Chapter 1 & 2: The Siege of Lothal

The Ghost crew spins through space with phoenix squad two broke off, they entered a battlefield. Hera was in the cockpit with Chopper who was in the back and Leto who was on top of Hera's head. "Making for the frater now, keep the Ties off out backs." Hera said over the comms, "Squad formation, phoenix 2. we'll cut across their access." Phoenix 1 informs her and blasted at the Ties that were still dock. "Good shot Phoenix 1, save some for the rest of us." Ezra jokes and he fires at a Tie and misses, but then it was hit by another blaster, "Are you even trying to hit them?" Mako teases him, (Due to the fact she lost her scurry on Tarkin's star destroyer, she kept her hair down. And the other fact she has no other clothing, she with her usual clothing.)

"Phoenix to Ghost we cleared a path for you," Phoenix said over the comms, Hera looks and saw the opening. "Phew, kinda nice having Phoenix squadron watching out backs, "We always did alright on our own," Kadan states as he fires at the Ties. "True, but I prefer flying with our new friends then flying solo," Hera informs him as both Leto and Chopper jumps at the incoming Tie and saw that Hera wasn't paying attention. "Oh, you were solo?" he teases her, then both Chopper and Leto shriek, covering their eyes, Hera notices the Tie as well and she spins away from it, missing it.


Zeb stumbles as he tries to keep his balance, "I wouldn't mind getting my feet back on solid ground for a while." Zeb complains as he slowly stumbles out of the gunner room, "Come on Zeb, where's your sense of adventure?" Ezra asks him and Zeb fell over the ramp and he hit the floor with a thud. "Ezra, what that Zeb I just heard?" Mako asks him as she fires at the Ties, "Yep, right into the cargo hold." he answers, "Where's his sense of adventure?" she questions and Ezra smirks. "I know right, no sense at all," he mutters.

Chopper uncovers his eyes as Leto peeks out and saw that they were safe, "Phantom, I'm moving into position!" Hera said over the comm to the Phantom that was piloted by Sabine. Leo was leaning next to the chair. "Copy specter 2, we're on our mark." Sabine answers and dive in. she headed for the front cruiser, "And firing now." she states and fires at the magnet on the cruiser, making the cargo drop and float away. "And boom goes the dynamite," Leo said with a fist pump. "And Cargo is liberated. Spectre 2, you are clear for pick up." Sabine informs her over the comms.

Then Hera dives for it, Chopper shrieks as he rolls to the side and Leto held onto Hera's goggles with his mouth as she spins for the cargo. Then Mako sense more incoming. "Hera Look out!" she shouts over the comms as Star destroyers drop out of hyperspace. She looks over and saw them fire at her, "Imperial Reinforcements have arrived." Hera warns everyone as she started to spin the other way, making Chopper roll the other way and Leto held on tighter. Ezra sees them too, "Aw, Karabass." he mutters and Mako at the reinforcements. "We need to wrap this up and fast," she warns them.

Hera flew away from the Star destroyer and two Tie-fighters chases after them, "Whew, got real crowded all of a sudden." Ezra states and Mako scoffs. "That's an understatement," she said and fires at the Ties.

Sabine looks over and saw that Phoenix 1 was chased by Ties as well, "Need a little help, they're all over me." he calls out, "We're coming." Leo answers him, "Got ya covered Phoenix 1." Sabine answers as well, then flew in and blasted at the Tie. But then Star destroyer fires at the Rebel home ship, damaging the shields and makes everyone stagger. "We're losing our deflector shields. Ghost, we must withdrawal." the commander informs them. "Acknowledge Commander Sato, but first we're getting what we came for," Hera informs him, Leto lets go of Hera's goggles and looks down at the panel over Hera. "Zeb, be ready to pull those containers aboard," Hera said over the comm.

Zeb represses a button and then out came the magnet control. "Almost in range," Zeb informs them as he was ready. Ties fire at them, "Um… any time Zeb." Ezra asks him, "Come on, come on." Zeb mutters and they were fired at, "Now would be a good time." Mako informs him and they were locked on the cargo. "Yes!" he said with glee and locks them in the beam. "Gotcha!" he states and they were now attached to Ghost, making Hera smile.

"Ghost to Phoenix squadron, mission accomplish," Hera informs him and Leto chirps with glee. Kadan looks over and watches as the Rebel jump into hyperspace, and he fires at a few more Ties. "Spectre 5 and 6, bring it in." Kadan tells the two and Sabine flew into the back of the Ghost, "We're in the pocket, 5 by 1." Sabine answers as the Phantom was locked in. "She's home." Ezra states and Mako giggles. Hera flew around the star destroyer as Tie chase them and The Ghost jumps into hyperspace.


Back at the capital of Lothal, the agent and the Minister were in a room, discussing the reformation of everything on Lothal. The Minister stood up as the agent was pacing back and forth. "Agent Kallus, I've exhausted every resource to find information about the rebels, but there is nothing to be found. What more does Governor Tarkin expect?" she questions him. Kallus stops pacing and turns to her. "He expects Lothal to be punished, Minister Tua. He's own star destroyer was demolished by these Rebels, he takes that somewhat… personally." Kallus informs her.

Maketh sighs, "I've double patrols, set up checkpoints establish curfews. I honestly don't know what else to do." she states as she sat back down. "Perhaps that is the problem." Lord Vader states and a shiver of fear ran down Maketh's back and she looks at him as he stood in the doorway.

Kallus was standing to the side as he looks at Maketh, "You lack imagination, Minster when it come to producing results." he states and walks into the room and in front of her, "Lord Vader, with all do respect you and governor Tarkin are asking for miracles, if the Rebels have left Lothal, then they-" she starts, "Then the rebels have left, we must draw them back and if they are here, we must draw out. We will squeeze Lothal until someone reveals the whereabouts of these traitors." he informs her, his breathing fill the room.

"I'm sorry, my lord. I am merely a public official, I have no experience with such brutal tactic." she informs him, "You can explain that to governor Tarkin when you visit him." he informs her then turns as he went to leave the room, his cape glides after him. "Visit him?" Maketh asks him. "He excepts you tomorrow to account for your failure." Vader rephrases for her, "But, I'm needed here. I-I-I couldn't possibly get away." she tries to talk her way out of it as Kallus follows Vader, but stops in the doorway and turns to her. "Not to worry Minister, Lord Vader and I will manage in your absence," he informs her and closes the door.

Maketh was now frighten as she sat back down and buries her face in her hands and she thought back to the other two Imperials that the Inquisitor had killed for their failures.


Back at the Rebel ships that were hiding, the Ghost had docked with the mothership and the crew was in the commander room with the commander. "You and your crew have proven invaluable to our fleet Captain Syndulla. A few required in your attacks help keep us one step ahead of Imperial patrols." Sato informs them as they were catered at the comm table, but Kadan was sitting away from them as Mako was next o him.

