Chapter 15: The Call

The Ghost flew through the light Asteroid field, slower than usual. Hera looks out the window as she wipes away the frost. She shivers and held her hands closer to herself "Sabine, fuel status." she calls out. Sabine then looks down at the panel, checking on the fuel. ".05, we're almost down to fumes," she answers her. Leo shivers behind her, hood pulls over his head, Leto fast asleep behind his neck as he was rubbing his hands together as Mako held her body closer to herself, arms wrapped tightly around her legs, trying to pick herself warm.

Hera exhales as she tried to keep her hands warm. "Sorry guys, have to divert more power from thermal subsystems. Deducing heat to 2%." Hera calls out on the comms. Kadan sips his warm drink as he was sitting in the head turret. "Our Intel on this fuel source better be solid, I'm losing feeling in my fingers," Kadan states as he wiggles his fingers. "You're losing feeling, I've already lost feeling in my toes," Mako calls out as Chopper enters the cockpit. "I saw the report myself, somewhere in this port, the mining guild are refining clouds on 36 for the Empire," Hera informs him as Chopper offered the report to Sabine.

Leo stood up and looks over her shoulder at the report. "Whoa!" Sabine states as she took it from Chopper. "One shipment of that stuff can fuel us and all the ship in phoenix squadron for a full cycle," she states as Leo looks down at the report and reads over it. "And the Empire is scheduled to pick it up today, we just have to get there and find it first," Hera informs them. Leo exhales as he ran his hand over his face. "Thanks to this Asteroid field, our sensors can't pick up a thing," Leo informs them.

Mako chuckles as she rubs her hands over her arms. "Well, I'm getting nothing on the old visual scanner," Ezra informs them as he rubs his hands together. But then he and Mako perk up as they heard something in the distance. "Alright cut the chatter, keep your eyes peel for the Refinery," Hera orders them as Mako stood up from her chair. "Does anyone else hear that noise?" Ezra asks.

Zeb shivers in his spot in the Phantom, gripping his head. "The only thing I hear is my brain, freezing," he answers him, then Mako steps between Hera and Sabine. "There! There it is again." Mako calls out as she was listening. "It's getting louder." Ezra agrees with her. "I don't see anything out here, what does it sound like?" Kadan asks them. Ezra looks up at Mako as she was kneeling down. "It..." Ezra states as he turns away. "It's hard to describable, kinda sad... I guess," he answers him. "It sounds like a song, a harmony, but there's something off about it. How are you not hearing this." Mako answers as well.

Hera exchanges look with Sabine and Leo as they shrug at her. "Ezra, Mako, there's nothing to hear," Hera informs the two as Mako looks ahead in surprise. Then Sabine and Leo look ahead as they were surprised as well. "Sabine, check the scanners again," she orders them. "Hera," Leo calls out and she looks at her. "Don't have to," Sabine answers as Leo points ahead of them.

The sound became louder as it was right in front of them. Then everyone looks and surprise as a pack of space creatures was flying right towards them. Ezra and Mako just look at them in surprise as they were seeing these creatures for the very first time. "Whoa!" they said in wonder as the pack flew past them, Chopper freaked out and hid in the back of the room. "Brace yourselves!" Hera calls out as some of the creatures were roughly hitting the Ghost, making everyone shake, Chopper cries out as he smacks against the door. Ezra held onto his seat. Leo held onto Sabine's chair as Mako held onto the panel. "What the bloody blazes are those things?" Zeb calls out.

Mako just listens to the songs the creatures were singing Hera held onto the scanner. "Purgils," she answers then readied herself. "They'll rip the Haul apart, prepare to fire. We've got to drive them back," she orders, getting ready to fire. Mako shot a look over at her. "Wait, don't!" she calls out, gripping her arm. "Mako!" Hera calls out as she jerks against her grip. "Hera, Mako's right. Don't shoot, they'll pass, just let them do what they do." Kadan agrees with her. "What they do is destroy starships like ours!" Hera informs him. "We don't know what they do, Hera!" Mako argues with her. "We can't waste power on these things!" Kadan shouts at her, "What choice do we have!?" she shouts back at him.

