Disclaimer: I do not own any of the material appearing in this story.
"Alright, enough fooling around!" Pit said. "It's time we stop Hades once and for all!"
"Yeah!" Ruby nodded as they activated their Kid Icarus weapons once more as Jaune brought out the First Blade.
"Heh, I'm actually growing to actually like this." Jaune chuckled as Pyrrha smiled.
"Good luck, you guys!" Palutena smiled.
"Right!" Pit nodded as he ran forward. "Great Sacred Treasure activate!" He exclaimed, getting into the Great Sacred Treasure as the others got on their Stars and took off.
"The time has finally come, you guys. This is the final battle." Palutena reminded them. "Good luck!"
"Thanks! We're SO ready for this!" Pit said.
"Hope you didn't get lonely without me!"
"Viridi? Where'd you come from?" Yang asked.
"There's no way I'd miss the battle of battles! I made popcorn and everything!"
"By the way, Viridi. RWBY and JNPR are officially Smashers."
"Eh? How'd that happen?"
"Master Hand and Crazy Hand were with Dyntos."
"So they tested those humans? Huh, that's certainly interesting…" Viridi mused and when they got closer as they defeated some Nevermores and Belunkas… Hades popped up into the scene.
"Hello again, Pitty, RWBY and JNPR!"
"Op! Hold that tongue, Pitty!" Hades said. "I need to do something first." He said as he walked forward, summoning some duct tape in his hands and walked towards Nora. "Do do do~" He hummed.
"Hey! Put that duct tape down! HEY! I'M TALKING TO YOU! HAD-MMMPH!" Nora yelled. "MMMPH! MMMMMPH!"
"Oh dear…" Ren groaned as he went over to try and take the duct tape off of Nora's mouth.
"Now, you were saying, Pitty?"
BGM: The War's End (Kid Icarus: Uprising)
"Well, that's one way to do it… but uh… anyway!" Pit cleared his throat. "Hades!"
"WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP AND GET ON WITH IT?!" Weiss screamed, already having enough while Ren pulled the duct tape off of Nora.
"Party poopers!" Hades grumbled.
"Oh well…" Pit shrugged as they both smirked. "NOW IT'S REALLY ON!" They all yelled and collided into Hades' fist, luckily Pit pulled a shield just in time.
"On to victory/death!" They all exclaimed with Hades saying 'death' as the others pulled back.
"Let me get a closer look at that shiny new toy of yours!" Hades said, firing bullets left and right as the others proceeded to shoot him as he got into position and tried to slam his hands together to squish them. "Yah!"
"Lord of the Underworld, it's time for you to pay!" Pit declared, while Hades laughed.
"Hahahaha! You can be awfully cute, Pitty! But that doesn't mean I won't squash you all like gnats!" He declared, punching the ground… only to get his arm stuck after they dodged. "Drat, my arm is stuck!"
"Ha! Loser!" Yang smirked as they proceeded to open fire on the God until he got his hand free.
"There, all better. HERE YOU GO!" He yelled, unleashing a powerful blast that knocked them a few feet.
"Is that all you got?" Nora smirked as they proceeded to go forward and attack him some more as Hades shot them back but they quickly dodged.
"Great Sacred Treasure, do your thing!" Pit cheered.
"Oh, guys~! I have something to show you!" He said, unleashing a powerful tornado.
"Whoa!" Ruby exclaimed.
Pit's eyes widened. "No no no!"
"If you get caught in that twister, it'll tear you all apart!" Palutena warned as they attempted to dodge the Hades twister, but as they got far enough, Hades stopped.
"Playing hard to get, are you?" Hades asked as he sprinted after them, causing Pit to scream.
"Wah! He's coming in fast!" Jaune exclaimed.
"Man, he's a pain!" Yang growled.
"Good thing I've been training!" Hades exclaimed.
"It's kind of like watching an elephant sprint!" Viridi said in amazement.
"Not helping!" Weiss exclaimed as they kept shooting him… until Hades tripped from receiving too much damage.
"Did we beat him?" Ruby asked.
"I hope we did…" Pit said as they flew closer to him.
"No, I'm fine. But I could've sprained my ankle, y'know!" He smirked. "Good thing… I DIDN'T!" He exclaimed, taking off.
"What's wrong, Hades? You had enough?" Yang asked with a cocky smirk.
"Oh, no. I'm just getting started!" He said as he lept into the air. "Let's see if you can keep up!"