"Thank you commander Sato, I'm just sorry our intel about field generators being on that shipment was wrong," Hera informs him, as Kadan looks away. Mako looks at him, "Perhaps with you next attack Hera." Ashoka informs her and Chopper ran into the room as he was chirping with information and Leto on top of his head. "What Is the meaning of this?" Sato questions them and Hera shrugs her shoulders. "Incoming transmission." Kadan answers and they look at him, "Who from Chop? Nah, who don't you just play it." Kadan tells him and looks away. Hera glares at him as he pouts at her the laid his head on Mako's shoulder and she giggles at his childish behavior. Then Hera turns back to Chopper. "Chop, cloak us with a one way, transmission?" Hera asks him, he did so and appears the bartender from the cantina they always visited. "Hey, it's old Joe." Ezra states and everyone looks at him, "I can't see you but I hear you. Time is short, my friends and there's someone here desperate to talk with you. I told her I couldn't find her, but she wouldn't take no for an answer, she says she needs your help." Joe informs them.

Kadan was standing next to Ashoka and Hera as Mako was next to Ezra. "We're always ready to help someone in need." Kadan informs him, "Yeah well this one different." Joe warns them as he walks out of the way and out steps the Minster herself. But Mako saw that she was nervous and afraid. "Minster Tua?!" Hera questions, "Why is she calling us?" Leo questions as well. "We can't trust her. She an Imperial." Zeb throws in as well. "Please, I beg you! Listen to my request." she begs of them, "End transmission now Chop." Kadan orders. "Hang on Kadan, I want to hear what she has to say," Mako spoke up and they look at her as looks back at the Minister. "What do you want?" Mako asks her, "My life is in danger, I need you get me safe passage off Lothal." she asks of them, but Zeb rolls his eyes. "We're not really considering this." he mutters, "Karabass I hope we aren't." Leo agrees with him. "Quiet!" Hera orders the two.

"I assure you my intentions are sincere. To prove it, I will trade secret Imperial information," she informs them and the Ghost crew all look at her. "You're defecting from the Empire?" Sabine asks her and Maketh hung her head. "Yes. I am," she answers, the four Jedi looks at her. "She's telling the truth. I can sense her fear." Ezra states and he looks at Kadan, "Yeah, but what?" he questions as Ashoka looks at Maketh and Mako stiffens in her skin from feeling the same fear in the minister as she once felt long ago. "So what of you go to trade?" Hera questions her, "A list. Of rebel sympathizers on Lothal and other nearby systems." Maketh answers her.

Then commander Sato looks at her, "How come these sympathizers have not been arrest yet?" he asks her, "Some have powerful friends in the Senate, Imperial command watches them and can do nothing. I know you need allies, get me off Lothal and I will give you the list." she offers them and Hera thinks to herself.

Then she looks at the Commander and shrugs at him, Kadan then sighs. "We shouldn't even consider this." he states, "It's obviously a trap." Sabine throws him, "She want to lure us out, so the Empire can finish us off." Leo throws out. "There's something else, I have discovered the true reason why the Empire came to Lothal," Maketh informs them, Hera crosses her arms. "We already know that one. The Empire has a factory, stripping the planet's resources to fuel it." Hera informs her. "No, there is another reason, known to only a few and ordered by the Emperor himself," she tells them and they look at each other then started to speak to themselves on what to do.

Mako tunes everything out and closes her eyes, -Mako, we have to protect those who can't protect themselves.- she heard her father speak, -Especially if they're in trouble with the Empire.- she heard her mother tell her and she opens her eyes and kneels in front of the holo-message of the Minster. "Minister, I know who you fear and why you fear him," she tells her, making Maketh stiffen in fright. "Send me your coordinates on where we should meet and if the others don't approve, I will come and save you," Mako informs her and Tau brighten at her words. "Thank you. Oh, thank you." Maketh tells her and everyone looks at them, "I'll see you soon, Minister." Mako tells her and holo close out as the Minster started to send the coordinates.

She then stood up, "Mako, what are you doing?" Leo questions her and she looks at him, her silver eyes full of determination, "I'm going to save a person's life. Approve, don't approve it, it doesn't matter to me, I'll go alone if I have to. But I'm going, no matter what you all say and no one better stop me." she tells them, making everyone expect Ashoka freeze from her glare. She then turns and walks to the door. "Wait, I won't let you do this," Ezra calls out and Mako stops and looks at him. "Not alone." he states and she turns to him as he ran up to her, "Besides we're a team right?" he asks her. She smiles at him as Leto and Chopper join them all well, "Yeah, we're a team." she tells him, then Leo exhales and walks up to them. "I would hate myself if I let you two go and mess it all up, so I'll go too," he tells them and Mako nods at him. Zeb groans and he walks up to them. "Alright, alright. You got me," he tells her and ruffles her head. Kadan was surprised that Leo, Chopper, and Zeb agreed to go with Mako. "Mako is right, we have to do this." Ashoka agrees with her and the Commander sighs. "If it will help benefit the Alliance, I approve of this mission." Sato agrees as well.

Hera nods at him and looks at Mako as Sabine joins them as well, "I believe it will." Hera states as they then headed out the door. Kadan sighs and walks out the door, then Hera followed him, "Hey, what's with you? Do you have any idea how inappropriate that was?" she questions him and he turns to her, "Actually, no I don't." he throws at her as a rebel walks pass them and he went to leave, up she turns him back to her. "You can't just tell Chopper to project a hologram in a secret debriefing without authorization!" she snaps at him. But then he pushes her hand away, "Authorization! Processor, that's what's bothering me!" Kadan snaps back to her and she held up her hands. "Alright. Talk to me," she asks in a gentle tone and he watches a rebel walk pass them. "After this mission is over, I want us to go back on our own. Fighting alongside soldiers isn't what I sign up for," he tells her.

She then grips his shoulders and shoves him to a doorway and pushes him against the frame. "You seem to be forgetting these soldiers help save your life." she reminds him and he looks away from her. "I know and I'm grateful. But that doesn't mean I want to join their little army. When you and I started together, it was rob from the Empire and give to the needy, a noble cause. And now, we're getting drawn into some kind of military thing. I don't like it." he tells her and looks away. "We are fighting a bigger fight, but it's still the right fight." Hera informs him, "I survived one war. I'm not ready for another one." he tells her and turns away, but she grips his arm. "I saw what it did," he states. "To the Jedi." Hera agrees and he looks at her, "To everyone." he corrects her, then turns out of the room and left. Hera sighs and followed him. Then as they were gone, out steps Mako and Ezra as they heard everything.


Maketh steps out of her office as she saw that the hallways were clear. Then step walks down it but Agent Kallus steps out with a camera drop and orders it to follow her.

It did so and Kallus was not too far behind as his plan was sent in motion.


The Ghost crew were now boarded onto a shuttle, and Chopper chirps at them, "So we're not taking the Ghost and we're letting Chopper drive?" Sabine questions as Leo and Zeb followed onto the shuttle. "After our stunt on Mustafar, there will a good chance the Empire will be able to track it." Hera reminds her as Zeb sit down and Leo sat next to him.

"Great mission so far." Zen whines, "Tell me about it." Leo agrees, "Don't complain." Mako tells the two and the looks at her. Chopper grumbles at them and then took the controls and flew the shuttle out from the mother ship. Then jumps into hyperspace.

