Apology: I AM SO, SO SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG. And I don't want to insult any Australians. And... the ending is sudden. Other than that, it's great.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything.


Outside of Atlantica, they were... talking.
"Fucking hell!" Sora exclaimed, "We can't go down there!"
"Yes we can!" Donald argued.
"YOU WANT TO KILL US, DON'T YOU! BECAUSE YOU'RE A DUCK, AND DUCKS CAN LIVE UNDERWATER!" Kids, it's not true, so please don't try that with the ducks in the local pond.
"... No, you retard. I can turn us into sea creatures." Donald said, hitting the boy in the shin with his rod.
Sora laughed nervously, rubbing his knee. "Oh... okay then."

They landed, each becoming an... interesting new animal. Sora became a boy-dolphin, Donald became a duck-squid, and Goofy, who had never actually been an animal in the first place, became a retard-turtle.
Of course, as these are our mighty heroes, who always find new friends, saw a mermaid, a fish, and a crab swimming towards them.
"Hi! I'm a dolphin!" Sora said, grinning cheesily (© SquareEnix or Disney)
The crab immediately freaked out. "HE'S GONNA EAT ME!"
"Shut up, Sebastian!" The mermaid said, giving them an apologetic look. "I'm Ariel, this is Flounder, and the annoying little Jamaican shit is Sebastian."
Flounder nodded (in other words, bobbed up and down). "He's paranoid."
"I'm not paranoid! Everyone really IS out to get me!"

They swam away, Sora and Ariel talking.
"So... why's he so crazy?" Sora asked.
"Oh, since the Fartless came, he's been a nutcase." She explained, "New people also scare the crap out of him. Where are you from, anyway?"
Sora stopped, and stared at her. "Are you... are you trying to hit on me?"
"No, it's in the script."
"Ohhh. Okay then."

They got to Ariel's home without too much worry (there had been a Fartless attack, but who really cares?). Sebastian swum up in front of the throne. "You swim before Ki-"
"Shut the hell up, yeh little git."
Sebastian nodded, tears in his little beady eyes, and moved away.
"Who are yeh?" The king-merguy asked.
"I'm, um..." Sora looked around. He saw a picture of a bird, flying high in the sky. "Soar..." He tried looking for more, but couldn't see anything. "Ah..."
"Sora? Great. Nice to meet you, mate."
Donald promptly bashed his head against a pillar, and continued to do so until Ariel stopped him.
"Those are Daddy's best paper mache pillars!"
Sora looked from that scenario to the king. "Do I call you Daddy?"
"Nah, mate, call me Trite. What'cha 'ere for, anyway? If it ain't too 'portant, yeh can 'ave a cold one before yeh go."

//He's more Australian than a kangaroo...//

"Words! Do something! Anything!"

//... Yeah, I'd really love to... but no.//

He made a rude symbol with his finger to Words, then turned back to 'Trite'. "We're here... for the Rathole."
"The wha?"
"The Rathole."
"The Rathole?"
"Yes, the Rathole!"
"Ain't that yer ass?"
"... I don't have an ass right now."
"Sucks to be you, mate. Try and find one, eh?"
"Uh... yeah. Let's go, guys!" He turned around, to see Donald almost succeeding at his suicide attempts and Goofy eating his innards. Nothing unusual.

Outside, Sora pulled out the script (which had been made waterproof). "... Okay, can we just skip the next bit? I'm tired, and we don't get any sleep in this damn thing."

... And the crystal trident was shattered.
"Thanks!" Sora whispered.
Trite turned to Ariel angrily. "That trident was keeping the beers cold! You can't just go takin' it!"
"But Daddy-!"
"No buts, girlie! Yeh gonna get me a new one! No tucker until yeh do!" Trite ordered.
"But I don't have any money!" She wailed.
"Well then, yeh shouldn't have spent it on that damn cellphone! Kids thes' days! Always talkin' on bloody cellphones!"
Ariel's eyes were filled with tears. "But I LOVE my cellphone, Daddy!" She then swam out, crying.
Trite turned to Sora. "And you! You're the Deadratblade 'older!"
"Uh, yeah." Sora said, holding it out, "Didn't you see earlier?"
"Nah, I'm almost as blind as a freckin' bat!" Trite laughed, the scary sound making everyone else except Sora flee. "Now, boy... I 'ave a prop-o-sition fer yeh. Y'see, there's this sheila who's makin' a real bitch of 'erself in these parts. I was gonna marry her, ages back, but then I met Ariel's mother.."
"Why'd you marry her instead?" Sora asked.
"Oh, her old man ran a brewery! Everything I wanted in a woman!" Trite laughed, "But anyway. Get this sheila to quiet down, and I'll let yeh use the Rathole. Deal?"
Sora nodded. "Deal!"

In Ursula's lair...

"Package delivery!" Sora shouted, disguised as a delivery boy.
Ursula floated out. "Isn't it a bit... wet for packages?"
"8|47(|-|! |)47 4||\|'7 |\|0 |)31|\/3|2'/ 80|!" (Ursula! He has decieved you!)
She glared at Sora. "Just go seal the damn Rathole, boy."
"Uh... okay..."

So he went and sealed the Rathole, and decided to get the hell out of there before Trite found out.
