Hello and I'm back, well for now. I'm currently on holiday from my exams, however they will resume next week so I'm sorry folks but it will probably be another 2-3 weeks till I publish the next chapter. Once again, sincere apologies for the wait, but as soon as those are done and out of the way I've got a long summer vacation during which I can finally concentrate on this story.

so without further ado here's the next chapter

WARNING: bad grammar, misspells and all that jazz lies ahead, but unfortunately I suck at proofreading so sorry

DISCLAIMER: I don't own TF or any of the characters that belong to the fabulous universe even though I would love tooXD


Soundwave POV

What?! Blitzwing, here, in the shadow-zone? My optics couldn't believe it, oh wait no, my processor couldn't as of course my optics just relay the information to the CPU which in turn deciphers and processes it... but that's beside the point. What is he doing here? Or more importantly how de get here? All these thoughts were flooding my already unstable mind so trying to keep a cool head was proving to be a tricky task (contradictory to popular belief, I do feel the pressure)

Peeking around the corner once more I saw him. Just casually standing there, as if sharing a funny joke with a mate.

Hugh... You idiot how could you forget! Swinging my head from side to side I mentally scolded myself for forgetting his condition.

Icy, Random and Hothead.

The three personalities that make up Blitzwing which in my opinion, are a bit of a handful. Well, Icy is fine, a brilliant strategist I might add, but the others, their names speak for themselves.

Okay, now back to my questions.

First one: accident or not? I highly doubt the latter so I would assume that he isn't stuck here of his own free will.

Second: how? How, how, how... how?! You idiotic slagger what is wrong with you today?! He obviously ended up in the shadowzone in the same manner, in the only manner, I.e. via two portals joining.

I face palmed. Where's Laserbeak? I need that energon before my circuits completely fry.

Wait, where is Laserbeak? He said that the energon was near the mines in a shuttle which means...

Jolting up, I stepped out of the shadows to greet my old ally and my minion, hopefully still in one piece.

Blitzwing POV-Icy (few minutes before Soundwave's arrival)

What's that noise? I froze(no pun intended), before quickly activating all my weapons and standing on guard for a possible attack.


Relaxing, I let my arms drop to the sides.

"Kalms down, zer ist no denger, itz pwobablee onsly me-"

"Denger, ver iz eat!" Hothead suddenly took charge. "Shoz me!" Trampling in no particular direction, he bellowed left and right and demanding to meet the culprit. "Ver a u, camz aut nau!" Smashing and pounding the rocks around him into dust, the bot was growing angrier by the second.

If Eiz down't do zometings zoon, he vill deztoy ezryting, esen ar shutzle. Eiz cans zee ze lava iz avaut to exzplaod aut ofs him. Wandom


Qvick, hewlps me takes cantrolz oz him.





haheha! Givez...me...a...zecand...(weezing from laughter inside Blitzwing's head) va ist zo vunny ven wan ist angsry.


Okeys, okeys, givz me wan momentz. Zeesh, vs ist zuch a hotshead. Before he could finish the sentence he was already doubling over from laughing, metaphorically and not quite literally speaking.


Laserbeak's POV

He's just as I remembered him: tall, loud and unfortunately...unpredictable.

Currently running around, creating havoc and clouds of debris that even Dinobots couldn't match, the con viciously shouted-no screamed-that "ze better camz aut, ze little autabatz."

As much as I would also like to punch some autobot into scrap, I can't, not only because I haven't got metal fists, but also this little nuisance that's giving Blitzwing a temper tantrum is none other than yours truly.


He must have heard me when I was trying to hide. Scrap... What am I to do. There is no way of talking sense into Mr Hothead unless he, oh so conveniently, morphs into Icy and stops SCREAMING LIKE STARSCREAM! I can't even hear myself think, let alone trying to commune with another bot.

This is just my luck. First the shadowzone, then Soundwave's mental breakdown and now a fully grown bot acting as a grumpy child.

That's Life. Yes, yes it is.

That's life (that's life).... Oh no, Soundwave would not approve-that's what people say
You're riding high in April
Shot down in May
-well it's not quite yet, November actually, but the being shot down by backstabbing, crisscrossing cons is true
But I know I'm gonna change that tune-oh sweet Solus prime I am-
When I'm back on top, back on top in June-and Starscream is dead, dead on the moon. Wait no! I did not just come up with that! These treasonous lyrics are part of the song.

Soundwave was right, alien music is a bad influence on me.

I said, that's life (that's life) and as funny as it may seem- you don't say
Some people get their kicks
Stompin' on a dream-
I can certainly name a few, if not nearly everyone I am acquainted with
But I don't let it, let it get me down
'Cause this fine old world it keeps spinnin' around-well about that... Cybertron is dead and this planet nearly is too, that is if Megatron's plans succeed so how about pretend spinning

I've been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate
A poet, a pawn and a king
-I wish
I've been up and down and over and out
And I know one thing
Each time I find myself flat on my face
I pick myself up and get back in the race

That's why I have master. He's always there to help me back up. Talking of which, mission, Blitzwing, I need to get back to my task at hand.



That's life (that's life) I tell ya, I can't deny it
I thought of quitting, baby
But my heart just ain't gonna buy it
And if I didn't think it was worth one single try
I'd jump right on a big bird and then I'd fly

I can't get the damn song out of my processor. It's what those fleshies call sorcery and witchcraft. I have been poisoned by those filthy aliens and their pitiful devices!

That's life (that's life) that's life
And I can't deny it
Many times I thought of cuttin' out but my heart won't buy it
But if there's nothing shakin' come here this July
I'm gonna roll myself up in a big ball and die
My, my

Yes and no as much as the thought of quitting is welcome, it just won't do.

Who will be there to look after master? I've got a job to fulfill and right now I'm slacking off.

Averting my eyes from the ground and away from my thoughts, I look up only to be met with an unexpected sight.

I sqwuaked and nearly fell off my perch.

"Helvo birdsie" Staring right back at me was a giant purple giggling face.

The bot extended his servo, before deciding against it and standing up straight instead.

"Lazerveak, eat hast been a longz dime."

Thank the prime! Icy has regained control of the body. The fear of being played around with, as if I was none other than a toy drained out of me.

"Vat are u doingz zere?"

What Blitzwing hears: Chirp cheepy chirp chirp chorp...

What I'm trying to say: well, first there was this battle and then...

Scratching his head, the bot had a quizzical and rather confused expression on his face.

"I'mv zorry vor inderuftin bat Eiz du not unsertand"

Maybe I'm not the only one in need of a break.

As if on cue loud footsteps approached. Turning our heads in unison we welcomed a familiar sight.

Soundwave, my master, approached us with heavy pedes, but nevertheless stood tall and poignant even in the face of exhaustion and the knowledge of what trouble the future will hold for us considering who our new colleague is.



"Longz dime no zee." Random looked absolutely delighted to see an old friend to the point where he would have tackled master to the ground in a vice grip hug.

Of course master would never allow such a thing to happen.

The warm atmosphere that was present moments ago vanished, to be replaced by the steely coldness that follows Icy wherever he goes.

"Letz uz caj up" the mech said in a serious tone


the song is called That's Life and is by the famous Frank Sinatra-as you can already guess it was stuck in my head whilst I was writing this.

once again sorry for not updating for so long. I'm in the process of studying and doing some very important exams so I'm trying and often failing to concentrate on those.

Thank you to everyone whose read, liked and commented on this story

without your support I doubt I would have gotten this far

till next time;)