Chapter 9:

Date Night with the Leaders of the Avengers

Draco hissed as Rogers put the ice pack on his bruised cheek. If it was not for the look Rogers gave him Draco would have sprouted some snarky comments. Instead, he kept his mouth shut. Seeing the look of pure rage on the man's face was scary and odd. Out of place, his mind supplied. How did the night end like this? With Draco getting a blue eye, Parker getting a bloody nose and Stark receiving second degree burns on his right arm.

This night had started out so well…

...a few hours ago…

Draco was watching Rogers and Stark interact and it was interesting to see their little attempts at flirting from the back. It seemed like those two were either really bad at it or just good enough to be endearing to the other. Draco could honestly not tell but they were smiling so he knew that their methods were working.

"Got anyone back in England?" Parker asked bumping his shoulder into his.

The first person who flashed through his mind was Potter but he shook the thought away. Draco ignored his brain's useless and confusing attempt at humor, "No. But I am not looking for one at the moment."

"That's just guy code for 'I do but we are not a thing so technically the answer is no'," Parker laughed making Draco turn to glare at him.

"It bloody does not!" Draco could hear how scandalized he sounds. He could not believe anyone would have the audacity to claim that there was anything more to his words than the simple fact of their truths.

"Hey man if you say so," Parker shrugged, "but there is a party happening at this guy's house I know and if you want you can come too! Something different than being stuck in a tower surrounded by old grumpy superheroes all day. Might even find someone new! Plus, I think my friends would totally love to meet you."

"You mean more muggles? I think I have been acquainted with enough of you," Draco grumbled and Parker looked a bit dejected but seemed to have moved on to other subjects. It bothered Draco that his words affected the teen this way. Maybe he was a little harsh.

"Don't be rude back there!" Draco heard Stark holler from the front seat of the car. Draco rolled his eyes and turned to see Parker doing the same.

"MJ," Parker suddenly spoke up after a few minutes of silence, "my girlfriend. Her name is MJ. I think you and her would get along. You both have the pessimistic antisocial vibe going on."

"I am not antisocial," Draco gawked at Parker who just smiled in response.

"You know that is what an antisocial would say," Parker just widened his smile and stared at Draco until the blond relented and smiled back. Damn. Making friends at this age was a hard business. Why did he think this was a good idea? Because, his mind supplied, you need someone your age who gets you. This Parker kid will be the closest thing you will ever get to a friend in this situation.

"So...what is a muggle?" Parker asked Draco looking at him with those large brown eyes. Why did Draco feel like those were going to be the end of him?

"A nonmagical person," Draco replied.

"I think I'm pretty magical! I got bit by a radioactive spid-I shouldn't have said that," Parker blushed looking away suddenly.

"You got bit by a spider? So? Doesn't make you magical," Draco scoffed.

"Forget I ever said anything!" Parker pleaded making Draco all the more curious about what he meant. Still, to appease the poor soul, Draco dropped the subject.

"Where are we going anyway?" Draco asked loud enough for the two lovebirds to hear.

"It's a surprise!" Rogers replied before turning his attention back to Stark.

"It took them long enough, you know?" Parker commented while blatantly pointing at Rogers and Stark.

Draco understood what he meant, "well I would not know but I could feel it from the moment I met them."

Parker just laughed before changing the subject and began to talk about something Draco had no clue how to follow but he figured to let the kid talk his heart away. His mother always said the best way to get people to like you is to listen to them talk because everyone loves talking about themselves.

So Draco listened and tried to sift through Parker's words while the kid talked nonstop about projects he is currently working on. It was nice to let someone do the talking for a change.

Steve constantly glanced at Draco and Peter to check in even though he knew they were fine from the conversations they were having. When Draco grew quiet Steve looked to see him just listening to Peter talk. He could see the gears in Draco's kind running as if trying to keep up which was normal since Steve always had to do that to keep up with Tony in any fo-

"I'm right here Steven. Not there," Tony laughed as Steve turned back to Tony and looked down embarrassed. He should be showering Tony with attention not constantly worrying if Draco was okay or not.

"Sorry," Steve apologized sheepishly.

"Hey, I'm only teasing. You should know when I truly feel slighted," Tony chuckled.

Silence fell between the two of them. It was a comfortable silence. A mutual one where they just enjoy each other's presence. Steve would glance at Tony when they stopped at lights to see the glow of the night shine through the window and paint his face with different colors. It was quite the sight. In these moments, Steve thought Tony was the most beautiful man in the world.

