
I was ripped from my meditation from the sound of weeping down the corridor. I grabbed my lantern, lit it, and headed to the source of the sound, and became upon my dearest beloved.

"My love, why are you crying?" I asked with concern upon my face. She was lonely being locked away from the tower, yes, but she may be having withdrawals from the beautiful sight of snowfall which she was allowed to be around for only a short time.

She looked up at me with dread and sadness in her eyes, "I know it is impossible, and I shouldn't be sad of what is impossible, but I believe I am jealous of Bella. She is a vampire, and she has a daughter. If I knew that was possible, I would have tried for one before you convinced me to turn."

"I'm so terribly sorry," I said, "I wish I could do something to make it better." I spent the rest of my evening with her, but when it was time for her to spend time with Athenodora, I had immediately rushed to speak with Marcus and Caius.

When I arrived into the room, I spoke, "I believe we may be able to come up with a plan to be able to see for ourselves the affect of a hybrid. Why don't we create one for ourselves, and we could raise one as our own? If it proves to be a disadvantage, I'm sure Sulpicia would be more than happy to have someone to take care of.

"Well I know Athenodora will want nothing to do with raising a child, but she may enjoy being apart of seeing Sulpicia be happy. She might decide in the end she likes the child's presence," Caius said, and then added, "But I do agree, we need to be closer to these hybrids, to see what advantage they may have to our race, they are family after all, but we just need to have more information about them."

Marcus spoke up, "But who will we have to carry the child? It can't just be anyone."

"Well the humans that acquire a gift always have a good smell, but it should be my child anyway to greaten our chances of creating one with a gift," I said, and with their confirmation, I was off into the night of Volturra looking for someone to be eligible. I eventually came across the most beautiful smell of roses. It was strange for humans to have a smell that overpowers the smell of their own blood. And there she was, a woman maybe of twenty-eight years of age. She had dark auburn hair, and fair skin, for a human, she was beautiful with dark emerald eyes, with a hint of blue.

As I approached her, she noticed me, and her breath caught. Even though I am used to this reaction from humans, it still fascinates me every time I hear it.

"You, my dear, are beautiful," I complimented and she blushed. I was overwhelmed with the amount of power I felt from her presence, but I couldn't form an attachment, something that was very easy for me to do. Life is just full of miracles, and it's a shame to see some of those go to waste, but she won't be a waste. She was meant to help me, and her legacy will be this child.

With little convincing, I was able to get her to come back home with me. She started to seem worried when I put her in her room. I had doctors come in and find out when her last menstrual cycle was. Luckily she keeps track, and she was regular, so they were able to predict when she was ovulating. We don't want to get these things wrong. We only want to have to try this once.

I had to excuse myself so I could provide a sample so they could have something for artificial insemination.

She's pregnant. I have been sure not to spend time with her, so I do not get attached to her. Her purpose is to only provide me a child. She is growing at an alarming rate, I can't even imagine what toll this is doing to her body.

"You may now welcome your baby girl into the world."

"And what of the mother?" I asked.

"She did not survive."

"Well then, that makes things easier," I replied.

"What would you name the girl?"

"Scarlett," Sulpicia chimed in, "It's the least we can do to name her after her mother."

"Will she have a middle name?"

"Rose," I said, "The smell of her mother is what attracted me to her in the first place."