Leo grips Sabine's chair tightly. "How about, not provoke them, Hera!" he informs her, making her shoot a glare at him, "Well, we could just get out of the way." Sabine offers, stating the obvious. "We either run into them or the asteroids, take your pick," Hera informs her. Chopper grumbles at the three "Why fight against them when we could simply fly with them?" Mako questions her. "She's right, try flying with them than against them." he agrees with her. "Uh, that's not a half-bad idea." Sabine states, "I'm all for it!" Leo agrees with her. Hera rolls her eyes at them. "Fine! I can't believe I'm doing this." Hera states.

Mako smiles, letting her arm go. "This isn't the strangest thing we've ever done." Kadan reminds her. "Yea, that doesn't make me feel any better," Hera states as she powers the thrusters and turns the ship around and flew alongside the pack of Purgils. "I think they're calming down, I'm not hearing them," Ezra calls out as he looks at them. "He's right, I can't hear them singing anymore." Mako agrees with him as it was quiet among the pack now. "That was a good instinct you two. How did you know?" Kadan asks them. "It just seemed like the right thing to do," Ezra answers as Mako nods at him. "Okay, we're low on fuel, surrounded by asteroids and caught in a swam of Purgil, how has the situation improved, exactly?" Hera asks them.

Leo smirks at her, "We're still alive." he states, making her shot a look over at him, "Hello are we shooting them or not, cause here comes a ready big one." Zeb calls out, Ezra looks over and saw the big one. Mako kneels down and drops into the turret room, she then walks over and stood next to Ezra as they were looking at the big one as it was looking right at them. "Wow, these creatures are amazing, who would want to shoot them?" Ezra questions as Mako smiles up at it. "Hera, if you gave her the chance," Kadan answers as Ezra stood up out of his seat and they both walk over to the window and look at the Purgil. "Kadan, you don't know what you're talking about, I do." Hera snaps at him, "Well, since I'm so uneducated, why don't you explain your problem." Kadan snaps back at her, the two exchanged looks and rolls their eyes as Mum and Dad were fighting again. Then the two held their hands out and reaches through the force to the Purgil. "These creatures are a menace, a big lumping menace!" she shouts at him.

Mako closes her eyes and listens to the Purgil. "Do you sense it too, Ezra?" she asks him and he nods at her. But then they held the Purgil pull away from them. Making Mako snap her eyes open. "Something's upsetting them!" Ezra calls out. "Maybe it's Hera!" Kadan jokes, but Mako shook her head. "No, it's something else," she calls out as the Purgil roars and the pack pulls away from the Ghost. "Danger. Something's coming. From behind!" Mako calls out as Kadan watches the Purgils pull away, he then turns around and saw two Ties coming right for them. "Tie-fighters, two of them! I need a better angel!" he calls out "Hang on!" Hera calls out and flew the Ghost up. The Ties opens fire and Hera angels the Ghost, then he fires at them, nailing one of them as the other flew past them.

Sabine and Leo look carefully at the other one as it was different from the Empire Ties. "Those Ties have been modified, they're not Imperial." Sabine informs him, "Not to mention the paint-job his horrible." Leo mutters. "Well, they sure act like it!" Kadan shouts as the Tie then came back around and flew right for them. "I got 'em! I got 'em!" Ezra calls and went to fire, but the turret powers down. "Hera, I lost my cannons." he calls out to her, "Rerouting excruciating power from the Phantom," she states and the Phantom powers down. "Oh karabass," Zeb mutters as the Phantom was now dead.

The Tie moved closer and closer as it locks onto the Ghost and opens fire. "Hera!" Ezra states, "Any time now!" Mako calls out as she backs up. Then the cannon came online, Ezra then opens fire and took out the Tie. The two exhale as Ezra leans back into his chair. "Aw, see. If we shot at the Purgils, we wouldn't of had-" Kadan gloats, but Hera cuts him off, sighing to herself. "Those fighters were mining guild." Sabine states as she recognizes their handiwork. "Well, they must be from the Refinery. You think you and Leo can track where they came from?" Hera asks them and the two exchanged looks. "Maybe, give us a minute." Sabine answers and they got to work.

