N/A: Hello, everyone! For those who follow me back on tumblr, you know this week I've started a Halloween Special and one of the things included in it, is this fanfic.
I had a lot of fun working on it, building the world for this AU and doing art work for it, too. It's very simple and silly, but I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did doing it.
This fanfic will be updated every monday, and 'Heart Like Yours' will still be updated every week on Friday (or saturday when the party is too hard in friday, sorry lol).
Absolute Beginners
Chapter I – A kid's party
There was some chick 80s song coming out the apartment in front of theirs and Hyde muffed a scream on his pillow when Forman's giggle filled his room.
Hyde moved a little, looking at his phone for the hour. 9:33 am. A groan escaped him and the hardness of his body became too obvious. Last night's dream had been intense and he hated his nature even more after realizing who it was in his imaginary bed. This needed to stop, just like the party between his legs.
By all means, this was not his idea of waking up to a fine Saturday.
Ever since those goddamn freaky girls moved in, he hasn't had a good night sleep or a nice weekend: if Forman wasn't over at hers letting himself being handle like a toy, they were at theirs cooking, giggling and making his place smell like wild flowers.
It sickened him, how his life has turned out after running away from this kind of crap almost since the day he was born.
He stood from his bed and did a slow trip to the bathroom, taking his time to piss and almost cry from the force of his damn erection. The thing didn't give up and he seriously needed to discharge. After the most painful minutes of his life, Hyde cleaned up and dressed for the day.
Today's cores included taking out the trash, which meant he would had to go out and probably see Forman flirting with the redhead, Donna, in the hallway.
Looking at his reflection, he arched an eyebrow to his reddened cheeks. This was the third night in a row in which his dreams gave him a hard on in the morning. It was all that little fairy's, Jackie's, fault.
Her perfume and the pressure of her lips against his cheek, the way her eyes seemed to know how to go beyond his walls. Insufferable.
"Good mooooorning!" Forman said once he stepped outside his room, his friend was holding the freaks' black cat in both hands. "Mr. Fez is going to stay with us for the morning, Donna is accompanying Jackie to see her father and Fez needs a place."
"For fuck's sake, Forman. Just because you want to nail Donna doesn't mean you should be the one doing nanny work with their freaking cat." the animal moved its ears, it seemed like if it was smirking. "Look at it! It doesn't need a babysitter, it knows how to walk the street alone!"
"You are talking like if Fez was some kind of big boy." Forman laughed and Hyde saw the second the cat nodded to him once he was left on the floor. Unbelievable. "It's a kitten, Hyde. And it will be only for a few hours."
"Right. Don't let that shit get into my room," he said as he took the trash from the kitchen, "otherwise I'm showing your naked baby pictures to its mother."
He left the theme there with a smirk, walking out their apartment as the cat sniffed. Or laughed. Who knows at this point? These witches were ruining his life.
"Oh! By the way!" Eric yelled from his window, Jackie looked up by instinct and then realized he wasn't talking to her. Fez was there with him. "I invited the girls to Betsy's party!"
"Forman!" and Jackie looked behind her, Steven was walking to the building's site for trash with a frown. "It's a kid's party!"
"And we know how to do pretty crafts for the girls!" she answered, excitement showing in her voice. She had two good reasons to be happy about this. "The girls are so gonna love it! Some are for protection, and others to find happiness. Who knows? We can maybe do some to find love. Maybe I'll do one for you."
One was to piss off Steven, the second to be there for Donna.
Steven looked at her with the frown going supernova on his face, it made her smirk harder and he only passed her with a shrug. Pissing off this guy had become her favorite hobby ever since he rejected her honest interest, two months ago. It was amazing, how he actually resisted her and how she didn't felt like doing something about it but let it be.
If they weren't there for a date, then she was sure she could win him over pranks and laughs, just to have a friend. One doesn't find someone like him this often.
"I guess you are going to support Donna." he said suddenly. She had left their trash and was only waiting for him to do the same. Steven looked at her with a sigh. "I'm sorry, I can't imagine you with kids. It must be a nightmare to them."
"Ugh, Steven!" she smacked his chest, it was firm and warm against her skin, the sparkle it send to the bottom of her stomach made her give him her back. "Kids love me! Especially little girls." a lie, but why does he needs to know? "Like I said, our necklaces and bracelets will be a blast for them. All little girls love good look amulets."
"Yeah, well—given by you two? No, thanks." he walked away from her and Jackie saw Donna waving at her from her Lincoln. Time to go. "Just one thing, Burkhart."
