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"What the fuck is he thinking?" Clarke huffed and plopped down on the couch. "I mean it's not like he accidentally shoved his d–"
"Clarke! God, you don't need to be that graphic!" Raven grimaced.
"–slept with her."
"Look babe I really don't like to say it but–"
"Yes you do."
"Yes I do. But we told you to break up with him after the first time that shit happened–"
"And after the second time." Octavia interrupted Raven. "And the–"
"I got it, O." Clarke rolled her eyes.
Raven nodded in agreement. "And you still went back to him, I mean c'mon Clarke, he's an asshole. He's been cheating on you since you two got together, basically."
"Yeah, thanks for reminding me." Clarke sighed and opened her second beer.
"What Raven is trying to say is that you should definitely call it quits with him now. He's hurt you enough and if you ask me, Murphy was–"
"Ugh don't play the Murphy card, O. I wasn't in love with him anyway."
"Yeahh well but he was in love with you and he still is and he's hot and he's never hurt you and you– oookay I got it. No more Murphy," Octavia raised her hands in defense when Clarke glared at her, but continued, "but you should definitely get some distraction."
"I'm not gonna hop into bed with someone an hour after I caught my boyfriend with a super hot–" the brunettes both raised an eyebrow, "bitch! I was gonna say bitch!"
Raven sighed and shifted into a more upright position. "Look Clarke, we don't mean that kind of distraction. What about some days off?"
Clarke weakly shook her head. "I don't have time for a vacation."
"Yes you actually do. And you could use one." Raven stated.
"I guess I could."
A few days later...
It was 6:05pm and Clarke was nervously playing with the flight ticket, folding and unfolding it until she realized that she would probably rip it if she touched it again so she pulled out her phone instead to check the time. Twelve minutes left until boarding. She sighed and went through some texts her mom had sent her because she was more than worried about her daughter, but she was always worried, which was just another reason why Clarke hadn't told her about her holiday destination. She sighed again. There were several messages from Finn, too. Apparently he had a lot to say but she didn't really bother to read any of it. She sent a quick text to Raven and Octavia, reassuring them that she was okay, pocketed her phone again and joined the passengers waiting to get on the plane.
The hours went by slowly but Clarke fortunately found it relatively easy to fall asleep and she woke up just in time when the plane had already started its final descent.
The city looked beautiful from above and, well, gigantic. She could easily detect the Blue Mosque and some other buildings she had read so much about when she was younger. She'd never been to Istanbul before but she already loved it. She cursed herself for not having thought of staying there for a day or two, but she had a five hours stop there, so she could at least see some small bits of the city.
She somehow managed to get a cabdriver who offered her a two hours sightseeing tour, but the tour was already over at their first stop, which was Kapalıçarşı, the Grand Bazaar. Clarke was so stunned that she pulled out her sketchbook and quickly doodled anything her eye could catch and when she returned to the cab, she realized that her stop was pretty much over already.
The second flight took a bit more than three hours and when she finally arrived at her hotel, it was almost 9:30pm. After a quick shower, she facetimed her friends.
"Clarkeyy! What's it like? Oh my God that's so exciting!" Raven and Octavia jabbered excitedly. "Are there any hot guys? How was Greece? No wait, that's Turkey. How was Turkey?"
"Istanbul was amazing, seriously! I mean I only like saw it from above but I was at the Grand Bazaar and guys, it's... wow! I really gotta go there ag–"
"Clarke, blah blah. Hot guys?" Octavia interrupted her.
"Ugh, O, it's not all about guys." Clarke sighed.
"Preach it, girl!" Raven laughed and kissed her girlfriend on the cheek.
"Okay Rae, I think you made your point clear," Octavia laughed, "Clarke, you can't tell me you're surrounded by hot exotic men and you didn't check them out!"
"I didn't. And I'm actually really tired, so I'll hit the pillows."
"It's like 3pm."
"It's like 10pm here. Time difference, O. Seven hours."
"Oh wow, okay. So what's your plan for tomorrow?"
Clarke paused for a moment. "I actually have no idea. Just, you know… go see the city I guess? But for that, I need energy and that, I get from sleeping, so that's what I'm gonna do now. Have a nice day, night, whatever. Bye guys, love you!" Her friends waved back and Clarke ended the call.
She snuggled into her blanket and for the umpteenth time today, she sighed. She never just headed off to somewhere without a plan. Especially not to a different continent. Especially not alone. But here she was, in Jordan's capital, all by herself, for eight days, without a single idea of where to go and what to do. She laughed and closed her eyes, focusing on the foreign sounds that came through the open window.