A/N: Initially an old one-shot that received way more attention than it deserved. I've heavily revised the one-shot and am allowing it to serve as a bit of a prologue. If you had read the one-shot/first chapter before, you may want to read it again, since there are important character development changes. Updates will happen, not sure how fast though. This story is canon compliant up to the 'Perfect Ending' including 'Mobius: Dream within a Dream', but excluding 'Will' and the novella. Disclaimer: I do not own any material related to the Final Fantasy franchise!

Real Summary: When Yuna's beloved Tidus returned home, she couldn't wait to advance their relationship, and start a life together. But her plans for domestic bliss are shattered one night at a party that will change her life forever. A supernatural force now haunts her daily, threatening to destroy any chance at a happy ending for the young couple. Yuna must find the source of this evil and conquer it, before it ends her life, or that of her beloved guardian. Rated M for a reason!

Chapter 1: Incandescent Bliss

Yuna sat at the bar on the Celsius, toying with the straw in her soda bottle. The rays of the setting sun filtered in through the windows, lighting up the cabin in a fiery glow. It had been a little over a week since Tidus had returned. He hadn't changed. He was still the same cheerful, outgoing guy she knew and loved, who would throw in the occasional snide remark when it suited him. Most of their time together had been spent getting reacquainted with everyone in Besaid and Yuna briefing him on her latest adventure. Recently, they'd visited the Zanarkand Ruins where they'd pondered the mystery surrounding his return. At first, Yuna had been terrified he would fade again. But a gut feeling had led her to believe otherwise—not that she ignored logic, but Tidus' existence in itself kind of defied it to begin with.

The past week had been almost torturous. They'd kissed and even made-out. But Yuna could sense something was holding him back from initiating anything further. And honestly, she couldn't take much more of the sexual tension. Yes, she was still innocent. But she'd waited over two years for him, never knowing if he'd return. She'd suspected part of his hesitation had to do with her inexperience in bed. With Tidus having been a star blitzer in Zanarkand, she was certain he'd been with other girls—only they'd never discussed the subject and not knowing was driving her insane.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the mechanical hum of the elevator door sliding open. Staring at her soda bottle, Yuna held in a breath, and hoped it was the man she loved—not Rikku or Brother who was about to walk in.

"Hey beautiful," a sensual voice whispered into her ear.

The gentle caress of his breath made her shiver. Tidus had never done that before and it surprised her a little. Releasing her breath from earlier, she watched as he sat on the stool next to her wearing his famous grin. Did he have any idea how aroused she was at that moment? He must have from the smug look that was now plastered on his face.

"So…anything good on the menu?"

Yuna wasn't sure if his question was meant to be suggestive, or if she'd just interpreted it that way. Regardless, she'd never been very good with witty come-backs, so she embarrassingly stumbled over her words instead. "Oh—I—uh…haven't looked. I'm not very hungry at the moment."

With an amused chuckle, Tidus tapped the silver bell provided on the counter then shot a flirtatious smile her way. "Well, you know me—I'm always hungry." When no one showed after a few moments, he frowned in confusion. "Where's Barkeep and Darling?"

"I think they're on a break."

"Figures." He groaned.

Worrying her bottom lip, Yuna contemplated whether to broach the subject of Tidus' past with him or not. She'd been agonizing over this for a while now. What she needed was answers, even if they weren't the one's she wanted to hear. "Um…can we talk?"

"I thought we were already doing that," he quipped with a chuckle.

His response wasn't very surprising. He was intertwining his hands repeatedly on his lap, which suggested he was nervous about this turning into a heavy conversation. And Yuna knew how much he dreaded those. If she wanted to get answers, she would have to fish them out of him. "I'm curious about your life before in Zanarkand."

"Well, whatcha wanna know?" Tidus looked somewhat relieved, now resting an arm on top of the wooden counter. "We talked a lot about that time during your pilgrimage."

"I know, but…" she paused, hesitant to voice her question, worried not only of his reaction to it, but of the answer, "we never talked about your past…relationships."

Clearly she had struck a nerve from the way his eyes slightly widened at her suggestion. He sat up straight and winced as if he were in pain. "Why do you wanna talk about that?"

"So I can understand you better. Why—is it off limits?"

Judging from the stunned look on his face, he must've detected the hostility in her voice, which she'd been trying to suppress. "I'd rather not discuss it. But if you insist—"

"I insist!" Surprised at how venomous her voice had sounded, she tore her eyes away from his and looked down at her hands, which she hadn't realized until now were twisting the bottom of her top. "I'm sorry…just forget it." Yuna stood and prepared to make a dash for the door, but Tidus had foiled her efforts by latching onto her arm as he scrambled out of his seat.