Donna was driving slower to her spot, her eyes told Jackie she was wondering what was going on between her and Steven. These kind of scenes were starting to be more common by now, but Donna will always worry too much about her. The feeling was mutual, though, and Eric's laugh over them made her think about her friend and that scrawny boy's relationship.
Then, Steven's finger near her face made her look at him again. "Hey! Put that finger down!"
"Stay away from Betsy. I don't want any of your crap near my goddaughter. You hear me?"
"Oh, such a bad, intimidating, big boy…" she caressed the side of his face and the way he jumped at her touch told her everything she needed to know.
"Are you two flirting again!? EWWWW!" Eric said from the window and Jackie rolled her eyes, while Steven flipped him the bird. His laugh filled her ears before looking back at Steven.
He wasn't that bad at acting, but she was the queen at it. "Whatever, man. Have a good day!"
She ran to the Lincoln, it was a relic her biological father had given her. Jumping inside, she laughed with Donna when Steven sighed and said, "Fuck off, wicked."
Donna looked at her friend after the visit was over.
Seeing Jack Burkhart was never easy for Jackie, even when it had become gentler with the pass few years.
The first time they came here, she was ten and Jackie was nine, and it had been painful to see. Jackie couldn't stop crying and asking to be taken back home, to her irresponsible mother and her criminal father. Back then, they had just met, but Donna knew it must had been hell for Jackie to get used to living with a family she didn't know.
It was their people's law, to give an orphan kid of their kind to a stable and loving family that will train them and prepare them to the human world. So Jackie was put with them, a family of five, all girls, all witches, and a human father.
Right now, Jackie seemed like she could use some Pinciotti family time. Being with her adoptive family always seemed to bring her spirit back and Donna wondered if she should've suggested it. Yet, going back home was a long trip. And they had a party tonight.
"You alright?"
She nodded. "I'm now completely sure Steven knows."
Hyde again, Donna rolled her eyes. "Okay, your infatuation with this jerk needs to stop." she said, it was too much. "The guy hates us, it's not gonna happen, Jackie."
"It's not about that, you goon!" she answered, crossing her arms as they walked towards the Lincoln on the prison's parking lot. "I mean—I'm sure he knows about us. And about Fezzy, too."
That was something important, she cleared her throat and waited for an explanation as she searched for what to say next.
"What makes you think that?"
Jackie sighed. "Everything. Listen, Donna… the guy is smart and clever… and I have a big suspicion about him, but I'm not so sure."
Donna looked at her small frame, "Is that why you sent Fez over there?"
"Of course, why would Fez want to stay with other guys?"
"He's a pig."
"Mh-hmm." she answered. "I mean, next time… a pig, Donna. Or a rat. Or something disgusting. Not a cute cat."
"Yeah, you are right."
They climbed into the car once Jackie opened, she was driving them back to the city. It always relaxed her to do so, but for the way she was sighing and looking at the road with such concentration, Donna understood it wasn't making its thing on her. Their previous theme must have her on edge.
"Are you scared?"
"Last time someone knew we are witches, they erased his memory." Jackie said.
Randy. She had actually liked the guy, he was their friend and Donna was sure he was into her, but never did anything. Didn't have time for it. He had discovered their nature by accident and the Council has thought he wasn't of complete trust to keep it that way, so his memories of both, Donna and Jackie, had disappeared and so did they from the city.
A year and a half later, they were encountering this problem again.
"I don't think he would ever say something, though." Jackie admitted, then sighed. Donna started to search for a station to listen. "He's only worried about his friends and family."
"What do you mean?"
"He kind of threatened me," Jackie looked at her, "said he didn't want us near Betsy. She is his goddaughter, can you believe that? Someone saw him and say 'ah, yes, this feelingless asshole should take care of my daughter if something ever happens to me'. These Kelso people sound interesting."
Donna laughed at that. Yeah, that sounded unlikely, to name someone like Hyde as your kid's guardian. But hey, they didn't truly know the guy. He didn't let them know him, anyway.
"Yeah, he doesn't like me with Eric."
The silence that followed make her feel warm on her cheeks, she could feel Jackie's eyes on her and a smile formed on her friend's lips as she bit her bottom lip.
"So, you two…?"
"Almost there, I think."
"Oh." Jackie exclaimed. "You could do so much better, but yaaay!"
They laughed together before falling into comfortable silence.
Eric was nice. Incredible actually. His good heart and handsome face was only the smallest of the reasons why she liked him so much. The boy had also a kind voice, honest intentions and was transparent. His loyalty was a poem she wanted to kiss forever. If things kept going this way for them, she may end up loving him.