Kadan twirls his blaster then stops and looks at Mako, "So, what's the plan?" he asks her, "Alright, Minster Tau is scheduled to meet Tarkin tomorrow. She leaves Lothal in a shuttle around 1800, so we wait at the hanger, steal the shuttle from the bucket heads and take her back to safety." Mako informs them of her plan. "Mako, I hope you're sure about this." Sabine states and she looks at her, "Of course I'm sure." Mako tells her. "After all the trouble she's made for us, why should we help her?" Zeb questions as he crosses his arms and leans back. "She never did one nice thing for us, why should we even go and save her?" Leo questions as well as he leans against the seat in front of him. Mako looks at him.

"Because isn't that what we do? Help those who can't help themselves? Especially if they're in trouble with the Empire?" Mako reminds them and Hera smiles at her. "Plus her list will help us out," Ezra informs them, Mako looks at him with a smirk and an arch eyebrow as Leo looks away, feeling his face turn red.


The shuttle drops out of hyperspace as they were now closing in on Lothal. Chopper chirps at Leto watch him from on top of his head. "Shuttle 953, this Lothal control, you are clear to land." the CO informs them.

Ezra then notices something, "I didn't think I miss it, but I…" he states and Kadan looks at him. "What is it?" he asks him and Ezra looks at him. "Do you feel that I feel so cold." Ezra answers and Kadan looks at the planet. -He's here. I can't believe it. He's really here.- Mako tells herself as she grips her arms and shivers.


The shuttle then flew for the capital and it lands in one of the docking bays. Once it touches the ground. The door opens and the crew walks out of the shuttle. Ezra looks up at the sky, "I've never seen so many star destroyers here. It's gotten worse." he states as Mako shuts out the feeling that was frightening her. "Alright, Zeb, Chopper, Leo. Stay with the shuttle in case we need a quick exit." Hera informs them and Chopper grumbles at him.

"Tau is leaving for bay 23. Let's go," he tells the others and they walk off. Leaving the three plus Leto to guard the shuttle.


The rebels peek out at the guarded entrance, "Huh, we need a distraction." Hera informs them. And Kadan eyes one of the trooper's that just his size. They all walk back into the alley. "Well, I'm gonna go make a few friends." Kadan states and they looks at him, "When Tau arrives, I'll keep them busy, while you three drop into the hanger from above." he informs them and Hera eyes him. "Make a few friends?" she quotes him arching her eyebrow at him, he crosses his arms, "It'll be fun," he tells her.

"Fun?" she quotes him again and he places his hands on her shoulders, "Don't worry General Hera. Just be ready to move." he informs her and walks out of the alley and up to the trooper. The three peek out and watches him. They watch him talk to the trooper, but then knocks him out and drags him into the alley up ahead, each one was stun in disbelief as they couldn't believe their own eyes. But then Kadan walks out and places the helmet on his head, he salutes them and walks off. "Kadan's gone bucket head." Sabine states and Mako sigh. "It's official, he had lost his mind," she states and Hera crosses her arms. "I don't believe it," she mutters. "I'm kinda jealous, I only have the helmet," Ezra mutters as they then jump up to the roof.

Kadan adjusts to the armor and walks out of the alley, then looks up as he saw that they were in places. "Here she comes." Mako informs everyone as they stayed hidden, she watches the speeder arrive, "Wait, she's not alone." she calls out and Hera looks at her, "What do you mean, she's not alone?" Hera asks her and Mako use the binoculars as Hera and Ezra make their way over to her. She then lets out an annoyance sigh, "And here I thought this mission was going to be smooth." she states and handed Ezra the binoculars and looks through them as well, "Oh fantastic, Agent Kallus." Ezra complains as he pulls the binoculars away.

The speeder came to a stop and the trooper stood ready, the two step out of the speeder, "Thank you agent Kallus, there- there was no need for an escort." she informs him. Lord Vader ask me to make sure you reach your shuttle safely." he informs her, she nods at him, "I see." she mutters at him and walks into the docking bay, "We can't be too careful about security these days." Kallus states as Mako catches on that Kallus was up to something. Kadan looks up at Sabine, who was ready "Yes I suppose so." Maketh agrees with him as Sabine jumps down. "Hey!" she calls out, getting the troopers' attention and she fires at them and they fire back. "Minister, take cover!" Kallus orders her and she did so.

As the troopers were outside the bay, Kadan presses a button and the doors close and he turns to Kallus. "Surprise." Kadan said and he blasts the door, "Rebels." Kallus growls and he fires at Kadan who dodges him and hid behind a crate. Then, Mako, Ezra, and Hera jump down and hid behind crates, but Kallus saw them and jumps out at them and fires, but they ran for more cover and were now with the Minister. Then Mako grips her arms and Maketh looks at her. "Tau, get to the Shuttle, we're right behind you!" Mako informs her. She nods at the Jedi, "Right!" she agrees.

Back outside Sabine jumps into the speeder and fired at the troopers, but then more ran to her from behind, she then pulls the speeder up into the air and they fired at it and then she jumps onto the roof as it crashes down and saw the minister run onto the shuttle, but then a feeling of danger picks at Mako, then realization hits her, and she ran after the Minister, "Wait, Minister, it's a trap!" she calls out as the other followed her, but it was too late, the shuttle blows up and send the four of them flying back, hitting the floor and Kadan sat up as Mako rolls on her side as they look at the Shuttle. "Minister Tau," Ezra mutters. "You did this!" Kallus shouts as he fires at them and the camera droid gets an image of them.

They quickly scramble to their feet and ran for cover as the doors open and the troopers ran into the bay, firing at the fleeing Rebels. "Zeb, we need a pick up now!" Sabine said over the comms. "Copy, we're on our way," Zeb answers her. The four hid behind crates as the troopers fired at them, Mako froze and looks up at the ledge as she felt that same presence, it sends shivers down her spine. But then the shuttle was in her view and the rest look up at the shuttle as Zeb was standing in the doorway. "Come on!" he shouts at them and fired at the troopers. They then touchdown and the four ran for the shuttle and were now inside, Chopper and Leto chirps at them as he brought the shuttle up as the trooper fired at them. Then Sabine jumps onto the ramp and gets in, the door closes and takes off, Kallus smirks to himself. But as the rebel tried to leave a walker fires at them, damaging their engine and they were send crashing down. Civilians moved out of the way in time as the damaged shuttle came to a stop. Sabine and Leo stood up as everyone was alright, "Come on! Come on, get up, get up! We're moving!" she orders them then ran to the door and opens it.

Then they all ran out of the shuttle and down the alley, but Mako stops and looks at the shuttle. Ezra stops and looks at her. "Mako comes on, we have to move," Ezra tells her and they both ran.


The Darth Lord looks out the window as Kallus was on the comm. "Everything has happened as you predicted, Lord Vader." he tells him, "Now inform the populous. The Rebel assassins hid in their midst." Vader orders him as he turns to the holo.

"Lock down the spaceport and make it known, if any ship attending to leave, will be destroyed," Vader informs him, Kallus bows to him. "As you wish." he obeys and ended the holo.


Ties scan the city for the rebels, but down below Chopper rolls to the abandoned house, he was inside and then closes the doors behind him, then looks down into the room as everyone was gathered down below. Mako sat on the table below with her forehead press against her knee as everyone else was gathered at the broadcaster and pulls up the latest news. "Our beloved citizens of Lothal. Minister Tau's live was cut short by this band of rebels. If you see them, summon Imperial authorities immediately. Trooper core has been immobilized an extensive search-" the reporter starts but Hera turns it off.

