So this is something I've been doing out of boredom really in work instead of doing my job.

It's just a series of kiss prompts I can across, little drabbles and stuff. Most are AU, some can be connected to Shadowed Heart, or possibly Threads of Fate.

If you like it, let me know, and I'll post more!


If there was one thing that Kirara hated, it was first kisses.

The initial hesitation, the worry about reciprocation, where to put your hands. It was too much to think about and just killed the mood. Of course, she had a rule against making the first move, so she never had to worry about that. She'd never admit that this was the main reason why she had that rule in place.

But even then, a lot of the time she spent wondering if they would ever just do it. If and when they finally did, that's when her own worry would come into play. What she should do, where her hands should go, how long to maintain it for an acceptable kiss.

Then again, she'd never had complaints about her kissing style.

She did have worries about theirs. If they'd be a decent kisser, if they'd go too far, etc. There was too much riding on a first kiss for it to be enjoyable.

Kirara hated first kisses.

Then Shinji finally had enough of their verbal sparring. Having been unfortunate enough to bump into each other, the two had been unable to resist arguing with each other. It was what they did best. Insults like dumbass and brat echoed through the late afternoon air in the Seireitei, until Kirara had called him a pervert one too many times.

He'd not answered, seeming to deflate, or take in his anger inside. Kirara had frowned, not understanding his lack of a retort as he stared at her with an unreadable expression.

His response came in the form of him pushing her gently backwards against the wall, a hand pushing her head up, and his mouth covering hers to silence her. She had let out a tiny whimper, but after that, her mind went blank, focusing only on Shinji's mouth and meeting his kiss with as much passion as he gave her. There were no worries about what to do or how to react. She just knew.

Yes, Kirara really hated first kisses.

Except the one time she didn't.

Please review!