How to fall in love

By: Zaywrites

Fushigiboshi no Futagohime/Gyu belongs to its righteous owners.

Everyone saw through her actions—the way her eyes sparkled, her stammering, her flustered cheeks, or the nervous glint in her eyes whenever he's one meter radius. Her feelings were too obvious. Everyone knows except him. She knows that her feelings will never be reciprocated. Her efforts will never be appreciated. He will never look at her the way she wanted him to. He had his eyes fixed on another girl.

'Whatever happens, I'm not afraid to accept the fact that I'll always be his second best.'

"I love you," her voice barely reached his ears.

He took a step backwards, eyes starting to dilate as her words sank in. She saw his shoulders rose and fell as he stared at her. The time went so slow, agonizingly slow. In a few seconds, a sob escaped her trembling lips. Silence fell between them, until she decided to fill the void.

"It's all right. You don't have to force yourself. I'm sorry. I can't help it but love you selfishly. I have to let this out or I'll die thinking about it for the rest of my life," she forced out a smile, tears leaving trails on her pained face.

He ran a hand on his unkempt hair before it fell limply on his side.

"We…we can still start over again, right? As friends?" her voice pleads. She does not want to end it this way—where no one wins.

Reality hits them. No one wins or losses in love. On the brighter side, there's always a consolation prize—friendship.

She stretched her hand to him. "I will not ask for more. Let's stay as friends, please?" she asks again. She felt something shatter inside her when he only dropped his gaze on her hand.

"Say something please," she begs.

He was too stunned to answer. He does not deserve this. He does not deserve to be loved by her—a shy, kind, intelligent girl, no less. She deserves someone better, not a bastard like him.

"…why me?" was all he could say all the while looking at her face.

"I don't know either," she breathed out, retrieving her outstretched hand to wipe her tears.

'…and I don't want to know.'

"I actually never imagined being in a romantic relationship with you,"

That did it.

"Eh?" she forced her eyes to focus on his face.

"I'm sorry." With one last apologetic smile, he walked out of there. She fell lifelessly on her knees and cried. She waited for a few seconds to pass before she forced herself up and walked stiffly.

That is when she realized that her relationship with him will never be the same.