This little one-shot series is officially rated M.
Huge shout out to Grace for dancing relentlessly to encourage this one-shot and for being the bae of bae-tas. I love ya.
Let it be known, smut is not my strongest suit nor anywhere in the realms of my comfort zone, but enjoy!
Prompt: Eva and Chris go to the Black Eyed Peas concert together and get up to some other stuff...
By the end of the encore, Chris and Eva are pleasantly buzzed. Of course, it was Chris's brilliant idea to start the rounds of drinks. One round led to four more and before she knew it they are both all loose limbs and playful giggling as they stumbled outside the venue.
Getting a cab is going to be a bitch - they'll no doubt be fighting their way through drunk twenty-somethings for the first ones available - so she suggests that she stays with him tonight; trying to find one ride will be tough enough, let alone two.
"Only if you have beer," he chuckles.
"Haven't you had enough?" Her eyebrow arches and she twists her neck around so he can see her less than amused smirk, all in good fun, of course.
He laughs over her call for a taxi and shit, she got one. He's impressed, even more so when it's not whisked away by some other duo looking to get home. Instead, she reaches back to grip on his hand, guides him through the masses and they stumble into the backseat, Eva giving her address, calmly buckling her seatbelt and relaxing into the cool leather.
A concert after a long shift at work probably wasn't her wisest move, but she had so much fun that she can't bring herself to give it much thought past the ache in her shoulders and the heaviness of her eyelids.
For the most part, they ride in silence, scrolling through their phones, catching up on the real world that they'd missed together.
"Anything exciting?" Chris asks from his slumped lean against the car door. When she looks up from the bright light of her screen, she realises he's been watching her ignore him.
She blushes and she has no idea why - damn beer - but she immediately locks her phone and apologises, twisting a bit to face him more. He waves his hand at her sorry, tells her, "it's alright. Won't lie… it's quite nice to see you so relaxed."
She's the most relaxed she's been in weeks. First with the promotion riding on her shoulders, then her maybe encounter with Proctor, the endless patients in and out every day. Yeah, she's a ball of stress most the time but tonight she was able to let it all go, throw caution to the wind and just… dance.
Eva's trying to find the best thing to say when he swoops in again. "You deserved this night off."
Smiling softly, she replies, "thank you. I needed it."
And it's with excellent timing. The cab stops just outside her building, calls the charge over his shoulder a little rudely, but it's a late night in Miami so she'll let him off.
Chris pays the driver, ignoring completely that she had cash in her hand to give him. When she can't give it to the driver, she offers it to Chris and he declines. She tries again, insisting, but again he shakes his head, adds, "scoot. Out you go," as he leans over her to open the door.
When she stands up, her legs immediately feel like jelly. Firm enough to stay standing upright, but wobbly enough to have her bend over and clutching over her kneecaps with a nervous laugh through her nose.
Chris rubs along her back. "What's wrong?"
"I think…" she murmurs slowly, almost as slow as she stands up straight again, "I probably should have skipped that last beer."
She laughs again, so does he, an eyebrow raised devilishly when he asks, "did I get Dr. Zambrano a little tipsy tonight?"
Eva rolls her eyes, he's far too happy with himself. "Let's get inside."
She's siphoning through her bag for the keys as she carefully climbs the stairs to her front door. Arguably, she probably could have found them in seconds if she stopped moving and had a good search, but instead she tries to do both. With a hand in her bag and shaky legs climbing, she reaches and reaches until her ears spark up at that familiar clink of metal.
"Got them," she whispers to herself, though Chris must hear because he huffs an amused breath through his nose.
As they get to the door, Eva's fingers are toying with the keys as she tries to find the right one - her keychain's a mess. Car keys, house keys, locker keys, storage keys, an embarrassing number of keyrings… and of course, they all feel identical in the darkness of her hallway.
She's still fumbling away at the metal when her shoes reach the doormat and in a moment of defeat, Eva presses her forehead against the front door and begins to chuckle. Her keys are a mess, she could have been trying to unlock her door with a keychain for all she knew.
"I need a minute," she tells him, and he laughs pleasantly behind her, puffs of air tickling against the back of her neck.
"Let me help," he offers, then follows through without her acceptance. His arms loop around her middle and he reaches the keys. They jingle as he feels around for what he thinks could be a door key and attempts to unlock.
"Nope," she giggles when it isn't the right key. "Probably my storage locker."
"Alright, Zambrano, let's try again." He peers down in front of her this time, letting his chin fit perfectly against the crook of her neck. She looks down too while their fingers tangle together amongst the mass of metal. "This one?" He asks, but she shakes her head. "This?"