"Hey, c'mere," he pleaded in a soft tone, gently giving her arm a tug.

A small part of her wanted to run away like a spoiled child and cry in a corner, unwilling to deal with how infantile she'd been acting. He hadn't even admitted to anything yet and she was already jealous. He tugged more firmly on her arm this time, forcing her to face him.

The concerned look in his blue eyes made her uneasy. She wasn't sure how she was going to justify her actions, but nonetheless, she would have to.

"What's going on? Where's all this coming from?"

"Do… Do you love me?"

Tidus' expression fell and his bottom lip, ever-so-slightly, pushed forward in what almost looked like a pout. "You know I do. I love you more than anything."

Her throat tightened with emotion. But when the sting of tears threatened her eyes, she drew in a quick breath, hoping it would help regain her composure as she willed herself to articulate what was really on her mind. "Then why won't you make love to me?"

"Yuna…" He exhaled heavily as his eyes slipped shut. "Is that what all this is about?"

In an attempt to hide her embarrassment, she lowered her gaze to the floor, and pressed her lips together tightly. She could feel his eyes on her as if they were burning a hole in the top of her skull. What was she supposed to say—the truth? Well, that would be a good start. But she wasn't too keen on revealing her insecurities. The more she mulled it over; the more her stomach twisted with dread.

"Will you at least look at me?"

"Is it because I'm inexperienced?" There, she'd said it. And now, she wasn't sure if she wanted to hear his response.

Tidus' finger slid under her chin, tilting her head up. His expression was deadly serious—so much in fact it gave her chills. "Do you honestly think that's all that matters to me? I love you. I respect you. I haven't pushed the issue, because I wasn't sure if you were ready to take that step."

"But I-I am. I want to…w-with you." In order to steady her quivering voice, she sucked in a deep breath then exhaled before continuing. "I've never felt this way about anyone before. I'm just…afraid—afraid of losing you again…" And that's when her resolve crumbled. Tears escaped her eyes and ran down her cheeks. She hadn't planned for those words to spill from her lips. But she could no longer deny her deepest fear and how heartbroken she'd been without him for the past two years. "You were gone for so long. I missed you so much."

"Yuna..." Her boyfriend's expression softened as he cupped her face and held her gaze. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm madly in love with you. And that's like…never happened to me before—with anyone. Besides, call it a hunch or whatever, but I know I'm back for good this time. I feel it in my gut. And those feelings of mine are never wrong."

A wide smile blossomed on her lips. She sniffled loudly while Tidus wiped the tears off her cheeks with his thumbs. This man was incredible. It was amazing how he could melt her heart with just a few words, or by the simplest gesture. And at the same time, he'd managed to give her the affirmation she'd so desperately needed. Yuna wanted more than anything to kiss him right then. But those lingering doubts she'd briefly pushed out of her mind about Tidus' past had crept back in. It had become a sick form of torture on her psyche and it needed to end. "I'm sorry." Her smile faltered. "But I have to ask—how many girls were you with in Zanarkand?"

What had otherwise been a tender and loving moment was completely ruined by her question—and she knew it. Judging from the sour look on Tidus' face, he wouldn't have disputed that fact either. "Really?" His hands dropped to his sides as he drew back a step. "We're back to that again?"

A warm flush spread across her cheeks. "I'm sorry. I… I just feel like I need to know."

"Look, I'm not proud of who I was back then." Folding his arms over his chest, Tidus leaned back against the counter, and shifted his jaw from side-to-side—something he did when he was extremely uncomfortable about a situation. "I was a celebrity and I used it to my full advantage."

It was clear what her boyfriend was implying. She had a hard time believing the sweet, caring man she knew today had been a womanizer before coming to Spira. That fact alone urged her to press him further for answers. "So…you used girls—why?"

His brow creased into a frown, making his frustration known. "I guess I just didn't care anymore. I'd lost both of my parents. I was alone. Sure, Auron was around," he indicated with a shrug, "but it wasn't the same. I didn't feel like I needed anyone at that point, least of all him. In fact, I didn't feel much of anything, for anyone, during that time. But…" Pausing, he let out a dejected sigh as his expression eased into one of regret. "I wanted to feel something. I wanted to feel good. And at fifteen, I'd discovered sex felt really good. My relationships were purely physical. I was never in love with any of those girls, Yuna. And I never intended to fall in love—ever."

