Well, long time no see, eh? Sorry that I've been inactive recently. School started up again, I got a new job, and I've been really working hard on this request. I feel as it's very important to me, since it will most likely be the last bit of writing that I do for now. School has just gotten to be too much, as well as my job, so I don't have anymore time to write. But, I did get this request done, so I'm happy. This was really hard to write because I had to get the emotional feel of the whole scenario planned out and written just right, which meant that I had a lot of rewrites. But that's enough blabbing. I hope this chapter is to your liking, because it's gonna be the last one you get for a while. And of course, cover art is used with permission from Birchly.

A Hungry Bun is an Angry Bun

Requested by Sksmzmmz

Nick walked into the house. He threw his shirt to the ground. He walked into the kitchen. He grabbed a cup out of the cabinet. He placed the cup under the faucet. He turned on the faucet. Water poured out from the faucet. Water filled the cup. Nick turned off the faucet. Water stopped filling the cup. The cup was full of water. Nick took a drink of the water. Nick wasn't thirsty anymore. . .

"I wonder how Judy is doing?" he wonders. He takes another drink. He is even less thirsty than before. He smiles at the cup of water. The cup of water is good. He takes another drink. . .

"Nic!" a voice would come from the bedroom. Nick would turn around. He would set the cup on the counter. He would listen again. He would wait to see if the voice would sound again. . .

"nick!" the voice called out. Nick knew who was calling him. It was Judy. Judy was a bunny. Judy was also his best friend. He was roommates with his best friend. He was also partners with his best friend. They were cops. They were the best cops. They solved cases. They beat the bad guys. . .

But Judy doesn't worked a lot anymore. Not after Clawhauser showed her donuts. Judy had one donut. And another one. And another one. Another one. Another one. She has ate many donuts. Donuts were good. Good for the stomach and soul. Judy knew this so she ate a bunch of them all the time. At first everything was alright since she doesn't gain any weight. Nick didn't stop her because he thinks that she will stop herself and be smart with the donuts but he is wrong. . .

"Nick! Come here!" Judy calls out again sounding angery. Nick sighed and facepalmed. He didn't like her when she was angry. . .

"Coming Carrot!" he called back and finished his water. He sets the cup in the sink making a note in his mind to wash it later. . .

"Cool and good," Judy called back before Nick started walked into the hallway. It was a long hallway so it took Nick a while to get to the bedrrom. The door to the bedroom was big. Why was it big? Nick knew and he was going to tell us. . .

"Not right now," he says to us. How rude of him. Nick is mean. But back to the story. Nick opened the big door that is big for some reason that we don't know and walks into the room. It is dark in the room but not for Nic. Nick has night vision so he knew what would be in the room. . .

However he is nice enough to turn on a light for us showing us what was in the room It was a bed. There were also some dressers and a closet. And a desk and a window. It was Nick's bedroom. He had to give it up and renovate it because Judy kept eating all the donuts. The donuts didn't make her not hungry they made her more hungry it seemed. Nick didn't know why. Judy didn't know why. But Judy knew that she loved donuts and she wanted donuts right now. . .

However he is nice enough to turn on a light for us showing us what was in the room It was a bed. There were also some dressers and a closet. And a desk and a window. It was Nick's bedroom. He had to give it up and renovate it because Judy kept eating all the donuts. The donuts didn't make her not hungry they made her more hungry it seemed. Nick didn't know why. Judy didn't know why. But Judy knew that she loved donuts and she wanted donuts right now. . .

"Nick! I want donuts right now!" the bunny said to the fox in anger tone. Nick rolled his eyes. "No you do not want donuts Carrots," he said back. "They made you fat."

The fox gestured to the near-comatose bunny on the bed with a sneer as he said this, proving his point. Judy lay on the plump mattress sized for a larger mammal, like a rhino or an elephant. Her massive, girth of a belly rippled with each rise and fall of her chest, the fur-covered skin flowing like molten muscle. The fat oozed off the edges of the gigantic bed and pooled onto the floor in an oddly grotesque fashion; puddles of gray fur pouring from the vast source that was Fat Judy. However, despite the disgusting inflation of her stomach, her remaining limbs and body parts remained relatively the same. Sure, her usually lithe arms and legs were much chubbier, and her cheeks were rather poofy, but one could tell that it was still Judy under all that jiggling muscle.

Judy scoffs, "I'm not fat. I'm cuddly."

Nick: "You're dripping on the floor." He points to some Judy on the floor with this finger and sneers at the weird sight with confusion and a little disgust. It was disgusting seeing judy pour onto the floor but thats what she got for being fat. . .

"Cuz I'm so hot!" Judy replied bringing a paw to her forehead in a sexy pose. Her belly wasn't sexy so Nick wasn't affected. Or was he?

"Yes you are hot but you need to work out. You can die for being too fat." Nick said matter-of-factly nodding his head as he said so. He crosses his arms to look more important as he says this. . .

Judy would look at the fox with confusion, confusion filling her eyes. "Who said that?" she asked scratching her head as she reached for another donut and ate it. It was chocolate flavored. It was a good donut. Judy grew more fat and the bed creaked. Maybe it would break soon if Judy got fat enough. Maybe. . .

