Yo fam. I'm not dead. Now, I KNOW that it is annoying to get excited about an update and only get an A/N, but-

*dogdes volley of miscellaneous kitchen appliances*

H-hey, we can talk about this! Lemme speak! Yes, I've been gone a while and it isn't really fair to you guys that I promised more updates and then just up and left. And I am sorry for that. But I'm back! Actual chapters might not come out for a few months, but I am going to start writing again. For good this time, hopefully. I have a Beta now too, so maybe my writing will be readable as well. Anyway, I also wanted to announce that Infected Rose was adopted by another author!

*Dodges actual bullets*

HOLY S***, calm yourselves! Look, I might still be continuing my version, but until I get around to that this re-write is heckin good! Check it out on Fred Bobson's account, I've been helping them out and it's really coming along. At the very least it will give you something to read until I get back into this story myself. For now, I'm going to concentrate my efforts on Grimm Reaper: Eclipse. Why? Because I want to, that's why. Welp, that's all I had to say. Ciao!