Then the pack of Purgils reformed onto the Ghost as the continued onto their travel, then Kadan walks into the cockpit, "As I was saying, good thing we didn't waste energy shooting at the Purgil." he gloats, leaning against the chair. Hera turns and frowns at him. "I heard you the first time," she mutters. Then the two padawans look over at the Purgils. The big one calls out to the others and they reform on it. "Somethings happening." Ezra states as the Purgils form a line and flew down. "They're turning around, I think we should follow them," Ezra calls out. "Follow them is the last thing we should do." Hera states and Mako looks up at her. "But Hera..." she states. "No, we are not following the Purgils," Hera informs her.

Mako frowns at her and crosses her arms. "Don't give me that look, Mako. We are not following the Purgils and that is final." Hera informs her, Mako then turns around and huffs as she sat down on the ground with her legs crossed. "Sabine, did you and Leo find out where the fighters came from yet?" she asks them, Leo rubs the back of his neck as Sabine was hesitated to answer her. "We did," she mutters. "Good, what's our next heading?" she asks them, Sabine and Leo exchange looks then Leo sighs and points to where the Purgil went off to. "That way," he answers and Hera looks at him in shock. "What?" she questions as Mako perks up and looks up at them. "We hate to tell you this, but the Purgil are heading right where we calculated right where those fighters came from," Sabine answers her.

Then Kadan leans forward. "That's so interesting," he states as Hera turns to him and Mako pulls herself up into the cockpit. Hera then sighs to herself. "Alright, well I guess, for now, we follow the Purgil," she states as Ezra leans from the ladder. "Hey, for what it's worth, Mako and I have a good feeling about this," he assures her. She said nothing as she turns back, Kadan leans back as he smiles to himself, Hera then turns the ship, following after the Purgil. "Go check your cabins, make sure everything is switched off. We've got to save every little bit of fuel." Hera orders them. Leo, Sabine, and Kadan nod and stood up, walking to the doors, it struggles to open as Zeb walks to the front. "Come on, big guy," Kadan tells him, shoving him back. Zeb just groans at them. "It's colder back there," he whines as the doors close behind them.

Mako smiles at them, but then look up at Hera as she was frowning to herself, she then looks over at Ezra as he caught onto this. Then she pulls herself up and sat in the seat next to her, "I've never imagined there were creatures in deep space." Ezra tells her, Hera smiles as she looks at him, "When I was young, I was told of amazing creatures that lived in the stars, traveled between the worlds. Old pilots said it was the Purgil that inspired us to jump from system to system." she said with a smile as the two listen to her. But then she soon frowns. "But I don't believe it, the Purgil are dangerous, they wonder into hyperspace lanes, crash into ships. I've lost more than one friend that way," she informs them and looks away.

The two exchange looks then Mako brushed a strain of her hair behind her ear and sat closer to her, "Maybe they're unaware." she states and Hera looks at her, "When I look into that Purgil's eye, I don't think it was seeing me, it senses me... but it was blind." she states. Hera just looks at her, "Maybe it's like Kadan said, they just do what they do." Ezra agrees with her. Then Hera turns to them, "Right now, as long as they don't come in between me and my mission, I really don't care what they do." she states and the two smile at her, "Fair enough." Ezra states, then the alarm went off. The three look ahead and saw on a moon, there was a source of energy, and that energy drew the Purgil to it. "Picking up an energy source from that planetoid ahead," Hera informs them.

Ezra looks at her, "You think it's the Refinery?" he asks her, she thinks to herself, "We're about to find out." she answers, then they watched as the Purgil flew towards the planetoid and there on the edge was the Refinery. "There it is, the Refinery," Hera said with rejoice. "I wonder why the Purgil are heading that way." Ezra wonders aloud as he leans over Mako's chair. "Looks out for us, between the Purgils and the asteroids, the Mining guild will never see us coming." she states, causing Mako to frown, "But what about the Purgils?" she asks her, Hera said nothing as the doors were being forced apart, Ezra and Mako turn and look as Zeb pulls the doors apart and held them as he let the others through. "The automatic doors ain't so automatic anymore," he mutters, letting the doors go. "I've rashed what energy we have left," Hera informs them. "What's your next move?" Kadan asks her, "I want to get a secured position to plan our attack." she informs them as a few took their seats.

