What is up guys gals and nonbinary pals? King Meezy here with a new chapter, feel free to review, follow and or favorite and enjoy the chapter

"Steven! You ready for the sparring session? Steven, you there?" Jamar entered Stevens home and saw Pearl preparing to cook dinner. "Oh Jamar, you're early. Steven went on a mission with Garnet and Amethyst," Pearl explained while cutting some vegetables. Jamar sighed, "So much for sparring today. Hey pearl wanna give it a go? Winner decides what to cook tonight," Pearl looked at him and giggled. "What's funny?" "I've already started to cook so it won't be much of an option," Jamar looked falsely flabbergasted. "Pearl! How dare you, I'm appalled by your accusation of my skills. I must restore my honor," Pearl decided to play along and put the knife down. "Let's make it quick the others might be back soon,"

The two went outside and Jamar noticed something. "Hey Pearl where's Io? She with greg or something" "Actually she went shopping to surprise Steven since his birthday is coming up," Pearl explained while getting ready to spar. Jamar mumbled to himself, "Oh yeah his b- day is in a week. Anyway ready to start?" Pearl got in a stance and was smirking at him. "I was made ready,"

Pearl took the first move and sweeped Jamars legs. This caused him to fall on his back and he put Pearl in his guard. He locked his legs and Pearl put her hands down to stabilize herself. Jamar grabbed her and put Pearl in a kimura submission hold. Pearl was surprised at this and was fighting against it. Pearl went the wrong way and her arm was dislocated for a bit causing her to cry out in pain. "Ah shit! Pearl hold still," Jamar got out of the position and checked Pearls arm. "Pearl this will hurt only for a bit, I'm going to put it back in place," Pearl only hitched her breath when Jamar grabbed her arm. With a quick movement, Jamar placed it back in place and Pearl only shouted when it was done. "So does this mean that I'm gonna cook since your arm is out of commision?" Jamar asked cheekily.

Some time later

"Alright so the menudo is almost done cooking, so now we just have to press the tortillas," Pearl was surprised at the way how Jamar cooked. Her arm healed only after 23 minutes. She just decided to let him have his fun and not long after, Io came back in the house with a small bag in hand. "Jamar? What're you doing here, and where's Pearl?" Pearl called out, "I'm up here Io, Jamar and I had a small spar and we made a small bet," "I won the bet and am now cooking up a mexican classic, Menudo and handmade tortillas," Jamar explained with a grin on his face. Jamar looked down at the bag that Io carried in and decided not to ask since it's not his business. 'Probably something for Steven,'

Io just went and smelled the food. She was overwhelmed with the smell of the spices and dropped the bag. From it, dropped tickets to see Ninja Sex Party and a poster of Cool Patrol. Jamar saw it and made a high pitched squeal noise from his pipes. "Ninja sex party is coming here?!" The gems stared at him in surprise and not a moment later the warp pad went off. "We're home! And we brought Lapidot with us!" Steven explained as he presented Peri and Lapis. Thankfully Pearl scooted the things out of sight. "Steven, although we appreciate the name, why are you calling us by such a name related to nautical marine vessels?" Peridot asked. Jamar butted in, "Because it's cute and shows that you two care about each other,"

Peridot notices Jamar and began to look at him. "Steven who's the human in the kitchen?" "I GAVE YOU CLOTHES FOR FREE!" Peridot looks at him and Steven interrupted before something started. "Hey Jamar, what did you make for us?" Jamar looked over at Steven and released a windy with a grin. "Well Steven I made some authentic Mexican food and I hope you all enjoy,"

I will say that I'm sorry for not updating sooner. I don't have an excuse for it just please read, review the story and I'll start working on the next chapter and that I bought myself a ticket to Ninja Sex Party for September