DISCLAIMER: I am only typing this once for this story: I do not own Naruto or Boruto. Naruto and the next generation is the property of Masashi Kishimoto and Shueisha. Support the official release.
WARNING: It may tease it, but there are not explicit scenes in this. Sexually explicit ones at least. What this does have in bounty is tons of dread throughout. Oh, and hardcore BoruSara. :P
GOAL: I really wanted to knock my limits down and write a gruesome story, yet I wanted it tied very much to a theme and story, a psychological one even (it gets there, trust me on that), so it's not just some pointless violent or morbid drivel. So read on, and tell me what you think afterward, and if you're under sixteen, discretion is advised if you're sensitive. But don't worry, I'll probably just scare you off with the first couple of paragraphs anyway (albeit for different reasons) No I'm not kidding. :3
Also, THE ENDING HAS ALREADY BEEN WRITTEN! I'm just tidying this story's later parts up before I post them and the ending scene. Until then, please don't kill me for 1, starting another fic without updating the others, and 2, for leaving the chapters off the way I do...This was originally a one-shot, but it started to evolve just a bit so will be five short parts instead. Enjoy.
Blood and breath.
Scrolls flew, papers scattered into the air and wood creaked as his body was thrown into the wooden surface. Recovering, he sat up, hands bracing the ends of the desk.
"Listen," Boruto said. "It's no big dea—"
"You almost died!" Sarada snapped, placing a balled hand on her hip. The other hand jerked for his collar, grabbing hold of it in a tight fist. He sucked in his breath, being suddenly drawn so close to her. There was an intent stare, his lips parted slightly.
"You scared the crap out of me!"
The mission report they'd been told to turn in fluttered from his fingers and landed softly to the floor.
"Don't you ever—"
Sarada's words were cut short as his hands grabbed her, pulling her even closer toward him, and his lips enveloped hers.
It took her by surprise but soon the harsh grip that had so tightly clung to his shirt was now wrapping around his neck. Slowly and still immersed in their kiss, they dipped back until he was supine against the desk and she was hovering over him, her legs between his sides and her arms were on either side of his head. Something nudged at his back but he ignored it.
Slowly, the kiss trailed down, until her chin had fallen over his shoulder. There was a pause, then she began trembling ever so softly.
He really had screwed up, to have caused this much grief then.
"I'm sorry I scared you yesterday...But I ain't going anywhere without you. I promise."
Once again a fist curled, her brow bunched up. Her straddle on him tightened. "I'd thought you were dead! I mean do you know how much it scared me, I thought you were gone for good!"
He winced. Noticing, she instantly loosened her grip and smiled apologetically. Inheriting her mother's strength was a blessing, but it could turn into such a curse at times. "Sorry," she whispered. "I just...I don't know what I would have done if—"
"Then don't," he said. "Stop thinking for one minute and just..." His voice trailed off as he just stared at her in utter captivation.
She arched an eyebrow. "Boruto...You're doing it again."
"I know," he said stupidly. You could not lie to this girl. "Sarada," he whispered, struggling to hide the spark inside him. His heart was beating thunderously, betraying him.
"Bo..." She looked at him hesitantly, biting her lip. "We can't just—"
He kissed her before she could finish. Passionately. Dragging her down with him, her knees bent. He began to jerk his jacket off.
Freed from the bulk of hot fabric he wrapped his bare arms around her, fingers trailing up her back. A moan escaped her lips and a jar of pencils was kicked off. Pens cascading down in a small racket, Sarada giggled and broke their exchange, leaving Boruto frustrated and hungry.
She tucked her bangs behind her ear, smiling tauntingly at him. "You know..." she said softly, breath warm against him. A pleasant shudder ran through him. "I don't think your father's desk is a good place for this."
From under her, the Uzumaki tugged on her shirt. "Whatcha talkin' about? No one's gonna look for me here. We got the room all to ourselves."
"Alone, huh?"
A tap sounded against the window as the wind passed through the tree branches outside. Casting a shadow over them. The room darkened.
She did not say anymore, only stared out into the shadowed room, a strange look on her face.
"It's fine," he reiterated.
"It's not that," she whispered.
Something was wrong.
"Sarada...Tell me what you're thinking."
She let out a deep breath, expression rather serious as she looked down at Boruto.
"Do you think that there's a curse in my family?"
What a dumb question. He scoffed. "No."
To his frustration, Sarada shifted further back, now sitting up on top him. "Really?"
"What it even matter?" he said softly. "Come on..." His hands tugged at her, urging her to continue once again. After a moment of staring at him, she did. They began kissing again. Her's oh so softly. He reached for her surprisingly cool shoulders but his hands were suddenly seized.