There was a heavy sadness in his eyes, which she had never seen before. It pained her to see him this way. She was certain his motives were fueled by something much deeper than he was willing to admit. "You didn't want to hurt anymore. The loss of your family—it changed you, didn't it?"

"Yeah," he muttered, avoiding her gaze as though he were embarrassed of his answer. "But it's not like we were a happy family unit to begin with either. My father was a verbally-abusive drunk, you know that. My mother…well, I don't think I meant as much to her as my father did." He snorted and pursed his lips in anger. "I mean—why else would she leave me behind like that?"

When Yuna asked about his past relationships, she hadn't expected for things to go down such a dark path. Tidus had briefly expressed how he'd felt about his parents when they were in the Farplane at Guadosalam during her pilgrimage. But this was different from then. It was obvious he had unresolved issues regarding his mother. And he was just now coming to terms with them. "Tidus…your mother didn't abandon you—she died."

"Yeah, of a broken heart," he emphasized, bitterly. "What kind of mother gives-up on life when they have a child to care for? I know she loved me in some twisted way like my father had. But I've also known for some time now that I was a planned love-child." Tidus uncrossed his arms and began fidgeting with the chain on his blitz uniform—a pained expression now marring his handsome face. "I overheard a conversation between my mother and Auron back then. Being only nine-years-old, I had no idea what it all meant. But as I grew older it began to finally make sense. I was created out of wedlock to entrap my father into marriage. Maybe that's why he was drinking all the time. I never wanted to admit it to myself…until now."

Surprised at what she'd learned, Yuna held a hand against her chest then tightened it into a fist, furious her boyfriend had been made to feel so unloved by the two people in the world that should've never happened with. Even if he and his parents were just dreams—the fayth created that life for him. And that thought alone made her feel ill inside. "That wasn't fair to you."

"You see, Yuna, I had a warped concept of love thanks to them. And it was one of the main reasons I behaved the way I did back in Zanarkand." Exhaling heavily, Tidus looked her in the eye, and gave her a sweet, boyish smile that melted her heart. "Then I met you. And that plan to never fall in love kinda fell through, y'know? I fell for you. And I fell hard—just to find out that I couldn't stay by your side." He scoffed and shook his head in disgust. "Story of my life."

Feeling guilty for dredging up such painful memories, Yuna brushed her fingers against his cheek and whispered, "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have—"

"Nah, it's fine," he interjected, waving a dismissive hand. "You wanted to know, so now you know."

At this point, she sort of wished she hadn't brought-it-up. Not just because of how it had affected him, but she knew now that Tidus had been with plenty of young women. And while she understood why he'd led such a promiscuous life, she still couldn't shake the jealousy coiling in her stomach. The feeling was just as poignant as when she'd mistaken Shuyin for Tidus in that sphere, musing about Lenne to Vegnagun. But she also knew it was in his past and no longer relevant. He'd confided in her about his troubled life in Zanarkand, clearly hoping to ease her mind in exchange for opening old wounds.

Resting her hands on his shoulders, Yuna offered him a sympathetic smile. "We're together now. And that's all that matters."

There was a mischievous gleam in his eye, which was normally reserved for when they were about to engage in a heavy make-out session. His arms snaked around her waist and pulled her close. The gap between them closed and his moist lips melted onto hers for a slow, tender kiss. When his fingers caressed the small of her back, she trembled at his touch, feeling a fire ignite deep inside. He was driving her crazy with his slow, seductive torture. She wanted more. And he had to have known it.

His lips teasingly lingered on hers, sucking on her bottom lip before he released it, and whispered in a husky voice, "You still wanna make love?"

Those were the magic words she'd been waiting to hear. Yuna crashed her lips against his and dug her hands into his wispy, blond hair. Finally, she would get to be with the man she loved in the most intimate way possible. Just the thought of it drove her wild with pleasure.

In her state of bliss, she hadn't realized her beloved's hands had left her waist and were now at her shoulders, gently pushing her back. "Yuna…" he panted between kisses. "We can't do this here."

His words snapped her out of her trance-like state. Tidus was right. The last thing she wanted was for someone to walk-in on them. She knew the perfect place for them to go. And thankfully, it was right there on the airship. "C'mon," Yuna urged, grabbing him by the wrist, "follow me."

"Where are we going?"

Dragging her boyfriend into the elevator, she pressed a button on the panel inside then released her grip on him when the doors slid shut. "Cargo area."

Tidus chuckled. "Kinky."

