One van and two Trucks pass the Hilltop's gates and park inside. Dwight emerges from the driver side from one of the trucks and walks towards the van and goes to the back to open the rear doors.

"Come on boy…Come here." Dwight calls out as if he was calling a dog. Out of the darkness from inside of the van appears Daryl. He slowly comes out shielding his eyes from the bright sun with his right hand. "Come on. I don't have all day… Go get our shit and don't drop anything… Remember what happened last time you did that." Dwight laughs.

Daryl comes out of the van and sees that he is at the Hilltop.

"Yeah, some of your friends are here, want to say hello?" Dwight mocks as he takes a large box and slams it against Daryl's chest. "Now go fetch!" Daryl limps as he reaches waiting Hilltop residents with their forced offerings. One by one they come and place items for the waiting Saviors. Daryl will not look at them in their eyes.

"Shit!... I want some more of that wine Gregory tries to hide." Dwight says to the other Saviors waiting by the trucks. He looks over at Daryl. "Hey, Boy… Go fetch me some of that wine at Gregory's." Dwight yells.

Daryl nods and limps up towards the home. As he is reaching his destination he hears a low sound that stops him from taking any more steps. It's the pleasing sound of a baby laughing. The sound brings a small smile to Daryl's dry bruised lips. He closes his eyes and remembers hearing Judith laughing and playing in the Grimes' home and how that would lighten up any dark day. Daryl knows that he must do what he is ordered but he takes a quick glance at the talking saviors to make sure that they are too preoccupied and limps as quickly as he can towards the laughing baby. He approaches a trailer with open windows. He gets close enough to see the baby lying in a crib. Daryl looks in and smiles and the baby look towards the window and sees Daryl. The baby instantly smiles and that makes Daryl take a deep breath.

"Hey there little buddy… Having a good day?" Daryl whispers.

The baby babbles and laughs as he kicks his legs and waves his chubby arms.

"You continue to have a good day little buddy… I'll make sure to miss this house… Your momma is gonna need all she has with you." Daryl smiles and receives the same from the happy baby.

"Daryl?" A familiar soft feminine voice behind him makes him turn quickly. It is Maggie.

"Magg…Maggie…" Daryl looks at Maggie with wide eyes that quickly turn to squints as he tries to limp pass her.

"His name is Hershel Glenn Rhee… He's something isn't he?" Maggie says and her words stops Daryl from proceeding any further.

Daryl nods. He can feel tears building in his eyes. He doesn't close them because every time he does he can see the horrors that left many hearts broken that forsaken night.

"How are you?" Maggie asks.

"Keep him safe." Daryl answers and continues towards Gregory's house.

"You're still family… You'll always be." Maggie shouts and Daryl limps away.


Rick, Aaron, Gabriel and Carl left to the Hilltop. Rick wants to speak with Maggie, Sasha, Jesus and their doctor. Michonne and Judith are walking by Eric and Aaron's home when she notices Eric's rose bushes. She walks up to him and begins a conversation. Just as they are conversing they hear honking at the gate.

"It can't be… It's too early for those idiots to come here." Eric says as he watches the gates open and the unwelcomed trucks enter.

"They are probably flexing their muscles today… We just need to stay calm and not give them any excuses." Michonne states and looks Eric in the eyes and he answers with a nod.

There are only two trucks and Negan comes out of one of them with Tim and there are two Saviors in the other truck. Negan sees Michonne and walks up to her.

"Hey Darling, I know it's not time for our usual visit, but I thought you'd miss me." Negan says as he chuckles.

Michonne is not impressed at all and her stance indicates it. She holds Judith behind her. "We kept our end and we already gave you half last week. If you want us to produce for you we need to eat too."

Negan laughs and nods. "Damn girl, you're tough… Too bad you're man's a pussy… Anyway, we got some sick people and we ran out of medicine and shit like that and I saw you guys have so, we need it." Negan turns and motions with his right hand for the other Saviors to go and get what they came for. Negan looks around and sees the Alexandrians staring at him. He sees them slowly coming out of their homes and continue to stare at him and the other Saviors. Negan began to get an uneasy feeling about their glare. They stopped looking down and away. He whistles for the Saviors to finish up and head back to the truck.

"See you later." Negan says to Michonne with a smile.

"You will." Michonne responds with a stern look. Negan smiles and was about to turn towards his truck when he looks down and notices that Michonne has a bandage on her arm.

"What happened to you?... Ricky getting a little rough?" Negan laughs. Michonne looks away and begins to head towards her home and as she holds Judith's hand.

"No, that's mine and you can't have it!" Eric shouts. Michonne turns to see that Tim is trying to walk away with some gardening tools that Eric was using. Tim pushes Eric to the ground and takes out his gun.

"Go home." Michonne tells Judith to run home as she runs towards Eric and Tim. "Don't do this… You don't have to." Michonne pleads with Tim who is pointing his gun at Eric who's still on the ground.

Negan continues to look at the faces of the Alexandrians and quickly walks up to Tim. "What's the hold up?"

"This little ass wipe said 'no' to me… Who the hell does he think…"

"Somethings not right… Let's go." Negan interrupts Tim then turns and begins to walk towards the truck.


Negan stops and turns to see Tim walking behind him and Eric bleeding on the ground with a bullet hole in his forehead.

"Now we can go." Tim says as he walks away with Eric's tools.

Negan walks towards the truck and they drive their trucks to the gate. Spencer, who is the gate keeper, looks over at a sobbing Michonne holding Eric and the other Alexandrians running towards their dead neighbor. Spencer then turns his gaze on Negan.

