*Okay as always I own nothing of Criminal minds I just get the privilege of playing with the characters for a while.



I walk under a starry sky

looking for you.

I stop and call your name

to the darkness.

Then my heart dances within it's joy,

for I hear you whisper my name within my ear.

Suddenly your arms are around me

with intimate eyes looking into mine

with love's familiar sear.


We stand for an eternity

in this stolen moment's look.

Yet, as sweet as that space of time is,

the taste of your missed lips

could never be described in any book.


For this kiss awakens

all my bodies' memories.

Then you start

to release our embrace.

All I can do is tighten my arms

and with a breathless sigh whisper,




So for another

stolen moment in my mind

I live in bliss...


For when my eyes open

and you're not there,

surely it will be your lips

that my heart

will miss.


Emily folded the poem and put it back into her coat pocket where she had found it and wiped the tear from her cheek. She closed her eyes and the world was transformed from one moment to a past memory. She was standing holding a vision of love manifested in her arms. She could feel the softest brush of warm lips pressing into hers. Then the cold air of a vanquished lust blew in. But before time replaced bliss with emptiness she took the pen and wrote one name from the whispers with her lips..."Jennifer." The atmosphere around her took and swallowed the name and mixed it with the morning fog.

"The blimey wanker got away."

Emily looked up at her employee, "We will get him. He couldn't have gone too far by foot." She said coming back to reality of the stake out she was part of on the docklands of London.

I know this is short... but in a way it is an introduction. Whispers of Wind has been talking to me saying there is a sequel that needs to be written. Now just like that story... this one will be different than some of my other stories but it's the space I'm in right now. There is a need for new poems even though the one above is old and from my book Even Love Needs Sunlight.