Hiho! This is my first fanfic related to SNK. I got this idea from something that I saw on the internet, but I have forgotten where. So if you have seen something similar to this then…Psshht you know the drill. The more I thought about it, the more the idea became more prominent in my brain, and now, I finally decided to write about it. So here: please enjoy!

Eren was low on gas. His last set of blades were dull, and his titan powers were now out of his system. No matter how many times he bit into his hand, nothing happened. But still, he persisted, shooting his grappling hooks forward, flinging him towards the herd of titans. He wanted to at least do something useful before he gets eaten up. When Mikasa, Armin and even Jean offered their life protecting humanity's last hope, Eren couldn't save them. They all died right in front of him, arms outstretched, using their last breath to tell him to run.

If only he could give Mikasa the hug she always wanted and say thanks to Armin for reminding him what determination is. Even if Jean was an asshole, he was still a genuine friend that pumped him up when he was down, especially when they would break into fights and smile widely when they landed a punch on the other. Eren huffed out an exasperated laugh at the thought of thinking that he even considered Jean as his friend.

He continued his way, rhythmically shooting his grappling hooks into the trees, when all of a sudden, a 7 meter titan appeared from below, with its mouth wide open ready to chomp down on anything. Being suddenly dragged out of his thoughts by the sudden attack, Eren fumbled with his control and ended up shooting the grappling hook into the air. Since he lost the one time chance of getting away, there was going to be consequences. Very severe consequences.

The titan launched itself up towards Eren at an amazing speed, crunching down on his left arm that hung unprotected in the air. The sudden impact sent him spiralling towards the ground at a dangerously high speed. Dirt and fallen leaves exploded from where Eren hit, sending debris everywhere. He had crashed landed into the ground right in the middle of a titan herd.

"Dammit!" He cursed through gritted teeth. A painful hum radiated from his left side. He turned his head slightly and saw a huge splatter of blood where his arm should be.

It'll grow back in a second. Ten seconds go by and the arm hasn't returned. Oh yeah, I forgot. He rested his right hand on his face and sighed. The titan's moved in, all with their sinister smile plastered on their faces.

Eren knew he was going to get eaten…unless…no he wouldn't come…This is going to be the end-"Eren! Get your shit together!" A flurry of shining blades chopped down the titans towering over Eren. His raven hair flowed through the air, movements so experienced he could do them with his eyes closed. Levi made it just in time to save Eren from being devoured.

He swiftly moved in to scoop up Eren. He landed skilfully on the nearest branch just out of reach from the titan's grasps. Without further causing pain to the boy, he hastily placed the injured boy's body on the branch and examined the damage. His face turned into a severe frown when he saw the missing arm.

"Why the fuck aren't you regenerating like the monster you were?" He demanded angrily. "Now you look like him…" He murmured in a lower voice. Of course he does…he's him, but just…

Eren chuckled. "Heh, you know captain that comment about me being a monster hurt a little you know?" Without his powers, he was already dying, and fast. "Well," he coughed as if to emphasise the fact, "about the titan powers…they're not working anymore…" He confessed quietly, scared that Captain Levi will get pissed at him in his last moments. Levi simply stared at him as if he said the most idiotic thing he could possibly say.

"What the actual fuck just came out of that mouth." Levi stood up and surveyed the surroundings. The titans continue to come from every direction, waiting at the base of the tree for the two snacks to fall out of the tree. "I'm taking you to Hanji now." He stated without hesitation. If they didn't leave soon, it would be impossible to make it through the dense barrier of titans around them. He scooped up Eren's body once again and shot off.

Except, Levi made a mistake. Now of all times. In the rush of frantically trying to get Eren to Hanji, he only looked around, but not below. When he stepped off with Eren held tightly in his grasp, a 10 meter titan appeared from under the branch and swung its huge salami-like arm towards the startled captain who was carrying a fragile package that needed to be the right side up. Because he was carrying Eren, his line of sight was blurred. The arm flew in like with the sound of a loud jet. As Levi turned his head, he fired his grappling hook the split second he saw it. He flew up, clearing the titan.

