Disclaimer: These characters and the story of Harry Potter are not mine.

The Middle of Understanding

Everyone loved him, I mean he was the Boy-Who-Lived. It was inevitable that I would love him too. Yet unlike most other people, it took me longer to realize. I wonder at times as to what exact event caused me to recognize my love for him. I Hermione Granger fell in love with the great Harry Potter. He started out as a hero, to a friend, a supporter, then finally a lover. This is my journey of the hardship, responsibilities, and reality of life. Maybe some will think it's boring, others trivial, or even just another girl falls in love with boy story. Well I warn you now; you're in for a long ride. So either get out or close the door because I'm not stopping anytime soon.

I was never one to express much personal feelings about myself. Growing up an only child, with two parents as dentist, I withdrew into books. These characters, plots, and stories never required much effort in social conduct. This left me to be an outcast in my early stage of childhood. My parents and their friends became the main encounter I had with people. Though I had challenging conversations and intense ideals of the world, I never had a "normal" childhood.

Instead of playing with Barbie and Ken, I would be with William the Historian learning about world history. I didn't eat sugar filled sweets because my parents did not allow it. Also I grew up in libraries, galleries, and museums because my parent's clinic was in Central London.

Then when I was accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I thought it was my chance to meet people like me. Well that did not turn out the way I thought. I was lonely every night until Halloween my first year. Sadly my people skills were nothing and it reduced me to be crying in the girl's lavatory. So when I saw that ugly gigantic troll, I thought fate even wanted me gone. Suddenly my two unlikely saviors came to my rescue. From that day on, Ron Weasley and Harry Potter became my best friends.

Of course it was a long time before I started to loosen up. Though I had made two good friends, I still had trouble with other people. My mother said it was better those two boys saved me because I would never be myself with girls. Even though they meant it as a joke, it was exactly how I felt years later. With four years of being known as a smart, bossy, clever, and walking library, I never thought about relationships or love. Then he walked into my life, during my fourth year. Throughout the Triwizard Tournament, I was so worried about Harry, stressed about Ron's jealousy, and missing my parents, I didn't notice him. I never paid him the attention he was use too. Never truly thought about him, until he asked me to the Yule Ball. Being flattered and surprised, I said yes to Victor Krum.

Since I was a beginner when it came to romantic relationships, it became a very bumpy ride. With rumored relationships with Harry and I, Ron's obvious jealous, and unanswered questions in the year. I thought he couldn't handle it. Yet Victor was certainly patient and really was a marvelous fellow.

After school finished up for vacation, I quickly went to Bulgaria to see him. Like the previous months, he was caring, tentative, and wonderful. I spent over a month with him and had an idealistic courtship. But like all things, it had to end.

As I boarded the plane he grabbed my hand and asked me not to leave. He offered a wonderful place to stay and attend Durmstrag where he could visit me all the time. At first I laughed, thinking he was joking in his weird humor again. So when he looked me directly in my brown eyes, I knew he wasn't. Ironic how this young Qudditch star would fall in love with plain old me.

"I'm falling in love with you Hermione," he said.

' Stay, I can make you happy.' I smiled with a bittersweet thought coursing through my head. No because I don't love you.

'You don't love me do you?' With those words escaping his mouth, silence filled the white covered corridor. He sighed loudly causing an echo down the hall. Finally I looked at him and gave him my best and honest answer.

' No I don't love you Victor. But I do care for you a great deal. You were the first relationship I had, and you taught me so much. You will always have a place in my heart. I'm not going to lie to you and use the word love so loosely. You know I can't. Don't let us leave on a sour note. I've shared so much with you. May we part on fond memories.' Again silenced passed by and was broken by the announcer for last boarding.

' Go Hermione, before I lose my nerve.'

' How about a good bye kiss?' I asked hoping for a sweet ending.

' No!' He said surprising me. ' If you do, I'll never let you go.' With that said he turned around and walked away. I didn't say goodbye or scream for him to forgive me. Deep down we both knew it would happen this way. Reaching my seat I sat down, and fastened my seat belt. Slowly I closed my eyes for the long ride ahead.

As the plane landed and I made my way towards my parents. I thought to myself, if I had changed. Mentally and physically I was still Hermione Granger, yet I felt different emotionally. Then I saw them standing so close together, it made them look like the world revolved around them. My father had his arm around my mother's waist. They were always like that. He was tapping his feet, like he always does when he's impatient. Mother leaning on his shoulders, looking into the crowd. Just looking at them, made me love them even more. As I came into their view, they drew apart and ran towards me. Of course my father got to me first and gave me the famous Granger hug. My mother waited behind us waiting for her turn. Then she pulled me in tight, like she always does and whispered, "Welcome home."