Chapter 1
Sabine's P.O.V
"I'll see if I could go out with you. My dick of a dad probably isn't going to let me most likely, but I'll find a way." I said over the phone in my room, talking to Ezra, a boy I met a a month ago, and me and him have gotten involved two weeks after we met. He invited me to go out on another date with him. I like Ezra, I think he's really a good and cool kid, but my dad despises the dude. He and my mom haven't even met him, and he just thinks that Ezra's another "undesirable" who's just another but influence on me. My mom allows me to see him, hang out with him and go on dates with him, while my dad always tries to shut me out for no reason what so ever. Well, that ain't gonna happen tonight.
"I'll see ya then, Sabine. I love you." he said.
"Love you too. Bye, Ez." I replied. I hung up, threw on my jeans, tie dye shirt, black hoodie and sneakers, grabbed some ear buds and plugged them into my phone which I rolled up, put my phone in my jeans, then headed downstairs.
Just as I was walking downstairs, guess who I saw? My dad. I didn't say anything and grabbed my house key. "And just where do you think you're going, young lady?" my dad asked angrily, glaring at me.
"Um, I was going on another date with my boyfriend." I answered with a heavy eye roll.
"You mean the undesirable?" he asked.
"Dad, Ezra is a good kid, he is NOT an undesirable. And just because I dye my hair frequently doesn't mean that I'm a girl who hangs out with undesirables like emos, and Ezra is 100% NOT an undesirable." I retorted, my voice raised a bit.
"Did you just raise your voice at me?"
"I did it just because you've been calling him an undesirable for so long, and it's getting annoying. He is the opposite of an undesirable, and I love him, dad! Besides, you don't even know my boyfriend."
He came up to me, glaring at me with even more anger. "I'm not allowing you to go see him, Sabine. For crying out loud, at least your mother is away so that me and her don't fight about you seeing your 'undesirable' boyfriend."
"For the last fucking time, dad, he is not an undesirable and he loves me and I love him!"
"You will not curse at me." He pointed his finger at me, which I swept away with my hand.
"Don't put your hands on me, Sabine. And you will not curse at me. Now, to your room." he ordered me.
"No." I said.
"What!? I said go to your room and stay there!"
"No! I'm going to see my boyfriend, and I will not be stopped by own father to see the one I love!"
"Don't raise your voice at me, young lady!"
"Don't raise your voice back then, dad!"
"Go to your room and think about your actions!"
"No! I already made plans to see my boyfriend, and I have the right as a teen to go out there and be active in my love life! You cannot stop me from seeing Ezra, dad! You don't even know him and all you do is just give me lip about how bad of a kid he is when he's not! I'm going out."
I walked past him, heading to the door, but he got in the way, blocking it. "Go to your room!"
"No!" I stomped my foot that time.
"Sabine Wren, you are grounded for your actions!"
"My actions!? You are the one who's preventing me from seeing my boyfriend, dad!"
"Because he's a bad influence on you! Now, go to your room right now before I make you go up there myself!"
"He is not a bad influence on me and he cares about me! He loves me with all his heart and I love him back! He is an amazing boyfriend, dad! But you clearly don't believe your own daughter, do you!?"
"I'm only trying to help you, Sabine!"
"By how!? Not allowing your daughter to see her boyfriend!?"
"Because he's a bad influence!"
"Ezra is not a bad kid, dad, he's actually a good and amazing one! Just let me go and see him! I'm not going to allow you to keep me here from seeing the one I love like the last couple of dates!"
"I told you to not go on the last few dates with him, but you defied me, Sabine! You defied me because you wanted to!"
"I defied you because I wasn't going to let my own dad prevent me from seeing my boyfriend, and I'm not going to now! I'm going to see my boyfriend whether you like it or not!"
"You will listen to your father!"
"I will not allow my father to keep me from seeing my boyfriend!" We got in each other's faces, our eyes locked onto each other.
"Go to your room right now."
"No, dad. I will not listen to you since you prevent me from seeing Ezra. I am going out with him, and you have no right to keep your daughter from seeing her boyfriend who is not a bad influence on her. Now, get out of my way."
"Did you just order me!?"
"You heard me, dad."
"To your room right now!"
"I'm not listening to you!"
Instead of trying to fight him to get him out of the way, I decided to head out the door that goes to the backyard of my house. I walked away from my dad, him glaring at me still from what I could feel. I opened the door. "You are not going out, young lady!"
"You know what, fuck you, dad! I'm going out right this second, and you can't do a thing about since you just couldn't accept the fact that your daughter is dating somebody!"