She closed her eyes, laughing pleasantly but the jovial air died rather suddenly as she opened her eyes again, this time revealing the blood red color of the Sharingan.
He bit his lip, cursing. "What is it?"
"You. You lied just now."
"About the desk? It's fine. He can pick the junk up—"
"No. About the Uchiha curse."
"What's it matter, huh?" he retorted frustratedly. "Your blood does not define you."
She stared at him suspiciously. He rolled his eyes. "Look at me, and tell me I'm lying to you now."
Although some part of him hated she felt the need for her Sharingan... His thoughts were interrupted by her crushing her lips against his, her hands gripped tightly to his biceps.
He was definitely going to have some bruises on his shoulders. But at least she had gotten her mind off of whatever had bothered her before and nothing was stopping them!
Then she did it again, pulled away, sitting up, but not before giving a very purposeful wiggle on his lap.
"Uw, you're torturing me, woman!"
She laughed, tucking her hair back. "Let me tie my hair first."
"And torturing you am I?" she said tauntingly, bringing her hand back down, hair bound. Outside the sun had nearly set, casting the room in a pleasant shade that made her reddened eyes seem to glow. "You might want to be careful how you speak to me. In a few years, guess who's gonna own the Uchiha Police Force?"
He nearly jumped, sitting himself up. Their faces were only inches apart, close enough to feel the other's breath. "No way!"
"Yes, way. See, ages ago the Uchiha ran the entire Force...Well, until the, you know."
No, he didn't know, but she just continued before explaining. "With the Uchiha finally being restored, the Hokage tried giving it back to my pops but he wouldn't take it. So now it's going to come to me."
"Wow...Pretty nice of the retard."
"Bo..." she said chidingly. "You shouldn't talk about him like that." She paused, countenance shifting into a playful one. "It might be seen as an act of insubordination."
He grinned, his voice low. "That a threat, Captain? You gonna frisk me?"
She smiled, playfully motioning him to come with her finger.
He kissed her neck, she tilting her face up to grant him further access, and his fingers had just grasped the collar of her shirt, unbuttoning it when suddenly there was a sound.
The sound of a door hitting the wall.
Like there was a giant vacuum, all noise was suddenly sucked into an oblivion of quiet. Not even the sound of their heartbeats as the intruder stared at them.
Boruto fell backward, back hitting the desk, his face burning.
"Oh!" the voice stuttered, clearly just as embarrassed as they were. "Um..."
Sarada quickly buttoned her collar back up in a single fluid motion before regaining her composure. She looked the man in the eyes as if she hadn't just been caught on top his son.
"Sorry, Lord Seventh. We got carried away."
"I, um, see. I, uh..."
Sarada maneuvered over, getting off his lap and sat gracefully on the edge of the desk.
Boruto somehow found his voice. "Dad," he croaked, turning over to his stomach. "What are you doing back? I thought you left for the night..."
"I, uh...Forgot my file."
Boruto frowned and dug under him, pulling a thick folder out. Of course, it would be what was under him. He held it up. "This it?"
"Um...yeah. Um. Since when have you two...How long has this been going on?"
"How long?" his father repeated, this time with the firmness that belonged to a father and not some stuttering child who'd just witnessed something he was not supposed to.
It was Sarada who answered, matter-of-factly. "During the last day of our mission. "
"But that was yesterday," Naruto said, very confused as he stared at her. "And... , I-I see."
Yesterday. Boruto smiled briefly at the memory and jumped to the floor where all traces of that smile were soon obliterated as he looked to his dad. Naruto had drawn his hand to his forehead, rubbing it tiredly.
Sarada hopped off the desk as well, her face cast down. "I'm sorry...I didn't think..."
She looked at Boruto for help who just blushed.
"Oh, y-you're not in trouble, dear. It's just...We need to talk."
Sarada nodded. "Yes, Lord Seventh."
Naruto's tone shifted into a pleasant one. "It doesn't need to be so serious! How about you come over to our place for dinner?" He giggled. "My wife's making her own ramen!"
Boruto facepalmed.
"That would be lovely."
Rolling his eyes, Boruto headed for the door, shoving the file into his dad's hands. "Come on, geezer."
Ramen was the fastest way to get the man to regress into the mindset of a child. Far from the cool serious personality of Sarada's father.
Outside, his father led the way, file in hand. He at least stayed silent as they trekked behind, debating over the story they would tell him on the mission.