Ah yes, same ol' quirky Tidus. The amused look on his face brought a smile to her lips. He didn't know about the secret room in the area. She was curious if he really believed they were going to get-it-on in amongst a bunch of metal crates. "There's a room down here that only a couple people know about."

"And how do you know about it?"

The elevator doors slid open. Yuna cautiously peeked around the corner, making sure no one was around the dingy area before stepping out. "Rikku told me. It's kind of her private room where her and Gippal…well, you know."

"I hope she changes the sheets often."

Yuna couldn't help but giggle at his remark. She imagined he was grinning from ear-to-ear behind her as they weaved their way through the sea of boxes and metal crates.

Stopping in front of a blinking control panel on the wall, she tapped a finger to her lips, trying to remember the code. Rikku had given it to her the night Tidus had returned, encouraging Yuna to consummate her relationship with him. Only she hadn't been comfortable initiating something like that at the time. She hadn't been ready. But now, she was. And the desire was clouding her mind.

Tidus folded his arms across his chest and shot her a doubtful look. "What now?"

"I'm trying to remember the passcode."

"A secret room and now a secret code?" Tidus chortled. "This is becoming quite the adventure."

"Stop it!" she chided. "I'm trying to think."

"All else fails that crate over there looks pretty inviting." He jerked his chin over in the direction of a large crate with a tarp draped over it and snickered. "It even comes with its own linen. Well…sort of."

If Yuna hadn't loved him so much she would've slapped the smirk off his face. She was getting flustered. Trying to focus with all the anxiousness brewing inside her chest was almost an impossible task.

Tidus must've sensed her irritation with how quickly his smile had faded. "Sorry," he apologized, uncrossing his arms to nervously scratch the back of his head. "I was just trying to get you to laugh."

Suddenly, the fog in her mind lifted, enabling her to remember the numbers. Not wasting any time, she punched in the code and watched a section of the metal wall shake and slide up, revealing a dimly-lit corridor with a steel door at the end.

"Sooo…" Tidus drawled, cautiously walking ahead. "Rikku gave you the code to this room, huh?"

"Mhm," she hummed, hurrying over to door at the end of the hall.

Just then, the wall behind them rumbled and slid shut.

When Yuna hit the button at the side of the mechanical door, she caught a glimpse of Tidus playfully wiggling his eyebrows at her from the corner of her eye. "I guess she expected us to use it then."

Yuna nudged past him when the door slid open, desperately trying to hide the blush she felt burning her cheeks. Sadly, without her mother around—and Lulu expecting her to stay virtuous for as long as possible—she didn't have anyone to discuss the subject of sex with other than Rikku. Luckily for Yuna, her cousin was at least experienced in the matter. But knowing what to do in this situation didn't make her any less nervous at that moment.

Running her fingers along the wall in the darkened room, Yuna found the switch, and flipped on the lights. To her surprise, the room was actually quite tasteful, and not at all what she'd envisioned from her conversations with her bubbly cousin.

"Wow…" Tidus let out a low whistle as he locked the door behind them. "This place sure is nice."

He was dead on with that comment. Rikku definitely had taste when it came to décor. The room wasn't small by any means. There was a dresser, a large wardrobe, and a vanity all made from what looked like mahogany wood. Matching nightstands guarded a queen-size, black and white canopy-bed with fluffy pillows propped neatly on top. The color scheme of the room was quite chic in itself with its warm, eggshell-painted walls and black, fur carpet. But to Yuna, the best part was the added door left ajar, leading to what looked like a full bathroom. At least they wouldn't have far to go to clean up afterward.

"Yes, it's very…impressive." Easing herself onto the edge of the bed, Yuna toyed with her long braid, hoping her boyfriend hadn't sensed her sudden discomfort.

Tidus gave a slight chuckle. "I guess if you're gonna have a love-shack you might as well go all-out. I mean… This room does kinda scream Rikku though—fur carpet and a canopy-bed. Now, if there were whips and chains, I'd be more inclined to believe this was Paine's secret hideaway."

Cringing at the thought of her friends' sex lives, Yuna gave her head a shake in an effort to rid her mind of such horrors. Her boyfriend's words had stuck though and made her wonder how he viewed her in a situation like this. Even though Tidus had tried to assure her earlier, she couldn't help but worry. Most people had expectations when it came to intimacy—even her. And Yuna was afraid she wouldn't live up to his.

A rustling sound came from behind, startling Yuna from her dreary reverie. Glancing over her shoulder, she spotted Tidus switching on the oil-lamp atop of the nightstand. He paused and offered her a reassuring smile before returning to the wall, beside the door, to turn off the main lights.