Then Hera looks over her shoulder at the others. "Sabine, Chopper, get ready for a short controlled burst from the engines." she orders and the two took their positions. "In three, two, one. Now!" she orders and they did so. The engines then burst and the Ghost went flying. It then sets down onto an asteroid and locks onto. Hera exhales and wipes the sweat away, Mako looks out the window as she was watching the Purgils. "Okay, so how are we going topull off this raid if we have limited resources?" Zeb asks them as Sabine walks up next to Hera. "Well, give me a second and I'll tell you," she informs him as she pulls up her binoculars and looks down at the Refinery. "Okay... more fighters, not good. And a ship cannon, also not good. But... aha! There, there's the Empire's shipment." she states as she looks around at the Refinery.

She then handed the binoculars over to Leo, "Well, there are a few guards. I count 20 maybe more. But we can scoop it up and get out while we still can." he informs them, pulling the binoculars away, Mako then took them from him and looks down that the Refinery through them. "Forget the scoop job. We just have barely enough fuel to get down there. We have to land." Hera informs them. Mako then pulls back, as she notices something with the Purgils and hands it to Ezra. "Look." she whispers to him "Refuel on the platform? they're blast bits." Zeb argues with her. "We need a diversion," Zeb informs her. Ezra then steps up next to her and looks through the binoculars "I've got one, big gas in that pool is gas-can 36. highly explosive in it's purest form." Sabine informs them.

Mako and Ezra kept their eyes on the Purgils as they were flying down towards the gas, some jump away as the Mining guild was shooting at them and the others make it into the gas pool. "We drop in a few charges, the blast will provide all the diversion we need," Sabine informs them. "And it will cut off the Empire's fuel source." Leo agrees with her. "In the chaos, we grab the fuel." Kadan agrees with them. "And that huge fireball, it will destroy the Empire's ability to refine more, I like it. Mako, Ezra you hear the plan?" Hera states as a Purgil came up and its skin was completely different. "Huh? Uh, yeah, sure." Mako mutters as she looks back at the Purgils. "Yeah, sure," Ezra mutters.

Everyone exchanged looks and looks back at the two. "They're firing at the Purgils, warding them off from the gas," Mako states as she thinks to herself. "Why would they bother?" Ezra questions as they both knew something was up. "Speaking of, how do we get past that gun undetected?" Sabine asks them, "We jump." Kadan answers her. "Excuse me?" she asks them as the two looks back at the Purgil. "We're in the upper atmosphere, we can glide in on the catwalk and with the Purgil around, we can slip by, unseen," he informs them. "Sounds like a dangerous plan." Zeb states and Kadan places his hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, buddy. you're staying here," he informs him.

Zeb just sighs as Leo reaches into his hood and pulls out Leto, who was still asleep, "sounds like a good plan." he states, walking over to the door and forces it open as Leo walks up to Hera. "Here," he states, Hera looks down at Leto and took him from him and places him on her neck. He snuggles up closer to her and naps peacefully. "The Purgil and gas are connected," Ezra mutters. "You think it's their fuel source?" Mako asks him and he shrugs at her, "I'm not sure." he answers her. Then turns to them, "Hey guys." he calls out, but as soon as Leo walks through the door, it closes behind them. "Not now, Ezra. You and Mako have to prep for the mission." Hera informs him. "We can't destroy that fuel pool." Mako informs her, Hera arches her eyebrow at her, "We think they Purgil want the fuel." Ezra informs her. The two exhales as she was not listening to them. "Get going," she orders them, they roll their eyes and walks to the door.


Down the Refinery catwalk, two men were firing at the Purgil, shocking them, making them cry out in pain. Then the guild master walks out onto the catwalk. "Why are those flying lizards back? I sent two fighters to destroy them." he snaps at one of his men.

Who turns and stood straight. "Pilots haven't reported in sure, perhaps they've run into trouble," he answers him. The guild master glares at him. "These creatures have eaten enough of our fuel. I don't want to hear our cannons stop firing until all those things are dead." he snaps and walks away. The man turns back and the two continued to fire at the Purgils.


Ezra, Mako, Leo, Kadan, Chopper, and Sabine stood down below as they were getting ready to jump. Sabine threw Leo his helmet she designs at him, he catches it with one hand, smirking at her. "Thanks, Sabine," he mutters then pulls his hood off and places the helmet on his head. "Sabine, do you have the helmet I lend you?" Kadan asks her.