"He is really nice to me, Jackie."
"I know, that's the only reason why I like him. Other than that, I don't see the appeal. At all."
Donna rolled her eyes at her friend, "That's because you are into jerks." she answered. "Which reminds me… are you still into Hyde? Because it would be nice if we end up dating best friends! A little bit cliché, but I can handle it."
Jackie snorted at that, "Donna, we were just saying the guy may know we can transform him into a frog, and you are already making double dates plans?"
"Well, if he knows…"
"I'm joking, I'm joking!" she said between laughs. "We have to do something about it."
"What are we gonna do?"
Jackie sighed. "Tonight. After the party and Fez tells us what he found, we are confronting. I just want to know something."
"Just a feeling."
Kelso was Eric's oldest friend.
They had met back in kindergartner and had been friends ever since. When he met Hyde, he introduced the two of them and quickly became an inseparable trio.
In fact, it had been Kelso's idea to live all together once out of high school and in collage. But then he had met Brooke, fell for her, got her pregnant and had to get married almost in a heartbeat. Which was just fine for him, somehow they had make it work and they were a happy family of three.
Now, Betsy was four years old and was having her first sleepover at her home to celebrate Halloween with her other four years old friends. So Brooke and Kelso had invited him and Hyde to have some adult company, too. Inviting Donna and Jackie hadn't been his smartest move, but Brooke ached to meet the girls and he needed to spend more time with Donna.
"You ready, man?" Hyde asked and Eric looked up at him, he was just putting his watch on.
"Just a second, can you please go see if the girls are ready?"
His friend, basically his brother, groaned in response but went there anyway. Eric smiled, he enjoyed all the little victories.
Turning off the light and leaving his room, the memory of Hyde's old house, the horrible place he had grown up in, filled his memory like every time he thought of his friend as his brother. Hyde had been living with his family since Edna, his mother, left him alone at 16.
Eric still had the livid image of that night, sitting in the rooftop outside his window, back at his parent's place, and the promise they did.
Children's games, little laughs, some kind of connection between them. Hyde was his brother.
"Ladies." he saluted them when he encounter his crew in the hallway. Donna and Jackie were both standing near their door, Hyde was eying Jackie who was making faces at him. "Isn't it too early for foreplay, guys? Calm down, we are going to a kid's party!"
"Forman…" Hyde said as a warning, Jackie had crossed her arms over her chest. "Keep it that way and you'll be missing a couple of teeth during dinner later."
"Fine, fine."
This was strange, it also meant he was right. Hyde liked Jackie, probably quit a lot since he was denying it the best he could. But years and years of knowing his layers had given Eric a clear view of his body language and his desperate words to cover up. Hyde more than liked Jackie.
"Well, let's go." suggested Donna.
Eric took her hand and she smiled at him, which meant it was okay. Hyde and Jackie sighed behind them and, before they entered the elevator, the girl's cat appeared in the hallway.
"Hey, Fezy!" Jackie called him and the black cat went running to her arms, she carried him. "What are you doing here, boy?"
"We have to leave him inside, he can get lost…"
"Yeah, I'll do it. Don't worry. Let's go, boy."
Jackie took the cat back at the apartment as Eric held the elevator's door open, Hyde had followed her and he saw Donna's little smile from the corner of his eye. So his girl had noticed, too.
"What did you called me?" Hyde said, Jackie looked at him with a frown, opening the door and leaving the cat behind it.
"I said nothing, Steven."
"You called me 'son of a bitch'."
"Nuh-uh." she answered while closing the door, starting to walk back to them. "Maybe it was Fezy, he can be a little dense. Doesn't like any men around me."
"Your cat called me names?"
Eric laughed at that, sometimes he could swear that cat did talked. Maybe Jackie did, too. Or maybe it was just a cat people joke.
"Who else would be? I never curse."
"Good thing you never curse."
The girl looked up at Hyde with such strong annoyance, Brooke had to laugh a little before shaking her head and leaving the band aids near her friend.
"Thank you, man." Hyde said, she only nodded and returned her attention to the cookies she was serving for the girls back at her living room.
Jackie had cut her finger by accident while doing craft with her daughter and her friends. It wasn't truly a big deal but the tinier the cut, the more it burns. Hyde had taken her to the kitchen then, helped her clean it in her sink and now was smiling as he put a Hello Kitty band aid on her finger.
"That better?"
"Yeah… thanks, Steven."
