A/N: Thank you to kwittbugginme and DS2010 for the constant reviews and feedback. I really appreciate it all.

Now that Matt was gone, Tony was intending to try and sleep for a while. Brad had already told Gibbs about Tony's extra, hidden injuries, so Tony figured that Gibbs wouldn't disturb him. But he was wrong. Gibbs sat down on the couch across from Tony, a look on his face that clearly said they needed to talk. Tony started feeling worried that Gibbs was going to tell him off now that they weren't in public, so he started to shake. Even though he knew Gibbs would never hurt him, the previous week's events had left him feeling unsure of anything he had always known to be true.

"You can relax Tony, I just want to talk about something."

"I knew it. You are mad a t me," said Tony quietly.

"No, I'm not. Tony, I have to apologise to you."

"Never apologise, boss, it's a sign of weakness," Tony said automatically.

Gibbs smiled one of his rare smiles that was usually reserved for Abby. "Not this time. If I had known what you went through as a child, I never would have started slapping you. Honestly, I always thought you cringed before each slap because it hurt, but now I realise it's not that. It's a reaction, a reflex you have because it must seem like I'm doing the same thing your father did."

"No. When you get angry with me for something that I feel doesn't warrant the anger, that's when I start feeling like a helpless kid again. The slaps don't bother me."

"Is that why you never argue with me when you feel like you're in trouble for something you shouldn't be?"

"Yes. I learnt the hard way not to argue the point, even if I was right."

"Oh, Tony, I am so sorry. Please, tell me to shut up if I'm becoming too much. I never, ever wanted to make you feel worthless."

Tony shook his head. "You don't, boss. Even when it feels like you are pissed at me, you don't make me feel that way."

"Are you sure? I see your reactions sometimes, and I really feel like I've hurt you."

"I'm sure." Tony yawned. "I might go to sleep for a while, is that alright?"

"Of course. Do you want to go upstairs?"

"This couch is good." Tony stretched himself out so he was laying flat on the couch. "Thanks, Gibbs. You're support really means a lot to me." He didn't hear the reply though, as he fell asleep a second later.

When Tony awoke, it was dark outside. He stretched carefully, then got up, looking for Gibbs. He wasn't surprised when he found him only a moment later, working on a high chair in the basement.


"Yeah, Tony?" Gibbs replied without looking up. "Did you get enough rest?"

"Probably not, but it's enough for now. Have you eaten?"

"Not yet. Figured I'd wait until you woke up. We can go to the diner."

"That sounds nice." Tony smiled happily.

"Let me wash up, then I'll drive us there."

"Thank you, boss."

Tony liked the diner, and he knew exactly why Gibbs loved it too. The waitresses were nice, the chef very friendly. Even the other customers were lovely. They all welcomed Gibbs warmly.

"Danni, I'll have my usual," said Gibbs. "Thank you."

"Always. And what about you, young man? Did you see something you want on the menu?" Danni asked Tony.

"Uh... Chips sound nice."

"Our bowl of chips is small. Are you sure you want that?"

"I'm not that hungry, actually," admitted Tony, who was still feeling the effects of the morphine tablets Brad had given him to take home.

"Well, if you change your mind, just yell. What drink would you like?"

"Just water, thank you." Tony gave the woman a smile before she walked away.

"You okay, DiNozzo?" Gibbs asked quietly.

"Pain killers are still in my system. I'm not hungry."

Gibbs nodded. He understood that. After all, he had been injured enough times to know that while morphine was in your system, you never felt hungry. "Alright."

"Boss, when can I come back to work?"

"As soon as you're ready. But don't rush. If you aren't ready, I don't want you there."

"I need to work, Gibbs. I know you understand that."

"I do." Gibbs sighed. "But this is a time for you to heal, not bury it once again. You've done that for long enough. It's time to deal with it."

"I don't know how to."

"That's what Rachel is there for. She's going to help you through this, Tony. And your dad will be charged, I'll make sure of that."

"Thank you," said Tony with the first genuine smile he had given in a long time. "And thank you for believing me, boss."

"Tony, I will always believe you. No matter what happens, I will believe you."

With a smile and a much lighter burden on his shoulders, Tony finally relaxed. He was safe. Senior couldn't hurt him anymore, especially not with Gibbs around to protect him. Nobody would ever make Tony feel like crap again, and he could now look after himself properly. It was finally over, finally just a horrible memory.

The End