Cry Baby

You seem to replace
Your brain with your heart
You take things so hard
And then you fall apart

The wind blew harshly on Sakura Haruno's already chapped cheeks. The weather in Suna was ridiculous in comparison to Konoha. She huffed as she wiped her sore eyes. The sweat just wouldn't stop forming on her forehead or right above her lips.

"Damn, it's so hot today." Naruto Uzumaki voiced Sakura's inner thoughts.

"So why did we decide to visit Gaara again?" Sakura asked, smiling because she already knew the answer.

"Duh, it's his birthday." Naruto shook his head and laughed at Sakura. Sakura just slightly punched Naruto in the arm.

"You know it was snowing when we left Konoha. It's crazy how a few days away it is so fucking hot." Sakura swore.

"We're almost there." Sakura had completely forgotten that Temari and Shikamaru were there as well. Shikamaru sighed quite loudly. Temari grinned at him. Sakura felt the corners of her lips drop but she tried her damnedest to keep a silly grin on her face. She wasn't going to ruin the mood. There was no room to think of him. His black somber eyes. Black hair and a small smile on his face. He told her that he would be back but he had been gone for what felt like years. It was in reality at least six months. Sakura didn't want to admit to herself that she had marked off each day since he had been gone on her calendar at her office at the hospital. Everyone else was already starting to find significant others. The only man she had ever really loved was never there. Did she even know him? She almost stopped at the realization. Naruto turned to face her and she straightened herself.

"Sakura? Are you okay? Is the heat getting to you?" Naruto asked, placing his hand on her shoulder. This man next to her always cared so much for her. She was happy to finally see him as more than just a nuisance, like she did in her genin days. She had come to treasure their bond. She loved Naruto like a brother. He gave his whole body and soul to their friendship. But she wasn't the only one included in that.

"Yeah, yeah. Just a little worn out. I didn't get much sleep last night. I had some things to do at the children's hospital yesterday." She flashed him a huge smile. His hand retracted and he smiled too. But she saw right through him. He knew what she was thinking, he always did.

"Maybe seeing Gaara will cheer you up. He has always liked having you around." Naruto explained. Sakura thought that it was a backwards compliment and just giggled.

"Sure maybe so."

Gaara stood when the four entered his office.

"Naruto. What are you doing here?" His sea foam eyes were widened in surprise. Naruto laughed whole-heartedly and outstretched his hand. Gaara took it and shook it firmly. Naruto was never one to settle with handshakes though. Sakura laughed out loud when Naruto engulfed Gaara in a hug and squeezed him. She saw Gaara's eyes slide to her face and she warmed when he smiled at her. He looked so sweet when he smiled. The first time they had met him, he was so cruel. Bloodlust swam in those same eyes that were looking at her now. Sakura held his eye contact and waved at him. Naruto pulled out of the hug and placed his hands on his friend's shoulders.

"Happy Birthday my good man." Naruto stated. Gaara smiled wider.

"You came all the way to say that?" He asked. Sakura stepped up beside Naruto.

"Why wouldn't we?" She handed him two small packages that were wrapped meticulously.

"Sakura wrapped them. I was just going to give them to you but she insisted." Naruto stepped back from Gaara as the red head took the awaiting gifts from Sakura.

"Thank you Naruto. Thank you Sakura." He glanced to both of them, Sakura noticing the twinkle in his eyes.

"I have some business with you Gaara. But I figured it could wait after we all grab dinner." Shikamaru spoke up. Temari smiled at him and placed a hand on Shikamaru's shoulder.

"Brother, we have some news to share with you. But I can't hold it in anymore." Sakura looked back at Temari. She had never heard the blonde kunoichi sound so nervous but excited. Then she saw it, glinting in the bright sun coming in through the office's windows.

"Shikamaru proposed last night." She explained and wiggled her hand at her brother. Gaara smiled warmly.