His eyes widened and missed it by just a breath away. "Shit! That was close-" Another titan flung itself from the tree and flew right towards them, dead centre. "Fuck!" He didn't quite fling himself up fast enough, and his left leg was caught up by the titan's shoulder. The leg was rammed in the completely different way it was supposed to bend, and thus it dislocated. Levi blustered out in pain at his once again twisted left leg. But instead of giving up and whining, he continued travelling.

Eren watched this in horror whilst in the protection of Levi's grasp. "C-captain! Dammit! You got hurt because of me! Your team mates…my friends…!" He bit his right hand again, using all the force he could put into the bite. He wanted to be useful, just at least not let all those lives get wasted. Blood burst out everywhere and trickled down his arm. Nothing happened. He was preparing to bite his hands again, but Levi had enough of his self-blame.

"How long are you going to be an idiot? Listen brat. By joining the survey corps, we have already thrown our lives away. It's not fricking your fault that everyone dies." He tells him in a surprisingly calm tone. "So stop sulking like a kid. We are both getting out of this shitty mess alive."

Eren was genuinely surprised and impressed by the small inspirational pep talk the captain gave him right in the midst of a dire situation. Why was the speech inspirational? In all the haze of confused thoughts of how he could be of use, he finally thought of something. Something that will help Captain Levi get out of this situation. And something that will make him feel useful.

Eren closed his eyes as he could no longer keep them open. "Thanks, captain, for everything…" He wheezed, his life obviously near death's door. "Thanks for eating my bland…cooking…giving me inspirational…pep talks like these…wheeze…wheeze…and being my captain…"

Levi had no idea why this injured/dying kid is starting all of a sudden. He only said the truth, nothing that needed to be thanked for. "What the fuck are you trying to say brat! You're being too vague, get to the point!" He ordered. He's trying to concentrate on avoiding the titans, but with a leg sending explosively painful signals and a whinny brat saying gibberish, it wasn't helping.

Eren hacked out a cough and sighed bemusedly. Captain can be so amusing sometimes. "Promise me…you'll definitely…definitely…make it out...alive…" He grabbed the captain's shirt tightly with his bloody hand so that captain gets that he's trying to be urgent. He opened his eyes just enough to see Captain Levi's face.

Levi took a moment to stare down into the boy's effulgent green-blue eyes that were now barely open. What the fuck is this little brat thinking? "What are implying? You saying you don't trust me-"

"Just…promise…" Eren whispered. The pain from his arm was finally getting to him at full measure.

"Fine. I promise. Now don't frickin' jump out of my arms."

Eren smiled at the response. Good. He promised. Just as Eren was going to tell the captain something else, another titan came terribly close to smashing them to pulp against the tree trunk.

Levi's eyebrow twitched slightly with annoyance. "Fuck…we're not going to last long if this keeps on happening." He took a look back and saw a few dozen titans of various sizes chasing after them in their oddly manner. "Tch!" He quickly turned his head forward and stepped up his pace and continued. They were close to Maria, but not close enough for a 100% guarantee that they would be safe. From their position, the percentage of survival was most likely 30%, minus another 15% because both of them were injured, plus both of them were using one 3DMG. After all that calculating it would only be 15% chance of survival.

"Hey…captain…" Eren breathed.

"Hmm? What?"

"Take…care…" Using all of his remaining strength, he dislodged himself from Levi's grasp and plummeted towards the ground, where all the titans roamed. It's for the better…they will execute me anyway when I have no more use…

The moment he fell, everything seemed to go in slow motion. His body slowly tumbled through the air. Wind whistling past his ears in high pitched thrills. He watched Levi's eyes widen, showing his immense shock. As the titans closed in on Eren, his eyes locked with Levi's for a second, and then Levi whizzed past, unable to stop.

"Eren!" The captain yelled back. He was absolutely and utterly shocked at this suicidal brat was actually suiciding.

As Eren fell, he wished that he could go back to the very start, and make everything right again.

He saw the captain travelling further into the distance, closer towards the safety of the wall. Knowing that Captain was going to have a higher probability of surviving, he smiled. I want to go back with him…but I know that won't do. I need to go and apologise to my friends first.

There! That was the Prologue to the main story! Review and favourite/follow! Hope it was good to read! See you next week ;P Bubblepop32