She smirks and tosses it to him as she tosses the other to Mako, they both catch it and look down at it, Mako loved the artwork on it and smiles. "Thank you," she mutters placing it on. But Kadan was horrified at the artwork done on his. "What? You said you just wanted to look at it," he informs her, Leo smirks. "I did look at it and it looked bad," she informs him, placing hers on. "You should know by now, when you lend something to Sabine, it will be tagged," Leo informs him.

Kadan just shot him a glare as Leo pulls his hood over his helmet, "I think it looks great." Ezra states as he closes his visor. "Better than it was before." Mako agrees with him as the ramp then opens up. "Wait, we're not taking the Phantom?" Ezra asks as Mako was stretching her limps. "You know, you should really pay attention," Sabine informs him as she places a charge on her belt and Leo places the other on his belt as well. "Then how are we getting down there?" Ezra asks them. Then Mako charges forward and jumps off the ramp. "Like that." Leo states and the others quickly follow after her. Chopper screams as they jump off the ramp and were flying down to the Refinery.

Leo and Sabine grip onto Chopper as they caught up to Mako, they flew past the Pack and a few flew down and followed after them. The Purgils were next to the rebels and they look at the creatures. "Wow," Kadan mutters as they were incredible up close. Mako and Ezra just look at the Purgils as they were looking at them, Ezra held his hand out and touch it, making it purr a little. "Whoa," Mako mutters as she gently brushed her hand against the skin of the Purgil.

They then pull away and flew from the Refinery, "Five seconds." Kadan informs them, making the two look back at the Refinery catwalk. Then Chopper pulls up, engaging his thruster, Leo and Sabine held on tight as he lands quietly on the catwalk. Kadan and Mako thrust their hands down, slowing their descent, Kadan lands on his feet as Mako rolls onto the catwalk and lands on her knee. They then look up at Ezra as he tries as well. But didn't succeed, he then started to panic and he was still falling. Mako and Kadan ran over to the side as Ezra fell past them, they then thrust their hands out, making Ezra stop and just float.

This gets one of the men's attention. The two then work together and pulls Ezra back up and places on the catwalk. Ezra pants as he looks at them "I'm gonna have to work on that." he states, Mako just places her hand on his shoulder. "I'm gonna make sure you do," Kadan assures him. Then Mako looks over Ezra's shoulder. "Move!" she shouts, pulling out her saber and deflects the incoming blast. Kadan looks and saw the man was firing at them. "So much for our stealth mission. Sabine, Leo. Toss the detonators." Kadan shouts at them "We're on it." Sabine calls out as the two pull the detonators off their belts, charging them "Detonators?" Mako and Ezra ask as they turn and look at them.

They went to throw them, but Ezra smacks them out of their hands. They roll at Mako's feet and she quickly picks them up. "Are you crazy?" Kadan questions them as Mako discharges then detonators. "We can't blow up the gas." Ezra informs him, "Don't tell me this is about the Purgils." Sabine shouts at him, "Of course it is, they need it." Mako shouts at her, "We don't have time for this, Mako." Leo shouts at her as he pulls out blasters. "Hold that thought, Leo, Sabine!" Kadan calls out, ducking and the two fire at the man.

The one on the turret fires at them, "Ezra." Mako calls out, tossing him the detonators. He catches them as Mako engages her sabers, then jumps up backflipping and lands on the overcover. The man then fires at her, but she deflects his blast. "Hey," Ezra calls out, getting the man's attention as he was right in front of him. Then Ezra through his hand out and makes the man stumble back, letting go and he fell into the fuel pool. Then they gathered onto Ezra as Mako stood next to him, "Okay, explain yourselves." Kadan tells them. "We don't know why, but those Purgils needs this gas." Mako informs him "They're connected to it somehow, we can't blow up the gas without hurting them." Ezra agrees with her, Kadanhums at them. "Kadan what's the plan?" Sabine asks him.

He looks at her and Leo for a moment then back at Ezra and Mako. "I trust your instincts, now one of you get on that cannon and over us." Kadan orders, they both nodded at him and Ezra grips ahold of the cannon as Mako pulls out blaster. "Can someone explain what we are doing?" Leo questions them and Kadan looks at him, "We're going to secure the landing zone." he answers her then the three took off running.