She then turns to the others, "They did this to turn Lothal against us. We can't do any more here, we have to leave for good." she informs them, "We can't just run, the people have to know the truth." Ezra states and everyone looks at each other. "I don't think the Empire is giving us much choice." Sabine informs him as she stood up, "Besides, I'm worried." Leo mutters and looks over his shoulder at Mako, everyone else looks at her as well.

"She taking it hard." Kadan states and everyone looks away, but then Mako rose her head as she held no expression on her face. "Mako?" Ezra asks her, everyone looks at her and she looks her eyes on them. "They're here," she spoke.

Chopper and Leto turn to the door as it was been forced open and there stood storm troopers, blasters aim at them. Chopper chips as Leto growl at them and Chopper stuns the man, making him fall back, "What the…" the captain states and Chopper closes the doors. Then fusing it back together and he rolls back as Zeb pokes his head out, he groans as Ezra pops his head up as well. "We're in trouble!" he states and Chopper grumbles as Leto chirps at him.

Back outside the trooper helps the wounded one as another kneels in front of the door, "They resealed the doors." he informs him, "Blast them open." the captain opens and the trooper places a detonator on the door, then they were blown off it's hinges and the troopers storm in and started blast away. "Hold your fire. Hold your fire!" the captain orders and they did so. They then look around and then saw the entrance into the hidden room, the captain moves the door out of the way and then drops a detonator into room and they all ran out, blowing up Ezra's home.

As a walker walks past the building, Chopper poses as a roof object and once the walker was gone, he grumbles to himself as he then went around the corner of the roof and the others were leaning against the wall on top of the roof as Ezra looks at the others. "If they know about this hideout, then they know about our others." he states and Hera looks at him, "There's no more hiding, we need a ship. Maybe we can try one of the local Imperial airfields." she states and Sabine pulls up a map of the city as Leto chirps on Leo's shoulder and Leo places his hand on Leto's head. "They're locked down. Besides we'll ever get out of the capital." Sabine informs Hera. "The Empire is looking everywhere for us." Zeb states, but Kadan shook his head. "Not everywhere." Kadan states and points at the tall tower. "The Imperial complex?" Mako asks him as she snaps out of her funk.

"Are you crazy?" Hera questions him, he looks at her, "Does anyone ever say yes to that question?" he asks her and Sabine nods a little. "Hm… he's right. Deploying troops to block every city exit leaves the garrison thin. It may sound crazy but the area with the least troops will be… here. Near the factories, there are landing platforms outside these hangers they're our best chance if we're going to find a shuttle." Sabine informs him. "And I guess I'm already dressed the part." Kadan states and they walks across the wire as Chopper flew over them. But Ezra stops and looks down at his home in flames. "I guess there really is no going back," he states and then Mako held out her hand to him and he looks at her. "No there isn't, just moving forward," she tells him, he nods and took her hand as she helps him across and he places on his helmet.


At the factory, a trooper and a cadet were walking into the factory with a lift of three crates, "What's this?" a trooper states, stopping them. "Power cells that are in need of charging in the rebel pursuit." the other trooper answers him and they started to walk again, but the trooper stops them again.

"Hold on cadet, we have to check inside." the trooper informs him and turns to the crates. "I got this." the cadet states as the other trooper tries to stop him. But he stood in front of the trooper and held his hand out. "No, you don't have to check inside." the cadet informs him, but the trooper pushes him back. "Did you just try to give me an order cadet?" he questions and the trooper stood in between them. "No, he just said. You don't have to check inside." the trooper tells him waving his hand. "I don't have to check inside." the trooper agrees with him, "Well then as you were trooper. Cadet lets move, hurried it up." he orders and the two walk inside. "I wish that work for me." Ezra whines and Kadan looks at him, "I wish that work on you." Kadan complains.

They walk through the halls and into the equipment room. Once it was inside, Kadan and Ezra took one crate off and places it on the ground. Then Hera and Sabine pop out of one crate as Mako and a blushing Leo and Leto pops out of the other. "I thought I was going to die in there," Leo mutters to himself leaning over the crate as Leto was on Mako's shoulder and tilts his head at him. Then Zeb pops out of the other with a shout then started to pant. "Zeb, will you be quiet?" Hera asks him and he turns to her. "What, I need to breath. Have you smell me?" he questions her as Leo pulls himself out as well. Sabine looks out the room and then turns back to them. "Huh, it doesn't matter if you're noisy. There's nobody around, this was a good plan." Sabine states as Kadan pulls off his helmet.

"Of course it was a good plan, we came up with it." Kadan tells her, "This way." Ezra states as they went to leave. "Aren't we forgetting something?" Mako questions them as Chopper was grumbling at them. "Can't somebody please get Chopper?" Hera asks them and Zeb sighs.


Two trooper was through the halls, "Do you think we'll find them this time?" one asks as the make a turn. "We better," he states and they bump into Zeb and look up at him. "Hehe, found me," he said and smashes their head together and they collapse onto the ground.

Then they rebels ran through the halls, leaving the two. Then rebels then came to the door the hanger, Chopper picks the lock and the door open they ran through the hanger and sneak their way through and Kadan stops them, Leto peeks out from Leo's hood. "See there's a shuttle, what I tell ya?" he said to them. "You did well." Hera tells him and they then ran across the way, but Sabine stops and ran to equipment and kneels down in front of it, "Hera, over here!" Sabine calls out and Hera ran back to her looks at the equipment. "Shield generators." she states, "Military grade," Sabine informs her then turns the less gravity on and pushes it to the shuttle. Hera did the same, "Zeb, Ezra, Leo. Grab what we can. These might help turn this day around, the fleet can sure use them." Hera informs them and ran to the shuttle. Then the three can to generators, turns on the less gravity and pushes them to the shuttle.

Kadan and Mako watch then run and they soon followed. But as they were at the shuttle, Mako stops as she felt that feeling again, so did Kadan and Ezra. The young Bridger turns to Kadan, "Do you feel that?" he asks him as Mako started to tremble. And Kadan turns to the big open door, "The cold." he answers and Vader's breathing filled the hanger as he ignites his saber and steps forward. "Mako~" he calls and everyone looks at her asks she slowly turns and looks at him, fear-ridden her wide eyes, "It's been a long time," he tells her as troops appeared from behind him. The rebels look at him as the trooper ran to the side. Then the three ignite their blue sabers.

"Hera, go! We'll cover you!" Kadan calls out to her, "Kadan look out!" she warns him and he blocks the attack, but Vader forces the saber down more. Kadan struggles with the strength of Vader as the troopers fires at the other rebels. Zeb, Sabine, and Leo took over and fired back at the troopers as Hera and Chopper loaded the generators.