"Congratulations Temari." He nodded at his sister and then at Shikamaru. "I already knew of course. You don't think he wouldn't have asked me do you?" Everyone was quiet for a second and then they all started laughing. Temari went up and hugged her brother. Sakura was so excited for them, yet somewhere her heart tugged and she felt a tear slip from her eye. She covered it up by pretending she was laughing too hard and wiped her other eye too.

You try to explain
But before you can start
Those cry baby tears
Come out of the dark

Naruto went up to Shikamaru and punched him in the shoulder.

"I see I lead a good example huh?" Naruto asked, patting Shikamaru on the back in congratulations. Shikamaru just shrugged but there was a smile on his face. Sakura knew that it must have taken a lot of thought for Shikamaru. He was lazy and probably still felt a little lost without Asuma-sensei so moving on with his life probably took everything he had. Proposing wasn't easy. But how would you know? Sakura asked herself. She was stumped by her own question.

"Well let's go get Kankuro, Shikamaru. We will meet you guys at the restaurant. It's right across from the inn you guys will be in tonight." Temari stated as she walked back to the door. Shikamaru raised his hand in the air in a motion of farewell and left Naruto, Sakura, and Gaara standing in the middle of the room. The feeling was nice and comfortable.

"Well, open your gifts Gaara. This is your special day." Sakura pushed and smiled at him. Gaara looked down at the gifts because he had almost forgotten them.

"The red one is from me." Naruto added, wiggling his eyebrows. Gaara took the hint and went to sit in his chair behind his desk. He placed the yellow package on his desk as he slid the bow off of the red one. He took the box out of the wrapping and opened it. He sat there for a second, mouth slightly open. Naruto, Sakura noticed, started shifting his weight to one foot from another, and stretched his neck out.

"Naruto, this is beautiful." Gaara mumbled, pulling out a necklace similar to Naruto's crystal that belonged to the first Hokage. The color was that of blood red but it wasn't harsh and brutal like blood. The Kazekage turned the necklace over in his hand and felt a surge of electricity in his fingertips.

"A little of Kurama's chakra is in the crystal. Just in case you need any extra help and I'm not around." Naruto grinned. Sakura smiled sweetly at Naruto. He was caring and sweet. She was surprised when he started contemplating Gaara's gift. It had so much meaning behind it she thought it was almost impossible he thought of such a thing himself since he was so ditzy and care-free.

"Thank you so much Naruto. I can never repay you for bringing me out of the darkness. But I really appreciate our friendship." Gaara stated, slipping the necklace over his head. Naruto walked up to Gaara's desk and held out a clenched fist. Gaara smiled softly and tapped his clenched fist against Naruto's.

"Alright now for Sakura-chan's." Naruto grinned. Gaara looked at Sakura for a second and nodded.

"It's not much." Sakura added quickly. Naruto laughed.

"Well it isn't going to beat mine." Sakura rolled her eyes at her friend. She put her hands in the pockets of her grey skirt, nervously pulling at the stitches inside of it. Naruto was right, nothing could beat that gift. She watched as Gaara slowly unwrapped the yellow wrapping. Noticing he didn't tear any of the paper or unravel the bows, it made Sakura smile a little bigger. Gaara pulled out the small leather bound journal and silver pen slowly and smiled down at it.

"Thank you Sakura. I was just about to finish the one you gave me last year up."

"There's something in it." Sakura gestured for him to open it. Gaara flipped open the cover and ran his hand over it.

"I had forgotten we took this. Did you get all of the pictures from the wedding printed out?" Gaara asked. Sakura nodded.

"They are all on a little disk that's taped to the back cover. I just tried to pick the ones with you in them obviously." She explained. "The actual paper also has the pictures printed on it." Gaara nodded at her, a smile still etched on his face. He still was looking at the photograph that was on the first page. It was when Naruto and Hinata got married last spring and it was one of the best days Sakura had ever experienced. All of their friends were there and Naruto was finally truly happy. Hinata was blushing madly in the picture, as Naruto hugged her against his side. He looked great in the tuxedo that Kakashi-sensei had helped pick out. Gaara was standing to the right of Naruto, his hand placed gingerly over Naruto's shoulders. Sakura was on the other side of Hinata, holding her friend's hand. Temari and Shikamaru stood next Gaara and Kankuro off to the farthest side, grinning as well. Everyone was so happy. Sakura would never forget that day as long as she lived. It would've been better if he had been there but not everything could be perfect. She was just happy that Naruto enjoyed his day enough to make up for the lack of the other's presence.