I flashed the finger at him, then I stepped outside into the backyard, slamming the door on him. "Fucking dickhead!" I said to myself. I headed out from the yard towards the driveway, walking through it, then I headed in the direction towards where Ezra wanted to meet me, a pizza restaurant in our neighborhood.
I put my ear buds on, turning on my playlist, then texted Ezra, saying, "I'm heading there now. Be there in fifteen minutes." He texted me back.
"Cool. I already booked us a table. I'll see ya soon." As I kept walking though, my dad texted me frequently, even tried calling me, but I ignored his texts and his calls because he couldn't do anything now. I was on my way to see my boyfriend, and he couldn't do a thing about that. I was tearing up from that fight, thinking why my dad always had to be such a dick about my love life. I calmed down and kept walking, turning on my favorite song on my phone to calm me down.
Eventually, I arrived at the restaurant, telling the host that my boyfriend was waiting for me. The host told me to follow him. He led me to where Ezra was, his beautiful blue eyes fixing his gaze on me.
"Hey." he said.
"Hey, Ez." He kissed me lightly on the lips, then I sat across from him. "Nice haircut." I said after noticing that he had his long hair cut for a buzz cut.
"Thanks. I couldn't see for crap anymore with my longer hair. Nice new colors." he said after he noticed my hair dyed out in its new colors. I had it dyed in bright blue with shades of green.
"Thanks." I said.
"Anyway, Sabine, how have you been?"
I sighed. "Fine I guess. My dad and I got into another fight."
"What happened this time?" Just as I was about to answer, the waiter came by and took our orders. We decided to share a regular pizza. When he left, I said what I was about to say.
"Well, I was walking downstairs from my room to leave the house, then he sees me coming down. He asked me where I was going, I told him that I was going to see you, and then he gets all angry over that, thinking that you're just an undesirable who's a bad influence on me."
"Why does he think that all the time about me?"
"I don't know honestly, Ez, but you're not one obviously. I love you, but my dad despises you even though he hasn't even met you. I kept on telling him that during our fight, but he got angrier, and he tried to send me to my room, but I defied him like those other dates we've gone on." I teared up from telling him about the fight, but at least he was always there for me. He grabbed my hand, my gaze fixing on him.
"I'm sorry that you have to put up with him all the time. Listen, Sabine, if you need me, I'm always here for you. I promise that. I love you." He flashed his signature smile that I always liked, which made me come back from the emotional pain.
"Thanks, Ezra. I love you too." I kissed him, then our food came.
When we were done eating, I asked Ezra if I could spend the night at his place, and he said yes. I walked inside, where I saw his parents sitting in the living room. "Hey, Sabine." his dad said.
"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Bridger." I said. When they asked us how the date went, we said that it went pretty well, then me and Ezra went upstairs to his room, where we crawled into bed the two of us.
Just as we were cuddling in bed as time passed, kissing, telling secrets, and talking about things, my phone rang. I saw that it was my dad, so I decided to pick up and tell him that I wasn't gonna be coming home tonight.
"Where in god's name are you, young lady!?" he asked with anger.
"Dad, I'm with my boyfriend. I'm staying over tonight with him." I answered.
"You what!? That does it! I told you to not go on a date with him, or stay over, and you defy again as usual, Sabine! I told you earlier to go to your room, but you didn't..." I sighed after not being able to take anymore of him ranting at me, so I hung up, put my phone on do not disturb, then went back to cuddling with Ezra.
"I heard everything, Sabine. I'm sorry you have to live with such a dick of a dad." he said.
"Trust me, he always loses it whenever I bring you up. I'm just worried about one of these days when he totally loses it and does something worse." I answered.
"But you don't have to worry about that right now. I'm here with you, in my room, in my bed, just the two of us, and I'm here and I'll always be here for you, Sabine. You're my girlfriend, and I made a promise to be there for you." He kissed me.
"Thanks for being there, Ezra." I said. He pulled me in for another kiss.
When we broke apart, and caught our breath, I kissed him passionately, and he eagerly returned the kiss, both of us moaning into it. I bet my dad would disapprove of this strongly if he actually saw us kissing, but he won't because he doesn't know where Ezra lives even. I let my thoughts of him drift away as Ezra's touch was the only thing that kept my mind and lips occupied.
We made out passionately for a while, then we got ready for bed. Once I brushed up and made my way back to his room, I crawled into bed with him, then I made out passionately with him for a few minutes before we drifted off to sleep, with his arm around me.