Brooke smiled at that. It's been a while since Hyde looked so calm and comfortable around someone that weren't any of them. He did liked this girl, seeing them together was starting to be truly a pleasure with how funny things can get around them. Their banter was also cute, and the way one looked at the other as the person was distracted was just sweet.
Hyde then laughed, he had been trying hard not to, but now that Jackie was safe, he could do it happily.
"You cut yourself with a Dora the Explorer scissor…" he said, Jackie frowned and crossed her arms over her chest.
"And it was childproof." Brooke added, carrying two plates with cookies. "Now, leave the poor girl alone and help me with these."
"This is why you invited us, isn't it?" Hyde said, taking the plates from her hands and walking towards the door. "So we can serve the party for you."
"Of course that's it, otherwise, why would I want my husband's forever single crew with us?" she answered, sparking a smile in Jackie. "And with that, I mean you. Eric has it covered."
Hyde rolled his eyes and left the kitchen to a smiling Brooke, who now looked at Jackie. "Are you okay?"
These girls were lovely.
Donna was incredible smart, a pleasure to talk to, and definitely into their Eric; he liked her so much, too. Brooke loved to see them together, maybe they would last long enough to make it to the next level, be their next married couple to go out with. Donna seemed to not mind some of Eric's childish moments, and he definitely didn't mind her smartass remarks. They were good.
While Jackie was fun, not only funny, but actual fun. She snapped back Hyde's jokes to him, burning him with a smile on both their faces and their chemistry was so obvious, it wouldn't surprise her at all if they ended up dating. Hell, Brooke was sure she may the one for their Hyde. If she could stand his shit, then she was it.
"Ah, yes. Don't worry about it. I actually really feel stupid… Steven is right, it's lame the way I cut my finger."
"It's not, don't say that. It happens to everyone. Have you any idea how many times have I got injured with children's toys? Paper from their night stories? Really, having a child is being bruised inside and out. Especially out."
"But it's also great, right?" Jackie leaned on the kitchen's bar, looking at Brooke as she put more cookies into other plates.
"Yeah… life changing, difficult no matter how prepared you are. But wonderful."
It was.
Betsy had taught her so much since the moment she found out she was pregnant. Making the decision to keep her pregnancy was the first big and difficult choice Brooke ever did, the second one was giving her today husband a chance.
Michael had been famous around school when they met. He had a tendency of being unfaithful and do too many flings to count in a month. When she started to see him, her idea was to have an easy relationship, just to have some good times and then, Betsy came to their lives.
It wasn't such a big surprised that at first he wanted to run away, but then he showed up at her home, said he wanted to be involved, then asked her out. She let him prove himself during her pregnancy. It was hard at times, especially at the beginning, but once Betsy was born and they had shared most of their times for nine months, it was ridiculous to deny she had feelings for him.
"And you like being married?" Jackie asked, the way her voice sounded so tender while doing it made Brooke smile. A dreaming girl.
"Very much, yes."
But lately not so much. It wasn't that she had stopped to love Michael, not by far. He was a sweet man, a great partner when it was required, and an even better father. Co-parenting with him was great, but that was all they did nowdays and it was starting to be—difficult.
"Are you alright…?" Jackie murmured when she got lost on her thoughts, Brooke looked up and smiled, offering her a plate with cookies.
"Why don't you help me here? I'm fine." she assured her. "Just a little bit tired."
Jackie nodded, taking two plates with her and Brooke held the other two. Together, they walked outside the kitchen to the living room, were the party was as cheerful as when the younger girl had to run to get some fixing.
Donna looked at Jackie with urgent eyes, and she left the plates on the coffee table where the girls were at it with the plates Hyde had brought, then ran into her friend as far from the crowded area as they could.
Brooke moved her head to one side, then looked at Michael talking to Hyde in one corner. His eyes followed Jackie to Donna, and his lips did a white line on his face, then he looked at Hyde with determination in his eyes.
Her heart hammered inside her chest. She knew that look, it was the look he used to give her when—Brooke shook her head. No time to think about that. It's just… two months, two months without action and none of them seemed to know what is going on or how to fix it. Michael wouldn't cheat on her, not now. He didn't do it during her pregnancy, he won't now.
A punch landed on his arm and Kelso jumped on his couch, looking back at his attacker with his hand on the injured area. "Ouch!" he said, then looked at one too smiley Hyde. "Dammit, Hyde! That hurt!"
"You were staring again, man. I'm just doing as you asked." he replied and Kelso rolled his eyes.