"You can't run from us!" Pit declared. "Engaging Pursuit Mode!" He said as the Great Sacred Treasure changed and flew off as RWBY and JNPR were right behind him as Hades was seen flying up and then he looked down.
"Huh, I thought I left you all behind!"
"Like I said, you can't run from us! Not when I have the Great Sacred Treasure!"
"What, you mean you can't keep up with me on your own? You'd probably hitch a ride from your girlfriend if it wasn't for that Great Sacred Treasure… but even then, your girlfriend isn't that impressive!"
"Hey!" Ruby frowned.
"She's impressive to me… and I'll make you eat those words! And besides, it wasn't cool of you to disappear earlier. After all, this IS our final battle!" Pit said as they began tearing down everything that was shooting at them, starting from the legs.
"Oh, I was just going to make a quick stop to decimate a country or two. Probably Hyrule since Ganondorf does such a good job with trying to destroy Hyrule."
"Why would you do that in the middle of a battle?" Blake wondered.
"Probably so he could fuel up on souls!" Viridi said.
"Yes, I was hoping to greet Pitty and his friends on top of a mountain of corpses! But I didn't even get a pile started with them hot on my heels. What a bunch of killjoys!"
"Your hunger for destruction is as boundless as it is callous, Hades!" Palutena said.
"Plus, how does 'a mountain of corpses' work, anyway?" Weiss wondered.
"That's what I wanna know." Pit said as they worked their way up… while Nora decided to stay behind.
"Time to break some legs!" Nora smirked and began shooting his legs… and then Ren came back and grabbed her. "Aww! You're no fun!" She pouted as Ruby saw something very… disturbing.
"Look over there!" Ruby pointed.
"Wait… are those face guns?" Pit asked.
"Not just any face. Hades' face!" Palutena said.
"I want you to remember every detail of this lovely visage. After all, it's the last face you'll ever see!"
"Alright… THAT'S IT!" Weiss yelled. "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" She screamed and proceeded to fire everything she had on one of his weak spot.
"Weiss, calm down!" Blake told her and then Weiss fired a powerful charged shot from her Orbitars right at the weak spot.
"OW!" Hades growled. "Now, that was very NAUGHTY of you!" He exclaimed, unleashing bullethell on everyone.
"Yow ow ow ow!" Pit winced as they kept getting hurt from the attacks. "Gah! The Great Sacred Treasure is falling apart!"
"No, it's changing shape again!" Palutena said.
"Mech armor mode engaged!" Pit exclaimed and then sighed with relief before smiling. "This thing is so awesome!"
"You're all starting to get on my nerves!"
"Good! Now you know how we feel about you!" Weiss growled as his chest started to glow.
"He's covered from head to toe in weaponry. Like a rainbow apocalypse." Viridi said. "It reminds me of this game I've played recently. Embodiment of… Scarlet Vampire Devil or whatever it is."
"I prefer to think of it as my devastation ensemble." Hades said. "I only wear it for very special occasions. You know, weddings, armageddons…"
"How about funerals?" Yang asked. "Because you'll be wearing it once we're done with you!"
"That's not very classy, if you ask me!" Hades sarcastically said.
"Ugh… this guy…" Jaune groaned.
"Tell me about it." Pyrrha sighed as they proceeded to take everything off his chest, then his hands while they were dodging bullets coming from his eyes and then they proceeded to take down the weak spot on his chest, causing him to yell in agony.
"ARGH! COME HERE!" Hades yelled, grabbing a hold of Pit while backhanding RWBY and JNPR, knocking them away. "Plucked at the peak of ripeness!" He smirked as a drill came out of his chest. "Now I'll just drill through the rind to remove the Pit!"
"AUGH!" Pit cried as half of the Great Sacred Treasure popped out of his hand.
"Argh, now what?!" Hades asked.
"TAKE THIS!" Pit yelled, slashing through Hades. "Nora! NOW!"
"OH BABY!" Nora yelled, flying forward and quickly hammered Hades' lower torso away.
"OOOOOH! OW!" Hades yelled.
Yang laughed and then looked at Pit as they both nodded. "You're not HALF the villain you thought you were!" They both said.
"That's what YOU think! Ha ha ha ha!" Hades laughed, surprisingly still moving as he took off.
"How come THAT didn't finish him off?!" Pyrrha asked.
"It was probably Yang and Pit's lame pun…" Weiss said.
"Hey!" Yang frowned.
"We have to catch up to him! Engaging Ultralight mode!" Pit said as they flew off together.
"But where'd he go?" Ruby asked.
