Hello lovies, I hope you will give this pairing a chance, I am a big grey X juvia shipper but there are times when I wanna smack the shit out of grey and juvia equally and I just love love lyon so here's a lil naughty, tease :)

Ch 1: Beast of Desire

"If she wants a beast, then a beast I will become." It was his vow, his pledge as he watched the object of his affection saunter out of the hotel with rolling hips and cascading waves of azure hair. The rain woman was simply enchanting, from her love dazed eyes to her delicate toes, she enthralled him with her delicate pink lips that whispered "Drip drip drop." and her lush body. Lyon Vastia, was simply a fool in love.

It was the Grand Magic Games and he wasn't going to go down either in the tourney or in the battle for Juvia's affections. He saw how his adoptive brother gaze on the women would linger, trailing her slopes and valleys like a hungry wolf sizing his prey. He didn't think anyone was watching, but Lyon was. Lyon knows just how closed Grey is, how he refuses to invite any weakness into his heart or let anyone melt that brick wall he carved around his heart. 'She deserves better.' Lyon growled in his mind, he felt she deserved someone who would welcome her with a warm embrace, not false hope. He squeezed his fist finding his resolve as he followed the women, a fire burning in his gut and a plan he wanted to set into motion.

"Juvia wonders if Grey-sama would enjoy her company tonight." She murmured to the pastel colored sky, its vibrant hues melting in the fading sunlight. She smiled to herself feeling the pride of her guild swelling, she was to participate in the Grand Magic Games, it was an honor that she hoped would impress her Grey-sama. She of course wanted her guild to be proud of her accomplishments in the game too, but to see Grey-sama's face filled with pride, eyes aglow with love as he pulls her into a tight embrace and… Squeals bubbled past her lips, she pressed her hands to her inflamed cheeks as she shook her head in unimaginable glee, Grey-sama touching her, praising her, and possible more! Her heart couldn't take the scenario of her beloved prince.

In her daze she wandered off the paved path and found herself surrounded by the nearby forest that loomed near her Guild hall's booked hotel, she blinked several times escaping the daydreams hold. She looked around with blue eyes, she was utterly and completely lost, her fingers curled into her teal blue skirt; kneading the fabric as she whipped her head around searching for something, anything that was familiar.

"My dear Juvia, are you lost?"

Her eyes darted to the male who leaned casually against the tree, his silver hair and kind smile was a refreshing sight, a smile blossomed upon her lips as she rushed over to him.

" Lyon-sama!" She cried out with glee. "Juvia is so happy to see you, Juvia was worried that she was lost and with it getting dark." It would have been a scene straight out of a romance novel if it was Grey who found her, she gave a wistful sigh, but having Lyon find her was still wonderful. 'Sleeping in the forest, would not be wise.' Her body gave a shudder at the thought of bugs, and sticks tangled in her hair.

"You are, are you." He purred, his voice husky as he leaned in close.

" Yes, Juvia is happy to see you Lyon-sama." She groused, puffing out her cheeks in irritation, how silly was he to think otherwise, Lyon was important to Grey. She treasured anything Grey did, but Lyon also earned his place as a dear friend of hers.

" I am glad to hear that Juvia." He whispered seductively as he brushed his lips against her ear, she gave a small jump startled by his close proximity.

Juvia gave the silver haired male a nervous smile as she tucked a stray lock behind her ear, her fingers trembled she wasn't used to such a bold response. A smirk tugged at his lips as he reached forward with nimble fingers, imitating her endearing action, he traced the delicate shell of her ear with his fingertips ghosting them down along the curve of her cheek.

"L-lyon-s-sama." Juvia gave a startled gasp to the ticklish feeling, her heart pounded in her breast as a flush that rose from her neck to meet the teasing touches of Lyons fingers.

"Hmmm." Was his murmured response as he crooked his finger under the curve of her chin tipping back that beautifully bewildered face, he simply drank in the shadows of night that played across her lovely features highlighting her thick lashes and rosy cheeks. 'She's blushing for me.' His mind whispered, her plump pink lips part on a throaty gasp as those deep oceanic eyes searched his. The moment thrilled him, urging him on as he leaned forward bringing his lips down to meet hers.

His head whipped to the side with a sting, an angry red handprint throbbed across his cheek, shock and shame pulsed through him as he backed away from the small woman, he listened to the heavy gulps of air she sucked in, before he turned his face back to her flustered one.

"W-what are you doing Lyon-sama." She whispered, her heart hammering out an SOS in quick rapid beats. 'Grey's lips are what Juvia wants, n-not Lyons.' Her mind screamed but secretly she felt the throb of excitement course through her, pushing her to lean forward to feel that Ice wizard's lips, would they be cold or warm. She gave her head a firm shake as she looked into his eyes.

" Nothing, absolutely nothing." He whispered, some beast he was, he came here to stake his claim but that look she is pinning him with was ripping his fragile ego to shreds.

"Oh, w-we must head back J-juvia does not wish to make Grey-sama and the others worry." She licked her lips feeling her throat grow dry.

Lyon's eyes zeroed in on that cute pink tongue of hers, sliding across the soft flesh of her lips in a taunting sweep. 'Soft feelings be damned! I want this woman.' He gave a soft growl as he once move leaned into her, pushing past her hesitation and capturing her sweet lips in a savory kiss. Her gasp breathed life into his courage, here he would seduce with sweet licks and gentle kisses but now he wanted to ravage her, devour and conquer. He wanted to leave her aching for him, he wanted to mark her as his.

Juvia felt the drum of her heart in her ears, the pulse that danced across her lips, lips that were pressed against Lyons. Warm, his lps were warm and inviting they danced across hers delicately. 'Juvia shouldn't be kissing anyone but Grey!' her mind cried out and as she felt the need to pull back she gave a shocked gasp as the tender kiss devolved into a violent press. His lips dominated hers, demanding submission as he rolled those warm lips aggressively against hers. A moan whispered through her lips seeping into his.

Lyon stilled 'Juvia moaned, she moaned for me?' He was incredulous, pride swelled and when she gave a soft sound of protest for him stopping, He felt very much like a beast as he devoured her lips once move, roughly dragging his tongue across her lips each sweep becoming more and more demanding.

'Lyon is kissing me, not Grey' Her mind whimpered even as she angled her head, and timidly welcomed his tongue into her mouth. She didn't want to, couldn't admit that she craved how his tongue pressed in her mouth, wouldn't acknowledge the heavy weight of her breasts or her taunt sensitive peaks and most of all the tantalizing moisture that pulsed between her thighs. Juvia was aroused by Lyon, and the dark whispers that battled within her heart.

He pressed her back against a tree, pressing his body flush to hers, feeling the teasing press of her breasts and the siren call of her hips cradling him. Nighttime fell upon them basking them in slivers of moonlight that shifted through the canopy of leaves and branches, painting his prey an ethereal goddess as the light caressed her cheeks, stroked her curves and set those blue eyes of hers aglow with stars. He pulled back panting, wanting more but he needed to tell her, needed her to hear.

" I am your beast" He growled" Say it, tell me I'm your beast"

Her lips trembled as her daze eyes drank him.

"You are Juvia's beast."

So i hope you all liked this, I would like to do a second chapter if this story is received well and of course it would be lemony ;)

But if it is really loved I wouldn't mind making it into a full blown romance story

So please Read and Review 3