Then Vader lets go and forces pushes them back, making Ezra fly and both Mako and Kadan to slide back, then Kadan came at him, does a thrust, but Vader grips his hands and raises him up in the air, gripping his wrists tightly that Kadan lets go of his saber, it hits the floor and Vader throws him at then crates, knocking him out. Mako had lost her fear and then charges at the Darth Lord, but he blocks her attack. Mako looks up into his black mask and glares at him. "Such skill and courage, just like your father, little warrior." he taunts her, she looks at him in shock. How did he know the nickname her father gave her. Vader took his chance as he caught her off guard, then he slashes at her, making her scream in pain as he cuts her close to her right eye, then a horizontal cut on the side of her belly close to her right side and another across her right hip. She gasps in pain, places on hand above her eye, closing it then the other across her belly as she grips her hip. He then force pushes, she flies back and hits her left side and slide and stops as she lays there, holding her wounds and whimpers in pain. "Mako!" the rebels cries out to her. Ezra glares at Vader and charges. But Vader force pushes him and throws him into a walker's leg.

"Your Master has deceived you in believing you can become a Jedi." Vader states as Mako sat up her hand away from her wound above her eye as she kept it close. She then gasps as she saw that Vader was forcing Ezra's own saber close to his throat. "No, Ezra!" Mako calls out as she crawls. "Stop! Stop it, leave him alone!" she cries out as her heart started to pound. Hera, Chopper, Leo, Sabine, Zeb and Leto were being fired at by troopers, Kadan was passed out and Ezra was going to die. Then something inside her snaps. "I SAID LEAVE HIM ALONE!" she cries out as a bright light burst out of nowhere, getting everyone's attention then a strong wave knocks the troopers off their balance and makes Vader slide back, dropping Ezra.

Ezra looks over at Mako as she was hovering an inch above the ground, a visible light aura was swirling around her body as her red hair was now turn to pure white as her silver eyes were also pure white, her face was calm and collect then thrust her hand to the side, making Vader forcefully thrown to the side as Kadan started to come to and she then looks over her side and then thrust her hand back. The trooper turn to her and fired, but she raises her hand up and stops the blast in mid-air, then waves making the blast to evaporated in thin air, then held her hand out to them and their blasters started to shake and they fell apart, bolt by screw. Then she raises her hand up making troopers raise up into the place. The rebels at the shuttle were frightened and surprise as Mako then raise her hand up and then thrust it forward, making the troopers fly and land on top of Vader, pinning him down. Then Kadan sat up as he groans, but then turns and gasp as he saw that Mako was different.

"Mako?" he calls out, then as if he said a trigger word, Mako's hair and eyes revert back to normal as the aura was gone and she drops back onto the ground on her left side, her eyes close and she laid there. "Mako!" Kadan, Leo, and Ezra cry out and they ran to her. "Mako," Kadan said with concern as she laid there. "What happened? How did she do that?" Ezra asks him Kadan shrugs at him, "I don't know." he answers and looks at her wounds. "We have to get her back to the fleet for medical treatment," Leo informs them as Leto chips worryingly for her. Kadan nods, "I couldn't agree more." he agrees and Ezra nods. Leo pulls her into his arms and he looks behind the two Jedi. "Kadan!" he calls out, then the two ignite their sabers, and blocks Vader's attack together. "Leo, get Mako back to the shuttle!" he orders, Leo nods at him. "Right!" he answers then stood up and ran for the shuttle as Mako was in his arms.

"You won't have her!" Kadan snap and both Ezra and Kadan pushes him back, then they charge at him. The trooper then started to fire at Leo, but suddenly an invisible force field surrounded him and the blasts defected off the shield as he ran past the crates, "What happened to Mako?" Sabine questions as Leo stops and looks at her. "I don't know." he answers her, then ran inside and set her down, "Get ready to fly us out of here!" Hera informs Chopper, who grumbles at her and powers up the ship. Then Hera ran over and kneels down in front Leo and a pass out Mako. Leo looks at her, "We need fast Hera, she needs medical attention." he informs her and she nods at him, then joins the others outside the shuttle.

Zeb and Sabine fired at the troopers as Kadan and Ezra dueled the Darth lord, who clearly had the upper hand. Sabine then dive back and took out a detonator, "You know what I do in hopeless situations?" she asks Zeb as she places one in his hand. "Yeah. Blow stuff up!" he answers with a laugh. Kadan was square off against Vader, who was struggling a little. "Aim for the walkers," Sabine informs Zeb as they stood up and throws the detonators at the legs where the troopers were, but they saw the detonators and ran from the walkers. The Jedi and the Sith continue to block each other's attacks, but Vader got the better of him and slash at Kadan's arm. He cries out, but thankfully his armor was there to protect him, but not from the pain. He grips his arm as he was on a knee, but thank the gods for miracles, the walker legs then blew up, giving the Jedi an opportunity. "Now!" Kadan calls out as he stands on his feet and both he and Ezra force push Vader back. Making him fly back and land on his back. Vader turns himself onto his side and then looks up as the walkers that were going to fall, he held his hand out and the walkers collapse onto him. Ezra and Kadan exhale and they both turn and walk to the shuttle, but they stop as the heard metal creak very loudly and they all look over and saw that Vader was still in once piece as he rode the walkers that were now in flames above him.

"If that won't kill him, what will?" Ezra questions, "Not us! Run!" Kadan tells him and they make their way to the shuttle. Vader raises the burning walkers even higher and drops then behind him. Sabine and Zeb ran onto the shuttle as Leo held Mako in his arms. "Go, Chop!" Hera orders, "Come on, come on!" Sabine said to the two. They ran to the shuttle as he started to lift off the ground. Then Sabine pulls out her blaster and fires at Vader as he walks after the two. But Vader deflect her blasts right back at her, one in the armor chest and the other in the helmet making her fall back, but the two jumps onto the ramp, then it closes and it takes off. Vader watches them leave as a trooper ran up to them, "My lord, I will mobilize out fighters to pursue." he offers to Lord Vader. "That is unnecessary. The rebels will not leave the planet yet." Vader informs him and walks off.

The shuttle took off away from the capital as the rebels were now sitting down, Hera attends to Sabine as she was recovering from the shock. "Zeb. Make sure they can't track us." Hera orders him, "Consider it done." he tells her and walks off as Sabine removes her helmet. "You alright?" Hera asks her, she sighs "Yeah, I'll live." she answers him as the two Jedi were panting as Leo held Mako in his arms. "Kadan… what was that, another Inquisitor?" Ezra asks him. "Uh, no… something… worse." Kadan answers as he forward. "What?" Ezra asks him, Kadan looks at him. "A Sith Lord. The ancient enemy of the Jedi." Kadan answers him again. "H-H-How do we fight him?" Ezra asks him and Kadan was taken back by those worse. "Fight him? Ezra, we were lucky enough to survive." Kadan informs him and Hera looks at the two.

"Then that settle it." she states as she and Sabine stood up, "I'm going to make for orbit so we can jump away." Hera starts, then Mako started to groan, "Hey, she's waking up." Leo calls out and they look at him, Mako flutters her eyes open as she took in her surroundings. "What… happened?" she mutters and everyone looks at each other, "Don't you remember?" Ezra asks her, Mako pulls her hand to her forehead and shook it, "No nothing. It's all blank." she answers him, then hiss at her wound. "Ahh… but I do remember these." she mutters and lightly touches it, but Leo took her hand, "Don't touch it. Once we get you back to the fleet, you'll get properly treated." he informs her, she groans as she was in pain, "We need some bandages to stop the bleeding." he tells them. And idea pops in Leto's mind and he shuffles into Mako's satchel and pulls out a roll of bandage.