That has to be it, so she nods her head and guides his hand to the keyhole. It slips inside and turns easily. Eva turns the handle and pushes the door wide open, but there's a moment. Neither of them move, Chris's arms wrapped tightly around her, his face by her shoulder, then he whispers, "third time's the charm, huh?"
She snorts easily, flushes away how much she wants to stay inside his wonderful arms and playfully shoves him away to step inside.
His warmth is missed as they make their way inside, a straight shot to the kitchen where she has beers chilling. Her warm and flushed face meets the chill of the refrigerator while she reaches inside for two bottles, and she lingers slightly, enjoying the comforting relief of the cold and scolds herself for letting her mind getting too wrapped up in Chris. Sure, he's attractive, he clearly cares about her. They are friends. Best friends at that.
God. She has her head stuck in the fridge and she convinces herself of all the reasons she can muster to not plant a kiss on him right now.
It's the booze. It has to be the booze. And perhaps how lovely he is, how smart, how - stop it, Eva.
"Eva?" He asks, reaching for the bend in her elbow. "You alright?"
She snaps out of it immediately, pulls away from the fridge with the drinks she went in for, and she nods quickly, smiling a somewhat forced smile, "The cold felt nice."
Not a complete lie, but hardly the whole truth. Truth be told, she probably shouldn't have invited him back to her apartment.
Chris takes the drink though, thanks her politely and they slouch against the counter side by side with open beers, sipping every so often, enjoying each other's silence until Chris thanks her for the evening. "You could have taken our little Serena tonight."
She shrugs as if it's nothing. "I was in the mood for your company."
Ah! Why did she say that? It may be true, she did think she'd have a bit more fun with him, but now she's opened up the channel for his sly grins and sassy statements and -
"Were you now?" He asks smugly, his signature smirk plastered on his face.
Eva rolls her eyes, huffs a few laughs through her nose. Just as she expected.
"Don't let it go to your head." She shies from his stare and glances at the floor, barely noticing that he's edging closer. It's only when he steps forward, twisting towards her and stepping painfully close that she dares to dart her eyes up again.
His eyes are hungry, like he's been possessed by a desire that just won't back down. "I had a lot of fun tonight," he says softly. "You really can loosen up when you get out of those scrubs. I had to see it for myself."
She laughs and bites her lip a little, but that could be to alleviate the nervousness blooming in her gut at their closeness and surprisingly it works. Her nerves float away easily, almost like they only showed up because she felt like they had to at the time.
The second they disappear, she locks onto his stare and fuck, they're screwed.
"You look amazing tonight, by the way."
Oh yeah, she's absolutely screwed. Her stomach is fluttering, she's sure his is too. Their eyes are awash with… ugh, she's never wanted to kiss him more.
But she can't. They can't.
She isn't sure how they got here; hopelessly attracted to each other, at complete ease with one another. She's pressed against her counter, the edge pushing against her back and he's towering above her shortened height.
Their breathing has all but stopped and Eva dares to open her mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. She can't form a word, not a single sound.
His eyes are trained on her in absolute concentration, contemplation there too. "Eva..." his voice comes in a whisper, a gentle and desperate mutter.
Without thinking, she brushes her hands against his sides, settling them flat against his lower rib cage, pulling him a little closer until her chest is almost flat against his. Her neck is stretched high and they're staring again.
Then comes the anticipation.
They both know what they want, want to scream it from the rooftops, but there're so many loops and sharp turns ahead. Something clicks in Eva's mind though, switches her opinion on the entire issue.
All the feelings in her head rearrange and suddenly she wants to take the risk.
The feelings are written in the creases of her face and Chris seizes the opportunity. His fingers skirt up her bare arms until he can cup her cheeks gently. The anticipation is trembling in her lips as he lowers and captures them through her whimpered gasp.
Eva's arms climb over his chest and manoeuvre through the minimal space between them to loop and up around his neck. As they remain unimaginably close, Chris moans into Eva's welcoming mouth as their tongues clash and every touch of worry floats away, no match for the fluttering in their chests and the pounding of their hearts.
Chris lifts her the short distance from the the floor until she sits on the counter, but they don't dare let their lips part. She opens her legs so he can step closer between them.
Her hand is in his hair, gripping and pulling lightly, as they jump over this concrete fence together, as they give into that kernel of truth that bubbles in their bellies.
As their kiss slows, the lust calms and their reality becomes an anchor on their minds. When they part, their breaths are soft and shallow, their noses dangerously close.
