclaw- black tom with white paws and brown eyes

Medicine cat-Posionrose- light ginger she-cat with blue eyes and is half blind


Ravenwing- black she-cat with bright green eyes

Sparrowshade- dark gray tom with black specks and amber eyes

Apprentice, Twitchpaw

Ivyheart- silver and black she-cat with green eyes

Blueshard- bluish-grayish she-cat with a white patch and icy blue eyes

Apprentice, Flamepaw

Sunheart ginger she-cat with a white tailtip and paws with amber eyes

Lillyflower-dark ginger she-cat with green eyes

Boulderfang- short furred gray tom with blue eyes

Apprentice, Daisypaw

Hailstorm- white tom with blue eyes

Apprentice, Darkpaw

Tansyheart- near furred ginger she-cat with sparkling blue eyes

Apprentice, Chillpaw

Thistleheart- spiky brown and tan tom with yellow eyes

Runningpad- mottled brown to with green eyes

Fernleaf- white she-cat with light gray dapples and green eyes

Smokefrost- black and gray tom with amber eyes


Twitchpaw- white she-cat with icy blue eyes

Chillpaw- white she-cat with pale blue eyes and silver stripes

Flamepaw- ginger she-cat with cream muzzle, splash on her chest, and stripes on her tail. Has green eyes

Darkpaw- dark gray furred tom with black stripes and one black paw with green eyes

Daisypaw- fluffy white she-cat with light gray paws and crisp blue eyes


Spottedfern- calico she-cat with hazel eyes

Sagefur- dark gray she-cat with dark green eyes


Mothkit- black she-cat with brown flecks and very pale amber eyes (mother:Spottedfern father:Sparrowshade)

Mousekit- grey tom with lots of black flecks and yellow eyes(same as mothkit)

Pinekit-brown tabby tom with green eyes(same as mothkit)

Ceaderkit- cream she-cat with brown paws, muzzle, tail, and chest (same as mothkit)

Volekit- Gray tom with brown eyes(sagefur)

Stonekit- dark gray almost black tom with brown eyes(sagefur)

Sparrowkit- brown tom with green eyes (sagefur)


Hawkblaze- big ragged furred brown and black tabby tom with one missing eye and a disoriented jaw

Whitefang- white tom with green eyes

Okay so here's the actual chapter :) its in Thunderclan

Chapter one...

Ashpaw slipped out of camp silently, walking side by side with Featherpaw. He sighed quietly and heavily as they left the camp, worry prickling his pelt. How will we do on our first hunting assignment? He wondered. Featherpaw brushed lightly againist Ashpaw's pelt; mainly not noticing.

Ashpaw cocked his her towards her, feeling his face grow hot. He instantly scolded himself. Whatsy wrong with me? He thought silently as they continued walking, trying to make his fur lay flat. "You think we should start hunting here?" We, after all, are taking our assessment." Featherpaw meowed eventually, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, where should we go?" Ashpaw replied ruffling his fur so that it wouldn't look like single parts were sticking up. The other apprentice let out a small purr if amusement.

"We could hunt around here." He suggested answering his own question as Featherpaw bounced around him.

To the left if the apprentices, there was a large bramble thicket. To the right, a mix of brich and other oaks and alder trees. "Okay." The light gray she-cat said happily jumping up onto a large oak log.

"There's bound to be something around here." Ashpaw exclaimed hoping he sounded more enthusiastic than he felt. His stomach felt like it was filled with butterflies.

"Sure," The Thunderclan apprentice meowed from on top of the log. She tasted the air. " How about up to the north? " she jabbed her tail in the direction of the mixed trees. It took him a minute to find north even though Featherpaw had just pointed it out. He dipped his head to her.

"Whatever you say."

Featherpaw nodded and faced the direction of north. Padding closely to the side of his friend, the gray tom opened his mouth to taste the air as well. Almost immediately he discovered the faint scent of prey. Faint, but it defiantly meant there had been things there.

Soon, a bit farther on, he picked up the strong scent of squrriel close by to them. Up there? He mouthed silently to Featherpaw, gesturing his tail to a nearby alder tree. His friend nodded in agreement.

