Disclaimer: I am not Tolkien, therefore I own nothing. This is purely for fun.
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The elves who dwelled in Mirkwood were often considered odd by their kin in Imaldris and Lothlorien. Less wise more dangerous was what was said of them, they were in constant battle against fell creatures who had invaded their home. The Woodelves were overly cautious of any who entered the dark forest, even of other elves. Constant conflict had made them so while also sharpening them into deadly warriors. They were perhaps the only elves who could even survive in their unique situation.
Even as they were odd to the other elves, they were also greatly respected. For both Imaldris and Lorien were protected by the Rings of Power, however Mirkwood had no such protection. Thranduil and his subjects had kept the darkness at bay for many centuries and that was not something any of them could scoff at.
However outside of their fellow elves, Men and Dwarves feared the Mirkwood Elves. Not because they were cruel, they were actually a very kind people, but more because it had been many lifetimes for both those races since Mirkwood was Greenwood the Great. Neither race could now remember the beauty of Eryn Galen, and only the darkness that the forest had become was now known. With the fear they felt came tales of what resides in the dark forest, and in that respect they were equal with Lothlorien. Neither of the rulers took offence of course, they were after all tales told by rather uninformed people. Many of those tales told by Men seeking to make a name for themselves or to impress their friends. As such neither much cared for what others said of them or their respective homes.
Galadriel was perhaps a bit more unconcerned than her counterpart, her realm after all had little dealings with the mortal races. Thranduil, never one to miss an opportunity, used those tales told his advantage. He already had too many troubles with dark creatures invading his kingdom, he did not need, nor want, troubles from other races. Rarely now did any dare to cross the Elvenking, at least those of the Free People, of course there were those rare few who managed to befriend the isolated Woodelves. Those that had would agree that their elven friends were dangerous, however they said, that was only if you dared provoke them into action. But none asked and as such they had their own ideas of the folk that lived in those dark woods. Especially of their King, Thranduil Oropherion. He was a kind, stern ruler to his people managing to lead his subjects even in their dark time. Thranduil was their greatest King who they were utterly devoted to, just as he was to them. That devotion was passed on to his only child and son, Legolas who was quite young by his peoples reckoning. Yet despite his youth he was already a fierce warrior, and their best archer. He fought alongside his people and had gained respect for more than being their Prince, he gained their friendship and love regardless of his title.
Few knew these things about the remaining royal family, for outside their realm many believed the Elvenking a greedy and harsh elf. None save the elves, remembered their kind and beautiful Queen, and few knew that Thranduil had a child. The King preferred it this way, for he would keep the information of his child away from any evil that would think to use against him. The Prince himself would rather others treat him the same as his warriors and often introduced himself as a humble wood elf.
Now that our stage is set and you understand more about the misunderstood Woodland Elves our story begins.
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Everything about Mirkwood is dark, from the trees to the mood it puts one in. Bilbo was not fond of it, he did not hate it like he did Goblin Town but he very much wished he was back in his comfy hobbit hole enjoying a warm cup of tea. He would give anything at this moment to have a warm meal alongside something to quench his parched throat.
The Company had been traveling through the dark forest for what seemed ages, and what was worse their provisions were all but gone. Thus was their situation, starved and tired, even more so when they were forced to carry the rotund Bombur after he fell into the enchanted river. That only put them in a worse mood, as it had slowed their pace and they were actually not as far as they could have been. Poor Bombur not only awake confused but also hungry for by then all their food had been eaten already. None of them dared to eat any thing that was growing, though quite a few of them were contemplating doing so. Bilbo himself was also quite tempted as well. He wondered how that leaf would taste, or even the tree bark.
To make matters worse Thorin was greatly peeved that they had spent all their arrows, save Kilo who's primary weapon was the bow, trying to shoot a white deer. Now they were stuck in the accursed place without the help of bows. None of them dared to provoke their leader and so it remained utterly silent, for they heard no sound from the forest. It was unsettling, and made their steps seem all the more louder that it seemed the sound echoed.
Bilbo expected that they were attracting the attention of every being that lived in the these once great woods. He had become so convinced of this that one of his hands rested upon the hilt of his sword, the other fingered the object hidden in his pocket. That is what inevitably saved him from being captured as his friends had. For though they were indeed hardy, they were weak from hunger and while they fought admirably they were still overcome. Even warriors well rested and fed were caught by the evil creatures. They were intelligent and had long since learned tactics to catch their prey. If a few happened to die while hunting? Well that was alright, the others would still be able to eat. And it would seem they would be eating very well tonight.
In their hunger-fueled excitement they failed to notice they had only caught thirteen when before there had been fourteen.
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Author's Notes:
This is just a bit of experimenting in Tolkien's world, it's so very beautiful and amazing. Also not mine. Just posting this to see how it goes, this is not beta'd so all mistakes are mine. This is mostly just me playing around with this writing style I'll probably continue this but be warned it's all written via phone. So any odd words are probably auto correct or me choosing a recommended word. I'm mixing the movie and book verses together in this so different elements of both will be combined. I did like the movie trilogy of The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings but I admit to liking the books better (Especially Fellowship of the Ring my absolute favorite). But this is just ways I imagined the movies for the Hobbit could have gone, mostly concerning the Mirkwood Elves. I did not like the way they portrayed them at all. I'm not that good at writing so I'm probably not doing this justice but this is mostly for fun and to try to stretch my writing skills.
Question- Does anyone know where I could get an elvish translator? Or somewhere I can just get words in elvish?
Please let me know what you think and tell me if I'm too horrible also any updates will be random. I'm write in my journal first, edit it (twice or thrice) then write it on my phone, then I post it. So be warned.