"Thank you two so much. You know before we were friends, I never got any gifts." Gaara stated quietly. Naruto placed his hand over Gaara's and grinned.

"Well we don't have to worry about that anymore huh? I will drag my ass here to this blistering place every year to spend your birthday with you. Even when I become Hokage." Naruto affirmed. "Now let's go eat!" Sakura laughed. Same old Naruto.

The dinner was delicious and Sakura had a hard time making it to the room before she felt like unbuttoning her skirt. She had eaten too much. And drank a little too much sake. She got that from her shishou. Sakura had to learn how to keep up with Tsunade and at first it was a challenge but Sakura could handle herself like a big girl around alcohol now. Naruto announced he was going to his room and bid Sakura a goodnight. Sakura sat in silence for a moment. She went to the bathroom to take a bath. The water rushed out and she placed a bath bomb she brought from home into the tub. Content with the smell of daisies she got undressed and slid slowly into the tub. She hummed to herself as she soaked her body. Suddenly the sadness made its way into her head and she felt the tears start falling for real this time.

Someone's turning the handle
To that faucet in your eyes
They're pouring out
Where everyone can see

Your heart's too big for your body
It's where your feelings hide
They're pouring out
Where everyone can see

It always happened when it got too quiet and she had a little too much to drink. She knew it was okay to cry. But not in the silence of her home whenever she was drunk and lonely or in some inn in Suna. It was too much. But her heart always ached. Seeing Shikamaru and Temari officially announcing their engagement at dinner really hit it home for her. She was being left behind again and this time it was a completely different situation. Being a little girl and crying over a boy is normal. She did it when she had tried to convince Sasuke to stay in Konoha or take her with him when they were twelve. He had always left her behind. This time was no different except she knew she was too old to be acting like this. At eighteen, almost nineteen, she felt hollow inside. All of her friends were finding their lovers and moving on. She was still stuck on him. She had tried to see different guys but she always felt wrong for doing so. He wouldn't have cared though right? Sakura knew she didn't belong to him, but she wanted to belong to him so badly. A bitter laugh escaped her mouth as she cried.

They call you cry baby
Cry baby
But you don't fucking care
Cry baby, cry baby
So you laugh through your tears

Cry baby, cry baby
Cause you don't fucking care
Tears fall to the ground
You just let them drown

Sakura knew he was lonely out there trying to atone for his sins. He downright turned her down at the gates when he left. Yet she always thinks of him placing his two fingers on her forehead and telling her he would be back.

You're all on your own and
You lost all your friends
You told yourself that
It's not you, it's them

"And thank you." She muttered to herself. The tears were slowly receding but the lump remained in her throat. A mess she was and it was all because of him. The water started to turn cold. Grabbing a towel, she got out of the tub and sighed heavily. She raised her hand to her head and applied some pressure. Her chakra made her head stop pounding. Headaches were always a result of crying and too much sake, it never failed.

You're one of a kind
And no one understands
But those cry baby tears
Keep coming back again

While brushing her hair out, she heard some loud noises from the hallway. She looked down at herself. She was only in a towel but someone could be in trouble. Dashing out of the bathroom, brush in hand she went to the door. She pulled it open quickly. The brush clattered loudly when it hit the ground.

Naruto was grinning stupidly and then noticed Sakura standing in her room's doorway. A slow blush covered her face.

"Look at who it is. He's drunk as a skunk, yet he managed to mask his chakra." Naruto laughed and Sakura's eyes slid over the man leaning on Naruto. He wasn't smiling but he wasn't frowning either. His black hair glittered in the fluorescent lights and his cheeks had a slight pink on them. Finally, she looked at his eyes and to her surprise they were looking at hers.