Hera and Zeb watched from afar as they were waiting for the explosion to go off, but nothing happened "Uh-oh, there's no explosion. How come there's no explosion?" Zeb asks and Hera turns on the comms. "Sabine, Leo. What's going on?" she asks them. "We're improvising again," Sabine answers her. "We'll try and secure the platform for you to land and refuel the Ghost. As Ezra and Mako cover us with that cannon." Leo answers her. "Who changed the plan?" Hera asks him, "Do you really want me to answer that?" he questions her.

Hera sighs to herself as Leto stretches awake, "Not the Purgil again, are you sure you can secure the platform, cause once I start heading down there, I can't turn back." she informs him. "Hera, if you're looking for a guarantee, you're on the wrong mission," Sabine informs her, making Zeb and Hera exchange looks. "We'll contact you when we've secure the platform, Vander out," Leo informs her and end comms. "Next time, we just plan on the plan changing," Zeb informs her as Leto just tilts his head as he has no idea what was going on.


The four ran down the catwalk onto the Refinery, getting one of the men's attention and so he contacted his guild master. "Fas Fuion, there are intruders on the-AH!" he shouts as Mako fires at him and hits him on the shoulder, making him smack down onto the ground.

Then more came out and fires at them, they took cover behind a crate and look out as the men that were firing at them from the platform. "Where's my cover fire?" Kadan questions the two. "Working on it!" Ezra calls out as he fires at the men up top and Mako aims her gun at the men on the platform. "Careful, don't hit the fuel!" Sabine warns her, "I know!" Mako calls out and placed careful shots at the men on the platform, knocking them down and the others ran off.

Mako then stood up and lower her blaster. "Platform secure," she assures them, then the Purgils call out, getting Ezra and Mako's attention. "Hera, you better get down here, your landing zone is temporarily secured," Sabine informs her. "Then it's a good thing we're here." Hera states and the four look up at the Ghost as it flies down and lands on the platform. "I'll get the fuel," Zeb informs her as he was waiting on the ramp with an air-mask on. "Make it fast," Hera informs them.

Ezra and Mako look up at the Purgils as they were circling the fuel pool. "They're back." Ezra states as one dive into the pool. Mako went to the edge, quickly kneeling down and leans her head over, watching as the Purgil swims through the fuel. "Oh wow," she mutters, seeing that color was being restored to its skin. She then pulls her head up and watches as it flew up through the clouds and back to its pack. "Spector 6 and 7, do you copy?" Kadan asks over the comms. Ezra then answers it as Mako stood up. "Kadan, we figured it out, you're not going to believe this," Ezra tells him with excitement.

Mako smiles then look back, "Oh boy." she mutters running back to the cannon and pulls her gun back out. "I believe I need more cover fire!" he shouts, making Ezra look back saw Mako firing at the man on the cannon. "Yes! Right! Uh, sorry!" Ezra shouts as he gets back to the cannon and fires at the man. He dodges their blast then turns the cannon to them and opens fire. Some of the blast hit at Mako's feet, making her gasp, stumbling back and stop right at the edge. "Mako!" Ezra calls out as he ran to her, gripping her wrist, "I got you!" he shouts, she nods at him, placing her blaster away and grips onto his hands. "Don't let go!" he tells her then she looks over his shoulder, "Look out!" she shouts as he looks over his shoulder, the blast his the cannon making it exploded and they two scream as they went flying off the edge and into the fuel pool.

The Rebels ran out and fires at the guild members as Leo, Sabine, and Chopper load the fuel cells onto the Ghost. Hera turns the top turret at the man above the ship, firing at him and knocking him off the edge. Then Farr ran out as he looks down at the battle. "Launch fighters," he orders his men and the last two fighters flew out as instructed. "I thought you said landing platform was secure!" Hera snaps at the two as she checks on the fuel level. "Temporarily! We said temporarily!" Leo reminds her as he shoves the fuel cell in the dock of the Ghost. "Refuel commencing!" Zeb informs them as he and Chopper fuel the Ghost back up.

Hera watches as the bar started the raise "Come on! Come on!" she snaps as Leto was chirping and jumping on Hera's shoulder. The Ties flew around and aim their guns at the Ghost. Kadan ran to the crates, jumps up onto the Ghost and engages his saber and reflected the strong blast from the Ghost as the Ties flew over them. "We got fighters. Ezra?" he calls out as he looks over at the catwalk and saw neither Ezra or Mako.