"Sorry," he apologises, noting the way her eyelids have dropped in what he assumes regret.
"It's okay," she whispers back, dropping her hands away, but she stays sitting in the counter with him situated between her thighs. He frowns, scalding himself for not holding back. "Really," she promises with the tiniest hint of a smile, and she shrugs, trying to lighten the mood. "Think how much you'll win in bet money."
He snorts lightly, squeezing her shoulders gently. But then their eyes catch and they are lost in their conflict again. What they had before was perfect - more than perfect - but they are both clawing for more.
Eva sits up poker straight so they're eye-to-eye, then leans forward until their noses touch and her lips ghost against his again.
"We can't," Chris says sadly, against his instinct.
Eva's bottom lip drags along his top lip and she sighs into his logic, agreeing, "I know..." and she sits back again, licking the lips that are desperate for him again. Clearing her throat, she mutters, "we have too much to lose."
Their friendship would be forever changed - to be honest it probably already is - but they remain at a crossroads and they've quite the decision to make.
Do they risk it all and love like fools or do they continue to shove these feelings aside?
Maybe it's the continuous flow of alcohol-tainted blood pumping around her body, but Eva goes beyond her logical approaches and she dives in - head second, heart first.
She fists Chris's shirt and pulls him in again, her lips attached to his and her legs looped around the back his thighs. Their kiss tastes like the change that is happening to their friendship; it's turning to clay, begging to be sculpted into something new.
Kissing becomes devouring, soft touches becomes heated roaming. Eva reaches for the top of her cream dress and pulls it down to expose as much of her chest as she can. Chris's open mouth latches just above her collarbone and he begins to explore, lips dragging hotly against her tanned skin, until he can feel the hard beating of her heart.
Her head drops back with a groan, softly thudding against the cupboard mounted in the wall. "Shit," she sighs, just as he nips and lips along the soft skin of her breasts. Her chest pushes against his face and he pulls her ass to the edge of the counter, keeping her in place with firm hands on her bare legs. He braces her weight and lifts her high, capturing her lips again with his own.
Lifting her, he carries her away from the kitchen, through the hallway, their tongues caressing and fighting for the upper hand.
"Last door on the right," she mutters into their shallow breathing. Then her back is pressed flush against the cool pine of her bedroom door. Her stomach beginning to feel tighter and tighter, heat pooling deep in her lowest section of her belly.
Their movements cease and Eva notices that Chris has taken the time to pull back and memorise her face in an entirely new light. His eyes are intriguingly darker than usual, his teeth scraping along his bottom lip, all while his palms squeeze at her sides.
Smirking, Eva trusts him completely to hold her weight and reaches for the door handle, giving it a quick turn to open and latches back around his neck as they stumble into her bedroom.
It surprises him that her sheets aren't tucked in neatly like he always imagined they would be, but neither of them care at this point. He drops Eva carefully onto the mattress and she bounces ever so slightly. Chris crawls slowly up her body, his wet lips catching on any skin they can along the way; up her calves, catching on her knees, her inner thigh.
Her fingers thread through his short hair as his mouth - lips, tongue, you name it - dances up her body. His lips move to her chin, then her jaw before catching her in a soft and slow kiss. She smiles into it, bringing her hands down until they are fisting into his white t-shirt again and pulling it off. He breaks away for a second to toss his shirt aside, not a care in the world as to where it lands. Standing high on his knees, his eyes fall to her body again and his palms glide up either leg slowly. Up and up until his fingertips barely reach the hem of her dress and he dares to tickle just underneath.
Eva purrs delightedly, her heart now having completely taken over from her head and sits up quickly, adjusting her body any way she needs to peel her dress away, leaving her only in lace before him.
Then he's staring. Staring at her body like he's never seen anything like it before. But she understands.
As doctors, they adore the human body; they fight day in and day out to keep them functioning. Though very rarely do they just get to admire the curves of a waist or sun-kissed skin.
That's what he's doing. He's worshipping the very vessel that inspired his career and he can't get enough. His fingers trace along her abdomen, through the crevice of her breasts, up to cup her cheek tenderly, but she turns her face away shyly with a firm bite to her bottom lip.
"Hey," he gently turns her head back to face him and with a sense of sincerity she barely recognises. He kisses her lips fully, murmuring against them, "you're gorgeous."
Always the charmer, she thinks, and smiles against his kiss before reaching down between them for the buckle on his jeans.