Of course, Boruto's feelings hadn't just sprung up suddenly yesterday. It had been going on for awhile. Although he wasn't too sure about her. Maybe it was the thought you don't know what you have until it's gone that pulled her closer to him.
Seriously, if his dad found out about his close call, he would ground him for months, and keep him on petty babysitting missions.
He reached for Sarada's hand and their fingers interlocked, their backs bathed in the warm dying light of the sun. It was here, this moment, he wished the world would freeze and stay put. But they weren't the only ones in it.
A retard had to screw his time with her all up. Or rather, to share it. She was utterly fascinated by his dad, by the Hokage's mantel. Would want to talk about her future plans...But it was way too early to bring up their part in it together and deep down, part of him would always dislike the mantel. It was just a simple truth.
But he was being selfish. Being too hard on his old man and her.
He wanted to apologize so bad...His feelings apparently transparent she leaned into him, whispering "You dad's so adorkable."
He sighed.
Holding her hand, he began to feel assurance radiate through him, zoned out even so that all that existed in his world were the two of them...Until Naruto suddenly stopped walking. So fast they nearly bumped into him.
"What is it, dad?" he grumbled, backing up from him.
They were close to the house. But Naruto looked as if he was miles away. Worried. "Something's off..."
"Like what?" Boruto probed.
His father did not answer, just started running, running for the house as if it was on fire.
"Dad!" Boruto called until he was jerked back by Sarada's unmoving position on the sidewalk. She had a terrified look on her face, her free hand cupped her mouth. Her Sharingan was still activated, had been since the desk, so she had to be seeing something he could not. Or rather perhaps it was she didn't see something that she should.
"Boruto," she whispered, letting go of him.
"What is it?!" he demanded.
A pale finger pointed toward his house that Naruto had run to.
"What is it?" he exclaimed again. "This isn't funny, just tell..."
The shadow of the house stretched out as if like a hand, reaching for them. Sharp spikes glittered from the house, its window panels. Drawn to it, a dot of red on its peak caught his eyes. Red liquid...He sniffed. "Kami," he breathed. "That's blood."
He ran for the door, not caring to note its cracked frame in the process. "Mom!" he cried. "Himawari!"
Stumbling in the darkness he reached for the light switch on the wall, flipped it. No lights came on, not so much of a flicker.
But that scarcely mattered when their living room had an exposing window...Its curtains were ripped, giving him just enough light to make out shapes.
On the living room floor, he could make out the shape of his father's back by the white haori he wore, it's lettering brightly crimson. He could make out him kneeling over a long dark object.
It was here that the smell of blood intensified.
"Dad?" he whispered. What was it, that shape? No, there were two of them. Laying on the floor, the smaller collided into the bigger. His breath caught in his throat and he could not fight the terror forming in his gut. "Wh...What is it?"
His father was utterly still.
"Were we robbed? Is that the thief?"
Mom's somewhere hiding isn't she?
Again, his father said nothing, just hovered over the dark shapes, his head sinking further and further until it was hidden by his back.
Boruto had no choice but to approach the dark shadowy forms in front of them that reeked of blood.
Behind him, there was a whisper of words and a breath of air. Sarada. A small flame swept the air. The golden candelabra on the table lighted by her jutsu, illuminating the room just enough.
Enough to make out the forms on the floor. The stenchful puddle on the floor, dark crimson, and the body of a woman hovering over a smaller form, matted hair covering her face.
Whoever it was, they were dead. There was way too much blood to not be. The skin that he could make out was white, and...Dark hair. Like—
He gasped. No. This was wrong.
Naruto lifted the body up and cried out when the hair fell, exposing the face they knew to be that of the Hyuuga Heiress. Wife and mother.
"Hinata!" he cried. "What happened!?"
She, of course, gave no answers, and her hand dropped from where it had been held protectively over the smaller body, Himawari.
Boruto crashed into the floor, reaching out for his little sister. "Hima!"
His mother had tried protecting her so she had to be alright! Just scared!
"It's okay now, they're gone!"
Cold skin met his, and the young girl gave no response.
Shaking, he placed his fingers to her neck and he fought back a sob when he found her tiny form devoid of a pulse. Her already pale eyes utterly and terrifically blank, her face so pale. Her hoodie bloodied.
"No..." he cried, voice breaking. "What the heck's going on!?"
This had to be some sick dream or prank. No, no one on earth would dare pull such a disgusting prank, not even him. A dream then. But this dream was so cold, too morbid to even conceive and—
Sarada fell to her knees beside him, pulling him up into a hug, tears running down her face. He again tried fighting his own back as he shook against her violently. No. He couldn't cry, that would mean he was acknowledging this sick prank as truth. But no. This was real. The cool of the room, the smells.