Mako and Ezra were lying unconscious on one of the Purgils "Mako? Ezra, where are you?" Kadan calls out on the comms. Mako moans a little as she moves in her spot. She then flutters her eyes open and saw that Ezra was on one of the Purgils. She slowly raised her head up and looks around, seeing that her helmet was in front of her, out of reach. Then her eyes widen as she sat up, her hands flew at her throat as she gasps and gags for air.

Then she looks over and saw Ezra's helmet fall off the Purgil. "Ez..." she whimpers, barely making a sound. "Ez...ra." she gasps. Her hand gripping her throat, hunched over as she leans against the Purgil, then her helmet fell over and was gone. Ezra gasps and pants as he tries to breath. He then looks over and saw Mako was going through the same ordeal. "Ma...ko," he calls out.

She looks over at him as he held his hand out to her, she pulls her hand from her throat and held it out towards him, "Ez...ra." she mutters then her body went limp as she fell over, but the Purgil turns over and makes her side over its eye. "Ma...ko." he groans then sides down the side as well. The Purgil turns and saves him from falling off "Help... me... help us... please." Ezra begs it. Mako looks into the eye of the Purgil as she was weak. "Save... us... please... don't... wanna...die." mako mutters then the Purgil reaches to her through the force.

It shows them everything. "Do. You. Understand?" he asks her, she nods at him. "Yes. I... understand. I... understand." she mutters. Raising her head a little. It then raised its tenicale that held her helmet. She raises her head up and reaches for the helmet. The Purgil moves it closer towards her, she grips it tightly and places it on her head, inhaling air as she pants. Ezra sits back and pants as he was breathing again. "Than... thank you. You... you saved our lives." he said to the Purgil. Then the other flew over him and Mako jumps down. He turns to her as she crawls over to him and hugs him tightly.


The Rebels fired at the guild members as Chopper loads up the next fuel cell. "We need to find Ezra and Mako." Zeb informs them, "But without fuel, we can't find anybody." Sabine informs him. "Well, let's end these jokes so we can find them," Leo informs the two as they kept firing.

Kadan deflects the blaster fire. "Ezra and Mako are down, we need to get out of here," he warns them. "Just a few more seconds," Hera calls out to him as the Ghost was still fueling up. Kadan looks up and saw two Ties in front of the Ghost. "Times up," he mutters as he stood ready.

Then the three stop in their loading as they were surrounded then Farr steps out and looks down at them. "Surrender, thieves," he orders as he leans over the rails. "You are at my mercy." he states, Leo rolls his head, banging it against the fuel cell and Kadan groans to himself "I can't believe we're going to lose to this guy," he complains. "Please jinx it, please jinx it," Leo mutters in hopes of something good to happen. "What is your answer?" Farr questions them. "Kadan, don't worry. We'll be right there." Ezra calls out on the comms. "And we're bringing the carvery," Mako informs him.

This gets Kadan's attention. "What carvery?" he asks them, then the Purgil flew out of the fuel pool. This gets everyone's attention and one of the Ties were destroyed. "I don't believe it," Hera mutters to herself. The entire pack flew out, standing together. Ezra was mounted on the big one as Mako was mounted on the other one, both, engage their lightsabers and stood ready. "Whoa," Leo mutters as he had his back pressed against the fuel cell. "Found Ezra and Mako." Zeb states. Kadan was impressed as well. "Blast those disgusting things," Farr calls out and the men open fire. "Scatter!" Mako calls out and the Purgil scatters, making out of the blaster fire, Ezra deflected the blaster fire then looks over at the Tie that was firing at the Purgils, it then turns and fires at him.

He stood ready as it came close, then he swung his saber, cutting off one of the wings, it spirals out of control and blew up. Farr was surprised as Ezra took down the last Tie with just a saber.

The Ghost fuel level went green as it was back to maximum, Leto chirps with excitement. "That's right, Leto. it's wonderful indeed." Hera agrees with him. "How's the Ghost?" Kadan asks her as she quickly went back to her chair, "We're back in action." she answers him. Then Zeb pushes the next fuel cell in, "This is the last one, go, go!" he calls out as the Ghost powers back up. The thrusters than came back online and began to take off. "Forget the beasts, stop that ship!" Farr orders his men.

