Paddy decided to check in on Aaron now that he knew Rhona was okay. Aaron was fast asleep, like he knew he would be, but that didn't stop him from going in.
Robert was unsurprisingly there, also asleep in the chair by Aaron's bed. Paddy felt a brief pang of sympathy for him but shook it off; he wasn't quite ready to fully accept Robert just yet.
He sat in the other seat on the opposite side of the bed so to not wake Robert.
"Hi Aaron, it's me, Paddy. Obviously. I know you're asleep, as you should be, but I just wanted to see how you were doing." He felt somewhat silly talking to Aaron when he knew he couldn't hear him, but at the same time, he just had things he needed to say. "I'm sorry it took me a while. I was getting checked up myself" he lifted up his bad arm as much as he could. "I'm doing okay. Rhona was in a worst state. I had to stay to make sure she would pull though. You understand that, right?" He looked at Aaron expectantly forgetting he was sleeping. "Right yeah, anyway. I'm here now. You gave everyone a scare, I hear. Don't be doing that again. We need you around." Paddy paused, choosing his words carefully (even though he didn't need to; it was still important to him). He glanced at Robert, since it was him who had got him thinking about it in the first place. "I know I've not been there for you. Not really. Not when you needed me. I got so caught up with Tess and Rhona and Pierce" he spat out the last name; he couldn't help it. "I was so caught up with them that I forgot about my own son." Tears sprang to his eyes because he would always see Aaron as his son; blood or not. "I'm sorry Aaron. When you get out of here, I promise you, I'll be there whenever you need me." He patted Aaron's hand and wiped away his tears. "Now. About Robert though..." Paddy started but he must have been too loud as Robert stirred and woke up, slightly jumping at the sight of Paddy.
"Paddy. You're here." Robert was clearly still half asleep.
"Yeah, I'm here. I'm done now though."
"You don't have to leave because of me."
"I'm not, honestly. I've just said what I needed to say. I'll come back when he's awake." Robert nodded.
Paddy got up off the chair and headed to the door. He hesitated and turned back to Robert. "You helped him, that's what Chas said."
"Yeah. I did."
"Thank you." Robert looked surprised but again, just nodded.
Paddy glanced at Robert, now holding Aaron's hand and noticed the ring on Aaron's finger.
"That's why you wanted my blessing."
Robert instinctively covered the ring with his hand.
Paddy sighed. "Look. We're never gonna get along. But you did save his life. I'll give you that. And if this is what he wants... I have to support that."
Robert looked at him in shock. "It'll mean a lot to him that you said that."
Paddy was the one who nodded in response this time. He again turned to leave. Hesitating one more time. "Robert?"
"Yes, Paddy?"
Paddy didn't turn back and had his hand on the door ready to leave. "Congratulations." Was all he said as he pushed open that door and Robert couldn't help but to smile.