"Someone killed them," he couldn't help growl angrily, shifting away from her. "Who did this!? Who would dare!?"
He looked to his father accusingly. "Just what kind of enemies have you made you stupid idiot!? How could you make our family a freaking target!? HOW COULD YOU?!"
"Boruto," Sarada cried, snapping him backward. "Don't take this out on him!"
If Naruto had heard the accusations thrown at him, he gave no sign. A hand briefly touched the forehead of his daughter. "I'm so sorry..." he whispered brokenly. "Daddy's gonna fix this."
He lifted her onto his knees, moving her tenderly as if he was afraid he would break her. Bracing her body he leaned her forward, stomach-down and pulled her pink jacket up to expose the entrance wound on her back. He wiped the blood away with his thumb until the wound was made out. A relatively small hole shape-wise. But depth-wise...It went from her back to her chest, diving straight through vital organs.
"Same as her mother. This was done with a blade in a single stab, a long one." Naruto's brow scrunched, his teeth gritted together as the baby pink fabric fell back into place. "A sword then."
Boruto was shaking so hard he almost fell as he pushed forward. "Someone killed them with a freaking sword!?"
"Get the phone. We need to call for help. Not the Anbu yet, just Sakura."
"What good is she when they're dead!?" Boruto cried. "Huh, stupid?! She can't bring them back to life!"
Naruto grabbed him by the shoulders. "Boruto, I know this is hard but standing here and crying isn't going to accomplish anything. We need to find who did this and make sure they don't attack anyone else. Okay? I promise we're going to catch the monster who did this!"
Regardless his words, the Hokage was crying just the same. Tears were streaming down his face in multiple rivulets. It was the first time Boruto had ever seen his father cry.
"Dad," he whimpered. "It's—They're..."
"Call for help."
With that, his father leaned back down, ripping one of his sleeves. He pushed the fabric into the wound on Hinata's chest and began thrusting his palms into it. "Please," he cried, pumping down once more in a hopeless plight. "Please—Just breath, come back to me!"
Biting his lip, Boruto took one of the lighted candlesticks and gave it to Sarada. "Flashlight's under the sink," he said numbly.
He could still hear his father's voice from the kitchen. His desperate yells. "Get up! Please! Get up!"
His heart clenched at the sound, and it was now he wept, kneeled under the pitch sink, reaching for a flashlight.
How could this be happening? Himawari. His mom. They had never done anything to anyone. They were the most important family he had. He couldn't imagine life without them, their smiles. Heck, even those times they scared the crap out of him with their Byakugan...
He sniffed, smiling at the memory.
He briefly felt a presence, someone touch his back. He jumped, sucking in his breath.
"I—" He turned. No one was there.
"Over here, something caught my eye." She entered from the doorway, holding her candle and a small object in her other hand.
"Yeah?" he asked, rubbing his face and shaking his head to clear it.
She held out the small object, a shred of fabric, stained with blood. "Who did this come from?"
It was dark. Definitely not something from Hinata or Himawari. But not material from the house either.
"I dunno...Uh, give it here, we'll show your mom."
Pocketing the scrap, he flipped the switch on the flashlight and together they crept for the hallway where the phone had been left on a table, a catch-all piece of thing.
Reaching for the device, Boruto's thought continued to whirl around in a blizzard. The rest of the house's visible interior said nothing of the horror right at the door. From what he could see, the other rooms hadn't been touched. Meaning whoever had broken in was good enough to do their sick job quickly and efficiently. They all knew that this person would have had to be good to get the drop on Hinata.
Boruto fumbled, trying to grasp the phone, but the buttons became impossible to push because his soaked fingers and he almost cried again. The only thing that kept him from throwing it at the wall and screaming was the thought that the assailant was still out there. Sakura could tell them more about them if she saw the scene and they could use her knowledge to figure out who did it.
The phone continued to be difficult with his soaked fingers and he let out a frustrated hiss. He rubbed them against his jacket, trying to dry them. He didn't care whatsoever if he stained it in the process, forget it!
He picked it back up and dialed. He got nothing but an annoying tone, expounding of the lack of connection. "Ugh!" he hissed, finally giving into the urge to throw it. It shattered against the wall.
How his dad had remained relatively calm to try to plan ahead was beyond him and his own abilities currently. Perhaps it was just being an adult.
Sarada reached for his hand and held it. "I'll run and get her."
"No." He held tightly to her. "Stay with me...Please."
"Very well," she whispered, casting her eyes down. It was walking back to the grim scene she made her quiet suggestion. "Maybe...Maybe my dad can bring them back with his Rinnegan..."