"Up! He's above ground!" Palutena said as they emerged aboveground as they looked around.
"Behind you!" Viridi warned as they turned to the upper half of Hades.
"Still stalking me, I see." Hades said as he screamed loudly and… grew back his legs. "Ah, that's much better!"
"What the…?!" Pit asked.
"Oh, that's just not fair!" Nora complained as Hades proceeded to fire.
"You've got incoming shots. Take out those blue shots!" Palutena said.
"But those purple shots will hurt you all. Don't shoot those." Viridi warned as they kept shooting as they told them to not shoot wildly and wait for their chance, and just when things were looking up, Hades took a step back after taking so many hits.
"Nnngh! This is ever so tiresome!" Hades growled.
"Then let's finish this!" Pit said as they flew forward to finish him off… but Hades teleported. "Huh?!"
"Where'd he go?" Jaune asked, and then suddenly, Hades came from above and slammed his hands together on all of them.
"BOOM!" He yelled, as not only did the Great Sacred Treasure shatter, but all of the Stars shattered as well as they all fell to the ground.
"Oh no!" Palutena exclaimed.
"Ahahaha! Looks like your toys weren't so GREAT after all!"
"Snap out of it, you guys!" Palutena exclaimed.
"Guys, wake up!" Viridi shouted as they all landed on the ledge below just in front of a town as Hades towered before them.
"Since you've been all great adversaries, I've saved my deadliest attack just for you! I do hope you enjoy it!"
"No… is this it… for all of us…?!" Yang asked.
"No… no we gotta… get up…!" Ren groaned.
"Ruby… come on, get up!" Weiss told her as Ruby struggled to get up as everyone tried to do so… but failed.
"I feel an outside force… a godlike force… gathering power… but is it a friend or foe? It seems to be… targeting Hades but who is it?" Palutena wondered as Hades was just about to unleash his attack… when suddenly, Medusa used an uppercut on him to knock his head clean off… which also sacrificing her arm.
"Medusa?!" Palutena and Viridi exclaimed in shock.
"But, we defeated you! Why are you helping us?!"
"Hades keeps reviving me, but I won't play the puppet anymore!" Medusa declared, punching Hades again, but this time the headless God caught her hand and then yanked her arm off. "Nnngh! No! How dare you!" She growled.
"I am your master, Medusa, and I will revive you as many times as I desire!" Hades said as he screamed, as he grew another head. "BUT YOU'VE WORN OUT YOUR USEFULNESS!" He yelled, running over and using an uppercut on Medusa… as she was soon disintegrated into nothingness.
"Oh my gosh..." Ruby whispered.
"How... how could you do that to someone...?!" Yang demanded.
"Nnngh... what do we do...?" Pit asked.
"I'll tell you what I'm gonna do!" Viridi said. "Activating the Power of Flight!" She declared... but suddenly, Pit wouldn't fly up. "Huh?!"
"I will not let that pest fly again!" Hades declared, suddenly blocking Viridi.
"Say goodnight, RWBY, JNPR, and most of all... Pitty Pat!" He declared as he fired a huge laser that proceeded to engulf them, which resulted in a huge explosion. "Ha! Good riddance!"
"No!" Viridi exclaimed, but the smoke cleared, revealing all of them to be okay. "Huh?!"
"Oh? How did they withstand my attack?!" Hades said as he then noticed a shield in front of them. "Who put that shield there?"
"That would've been me." A voice said as they saw Palutena who intervened at the last second, and she wasn't looking very pleased. "To think that you would stoop so low to try and do something like this, not to mention kill Medusa so harshly like that!"
"And what would a pretty little old woman like you do?"
"Little old woman?" Palutena's eye twitched as she held her staff high. "I'll have you know that i'm still young and i'm still taller than Viridi!"
"Hey, I'm right here, you know!"
Palutena growled. "This is where it ends, Hades!" She said as her staff glowed brightly.
"Lady Palutena... wh-what are you...?!" Pit asked.
"Unleashing the most powerful move that I can do." She said and then a light shined above Hades... and then a humongous laser engulfed him.
"Wh-what was that...?!" Jaune asked.
"The Sacred Goddess Clobberlaser of course... or the Palutena Glam Blaster, whichever one you prefer. It was originally meant for the Hewdraw, but unfortunately, I didn't have time to set it up. I was saving this for an occasion such as this."
"Must you stick your name on everything?" Viridi asked.
You... you think you've won..." Hades said as Palutena gasped, as when the smoke cleared as Hades was still alive and well... although he shrunk to the size of Palutena's height... and his original head came back... oddly enough. "But i'm still alive!"