The light gray tom turned his blue gaze towards the tree and narrowed his eyes. Go to the other side. She gave a quick flick of her tail; acknowledging that she heard him. She started to carefully navigating her way through the undergrowth to the other side.

Once she was there, he started to climb up the tree. The squrriel still hadn't noticed him, as it was busily gnawing on a nut. Ashpaw let out a yowl causing the squrriel to shoot down the tree in alarm, straight into the open claws of Featherpaw.

"Nice catch." He meowed sheepishly jumping out of the tree and landing lightly on the ground.

"It was both of ours," Featherpaw said earnestly. "We both contributed to catching it." The gray tom picked up the dead squrriel and hurried it under a nearby fern.

"Do you think we're doing okay?" He asked nervously looking around for any sign of Oakspots or Shoreheart, his mentor.

"I think we're doing fine assuming Shoreheart just saw us catch that squrriel. She doesn't exactly, well, bend in that well." Featherpaw said letting out a purr of amusement and pointing at the bramble thicket they had seen earlier.

Sure enough, Ashpaw peered closer clans realized he could mame out the ginger pelt of Shoreheart sulking behind the thicket.

"Oh," He said softly. "I see what you mean."

The light gray she-cat closed her eyes and tasted the air again. "Vole I think, this way." Ashpaw quickly tasted the air again as well, noticing for the first time the fresh scent of vole. They didn't even have to look for it.

The little creature ran into the clearing practically begging to be caught. All Ashpaw had do do was lunge to the side and give it a quick nip on the back of the throat.

Suddenly the ground lunged underneath his paws causing him to stumble. Almost as soon as it started it stopped. After he got up and steadied himself, he exchanged a worried glance with Featherpaw. "What was that?" She asked her voice quivering.

Ashpaw was about to reply when, "Ashpaw, Featherpaw. Come on, we need to get back to camp now." Oakspots, Featherpaw's mentor, exclaimed jumping out of a nearby tree. He sound much stricter than usual.

"But why?" Ashpaw asked his couriousity over coming his fear.

Shoreheart appeared giving Oakspots a worried glance. "No questions, please, just come." The ginger tabby she-cats fur bristled and she shuffled her paws nervously.

"But why do we-" Featherpaw was cut off by a loud rumbling coming from the distance; gradually getting louder.

"Get away from the trees!" Shoreheart yelped frantically, nudging Ashpaw who was frozen to the spot.

The ground had started to rumble, to move. The tree Oakspots was hiding in earlier started to shift up, the ground underneath it raising. "Starclan help us." He mouthed under his breath. Featherpaw bowled him over just in time. A second later a birch tree crashed down on the place where he was just standing, sending twigs and leafs everywhere.

"You mouse-brain!" She shouted over the rumbling real fear sparking in her voice. "You could of been killed!" Her voice brought him back to the present.

"Hurry UP!" Oakspots yelled as another nearby tree fell. The apprentices raced after their mentors, jumping over debris and fallen trees. Ashpaw winced in pain as he stumbled and fell on a tree branch.

"Are you okay?" Shoreheart asked anxiously shaking from head to toe. Well, they all were.

"No," He grunted trying to stand up." I think I twisted my paw."

Featherpaw let out a meow of dismass. "There's no way we can get you away from the trees if your paws hurt!"

A large crash echoed across the territory over the rumbling causing what was left of the birds to fly away in alarm. "There's no point of going on, we'll just have to wait it out." Oakspots reported eying every nearby tree wearily.

"What was that big crash?" Ashpaw asked pain shooting up his leg.

"I don't know but there's a big cloud of dust raising from near the camp."

A fresh wave of fear flowed through through him. What about Twigpaw and Reedpaw? He had recently become friends with the two apprentices.

"Do you think part of the camp collapsed?" Shoreheart said in a hushed tone voicing Ashpaw fears.

"Oh my stars." Featherpaw meowed flatting her ears. She was clearly worried about Ber brother Twigpaw.

"Well," Oakspots sighed. "We won't know what happened until this is over." Ashpaw could of swore he heard him mutter Tansyfoot under his breath.

The next thing he could remember was his head coming in contact with the cold forest.

There you go. I'll try to get all your OCS personalities right but I can't promise anything. :)

Please review/follow/ favorite

Have a great day/night everyone