"At the cost of his own lifespan? My dad could never ask him that."
"Do you think he would if he did, though?"
Boruto shrugged.
"Dad," he croaked once they had come back to the living room. "The phone's out. No service."
No service and no electricity. Someone didn't want them getting help. Or warning anyone else. Not without leaving the victims or splitting up.
His father who had been trying to restore Himawari next sat up, his shoulders quivering. A knee was drawn up, his arm thrown over it. His face was buried in it.
Inexplicably, not being able to see his father's face was terrifying just itself.
"Dad," he whispered, insides raw. It was taking everything to keep his voice from breaking into sobs.
Finally, the man found his resolve, his fingers curled. "We still need to get help. Find who did this." He stood, expression dark. "Stay here, I'll be right back."
His father turned to him, staring at him with an intent weary gaze. Boruto stared back.
"We're going with you."
Outside, the clouds had filled up the sky, foreboding rainy weather.
Like the Uzumaki residence, they found the Uchiha's dwelling dark and quiet. But there was tell-tale signs disarray right from the outside. The swing had collapsed, a rod protruded from the window. Sarada catching notice of her house's condition rushed through the door and there was no catching up to her.
"MOM!" she screamed, barreling through the house.
"Sarada!" Boruto cried rushing after her. Cold empty rooms warped into a twisted maze of shadows. He lost her and could only slow down to catch his breath and look.
The rooms were torn asunder, and not in the usual way. Once in awhile, yes, Sakura would break her house, cause it to collapse. But she kept it clean and in order like there was no tomorrow. What Boruto saw now was a mess, furniture broken, the walls slashed.
And stained by blood splatters. Recent, judging by the wetness.
"No..." he whispered, scrambling past an overturned chair.
Something jumped up, darting between his ankles. He fell backward, heart leaping out of his chest, yelping.
Small green eyes sparkled before disappearing in the shadows with a soft pitter patter of claws.
He sat there for a moment, breathing heavily.
"You alright?" His father's voice came from behind him.
"Yeah," he panted. "I t-think it was just a cat."
His father held his hand out to him. Boruto ignored it and got to his feet without his father's help. He smacked the end of the flashlight in his palm to get it to flick back on.
Naruto shined his own flashlight around the room. He stopped at a picture frame that had fallen from the wall. In the picture, he and Sakura and the rest of Team Kakashi were smiling, all together for the first time since the war. Sai too, and Yamato. And Sasuke. The glass was cracked, splitting the group from one of its members. He pointed the flashlight down, eyes narrowed in deep thought. "Sakura-chan doesn't have a cat."
"The cat must have snuck in then, this place is a wreck."
"I don't think it came from the village at all..."
What was that even supposed to mean?
"What are talking about?"
His father simply shook his head and shined his light around the room. "Look at all these slashes. They're angry, heavy. Full of rage. Someone must have come through here with a vendetta...Or just pure madness."
"But who and why? Are they the same people who broke in our—" His inquiry was interrupted by a shrill scream.
They both ran towards the sound of her voice. The next room. In it, they could see her looking at a form who was huddled on a couch, her back turned to them.
There was no mistaking that light shade of hair, the red dress.
"Mom," she whispered, shaking the shoulder. "We found you, thank goodness! Someone attacked Boruto's mom and sis..."
She kneeled, shaking harder. "Hey, Mom? Look at me."
Boruto sucked in a breath, pointing his light on the two. Illuminated, numerous cuts and abrasions appeared, littering the woman's entire body. Her fists were still curled, and red.
"Oh Sakura," Naruto breathed.
"Come on, Mom."
She turned her over and blood poured from the woman's chest, soaking her daughter.
Sarada screamed, buckling backward. "Mom!" she cried. "No! NO!"
Boruto caught her, grabbing hold of her so she could not leave his arms. She struggled briefly before collapsing into him, sobbing.
"We're going to find who did this," he said through gritted teeth, hating himself for being so helpless to do anything to save their families. For only being able to cry, knowing that this nightmare could never just be reversed no matter how badly he wanted to wake up from it and everything to be fine.
Her cries turned into pained screams.
A broken "Why?" repeated itself between her vibrant sobs. Then:
"Why are you doing this?! Why did you kill her!?"
He almost asked it out loud until he noticed the shadow across them, lingering in front of the shoji screen door. Red flashing from its ghostly face.
AN: Thanks for surviving the first part! As always I wanna hear your thoughts and predictions and reviews! But what I don't want to hear is any ranting on what was done to the family members! You're gonna have to trust me until the end shows itself.