"You're beautiful," Steve blurted out suddenly breaking the silence. He then watched Tony blush before looking away abashed. It was always a sad truth that Tony thought less of himself then he portrayed. It took awhile for Steve to see that. How could a man be so wonderful and not see it? Steve did not know.

"-ve!" A voice broke through his revery before the noises of the outside world filled his ears and the loud honking of cars sounded behind him. It was Steve's turn to blush. Sometimes he remembers why he never liked to drive in the city.

Finally, after a little while longer, the GPS told them that they were close and Steve was starting to feel an excited nervous energy course through him. He really hoped this worked out. He had been planning this for quite a long time never really thinking Tony would say yes.

He was really glad Tony agreed to come tonight.

The dance 'club', Tony used that term lightly, was loud and the air was thick but it gave Tony an excuse to press up against Steve as they danced. His partner seemed a little down about how packed it was but Tony just took him into the crowd and began to sway with the music. It took only thirty seconds before Steve eagerly pushed back against Tony as they moved to the center of the dance floor after dropping the kids at a booth.

Tony made sure that they could see Peter and Draco from where they stood. Those kids were their responsibility to make sure that they were okay. Fifteen minutes in, Tony saw a bunch of Professor X's students climb into the booth but Tony paid it no mind. They were a good bunch of kids and so he did not think to worry.

Instead, he turned to Steve who looked hot and sweaty but it made his hair shine and skin blush pink. It was a mesmerizing sight to see. Tony just studied Steve who was, in turn, studying him. With a small smile, Tony pushed his way to the DJ to surprise Steve with a song from one of his favorite singers he had discovered out of the ice.

Making his way back to Steve finding him gone from the spot he had left him. Worried, Tony looked at the booth to see Steve standing there with his back to Tony but seeing the expression on Peter's face he knew something was wrong.

Tony made it back to the booth just when his requested song began to play. Steve tilted his head as if recognizing the song before going back to the situation that was occurring at the table. "...this place is open to everyone but there is no need to be rude," Tony heard Steve say as he came to stand next to the other man. Tony looked to see Draco looking angrier than he had since Natasha brought him to the tower. He really did not like that look at all.

"What's up?" Tony spoke up breaking up the conversation forcing everyone to pay attention to him, "is there a problem?"

"No Mr. Stark," Peter replied not moving his gaze from the other kids at the table, "we were just having a dispute about something and they decided to say something spiteful."

"Well now kids," Tony turned away from Draco and Peter to the rest of the occupants in their booth, "if you are not going to play nice I am going to have to ask you to leave."

"Got a problem with mutants?" A kid growled looking angrily at Tony and he felt Steve stiffen next to him. He did not want this to get into a fight and even if these were kids they were still powered kids who had little control over their emotions.

"You and I both know I have no issues with your kind," Tony shot back, "I am good friends with Charles Xavier and I don't appreciate your rudeness."

The kid did not look convinced but stayed quiet instead just looked down at his drink. Tony looked at his kids and gestured for them to get up so they could find somewhere else to sit. Although Peter got up easily, Draco seemed determined to glare for a bit longer before Steve bent down into the booth and plucked him from his seat with ease.

"Have a good night kids," Steve gave a blank smile, "tell Logan I say hi."

The kids got up out of the booth and faced them with challenge in their eyes. Tony really wished they had stayed seated.

Draco glared at the new people with so much anger and frustration. How dare they insult Parker like that! Especially after Parker claimed that they were his friends. He did not take well to people insulting his friends and often he would play the fool and act weak while running but not this time.

"Well guess we got our answer," one of the kids growled, "calling yourselves heroes when you do nothing but rain destruction on everything you touch."

Draco could feel the air thicken with tension as the kid talked. He listened as the adults tried to diffuse the situation that seemed to escalate with every sentence those kids threw at them until Draco resorted to the one thing he remembered hurt worse than a hex. Balling his fist as hard as he could, Draco threw the first punch of the evening.

It turned into a bit of a fight with each side landing a punch on each other with Stark and Rogers trying to physically separate Draco, and newly joined Parker, from the other teens. Draco was being carried away by Rogers as he continued to stare angrily and gritted his teeth.

"No don't!" Stark yelled before a flash burned into his vision blinding him until the light flashed away and Stark was standing in front of him with his arm stretched out and smoking.

"Tony!" Rogers moved Draco back and went instantly to Stark's side still standing as a barrier between him and the kids who attacked them. Draco looked at the assailants in shock and fury. How dare they try to attack him! How dare they harm Stark like that! If he could he would hex them six ways to hell!

"Someone call an ambulance!" Rogers cried out and Draco looked down to see Stark bent over clutching his arm that had taken the brunt of the attack.

Draco really hated how the night ended.