Mako looks over and saw Farr firing at the Ghost crew as the Purgil she was on was growling at him. She disengages her saber and pats his head, "Let's go say hi." she states, then the Purgil flew towards the Refinery. Leo ran for a turret as Sabine ran into the cockpit and took control of the turret controls. Kadan kept deflecting the blaster fire. "Hold them off, I'll cover you!" Farr orders his men and took off running. But the Purgils flew in and one blocks his escape.

He gasps, slowly backing up, then went to run back but another blocks his way as Mako was on top of it, "Going somewhere?" she questions him, making him whimper as the Purgils growl at him. "I believe you've hurt these Purgils countless times," she informs him as he held his hands up. "It was just bad for business," he informs her, slowly backing up. "Well, consider this the end of your career," she states, then pats the Purgil's head. "He's all yours," she informs it, it growls at him, moving in closer. Mako then stood up and jumps off from behind it, the Purgil then grabs a hold of Farr and drags him down into the Fuel pool. Mako smirks then charges at the men on the ramp, knocking them off. She then jumps down and knocks out the rest of the men, allowing the Ghost to turns back around and charge at the Refinery.

Mako smiles then ran to the edge of the Refinery, she disengages her saber, placing it back on her belt and jumps, then one of the Purgil came up, catching her and flew away from the Refinery. She looks over and saw the Ghost open fire, destroying the Refinery. She exhales and lays against the head of the Purgil, stroking its head. The pack flew alongside the Ghost. One flew over close to the Ghost, allowing Ezra to up down on top of the ship. He did so and then walks up, petting it as a sign of thanks. Kadan walks over and looks at Ezra.

Who turns to him, the Purgil bellows and flew off. Then the other came, flying closer next to the ship. The two turn and saw Mako stand up. She then jumps down onto the ship and turns to the Purgil. "We. Thank. You." he tells her, she places her hand on the Purgil's skin. "And I thank you, for your help," she tells it, he purrs at her as Kadan and Ezra walk up towards her, she turns and looks at her, then the Purgil flew off and joins his pack.


Everyone was gathered onto the cockpit as Ezra and Mako were explaining to Kadan what happened. "It wasn't like anything we've experience, I could see what they were thinking," Ezra informs him. "You've must of established a deep connection with them," Kadan informs him. Ezra nods at him. "I guess so, I could see that they need gas to breath and travel. The crater wasn't their home, just one stop along a very long journey." Ezra informs him.

Mako smiles then look at Hera, "Mako, what about you?" Kadan asks her and she looks at him, "I have established a connection with them, but it's different from Ezra. I didn't just see what they were thinking, but I could hear them, speaking to me with words inside my head." she informs him, Kadan smiles and places his hand on her shoulder. Then Ezra walks up next to Hera as she was smiling, "I'll admit, without the help of the Purgil, we would of never gotten off the ground again." she states and Mako walks up to her, "Oh and they have a surprise for you, Hera." she states.

Hera looked at her, "What surprise?" she asks her, Mako just smiles. "Watch and find out," she answers. They all look ahead and watched at the tentacles of the Purgil pack were flashing. "Whoa," Sabine states as Hera smiles. "It can't be..." she mutters, Leo places his arm on Mako's shoulder as they were smiling. Then one by one the Purgils jump into hyperspace and were gone. "It is true, they can travel through Hyperspace." Ezra said with excitement then looks at Mako, "How did you know?" he asks her, she just looks at him, "They told me themselves." she answers. Ezra smiles "We better get moving too." Kadan agrees with the Purgils and they all look at Hera. "Back to the Fleet?" Sabine asks her.

She just smiles at them "How about we follow the Purgil." she answers and Mako smiles "I can get behind that." she giggles. "Me too." Leo agrees with her, Leto chirps at them all. Then Hera positions the Ghost and jumps into hyperspace, following after the Purgil.


Author's Note

In the next Chapter, Mako will meet her father after 8 years, but I need your help, I don't know dow to detail the reunion and I also need help with reuniting Mako with her mother as well, what chapter should it be in? how should it go down?

I would like your thoughts and idea down in the comments below and I will also put down a time-limit to it, started today, July 25th to the 1st of August to give you time to think it over. please oh please tell me what you think.

See ya guys in the next chapter!