Telling Hyde this was a damn bad idea, but now he didn't have more options. He also couldn't risk doing something stupid. The last time he looked too much to a girl that wasn't his wife, he almost lost Brooke before Betsy had been born. He swore to never lay a hand on a woman who wasn't her, and while the idea sounded really stupid at the time, now he understood it.
Yes, because Brooke had tried to date someone else when he fucked up that time. And seeing her with that prick, no. Shit got real after that.
If he wanted his wife, he needed to act like one of those husbands from her long books and dramatic TV shows. He needed to be Barney and be an honest man to his Robin, he needed to be Brooke's Mr. Big.
It's just, Jackie's beautiful face and petite body wasn't helping.
"Fuck off, Hyde. You are having too much fun with this…"
So he asked Hyde to frog him every time he saw him staring too much into the new girl. And now his friend was having the time of his life.
"What are you saying, man?" he said, but his smirk let Kelso know he was damn right. "I'm just helping a friend out."
"You are a dill-hole, Hyde…" Kelso answered, his sigh was lost in Hyde's laugh and they both leaned their backs into the couch, getting into silence. "This sucks, man. We haven't done it in two months. My shaft is bored of my hand!"
"Okay, Kelso… I don't want to talk about your miseries, and secondly—you have a kid's party here."
"Uh, right."
None of the girls had listened, anyway. They were too happy with Jackie's love amulets to care about adult's conversation. But his friend know nothing about kids, so Kelso didn't mention it.
"She is so pretty. Why is she single? That's the problem."
Hyde frowned. "What?"
Of course he wouldn't understand it, Hyde only cared about girls if they were in for a fling, he never got bothered enough to be in an actual relationship, therefore he wouldn't understand Kelso's struggle.
"Pretty girls shouldn't be single, man. It makes idiots think of them in ways they shouldn't. Of course, that's not my case because I'm married to the hottest girl ever. But it still affects me a little. Is like a mermaid…" he shared his wisdom, Hyde looked as lost as ever, "she calls you to dangerous decisions."
"So you think it's her fault you are an unfaithful dumbass?"
"No!" he answered, "It's not her fault, I'm the pig." something Brooke had teach him. He sighed. "But when pretty girls get a boyfriend, at least that boyfriend can hit you for being a pig."
"Alright…" Hyde murmured.
His friend was looking at him directly, and his eyes wandered on the room until he found Brooke sitting at their dinner table, talking to Donna and another mom that wanted to stay for a while. Eric was sitting with Jackie and the other girls, while Hyde was still looking at him.
Brooke cached his stare, and she smiled at him. He had also the sweetest of the wives. He never thought there could be a better wife and mother than his own, but then he had married Brooke and he had started to co-parent with her. She was awesome.
"I love Brooke, okay?" he murmured, Hyde nodded at his side. "It makes me want to cry to think I could do something stupid."
"You are scared."
Kelso swallowed, his fist went white over his knee, and then nodded. Hyde sighed.
"It's okay, man. You two have a great relationship. Just… sit down and talk your crap with her, then go for it like rabbits again."
"We can't."
"Why not?"
"Listen," he looked at his friend, "you know how we were at it all the time after we got a nanny and her mom started to help us with Betsy?" Hyde nodded, "Well… it's like if all our energy were sucked that time. Now, we are tired all the time. She has to work in the morning and I take care of Betsy, then I go to work at the station and she takes care of the baby. And when I come back, we are both too tired for it. We are adults, dammit!"
"Kelso, I know you are stupid, but come on…" he put a hand on his shoulder. "Maybe is time to change your turn at the station, and maybe is time for another nanny."
"She hates having a nanny…"
"Well, of course. Another woman is taking care of her daughter, is only natural." he sighed. "Okay, how about I take Betsy tomorrow and you two can… I don't know, go on a date or something. And fuck."
"Really?" his eyes went big. Hyde was an ass most times, but he always cared, he was always there. "You'll do that for us? Alright, thanks!"
Hyde smiled at him, nodding. He clapped a couple of times before standing up and running to his wife to give her the news. When he did, Jackie was looking at him with a smile, then at Hyde and her eyes softened.
So, he blinked as he sat down at Brooke's side, Jackie did have a guy to punch him for staring too much.
Jackie was looking at him again and Hyde smirked when he caught her mismatched eyes on him for the fourth time tonight.
She had caught him another two, but now she was completely losing the little silent competition. It was starting to be hard to deny their attraction. So he had two options, really, or he sucked it or he did her.