He steps off the bed to drop his jeans to the floor, the metal of this buckle colliding loudly with the wood on the floor. Still clad in his boxers, despite how tight they are around his hardening erection, he kneels back onto the softness of Eva's mattress and slowly feels down the smoothness of her thighs, her calves, until he's able to hold onto her ankles to give her a gentle tug until she's just resting on the edge of the bed. She props up on her elbows and watches with dark, heavy lidded eyes as he lowers to his knees and brushes his fingertips across the insides of her thighs.
His fingers loop around the simple black lace and their eyes lock for a moment, another bout of silent questioning before going beyond a point they can come back from. Her teeth catch her bottom lip tightly, she nods, arching slightly to make sliding the garment off easier for him.
She watches as her panties are tossed to some corner of the bedroom haphazardly, and she stifles her laugh as he begins to crawl up her body, daring to kiss up her abdomen, past her belly button, to the ticklish skin by her breasts.
"Off please," he asks kindly, biting at the wire in her bra.
She tucks her arms around her back, undoing the clasp so it's loose enough for him to pull down her arms. It joins her panties on the floor, tossed aside, as he breathes against her skin, hot breath grazing over her pebbled nipple before he devours it entirely.
Warmth spreads over her entire body, soft whimpered moans at his movements getting caught in her throat, some slipping through and blessing his ears.
He shifts and starts to move back down her front, scratching his teeth lightly over her sternum. She hisses, he hasn't hurt her, not in the slightest, but shit, that shouldn't feel as good as it did.
He's smirking against her skin, his lips dragging down and down and down and oh god. It tumbles from her lips without warning, just as he halts and kisses at her hips, down the curve of her thigh.
Her heart is pounding so hard, rattling against her rib cage, so she clutches over her chest, tries to manage her breathing. But then he has to go ahead and dart his lips over the other side of her body, teasing at every inch from the dip in her waist to the inside of her thigh.
Her breathing hasn't a chance. Eva's skin is tingling from head to toe, and she's desperate for more.
His name falls from her lips, a drawn out, frustrated Chris as his small nips and bites on sensitive skin becomes all too much and entirely not enough. He decides he's teased her enough, chuckling a burst of hot breath before serving one long swipe of his tongue along her entire length, lingering and kissing over her clit, tugging softly with his lips.
Her chest tightens, she arches slightly. "F-Fuck!" and she reaches down to thread her fingers through his hair.
"Keep going," she begs breathlessly, starving to feel his tongue against her again, on her clit, skirting around her entrance. And he does just that. She throws her head back, whining his name, scratching at his scalp.
She's almost embarrassed at how close she is already, but it's his own fault. He shouldn't have wound her up so tightly, he shouldn't be so good at unravelling her entirely, he shouldn't - oh god, she's so fucking close.
She tells him, tries to stifle her yelped moans into the arm she throws against her face.
He's built her up so high and suddenly she's falling again, cushioned in the safety net of pleasure and Chris. As lightning courses through every vein in her body, he climbs up the mattress, kissing her neck as she inhales and exhales deeply.
And for whatever reason, she starts laughing. Covers her eyes, embarrassed almost, but he won't allow it. He moves her hand away and is smiling the sweetest smile, kisses her lips gently and she tastes herself on his tongue as he deepens their kiss with fervour.
Hazy and light headed, Eva needs more and with a strength he doesn't know she has, she manages to flip them around so that she's straddling over his excruciatingly hard erection, begging to be freed of the confines they remain in. She distracts him slightly with hot, open mouthed kisses while she links her fingers with his and holds them on either side of his head, pushing them down firmly into the mattress.
Her slick centre meets the feeling of cotton as she grinds along his length, pulling a deep groan from the pits of his lungs. He begins to pry his hands away from her laced fingers, freeing them to reach down and push his boxers away.
Their tongues battle through moans, groans and the occasional breathy cry as Eva continues to grind against his now bare cock, her slickness coating him.
She's already feeling the coiling in her stomach, the beginnings of what can easily wind up to a beautiful explosion and suddenly she's done with the teasing.
She scuffles up the bed rather hastily, reaching into the drawer there by the pillow and grabs the familiar foil wrapped square. Wasting no time, she tears it open and takes the liberty of rolling the latex down and around his cock. His head rolls back and he chuckles through a sly smile, a laugh at his own expense for finding such a mundane task as erotic as he did.
Eva's eyes are hungry when he meets them, but he still feels like she's hesitant. He sits up straight with his legs outstretched and pulls her to straddle around his thighs, perching up only slightly higher above him.
"You sure?" He asks for a final time, looking up and running his nose along the column of her throat. He dots a sweet kiss under her chin and murmurs, "everything else we can come back from. This..."