"Hey, good thinking, buddy," Leo states and took it from him. Then he sat Mako on the chair, making her hiss in pain. "Anyway, what's been everyone discussing while I was out?" she asks them as Leo attends to her wounds, "Well, I was planning on making a jump once we are out of orbit." Hera tells her and Mako look at her as if she was insane, "What? Hera no!" Mako protested as she went to stand, but her body shot with pain, making her hiss and then stop. "Mako, don't move," Leo tells her and she sits back down. "Mako's right Hera, he will have a blockade of destroyers waiting for us." Kadan agrees with his padawan. Hera turns and looks at him, "And this shuttle is slow, with barely any weapons or shields, we're going to have to smuggle ourselves off Lothal for a change." Sabine states and climbs up to the top.

Then a light bulb went off "Hm, that's not a bad idea." Hera states and the three Jedi look at her, "What are you thinking?" Kadan asks as Leo was done bandaging Mako's waist and started on her left eye. Hera looks at Kadan, "I'm thinking we know the right man to smuggle us off world." she answers him and followed after Sabine, then the notice went off on all the four's faces. "Not him." they all said.


Back at the capital, Vader was looking out of his window in his office as Kallus enters the room. "My Lord, our scans have uneducated that the stolen shuttle has not attempted to leave the system," Kallus informs him.

Vader looks over his shoulder at him, then back out the window, "Fear has driven them to ground. There is a refugee camp, the rebels have provided aid to in the past." Vader informs him and Kallus knew of what town he was talking about, "Yes, Tarkin Town they call it. You suspect the rebels are in hiding there?" Kallus asks him, Vader looks over his shoulder at him, "No. but I want you to burn it, the compassion of the rebels is a weakness. One we will exploit." Vader informs him and Kallus nods at him. "Yes my Lord." he agrees with him and then walks out of the office, leaving Vader alone.


The shuttle flew through the clouds as the holo of Lando came up, "Well hello there Captain Syndulla. This is a pleasant surprise. But alas, the lovely Mako isn't with you, maybe next time." he states as he looks at Hera, "What can I do for you?" he asks her, "This isn't a social call, Lando. It's business, we need your help to smuggle something off Lothal." Kadan informs him.

"Pass the Imperial blockade." Hera throws in and they both look at him, "You know if the Empire learns I got involve, it be all over for me. I'd be taking an awful." Lando states and eyes Kadan, the Jedi sighs at him. "Hm, what do you want?" Kadan asks, knowing that Lando wasn't going to anything for free. "What have you got?" Lando asks him, "Imperial Shield generators. Military grade." Hera answers him, "Oh, now that merchandise I can move. How many we talking about?" he asks her. "2." she answers him, but he didn't believe her. "2? you are no gambler Hera. Offering me two means you at least got six, so I'm thinking three is probably fair," he informs her. "Fair? You're talking half," she argues with him. "Those shields won't do you much good if you're dead," he informs her and Kadan butts in.

"Three it is." he answers, Hera and Chopper look at him, "So, do we have a deal?" Kadan asks him and Lando smirks at him. "Well, I'm not on Lothal at the moment my friend, but my droid is. Go to my operation and he'll set you up with everything you need." Lando informs them and the holo ended, Kadan and Hera look at each other.


The next morning came and Hera landed Lando's site where his droid awaited them, the ramp opens the rebels walk down it, Leo held Mako's arm over his shoulders as he helps her walk.

"You must be Lando's droid." Hera states as she, Sabine and Chopper approach the droid, "Yes ma'am, welcome. I have prepared everything according to Calrissian's instructions, is one of you a mechanic?" he asks them. "Oh! That must be me." Sabine answers her and Chopper grumbles at her. "Definitely not you," she informs him and they followed after the droid. "Leo, I can walk on my own, you don't need to baby me." Mako informs her as they stop and she pulls her arm back, he sighs at her, "All right, just let me know if it hurts." he tells her, she nods at him, placing her arm on her hip and he followed after Sabine.

Mako smiles at him, but then stops as she turns and saw smoke in the distance, Ezra stops next to her and he too looks at the smoke rising from the distance. They look at each other and nod, then Ezra helps Mako to a speeder and sat her on the back of it and he sat in front of it, taking the controls and Mako wraps her arms around his waist and held on tight, Zeb and Kadan notice them, "Hey, wait a moment!" Zeb calls out to stop them, but Kadan held his arm out in front of Zeb, stopping him. "Just let them go, Zeb," Kadan tells him and Ezra drove off.


They arrive at the site of the burning town, Ezra slows the speeder down and he steps off it, Mako pulls herself off and walks next to her friend, Ezra then pulls out binoculars and looks at Tarkin Town as it was now in ruins. Kadan arrives on the scene as well as Ezra lowers his binoculars "There's no one, they're all gone." he tells him, "They're prisoners of the Empire now." Kadan tells him and got off his speeder. "All I sense is evil. Who would want to burn Tarkin Town?" Ezra asks as Kadan walks up to him and Mako.

"To spread fear, make us afraid. People that were here just got caught in the middle." Kadan informs him, then Mako looks at him, "And this happened because of us, didn't it?" she asks him and he looks at her. "This a cost now to any action we take Mako. Things are getting worse as it was when I was around your ages, but back then… there were ten thousand Jedi knights protecting the galaxy and now…" he states and Mako looks back at the burnt town. "There's just you, me and Mako." Ezra states, "Against an Empire." Kadan agrees and Mako looks back at him, "We can fight Kadan, we have more allies now." she tells him and then Kadan walks up to her and places his hand on her shoulder. "Do you even heard what you're saying, you saw what we're up against, look what happened to to you and to this town," Kadan tells her.

But she turns away from him and looks at the town, "I'm not afraid… not anymore." she tells him and steps out further, Ezra joins her. "That's what worries me," he mutters as they look over Tarkin Town.


They then return back to the others and Kadan stops in front of the others. "What happened out there?" Hera asks him. He looks at her as Ezra and Mako pulled up, "The Empire burnt Tarkin Town." Kadan answers him as Mako pulls herself off the speeder and the others look at him in shock. "Did anyone survive?" Sabine asks him.

Ezra helps Mako walk up next to Kadan, "The Populations been taken captive." he answers her and Zeb growl as he thrust his fist into his hand. "Then let's go bust them out." he states, then Leo walks up to him, "Right behind ya." he agrees, "Where's my rifle?" Zeb asks, but Kadan steps up to the both of them, stopping them. "No, he's be waiting there," Kadan warns them and Leo looks away. Then Kadan looks at Hera, "You were right, we have to leave, for good." he finally agrees with her, "For the good of Lothal." Hera states. "So what's the plan on getting out of here?" Ezra asks her.

She looks over at her shoulder, "Lando had these old transponders laying around, Sabine's going to tone their signature codes to match the shuttle's." Hera informs him, as Leto bites at Chopper's claw, the droid quickly pulls it back, avoiding Leto's bite and the little guy growls at him, Chopper grumbles at him.