"How?! How are you still alive?!" Palutena asked.
"I am the God of the Underworld, I can do as I please!" He said as he ran forward to the shocked Palutena as he punched her in the gut, causing her to keel over and cough out blood, complete with a shocked gasp of surprise, followed by an uppercut as he jumped up and spin kicked her to the ground, causing her to roll near the gang and then Hades landed, and walked forward to the Goddess of Light.
"LADY PALUTENA!" Pit screamed.
"N-nngh..." Palutena groaned, blood rushing down the side of her head as she used Auto Reticle to shoot him, but he kicked the staff to the side and grabbed her by the neck and held her up high.
"Let's see you live without your precious Goddess of Light, Pitty Pat!" He said. "For you see, this is the day... WHERE YOUR PRECIOUS GODDESS OF LIGHT DIES!"
Those words echoed inside Pit's mind as his eyes widened. "No..." He whispered as he slowly got up, watching Hades punch Palutena's face repeatedly and then throw her to ground. "NO!" He screamed, summoning Tiger Claws. "DON'T YOU LAY A FINGER ON HER!"
BGM: Boss Battle 1 (Kid Icarus: Uprising)
Pit ran forward, letting out a war cry as Hades raised his foot to finish the job, but then Pit slashed him away from Palutena. "Argh!" He exclaimed as he growled. "You dare lay a finger on me, Pitty Pat?!"
"Don't you EVER lay another finger on Lady Palutena again!" He threatened, switching to his Palutena Bow, and was joined by RWBY and JNPR.
"Yeah! You leave her alone right now!" Ruby said.
Hades chuckled. "If you think you can take me on by catching your second wind... you're sorely mistaken! Let's finish this once and for all!"
BGM: I May Fall (RWBY)
"You're going down!" Yang declared as she ran forward, jumping up in the air and punched him with her Arm, but Hades caught it with his hand, but Yang smirked and used her free arm to punch him in the head and proceeded to hit him repeatedly until he jumped back as Ruby used her semblance to smack into him repeatedly and slashed him away.
Hades growled and then punched the ground, making a shockwave, complete with lasers coming out an trying to hit them, but Weiss formed an ice shield to block them as Nora jumped up and hammered Hades away, proceeding to switch her hammer for the grenade launcher and shooting him up as Jaune and Pyrrha ran over and slashed him repeatedly.
"Enough!" Hades exclaimed as he proceeded to punch them away and then ran forward, punching Ruby in the gut to send her flying, but Blake threw Gambol Shroud at her for her to grab it as she did as Blake pulled her back as Ruby came back and used her semblance to smack him in the head.
It was then that Blake ran over and slashed him repeatedly and then Hades tried to punch her, but it was actually her clone as the real Blake slashed him from behind as Pit ran forward, splitting the Palutena Bow apart and slashing him repeatedly but then Hades kicked him back, as he tried to then hit Ren but he kept moving and shooting him.
Hades screamed and then clapped his hands together, creating a huge shockwave to knock them back and when he turned to Pit, a Mega Laser hit him from behind as he turned to see Palutena glaring at him, wiping blood from her lip as he ran forward and punched her, but she summoned a reflective shield to hold him back as Pit fired arrows at him.
"The nerve of you, Palutena… you actually managed to weaken me with that laser!" Hades growled as he tried to hit her, but she teleported and then reappeared with the group.
"Cover me. I'm going to try something." Palutena said, looking at the cannon from the destroyed Great Sacred Treasure. "Pit! Grab this!"
"On it!" Pit nodded and ran forward, grabbing a hold of it.
"Keep him busy!" She ordered as RWBY and JNPR went to go help, but Palutena requested Jaune and Pyrrha to guard them, so Nora and Ren were by themselves as Nora pulled out her club as Hades was a little busy with Ruby and Blake as Nora jumped up and threw her club down, creating a huge explosion as it knocked Hades away and then Nora landed on it, pulling it back up and proceeded to pull out her hammer as well as she ran forward and swung both her weapons to give Hades the ultimate migraine of all time.
"I will not let you live!" Hades exclaimed. "As soon as I'm done with all of you, I will get bigger again and crush anything in my way!"
"Only in your dreams!" Yang growled and punched him in the gut, as Ruby quickly used her semblance and when she got closed, she axe kicked him away where Weiss and Blake proceeded to hit him as Hades groaned and fell to the ground on one knee.