"I'm sure," she promises with the airiest of voices. "I'm more than sure. I need you." She slams a kiss to his mouth, begs him with hot kisses, and takes the lead, even if it's entirely uncharacteristic of her.
Eva slips her hand between the slickness of their torsos, weaselling until she can grip him gently and he gasps lightly against the crook of her neck while she guides him until he slips home. He fills her beautifully, a snug stretch that urges her head back and forcing a groaned, "God," to slip from her throat.
She savours the blissful moment of stillness between them, as her body stretches and adjusts to the newness of him. Then she needs him desperately, looping her arms around her own back to search for his hands, reaching for them hastily, bringing them around until she can push him back down to her mattress, their linked hands pinned down on either side of his head again when she meets him for another open mouthed kiss against his eager lips.
She grinds against him, moaning softly from the back of her throat, into his mouth, when her clit rubs against him over and over, that combined with how he fills her sends electricity buzzing to the tips of her toes, her fingertips, even her nose.
She doesn't fight him when he pries his fingers from where she was holding them, especially when he releases himself to tangle himself in her hair, bringing her bare chest flush against his. When their lips part, he immediately latches to her neck, kissing and nipping and sucking in all the spots that make her brain fuzzy and light.
Her name hitches in his throat when she pushes up against his chest, using his heavy breathing rib cage for leverage, finding a rhythm that has them both moaning, groaning, gasping and oh God, he feels amazing.
"Chris, I…" she tries to string together her now incoherent thoughts. "You… oh, f-fuck." She feels his arms tighten around her back and he twists and fumbles until she's underneath him, waiting for him to keep moving inside her, to keep that pool of heat deep in her belly growing more dense with every thrust, every kiss.
She bring her legs high to cradle around his back, pulling on him to move until he does. He dives back inside her heat easily. "You feel incredible," he breathes hotly against the rim of her ear and it shoots straight to her core. "Better than I ever I thought."
She cries out for him, claws around and up her back, nails biting as he brings her up and up and up and, "fuck, I'm close… Chris…" He switches up his angle, shifts down until his teeth are scraping along the column of her neck, soothing every nip and tug with a light lick of his tongue.
Driving her wild is an understatement. Somehow, someway, he knows what she needs. Without ever once speaking of it, he knows what she likes. The little nibbles on her skin, the hands in her hair. He's doing everything right. So right.
It's no wonder that the coil on tension in her belly is ready to spring open and ricochet across every part of her body.
"Right there," she begs, locks her ankles around his back and scratches into his scalp. "Oh my… right there. Don't stop."
"I'm right behind you," he breathes hotly against her cheek, then latches onto her lips with tongue-filled worships, swallowing Eva's throaty moans, giving her his in returns. Then she's tightening around him, tightening and allowing him deeper than before. Her back arches under him and she has to rip her face away, cries out to the side, allowing Chris to kiss along her jaw as she comes undone beneath him.
He wasn't lying when he said he was right there too, he lifts his lips away and concentrates on his jerking movements. He pushes through the remnants of her orgasm to reach his own, choking on a moan, and exploding wildly with unmeasured thrusts until he stills completely, falling limp above her and abandoning his face into Eva's neck, pecking his lips along the salty skin there until they catch their breath.
Retracting from her, he grips and discards of the condom swiftly into her the small trashcan by her bedside, but slides back onto the bed, this time under the mess of a comforter. He straightens it out and pulls her bare body underneath so that they're facing each other in the dim lamplight of her room.
Oh great, there are those nerves again.
But this time, it's the way he's looking at her. There's no sass, there's no smugness, it's just Chris staring at Eva with a glint in his eye that she will never admit could be something like an I care about you.
She's seen the softer side of Chris before. When he talks to younger patients, scared patients, he gets this bright glint in his eye that can make anyone trust him wholeheartedly, feel safe in moments of turmoil. But his eyes right now are new, they are flushed with sweetness, almost shyness, as he brushes his thumb against her cheek.
Her skin reddens under his touch. Despite what people may think after her disappearing act with Proctor, she isn't one for hook ups. She's not the best at relationships, and for whatever reason this feels like a mesh of the two and she's a little apprehensive about how they are going to move forward.
"It's up to you," he murmurs, reading her mind entirely and nudging her nose with his. "We can pretend it never happened or we can see where it goes."
"Alright," she agrees vaguely, kissing against the fingertips that she brings around to meet her lips.
She doesn't give him an answer right away, decides that it's something she should probably sleep on, something to reward with some deep thought.
Tonight they just can stay in their bubble…