"Sounds like a lousy Lando plan." Kadan said to Zeb and Leo, making them chuckle, "No, it's a Lando's gear and it was my plan. With these transponders beaming out the same signal at the shuttle, we should be able to slip by… unnoticed." Sabine informs them as she leans against one. "Ooh, sounds like a lousy Sabine plan." Zeb whispers back at him, "Better than Lando's." Kadan admits.


The shuttle then took off from the base as Lando's droid watches them leave, Hear flew through the sky, then opens the ramp as Sabine and Zeb walk to it and pushes the transponder out and it floated in the air, giving off the signal, getting the Empire's attention.

Then more were push into different locations, confusing the Empire, Hera then flew the shuttle pass the transponders. "The Empire is taking the bait, their fighters are splitting up." Kadan informs her and she smirks "Alright, let's make our run." Hera states and moves out of orbit, then the emergency light went off. "Looks like they figured it out." Kadan states, but Hera smiles, "It's too late boys." she states and jumps into hyperspace.


Hera climbs down from the cockpit, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but thank you Lando Calrissian." Hears admits and was off the ground, "Well, we can't go back to Lothal now, so where are we going now?" Kadan asks her and she walks over to him, "What are you talking about, we're a part of the rebellion now." she informs him, he looks at her, "Are we? Are we all sure about that?" he asks the others. "Well, I'll admit everything is different and harder now, but it keeps me on my toes," Leo spoke first.

"Maybe we could just grab the Ghost and lay low for a while." Sabine suggests, "I like fighting with Phoenix squadron, reminds me of the honor guard, besides they're counting on us wouldn't be right to abandon them now." Zeb spoke up. "I agree and if it wasn't for the rebellion, we would have been killed in the Mustafar system, we owe them at much." Ezra agrees with Zeb and Hera looks at Mako who was leaning back and holding her wound. "Mako, what do you think?" she asks her, Mako sighs. "I honestly don't know to think, but… I do know we barely survived on Lothal, the security, Kallus framing us for Minster Tau's death, almost getting captured and now a Sith lord. We need to get stronger… become stronger so that one day, we can free Lothal from the Empire." Mako states and looks at Hera. "And until the day come, I'd say we stay with the Rebellion," she answers her, then Kadan nods in agreement.


Kallus stood in the office with Lord Vader, but then the holo went off and Kallus answers it, "My lord, I regret to inform you, the rebels have escape Lothal." the CO informs him and Vader turns to him.

"Have my ship ready." he orders and Kallus bows to him and Vader left the office, "Agent Kallus, I don't understand." the CO asks him, Kallus turns to him. "There's a tracking device aboard that shuttle. Now ready the fleet to deploy." Kallus informs him, the CO bows and Kallus turns off the holo and looks out the window.


The shuttle drops out of hyperspace and flew to the fleet as two of phoenix squad guided them, "Phoenix to home, this is Ghost to A-team. Clearance code 12115." Hera said over the comms.

Then the two look at each other, "Your clearance code checks out, welcome home, Ghost team." Phoenix 1 informs them, "Phoenix 1, we're going to need a medical team to meet us once we dock, one of my crew is wounded badly and requires aid." Hera informs him. "Affirmative Ghost, we'll have one waiting and ready." phoenix 1 informs her and Hera flew into the mother ship.

Once they were dock, the ramp opens and Kadan carries Mako in his arms as a medical team was waiting for them. "You're going to be alright." he assures her and she smiles at him, "You know me Kadan. I'm a tough girl." she mutters at him, making him smile. "I know." he agrees and gently laid her on the stretcher and the medical team took her to the infirmary.


Then they started to head for the war room, but Chopper hurried after them and chirps at them in a panic tone, getting them to look at him, "Chopper said a transmitter activated on our shuttle moments ago." Sabine translates as Hera ran for the war room.

"What does that mean?" Ezra asks her, "It means the Empire has tracked it back to the fleet." Kadan rephrases and then they all ran for the war room. "Commander Sato, we need the fleet to jump out of here, our shuttle was track," Hera warns him as he turns to her.

"Commander, scanning a ship entering our sector." the pilot informs him, Kadan and Hera eye each other as a Tie, similar to the Inquisitor's flew out to the rebel fleet.

Ahsoka, the commander, and the Ghost crew were at the table, "We're tracking one target, no other ships have entered the system. "Move Phoenix to interpret," Sato orders him and Phoenix squad was deployed.

They fired at the ship, but it dodges their blast and fires back, hitting two, "He's coming in too fast." phoenix 3 states. "Raise deflector shields," Hera orders them. "We lost phoenix 1 and 2." phoenix 4 informs her; the Tie fires at one ship and headed for the mothership. "He's heading straight for us." Ezra states, "The enemy ship is making for the command ship!" the pilot warns them and the Tie fires on the ship, damaging it. Making everyone stagger a little and the power to flicker. "How can one ship best our entire squadron?!" Sato questions out loud.

"Your pilots outmatch, Commander!" Hera states and then ran for the door, "What are you doing?" Kadan questions her. She stops and turns to him, "Getting involved!" she answers and was gone. Kadan sighs to himself. "Not without me you're not!" he tells her and he took off after her. "Wait for me!" Leo calls out as he and Leto chase after them, "Let's go. Ezra, come on!" Sabine tells him as she chases after the others. Then Ahsoka walks up to him, "All right of I tag along?" she asks him, he smirks at her. "The more the merrier," he answers her and they both take off after the others.


Phoenix squadron fires on the Tie, but the Tie dodges them and then twist around and fires at them as it flew backward. Getting the both of them, then everyone gathered onto the Ghost. "Everyone check in." Hera orders as they went to their stations. "Tail gun, check." Zeb answers, "Turret gun, check." Sabine answers then Ezra hurried to the last one. "Noe gun, Check, check," he answers.

"Alright kids, do mom and dad proud," she informs them as she started up the Ghost. "Here it comes," Kadan warns her as the Tie flew right at them, and fires at the command ship again, damaging it more. "We lost our shields!" the pilot warns Sato. "Ghost moving to engage," Hera informs Sato and she flew the Ghost after the Tie. "I'm on him!" Sabine answers and fires at the Tie, but misses as he dodges her.

"Who is this guy?" Leo questions as Ahsoka looks away for a moment, the commandership was now heavily damaged. "Sir, the last attack damage the hyperdrive core. We are dead in space." the rebel officer warns Sato.

"Phoenix home to Ghost. We can't take withstand another attack from that fighter!" Sato warns Hera. "Copy that, Phoenix home. Phoenix squadron, from up and focus fire." Hera orders and the last two remaining of phoenix flew with her as they chase the Tie. "The force is strong with him." Ahsoka states, then she looks at the Jedi behind her, "Kadan, let's find out how strong." she tells him, making him look at her. "How can I help?" he asks her. "Just remember your training," she answers him and held out her hand, closing her eyes. Kadan sighs then did the same and place his hand on her shoulder and they both focus.

The Command ship was on fire as the Tie came back in for another bombing, "Enemy ship coming in for attack range." the rebel officer warns Sato. The Ghost flies after him as Ezra fires at the Tie that dodges him, but then he stops as the feeling return. "There's something familiar. I feel… cold." Ezra mutters as he pulls his hands away from the controls and closes to himself.