"Nnngh… I'm not going to…"
"Alright, we're good." Palutena said. "Hey Hades!" She said, catching his attention as she playfully stuck her tongue out at him, while also pulling her eyelid down.
"I'll rip your tongue out for that!" Hades said as he ran forward, leaving RWBY, Ren and Nora behind.
"Don't even think about it!" Pyrrha growled as Palutena smirked and then closed her eyes, teleporting themselves to the group.
"What?!" Hades asked, realizing he was looking at the ocean.
"Now, fire!" Palutena ordered.
"You're finished!" Pit said, unleashing the powerful laser from the cannon. "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" He cried, as Hades turned around and got hit with it, causing him to scream as he was engulfed.
"It's hard to believe… that you all actually managed to beat me…! The nerve of you…!" Hades groaned… and when the laser was done firing, Hades was no more.
"Phew… that was… intense…" Ruby said as she fell on her back.
"It's finally over…" Weiss said.
"Yes… and the world is finally at peace." Palutena smiled, hearing the town cheer behind them as she looked at them all and then made a beam of light for them all, including the destroyed Stars as they were all whisked away to Skyworld.
BGM: Triumphal Return (Kid Icarus: Uprising)
"Well, at least the world is safe for now." Pit said.
"Yeah, it sure is." Ruby smiled as they were in the living room as everyone else was chatting as Pit and Ruby looked at each other's eyes as they slowly leaned in and kissed for a good few seconds as she then cuddled into him and they both rested.
"Alright, we're good to go!" Palutena walked forward as they all looked to see the Stars were now fully repaired. "You can now use these whenever you like! If you feel like you need to summon them, just say 'come, Warp Star' and they'll come to your aid." She smiled. "And like I said, the weapons you all have are yours to keep."
"You're not just going to take them away?" Yang asked in surprise.
"Nope. Who knows… you might kill a Grimm in a more interesting way." She said, playfully winking at them.
"So, I guess this is it…" Ruby sighed. "Leaving each other for good."
"You're forgetting something." Pit smiled. "I'm a Smasher myself, so obviously, I'll be spending time at the Smash Mansion along with Lady Palutena!"
"I might come to Skyworld every once in a while to check on things, but he's right." Palutena said. "Besides, who'd wanna break you two up?"
Ruby smiled. "So that means…"
"Yeah, we'll be closer than you'll think!" Pit smiled.
"Sweet!" Ruby smiled as the couple hugged as Zwei soon joined them.
"Alright, I'm sending you all back to where you came from!" Palutena smiled as she prepared the light beams.
"See you soon?" Ruby smiled.
"Totally!" Pit said, as they both high fived.
"See you guys later!" Yang waved as they all disappeared into the beams of light as Ruby turned around, blew Pit a kiss and then hopped on in while Palutena opened up a door.
"Let's go meet everyone in the Smash Mansion." Palutena said as Pit nodded and they walked in as they were greeted by the various Smashers and were greeted with congratulations…. And everyone was cheering when Palutena told them that Pit has himself a girlfriend now.
"Congratulations, you cheeky angel you." A voice said as Pit turned to see Bayonetta as he paled up as she got closer, as Palutena was unaware since she was catching up with Zelda and Female Robin as she got closer… and closer and closer… until she patted him on the head.
"Just because I hunt angels for a living doesn't mean I can't be happy for them either." Bayonetta said. "One day, I still will actually kill you… but even I must hold myself to congratulate the happy couple." She said and then winked at him as she waved goodbye to him and walked off.
"Huh… she's… actually not that bad." Pit blinked. "Nice!"
"So this is the Smash Mansion you were so fond about." A voice said as he saw Dark Pit leaning on a wall.
"Pittoo?! What are you doing here?!"
"Stop calling me that… and Master Hand approached me, asking me if I wanted to join the roster… and if it means beating the hell out of you, then that's fine by me."
"Great, so you're in the roster too…"
"Yep… so watch out." Dark Pit warned and walked off… and accidentally bumping into Lucina. "Ooof! Watch where you're going, klutz."
"Hey, you're the one who walked into me." Lucina argued.
"Whatever." He said coldly and walked off.
Lucina glared at him as he walked off. "I already don't like him." Lucina 'hmphed' and walked off.
"And suddenly, I'm a bit nervous with those two…" Corrin said, .
"I'm sure they'll let it slide." Chrom said, leaning on a wall. "But if not, that dark angel will be having my blade through his guts for starting anything."
"…That's not exactly helpful."