The fat police," said Nick response showing his badge. Sure enough he was a part of the fat police now protecting the city from getting too fat. His first arrest would be Judy so he could get her some help. But how was he going to get her out of the bedroom since she was so fat? That question he would have to answer himself. . .

"Why are you a part of the fat police now Nick?" the really fat bunny asked sounding a bit hurt that her best friend and crush would betray her like this and leave her behind to be fat. That was very mean of him to be sure. . .

"because I need to help you get not fat again Judy. I need my partner back. I miss you." Nick said almost confessing his feelings but not yet. He could do that after judy was back to normal again with him. But first he needed to help get Judy out of being fat and into not being fat. It was going to be hard since the power of the donuts was too powerful. Then Nick had an idea. . .

"What if the mammals who are making the donuts are trying to take over the city?" nick thought his face lighting up with joy at finding a new case. He took the box of donuts from Judy. Judy was sorta mad but she could see the happiness on Nick's face. Nick was really happy as he looked at the box of donuts. Surely it would tell him where to go to stop the evil plans of the donut makers. . .

"What are you looking for Nick? Judy asked wishing she wasn't so fat so she could see what Nick was looking for. . .

"What are you looking for Nick? Judy asked wishing she wasn't so fat so she could see what Nick was looking for. . .

Aha! "Nick exclaims and pointed at the box's lid. Right on top of the lid in obvious font and colors and letters and words was the logo and address of the donut shop. It told Nick the font and colors and letters and words and logo and address of the donut shop that he needed to find so it was perfect that he had found that clue when he had the chance. . .

"I found out who did this to you. If we are lucky than they can reverse this curse on you and make you normal again." Nick said as he took a picture of the lid so he could remember the font and colors and letters and words and logo and address of the donut shop that he needed to find so it was perfect that he had found that clue when he had the chance. . .

"Don't worry Judy I will go and get them and bring them back here to take this curse off of you. Don't eat any donut while I'm gone okay Carrots?" nick asked as he put his shirt back on and became a cop again. Judy blushed a bit as she looked at Nick. He was hot in uniform but she was ugly as a fat. Maybe the bad guy he would bring back would help. . .

The fat bunny nodded. "okay; no donuts for me then. Go help fix mee!" She called as Nick ran out the door like the superhero cop he was always on the move and always ready to save the day. He was going to save the day this time he was sure. If Judy was in trouble, he would save the day for her always. He love her even if she was fat; he was going to save the day. . .

He finds the evil lair of the evil bad guy who makes the evil donuts that turn everyone fatter and fatter. The sign on the evil lair said "Donut Shop – not an evil lair." Nick looked up at the sign. "Hmm. I may have the wrong place. I'll have to be careful so I don't scare innocent people. . .

Nick walked into the room to find a bunch of fat people laying on the floor including Judy. "How did you get here Judy!?" Nick asked his jaw dropping at the impossible sight. She was fat. She couldn't make it here before he did. . .

"I brought her here" came an evil voice from the back of the store. Nick turned to the bad guy to see who he was going to arrest. . .

it was Stu!?11?!

"Why did you do it Stu!?" Nick asked with an angry tone. He was so angry that Stu would do something like that to his own daughter make her fat. . .

Stu evilly grinned at nick. "It was all part of my plan. With her being fat she couldnt be on the force anymore so she would have to come back home and live with her family forever and never see you again."

Nick gasped and felt his heart sting a bit. "Is that how you want your daughter to live? Do you really want to make her fat so she couldn't be on the force anymore so she would have to come back home and live with her family forever and never see me again?"

Those words spoke deep to Stu and Stu stopped. "You're right. I'm being silly. I'll take away the curse. Can you forgive me?"

Nick smiled and hugged the bunny. "Yes I can forgive you. You just wanted to make your daughter happy but instead you made her fat."

Stu chuckled and then waved his paws. Bunny magic flowed throughout the world and fixed all the fat people. Everyone was cured of every disease and predator and prey got along really well. Nick and Judy banged a lot and had tons of hybrid kips and adopted giving them one big happy family

The end. . .

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Good god, you have no idea how long I've been waiting for this year's holiday of foolery and trolling. This idea came from a glorious review on The Strongest Bonds, which you can go digging around for yourself (just use the name of the requester) or watch my first Reading Your Reviews video on YouTube, where I read and react to it. The idea of making a crap fic based on Judy being fat was too good to pass up, and boy did I have too much fun writing this. Took me all of about an hour to write, but that was most likely due to the fact that April 1st snuck up on me.

Now, put down your torches and pitchforks. I'm not gonna stop writing for a while. In fact, this marks my official return to writing. Yes, you heard right, and this is no April Fools joke. I, Blenderguy15, am starting up on my writing again. Finally! Only took about 2 months. My plan is to get a backlog of requests for this story created, since this one is actually featured on ZNN. After I get enough chapters written and ready, I'm getting right back into Family Ties. I've let the ideas air out and refresh, and I've been itching to get back at it. I'm back and better than ever, guys, so let's do this!