"What kind of greeting is that Sakura?" Naruto asked, exasperated. Sakura blinked slowly and tore her eyes from Sasuke's obsidian ones.

"Well. Excuse me. I'm naked." Sakura realized what she said and blushed madly. She had been standing out there in a towel that almost didn't cover anything with two guys just staring at her. Backing into the room she slammed the door, her heart pounding in her chest. Why is he here? Her thoughts were swirling and she slid down to the floor. Picking herself up, she slipped on a t-shirt and underwear. She was going to bed. The lights from the city outside made her room have a certain orange glow as she slid herself onto her mattress roll. Rolling over with her back against the door she slowly took a deep breath and let it out just as slow. Her mind wouldn't let her settle down and go to sleep though.

Someone's turning the handle
To that faucet in your eyes
They're pouring out
Where everyone can see

Your heart's too big for your body
It's where your feelings hide
They're pouring out
Where everyone can see

Tears pooled under her lids and they slid down her cheeks. The last person she wanted to see tonight was him. Especially since she had been crying probably for hours over him. Stupid, she thought harshly but the tears kept coming.

They call you cry baby
Cry baby
But you don't fucking care
Cry baby, cry baby
So you laugh through your tears

Cry baby, cry baby
Cause you don't fucking care
Tears fall to the ground
You just let them drown

She felt herself losing the battle between sleep and being awake. Her crying had receded but now she was mentally exhausted. Sighing again she fell into a restless slumber.

A few hours passed and she thought she heard her door open but she couldn't get herself to roll over and check. She was exhausted. Plus she didn't feel any chakra besides her own. She reached to pull her hair off of her neck but a hand was already there. Immediately she tensed but she couldn't get her hand to move. How did she not feel a hand hovering right above her? Slowly she lifted her eyes and looked carefully over her shoulder. Black eyes were staring back at her.

"Sakura, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." Sasuke softly said. Sakura pulled herself up and sat up. She turned to him and stared at him.

"Maybe you should apologize for breaking into my room." She stated and sadly smiled. He looked at her quizzically and then a soft smile appeared on his countenance. He shook his head.

"You're right. I was just coming to apologize for interrupting you and Naruto's trip. I came to Suna a few days ago to talk to Gaara about somethings concerning a mission I'm on."

"You're on a mission?"

"Sort of. I can't say much about it though." He replied and Sakura cocked her head to the left.

"You don't have anything to apologize for Sasuke." Sakura smiled at him. She still had to get used to him saying anything at all let alone an apology.

"I do. I heard Shikamaru and Temari are getting married." He said. This struck Sakura odd. Was he interested in such trivial things?

"Yes, I think it's wonderful." Sakura replied before really thinking about what she actually wanted to say. "It makes me feel kind of lonely though. Selfish right?" She looked down at her hands, blushing. Did I really just say that? He's going to think I'm silly. He probably already does anyway. Her head was so full that she barely missed his hand pushing her hair back behind her ear. It was so soft and fleeting. She shot her eyes towards him and saw that his eyes were now glazed over.

"Sasuke?" Her hand reached out to touch his cheek and to her surprise he didn't stop her. His cheeks were wet. He softly pushed against her hand and sighed heavily. Sasuke Uchiha was crying, and in front of her no less.

I look at you and
I see myself
I know you better
Than anyone else

I have the same faucet
In my eyes
So your tears
Are mine

"I am sorry for not coming back any sooner. I have to leave again tomorrow. I just…" He stopped and opened his eyes. Sakura ran her thumb against his cheek. She was crying now too, not being able to help herself from doing so.

"Quit apologizing to me Sasuke. You know I will wait an eternity for you." The words held in the air for a few seconds, only their shaky breathing could be heard.

They call me cry baby
Cry baby
But I don't fucking care
Cry baby, cry baby
So I laugh through my tears

"Thank you, Sakura."

Cry baby, cry baby
Cause I don't fucking care
Tears fall to the ground
I just let them drown
I just let them drown
Cry baby, cry baby