"Open it kid." Negan says as he takes his gun from the holster and has it ready on his lap. Rosita comes from the other side of the truck and stands next to Spencer. "Get ready." Negan whispers to Tim who is on the driver side and Negan is in the passenger seat.

Spencer walks towards the gate and opens it and the Saviors drive away.

Once at the Sanctuary, Tim parks the truck and looks over at Negan. "Who the hell did they think…" Negan interrupts Tim by grabbing him by the back of his head.

"Bam!...Bam!...Bam!" Negan hits Tim's head against the steering wheel three times making him bleed through his nose and mouth.

"Next time I say move you move." Negan says and comes out of the truck.


Rick, Aaron, Gabriel and Carl reach the Hilltop and are greeted by a smiling Maggie and Sasha. They enter Maggie's residence where Jesus is waiting. They meet without Gregory because they don't trust him.

"We can't produce enough for them and us… Soon enough we'll be without." Rick says regarding their reducing supplies.

"Yeah, we're just about there too." Jesus adds.

"What do you suppose we do?... Any ideas?" Sasha asks.

"What else can we do?... We have to fight." Rick answers to a silent and pensive crowd. They all begin to look at each other with deep breathing and wide eyes. "I know what I'm asking and I'm not expecting everyone to agree…."

"When?" Maggie says without allowing Rick to finish.

"We have to do this right… They are many and have enough ammunition… I have some ideas." Rick shares with the group.

"We have to be careful because we can endanger Daryl." Gabriel states. Everyone becomes solemn and quiet once again.

"I saw him today…He…He did not look good." Maggie shares.

Rick pinches the bridge of his nose and nods slowly as he takes a deep breath.

"That's his leverage… He can hurt Daryl if we do something out in the open." Maggie says.

"I know… Where's your doctor?" Rick asks.

"Our doctor?..." Maggie inquiries and gives Rick a side glare.


Daryl is in the back of the van thinking about his friends and family and meeting baby Hershel for the first time. He smiles when he recalls the baby's laughter. He then begins to feel the car swerve from side to side and loud laughter coming from the front of the van. It is Tony and Arnold who are two Saviors and they are drinking and hitting walkers with the van. They were supposed to go to the Sanctuary but decided to 'have some fun' first. The Saviors are so drunk that the driver loses control of the wheel and the van begins to take turns on the road until it stops upside down. Daryl slowly comes out of the back of the van and is bleeding from his temple but is able to walk. He can hear the men in the front of the van calling for help because they are trapped. Arnold is on the passenger side and calls out to Daryl.

"Help me… Please!" Daryl is hurting on left his side, but he reaches to pull Arnold out, but Arnold is stuck and begins to scream. "You useless piece of shit!... If you don't help me I swear I'll go give your friend a visit… her and that stupid baby…Now pull me out!"

Daryl looks at the man and the threatening words brought him back to that night when so much was taken. There was nothing he could do but hear his family scream and cry. He can still hear them vividly. He closes his eyes and sees his family beaten and destroyed on the cold ground… Then he begins to hear the laughter of a baby. The baby, that meant so much to someone he loved like a brother, the baby that must be protected and will not be harmed.

"No you won't!" Daryl shouts as he pulls Arnold out with all his strength and then begins to stomp on his head without mercy. He continues over and over until the man was silent and his face was unrecognizable. Daryl is breathing heavy and his only thought process is that these men will not hurt anyone he loves ever again. Daryl limps over to the other side of the reverse van and sees Tony. Daryl bends down to reach for Tony, but Tony frantically searches for his revolver and finds it. Daryl manages to pull Tony half way out by his shoulders. He quickly lifts his arms, aims and shoots, hitting Daryl on the right shoulder. Daryl falls back and puts his hand on his recent wound. The man sees walkers approaching the van. Tony begins to shoot at the approaching walkers. He manages to kill the hungry threat, but finds himself without bullets. He is still lying on the ground, stuck in the van from the waist down. He hears heavy breathing over him. When he looks up, he sees that it is Daryl who kicks the revolver out of his hands and begins to stomp on his head, leaving him just like his companion.


Rick is driving back with the other Alexandrians that accompanied him to the Hilltop.

"What's that?" Aaron says as he points at a reversed van and a small herd of walkers hovering and eating some remains. They continue to drive as they recognize the van belonging to the Saviors. Rick looks over at Aaron who is in the passenger side of the car.

"I don't know what the hell is happening but we have to get to Alexandria quick." Rick says as he looks at Aaron.

"Rick, look out!" Aaron shouts and points towards the road. Rick suddenly stops the car. The head lights are shining on a figure that is walking with a limp. Rick looks and then tilts his head. He can recognize the person.

"Daryl?" Rick says in a low tone. Rick exits the driver side and walks slowly behind the figure. "Daryl…" Rick says louder than before. The figure stops then turns. Rick instinctively puts his hand on his holster.

"Rick?" Daryl asks as he falls to the ground. The other passengers in the car jump out to assist Rick. Rick runs to Daryl and places his head on his lap.

"Rick… I'm sorry man… I couldn't let them… I'm… sorry." Daryl cries.

"I got you brother... I got you." Rick comforts Daryl. "Shh…It's ok."

"I fucked up again…What did I do?" Daryl pleads.

Rick looks at Daryl. "You just gave us leverage." Rick answers.


Rick and company are planning something very nice for Negan and the rest of his Saviors. Keep reading to find out.

Thanks for reading