At Beacon…
"It seems Hades is no more." Glynda said.
"Yes, it seems that way… and Ruby found herself a boyfriend." Ozpin said and then chuckled. "A human and an angel. Now there's something you don't see every day. I'm happy for them."
"So, what about those girls?" Glynda asked. "You know the ones I'm talking about."
"Heh, I've sent the leader to Yoshi's Island to do some recon, just in case if any Grimm showed up over there."
"She's not technically a leader yet. The group has yet to be formed." Glynda reminded.
"I know… but still, calling her a leader is a good fit. The one who lives on an island near the Mushroom Kingdom is still living there for now, but I did contact her in case the time to form the team is now. One of the other girls went back to the Mushroom Kingdom to help her grandfather with some paranormal activity."
"And the one with the split-personality disorder?"
"She's coming along well and she's keeping it under control."
"Even so, I don't think she's ready. She might destroy her teammates."
"Nonsense, she'll have it under control as long as no explosions are present. Why, I do believe that Xe-" A knock on his door was heard. "Come in!" He requested as the elevator doors opened to reveal Lucario and Robin. "Oh, if it isn't some of the Smashers. What do I owe this pleasure?"
"Well, we were wondering something and Master Hand actually gave us permission to do this." Robin started.
"Oh? And what is it?"
"Well, we were wondering if there were any spots left for teaching her at Beacon." Lucario said.
"Teaching here at Beacon?" Glynda asked in surprise. "But I don't think-"
"Hold on." Ozpin spoke up. "Professor Peach is still missing from her mission, and I recently let a teacher go because he was getting too… old to teach." He then looked at Glynda. "And I don't mean Professor Port." He said, causing Glynda to mentally sigh in relief. "And you Smashers do have what it takes…" He rubbed his chin in thought. "The thought of this is actually exciting. I approve." He nodded.
Meanwhile, at Bowser's Castle…
BGM: Bowser's Castle (Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door)
"So, what the heck do you want to do now?" Roman asked as they were done fixing up Bowser's Castle.
"Send more Grimm somewhere, of course!" Bowser chuckled. "In fact, I know the perfect location and I was planning on invading an island along with the Koopalings!"
"Are you sending Junior too?" Roman asked.
"No. He's far too young and that snot-nosed plumber might actually hurt my son! Not on your life!"
"Okay, okay! I was just wondering… sheesh. So what's this island?"
Bowser chuckled darkly. "Yoshi's Island. We'll send the Grimm over to that island to teach that egg throwing dinosaur a lesson… and his little dog friend too!" He smirked.
"I take it we're heading over there then?"
"Yes, we'll send the Grimm over there!" Bowser said. "Men! Gather up your things! We're heading over to Yoshi's Island!"
"And General Guy!"
"Keep an eye on Junior while we're gone, the same goes to Cindy and her pals!"
"…Excuse me? I ain't no babysitter!"
"Well, you are now! Let's go everyone!" Bowser said as he, Roman and Neo hopped on the ships.
"Hmph, like we're going to sit here and do nothing!" Mercury growled.
"Hold it… he might not need our help for this one." Cinder said. "Hmm, I am actually interested."
"Alright, everyone! To Yoshi's island!" Bowser smirked. "We are going to make a certain dinosaur species extinct!" He laughed evilly as the airships took off.
And somewhere else…
"Hey Lopez! Is the teleporter ready?"
"Excellente! Now let's get Simmons and Church over here and find out who this Barb person is so we can kill her!"
"Oh thank god, I can't handle any more 'God dammit, Barbs'."
"Nonsense, Grif!"
"Agh, dammit! I'm covered in soot again!"
"We'll just give it a little kick then!"
"Uh, I think that was a bad idea!"
"Sarge idiota! Lo que vas a hacer imposible para nostros para volver!" (Sarge, you idiot! You're going to make it impossible for us to get back now!)
"Ah, it's glowing!"
"I'll just give it another kick!"
And suddenly, the entire Blood Gulch was engulfed in white.
And in the Underworld…
"Dark Yang… Hades…" Dark Ruby muttered as she clenched her fists. "We'll make them pay for what they did to you."
"So, shall we get going?" Dark Weiss asked.
"Yes… those bitches are going to pay for this." She said. "Meta, let's go." She said as inhuman growl was heard as they walked off together, ready for revenge.
And with that... the story is over.
As if the hint from Bowser wasn't enough... the next story will be Super RWBY World! See ya then!
And yes, we're finally going to see more of the Blood Gulch Gang from here on out!