"I think I know who it is." Ezra said over the comms, "Back on Lothal, I felt something. Kadan and Mako did too, the fear, the anger, the hate. It the Sith Lord we face." Ezra informs them and Ahsoka shot her open as Vader sense her, sensing him. "The apprentice lives," he said and she screams in pain then passes out, Kadan catches her as they both were on the ground. "Ahsoka?" Kadan calls to her, but she was out cold, and a pair of silver eyes were open as they were engulfed in pure white. Then Vader flew right over the command ship. "The enemy ship, broke off its attack, they did it." the rebel officer informs him, "Captain Syndulla. Whatever you are doing, keep going, the fleet can recover." Sato informs Hera over the comma, "No, commander, you need to get the fleet out of here now." Kadan warns him. "I will not abandon our command ship!" Sato argues with him as the Tie now fires on the Ghost and hit phoenix 6. "You don't have a choice, sir. Without a hyperdrive, you must abandon ship." Hera argues as well.

"Sir, we have star destroyers in sector five." the officer informs Sato as four were closing in, "Lord Vader, we have entered the system and await your orders." the CO informs him. "Move your destroyers to block their escape, but hold your fire. I want these rebels alive." Vader orders him and fires at the Ghost. "It's now or never commander," Kadan informs him and Sato sighs in defeat. "I regretfully agree, all hands abandon ship." Sato orders over the comms. "You'll have to keep that ship occupied," he orders them. "Don't worry sir, we seem to have his attention," Hera informs him and makes a hard right, Vader follows the Ghost.

Then the doors to the cockpit open and Mako walks in, making the three look at her. "Mako?" Leo asks as the white aura was surrounding her body. Her eyes and hair were consumed with pure white, Hera looks at her as she was looking at the star destroyers, but she turns her look to Hera, "Jump to hyperspace." she tells her, Mako's voice echoes. Hera nods at her and turns to the comms, "Alright everyone, I'm converting all power to the hyperdrive, that includes cannons." she informs then. Sabine and Zeb complain, but Ezra got it. Mako looks at the star destroyers again as they flew right for them.

"Admiral, Lord Vader has separated one of the rebel ships of the rest of the fleet." an officer informs the CO. "Then that is our primary target," he concludes, as pods from the commanding ship jump out to the other rebel ships. "Ghost crew the escape pods are secure with the rest of the fleet. Mako walks over next to Chopper and places her hand on the metal wall, then closes her eyes and concentrated. "Copy that commander, we'll meet you at Safe Haven." Hera informs him then the rebel fleet makes the jump to hyperspace, "The fleet is away, get us out of here." Sabine tells Hera, "Everyone, hang on!" Hera orders them as Vader fires at them. "Chopper angle all defectors at stern," she orders him and he grumbles at her. "Those star destroyers aren't the ones firing at us, now do it fast." she snaps at him, he just grumbles.

"Target is moving into range." the officer informs his CO, "Activate tracker beam on my signal." he orders him as Hera flew in between the two-star destroyers, "Hera!" Kadan calls to her, "Wait… wait." she tells him. Vader fires at them, "Now!" the Co others, "Gotcha!" she smirks as Mako shot her eyes open and Hera jumps to hyperspace and as she did, a powerful white pulse ran out, knocking the star destroyers and Vader off, making them spin out of control.


The Rebels were now at Safe Haven as Chopper repairs the Ghost and Ahsoka was sitting in the cockpit by herself, then Kadan and Ezra walk into the cockpit. "Ahsoka, Hera said you wanted to speak with us." Ezra informs her and she turns to them, "Please come in." she tells them, "Are you okay?" Ezra asks her, "I am, thank you." she nods at him. "How is Mako, is she well?" Ahsoka asks him as the two sat down. "She's alright. Resting right now, Leo's attending to her, along with Hera." Kadan answers her.

Ahsoka nods at him, "That's good to know, but I wanted to ask about the Sith Lord you encounter on Lothal." she asks of them when she turns the chair around to face them. "You know we encountered an Inquisitor before, but this… was nothing like that. The fear, the anger, the hate. You felt it… I haven't felt a presence like that since…" he states and Ahsoka looks at him. "The Clone Wars," she answers him, he looks at her and nods. "Yeah." he agrees. Then Ezra looks at her, "Ahsoka, do you know who or what he is?" Ezra asks her. She looks at him for a moment and then away. "No. I don't. But I don't know he'll be coming, they'll all be coming now." she answers him.

"Then we got to be ready to fight." Ezra tells her and Kadan look at him, "We must find the strength to fight, but the greater courage is knowing when not to fight." Kadan informs him as the rest of the Ghost crew entered the cockpit and Hera leans against the wall, "And we'll be beside you, all the way." she informs him, making him look at her. "There is something else I wish to speak to you about." Ashoka states and they look at her, "Has Mako always had this power?" she asks them, and they look at her. "I don't think she is aware of this power." Hera states, "When did it first appear?" Ahsoka asks them, "On Lothal. When we first encounter the Sith Lord." Sabine answers her, "That's not true." Ezra spoke up and they look at him, "It was when the Inquisitor threw Mako and me off the bridge. The wounds the Inquisitor gave her were gone, stitching themselves back together." Ezra informs her.

"Why didn't Mako tell us?" Zeb asks him, "Because, I think she was scared and wanted to figure out what was happening to her. And I don't blame her, I would be scared too if my skin did the same." Ezra answers him, the Ghost crew look at each other. "And what was it like in Mako's presence when she, release this power?" Ahsoka asks them. "It felt… warm. Like my parents were holding me again." Ezra answers her, Ahsoka hums to herself and turns away from them, "What does it mean?" Sabine asks them, "It means… Mako is stronger in the force… even stronger than the Sith." Ahsoka answers them, they look at each other. "Then we'll be with her, every step of the way." Hera states and they nod to each other, Ahsoka turns away as her thoughts dwell on the Sith Lord.


The doors open to the bridge and Vader walks in where the admiral and Agent Kallus was waiting for them. "With their command Ship destroyed, the rebel fleet has been shattered, you have them on the run." Kallus informs him, "Clear the bridge." Vader orders and they did so.

Once the door was close, Vader went to a knee as the holo then opens to the Empire, "Lord Vader. Have you dealt with the Rebels of the Lothal system?" the Empire questions him, "Yes Master. They are broken." Vader informs him. "And yet I sense in you more… then your victory." the Empire informs him. "I believe the apprentice of Anakin Skywalker and the daughter of the Jedi Master Orion Firebreather lives and is lineage with these rebels," Vader informs him.

"Are you certain?" The Empire questions him, "It was them, but the Daughter of Orion Firebreather is strong in the force, stronger than you, my master." Vader informs him and the Empire hums to himself. "This is an opportunity we cannot let pass. Skywalker's apprentice can lead us to other lost Jedi." the Empire states. "Such as Kenobi and Orion?" Vader asks him, "Perhaps, if they both live, but Orion's daughter will be a problem. Have her destroy before she becomes too strong for us to deal with." the Empire orders him, "Yes my Master." Vader agrees with him. "Be patience my old friend, for now, dispatch another Inquisitor to hunt them down." the Empire orders him. "As you wish, my master."


Here are Mako Firebreather and Leo Lomax Jephego Vander for Season two in the next chapter:

