The club room was filled with mannequins wearing feminine swimsuits during one of their off days. I boredly walked among the mannequins, admiring the craftsmanship of the pieces as Hikaru and Kaoru pestered a studying Haruhi.

"I think that this swimsuit would look much cuter on Haru-chan!" Hani's voice said matter-of-factly.

"I don't think you get it, Hani-sempai" chimed the twins, leaning against a mannequin donning a two-piece pink suit with a ruffled top. Hani pouted, still holding up the mannequin he'd chosen which wore a blue sailor-inspired suit. The twins then explained to Hani that since Haruhi had a small chest (although in less flattering language) that the ruffles on the suit they'd chosen were a much better choice. "The ruffles help hide the fact that she's so flat chested!" they finished.

"You twins had better stop sexually harassing my little girl!" Tamaki yelled, "I've had enough of you!"

"That means that we're not going to the beach?" the twins asked confusedly.

"Who said that we're not going?" Tamaki replied.

The twins became excited again, "Really? So we can go?"

"Can Usa-chan come too?" Hani said, edging into the conversation.

"I have no problem with that." Kyoya chimed in, as he too wandered through the maze of suits.

During their multiple statements that, yes, they were interested in going to the beach I busied myself with picking my own suit to wear. The one that caught my eye was a dark red one piece suit with a plunging v-neck that ended just above my belly-button, a halter-style top, and an open back. I figured with this suit I'd be able to work on a nice tan whilst at the beach.

Kyoya, ever the frugal businessman, planned the beach trip to his family's vacation home Okinawa and made it into an event for the Host Club's customers. This meant that the boys were all distracted with their respective clients, Haruhi was unable to wear her frilly swimsuit, and I was left unbothered and to my own devices.

Kyoya sat at a patio table under an umbrella next to me as I lounged across a beach recliner. "Who'd have thought he'd bring the ladies with us" Kaoru commented.

"We certainly didn't expect it." Hikaru said.

"You were invited on this all-expenses-paid vacation for a reason, and that is to keep our clients entertained." Kyoya drolled.

"We know. But with the ladies here-"

"Haruhi can't change into her swimsuit." The twins complained.

"Don't worry, I've got it all under control." Tamaki chimed from the other side of Kyoya on another beach recliner. "My little angel shouldn't be prancing around in a swimsuit. At least not in front of two perverts like you."

"What about Karuma? Her swimsuit is much more revealing." Kaoru pointed out.

And in true Tamaki fashion he then tuned out everything and began to mutter something unintelligible as he blushed and squirmed in his chair. The only clear thing was that his nonsense had nothing to do with my state of dress, and everything to do with Haruhi's imagined state of dress.

"What's the matter with Tamaki, is he having a seizure?" one of the girls asked.

"I wouldn't worry about it." Hikaru said.

"He gets like this occasionally." Kaoru followed.

"So you mean to tell me that you guys are trying to find out Haruhi's weakness? And that it's a competition?" I asked Kyoya later that afternoon.

"It'll keep them busy. And I've given them the prize of pictures of her from middle school." Kyoya responded.

I rolled my eyes at the childish behaviour. "Is that why you wanted me to find those pictures? Really Kyoya, that's dirty."

"Now I never said I played clean, Karuma."

"Yeah, don't I know it." I grumbled, putout that he seemed so smug.

"Oh don't worry. I highly doubt anyone's going to figure out what she's really scared of."

"They might not. But I will." I replied smugly. "What do I win if I figure it out first? I don't want the pictures."

"I'm sure we could arrange something." Kyoya sighed. "But if you already know, then you're cheating and to use your own words, that's dirty."

"And I never said I played clean either." I smirked, leaving Kyoya at the beach table he was sat at.

As the sun began to set a few of the girls wandered up a rock outcropping to get a better view of the sun sinking below the sea's horizon. It looked nice so I decided to join them to get a last view of the pastel sky.

"Look up here, Haruhi!" one of the girls called.

"What's up! The breeze up here feels great!" another exclaimed. She was right, the breeze was nice. It smelled of the salty sea and pushed the strands of my ponytail around as it drifted past.

"It's dangerous, be careful" I heard Haruhi call back to the girls. She wouldn't have been able to see me, as I was standing on the other side of the rock's plateau.

The girls stared out at the setting sun, talking amongst themselves and a crude voice sounded from behind us. "Hey! There're chicks up there, man!" I turned to see two drunk men stumble up the rock, "Aren't we lucky" he said.

"You ladies wanna hang out with a couple of locals?" the other propositioned, both throwing their beer cans on the ground.

One of the girls stood up to them, "No thanks. Please just leave us alone."

"Awe come on, we just wanna show you how to have a good time." the guy leered, catching the girl's wrists in his hand.

"This is a private beach." One of the other girls stated. "You guys are not allowed to be here!" A nervous quake was evident in her voice.

"Private? Does that mean we're alone?" The other man said, sneaking up on another of the girls.

"I advise you leave before things get out of hand." I said to them in a calm, steady voice. Internally I knew that if the men didn't back down there were few positive outcomes to this scenario. "You don't want me to call the property owner, do you?"

The first guy yelled out in surprise after Haruhi had bravely thrown a bucket of shellfish at his back. "Why don't you quit bothering them? Weren't you jerks listening? You'd better just leave them alone!" Haruhi said.

"You little runt!" the guy growled, grabbing Haruhi by the front of her shirt. He hauled her to the edge of the cliff, threatening to push her off. "What are you gonna do now loser?"

I grabbed his arm trying to pull him back. "Leave him alone! Don't you dare do anything!" I growled at him.

He let go of Haruhi with one arm to shove me off and onto the ground where I hit my head on a jagged rock. "I've got an idea, kid. How would you like to take a dip?" The guy threatened, replacing his free arm on Haruhi's shirt. "Hope you can swim!" He yelled as he threw her off the cliff and into the water.

At the same moment Tamaki came up the rocks, "Haruhi!" he shouted, running and diving after her.

My head screamed with pain.

The twins were the next up the rock outcropping. Kaoru helped the girls down the rocks, and Hikaru came and helped me to stand. "Are you alright? What happened, Karuma?" he asked.

"Some guys tried to assault us and Haruhi tried getting them to go away." I muttered, wincing and holding my hand tightly over my head where it had hit the rock. "When they started going after Haruhi I tried to help her, but they shoved me off and I hit my head on that rock."

When we reached the bottom of the rocks I saw Kyoya and Mori dealing with the trespassers. Two of Kyoya's police officers were there also, and escorted the men off the property.

"Hey Kyoya," Hikaru called, his loud voice making my head throb. "One of them hurt Karuma up there."

Kyoya looked over, his eyes widening with concern. "Take her up to the house and have one of the maids look after her. We'll be up with Tamaki and Haruhi shortly." he said, trying to keep an even tone.

Hikaru nodded and helped me up to the beach house. One of the maids met us at the door, and Hikaru explained that I'd hit my head, and would she mind helping me tend to it. After leaving me in the care of the maid, he returned to the beach with the other guys to wait for Tamaki and Haruhi.

"We'll get you settled in your room first, and then take a look at your head, miss." the maid said, assisting me into the house and to the wing of rooms.

"Thank you." I said. "You can call me Karuma. May I know your name?"

"My name is Samai, Karuma-sama." she replied.

Samai was kind enough. She helped me into a comfortable dress once we reached my room, and cleaned and bandaged the scrape on my head. She also left me with some pain relief medication to take care of the headache and promised to inform Kyoya of my condition. She left me to rest, and said that someone would be by later to let me know when supper was ready if I was feeling able, and if not that some would be brought for me. I thanked her, and she left.

Part of me knew that falling asleep was a bad thing, that after hitting your head you're supposed to stay awake in case you've had a concussion. That didn't stop me from dozing off on top of the covers on my bed, however.

I was awoken shortly after when a Samai escorted a doctor into my room. "She's hit her head, sir. Said she fell against a rock. Has a bit of a headache too, and there was a scrape. I cleaned and bandaged it, I hope that was alright." she said meekly.

"Yes, good that the wound was cleaned." the doctor said, coming to sit on the edge of my bed. "Would you mind if I took a look at your wound? Ootori-san called and asked me to examine you."

"Yes, that would be fine." I replied, shifting to give him better access to my bandaged temple.

He inspected the wound for a moment, and once he was satisfied rebandaged it before shining a light in my eyes to check my pupillary response. "You seem to be alright, and I'm not seeing any major signs of a concussion. Some rest is likely all you'll need. Make sure to keep the wound clean and bandaged until it's healed, and if your head still hurts in a few days, then go back to a doctor to get it checked out." the doctor advised before he and Samai left the room again.

I soon fell back asleep, hoping that a nap would aid in the dismissal of my headache.

I woke later to a knock on my door. "Come in" I mumbled, still feeling a slight pain in my head although not nearly such an intense one.

"You've slept through dinner." Kyoya said, walking in.

"Pity that. I was looking forward to the crab." I commented, rubbing one of my eyes.

"You didn't miss much. Haruhi and Tamaki were fighting so the tension was pretty palpable." he commented. "How are you feeling? To doctor informed me that you'd likely be fine in a few days, but to keep an eye on you." Kyoya's tone softened.

"My head still hurts, but not as much as it did before. The pain relievers and nap helped a bit, I think." I replied. "Haruhi's alright then?"

"Yes, she's fine. I was more worried about you, to be quite honest. Can't very well have my fiance being assaulted." Kyoya commented dryly. "Speaking of, I thought I'd let you know that the two men have been taken care of."

"Do I want to know what you mean by that?"

"Ask no questions, and I shall tell no lies." he quipped. "And Samai has gone home for the evening. If you need anything my room is across the hall and I'll be happy to oblige you."

"Thank's Kyoya. Really. And I think I'm fine for now." As I spoke thunder boomed through the house. I winced as my head rang with the noise. "Did you ever find out what Haruhi was scared of?" I inquired.

"No, I don't think anyone did."

"Then the prize is mine. She's afraid of thunder. Perhaps you should have someone sit with her through the storm."

"Duly noted. Would you mind terribly if I brought her into your room for the night? I'm afraid it's really not proper to have her sharing a room with one of the others, and I'd hate to toe the line of impropriety when I'm a taken man and all."

"Yes, that would be fine." Kyoya stood from the armchair to leave the room, "And Kyoya…" I stopped him, his hand on the doorknob, "thank you for today. Despite the ending, it was nice to spend a relaxing day at the beach."

"You're more than welcome, Karuma." he replied, closing the door behind him.