Hyde wondered if she would be up for that last one and not expect him to have any kind of compromises. Would she be open to that possibility? Because in that case, they could put an end to the ridiculous tension between them. But hey, to be honest, he was also sure that wasn't happening. Jackie didn't seem that kind of girl at all.
Then again, Brooke always gave away the image of a prude and mean too good for you girl, but she had conceived her child in a dirty bathroom on a rock concert with an unlikely man for her. Appearances aren't all.
"God-daddy!" Betsy came to his side, Hyde looked at her. "Can you pleaaaaaase do a magic trick?"
"Uh," he moved his hand behind her head and she looked at it waiting to see the trick, "that's cheating…" but he was smiling as she looked at him again and with his other hand showed the little amulet she had on her neck just seconds ago.
"Ah!" she exclaimed with both hands over her collarbone, searching for her necklace. "How did you do that, god-daddy?"
Betsy was surprised, but it was nothing. In fact, it was an old technique to steal shit. He smiled anyway, and played with the necklace on his fingers until he make it disappear. Betsy clapped again, jumping in front of him before he made appear a penny from behind her ears, and her love amulet back on her neck.
"Oh! I know!" Betsy said enthusiastically, "Can we fly? Or can you make me fly?"
Hyde opened his mouth to answer when they were interrupted by the devil herself, Jackie was leaning towards Betsy at the little girl's side.
"How is he gonna do that, uh?"
Betsy put a finger on her mouth, indicating to shut up. "It's a secret, Miss Jackie. A good magician doesn't reveal his secrets. It's in the magician's code!"
She laughed, sitting at his side and making him want to run away. Her presence was like the sun at three pm: too damn warm, it annoyed the shit out of him, and made him sweat like a pig. Not even his shades could cancel the shine of this small, always too happy, always too bitchy, chick.
"Would you make me fly, too?" she asked him and Hyde swallowed.
Nobody should look at anyone that way. She held different galaxies on her eyes, like having both the sun and the moon in them. The deep different colors on her pupils made him swallow hard before he could think on an answer.
"Oh well, seems like you are already in the clouds!" she squeezed his tight and Hyde knew today he was having another dream.
"Miss Jackie, have you seen god-daddy's magic tricks?"
"I just saw them! Very impressing."
She wasn't impressed, but it seemed like he had been wrong after all: she was good with kids, and the girls followed her around thanks to her necklaces and promises of eternal love, big dreams and good luck. Most chicks loved that crap, Betsy and her friends included.
"But the flying one is cooler! We have to convince god-daddy to do it!"
"I would love to!", Jackie looked at him now. "So, are we gonna fly together, Steven?"
He could kiss her right now, end the agony of his lips wanting to know her better. That smile, that pout and the pink of that lipstick, everything. Man, was he lost? She needed to go away, stop being this mesmerizing so near him. He shook his head.
"No?" the way she sounded so disappointed made him open his eyes, Betsy was looking at the scene with her hands over her chest and red cheeks. "But I would look so good against the stars, come on…"
Fuck this girl. She was doing it on purpose.
"That's just a trick for Betsy. Right?"
Betsy smiled at him, she shouldn't be smiling such a knowing thing. "You can take Jackie with you, god-daddy…" she said, sounding way too much like insinuating something. "I bet she can be a good girl-friend."
"What?" they said at the same time. But the girl laughed, and turned around to go jumping to the rest of her friends.
None of them said anything, the silence between them was heavy and thick of awkwardness and insecurities. This was new between them. After she had been into him for two weeks, they had fallen into heathen discussions about everything, to then burn each other every time they could. But actual awkward silence and this discomfort that has nothing to do with disliking each other was completely new.
"What was that…?" she asked too soft, if they weren't this close, he wouldn't had been able to hear it.
"Just a kid having fun, she's too awaken to her own good. But look at her parents…" he moved a finger to Kelso and Brooke now talking to Donna and Eric, "A complete doofus and a smartass. Of course the little girl was going to be like this."
Jackie laughed, she hadn't moved her hand yet. Hyde thought of taking it away, or just taking it. He did nothing.
"Jackie?" Donna said, she smiled and squeezed his tight again.
Hyde looked at her with that, "I mean it, Steven. You should take me fly one day." She said, standing up and leaving him there.
Did she knew? Not only what she did to him, but like—did she know about…? Oh.
Next Chapter: Hyde will have the weirdest of the conversation with someone unlikely. Jackie will get to help The Kelsos with him, while Donna and Eric will get to a new level in their relationship.