It was amazing how lighting could suddenly change the mood of a room. A moment ago it had been warm and inviting. But now, the ambience had changed into a dark, romantic atmosphere, increasing her level of anxiety. This was what she'd wanted. And now, she wasn't so sure anymore.

Yuna felt the mattress move adjacent to where she was sitting and heard more of the same rustling from before. Was he undressing? Should she do the same? What if she couldn't satisfy him in bed? All these questions swirled in her mind making her dizzy. She'd been confident about this earlier. Now, she was having doubts. And it was mainly due to Tidus' confession of sleeping with other girls in the past. In all honesty, she'd hoped he'd be inexperienced like her. But their conversation from earlier had revealed otherwise.

The mattress moved once more. Her pulse quickened. Just then, Tidus' fingers gingerly brushed back her hair and his warm lips pressed against the delicate flesh of her neck, moving over her skin in a seductive, open-mouthed kiss. Yuna's eyes slipped shut as a low moan escaped her lips. His mouth felt so good. Without thinking, she tilted her head to the side in order to give him better access.

Tidus responded to her gesture with a gentle nip followed by more hungry kisses. His hands slid over her shoulders then down her arms, slipping her armbands off along the way. Suddenly, his sensual kisses ceased. And his hands slid back up to her shoulders where they tugged on her gently. "C'mere," he breathed into her ear.

The nervousness she'd rid herself of earlier had returned. Her muscles tensed and her stomach turned icy. "I—uh… I still haven't taken off my boots." Yuna cringed. Boy that sounded convincing. If Tidus hadn't suspected something was off with her before, he definitely would now.

Leaning forward, she unlaced her boots, and discarded them to the side. A deafening silence hung in the air. The mattress jarred and sank the way it would when someone plopped down. Suspecting Tidus had done exactly that, she was positive it was his way of expressing his displeasure.

"Y'know…we don't have to do this if you're not ready. I'm fine with making-out and cuddling after."

He didn't sound disappointed—in fact, he sounded guilty, which in turn, made her feel awful. This man loved her more than his own life. He proved that on her pilgrimage. This was her chance to show him how much she loved him. And she was going to pass it up because of her childish insecurities? No way. Not a chance.

Shifting herself on the bed, she turned to face her lover, who was now lying on his side with his head propped up on his elbow, wearing only a pair of blue boxers. All coherent thought escaped her at the sight of his gorgeous tanned body and perfectly chiseled abs.


A familiar flush warmed her cheeks. "I'm sorry. Yes, I want this. I'm just a little nervous."

"Y'know, Yuna…" he paused, scooting closer to her, "I've never made love to a girl before. Yes, I've had sex, but it's not the same thing—there's no emotion behind that. So, in a way this is new for me too."

The uncertainty in his eyes must've mirrored that of her own. It was at that moment when she realized he was just as nervous as she'd been. After all, Tidus had been afraid of love for so long. The emotional aspect of this was probably quite unnerving for him. No longer interested in exchanging words, she crawled onto the mattress over to where he lay, straddled his hips, and leaned down to capture his lips in a heated kiss.

Tidus' strong hands found their way up her back then down to her hips where he gripped her tightly and pressed her against his growing arousal. Yuna gasped, surprised by his boldness, but not unpleasantly so. This was really happening. She was going to make love to the man she'd been yearning for since her pilgrimage. And judging from his eagerness, he too, had been anxiously awaiting for this moment to arrive.

Her beloved's lips hungrily devoured hers then parted to deepen the kiss. Gladly welcoming the gesture, Yuna met his tongue with a sensual glide of her own. This was completely different from their usual make-out sessions. He was far more dominant and less careful, which to her surprise, was really turning her on.

Before she could react to him unknotting her periwinkle half-skirt and tossing it aside, Tidus rolled her over so that she was lying beneath him. The mischievous grin on his face coupled with the lust in his eyes almost had her undone. He was so damn sexy. And he was all hers.

His lips found the nape of her neck and lavished the tender flesh with fiery kisses, before making a path down to her collarbone. Her body burned with passion from each pass of his mouth on her skin. This man's touch was incredible. She swore she'd erupt into a ball of flames at any second from his sensual maneuvers.

Urging him on, she dug a hand into his disheveled hair, while she squeezed his biceps with the other. The love she had for Tidus was unlike anything she'd ever experienced. Sometimes it made her stomach aflutter with anxiety. And then, there were times like now where it made her tingle all over with excitement. She wanted nothing more than to be his completely and feel his lips on every inch of her body.

As if he'd read her mind, her lover slid down to the pink hem of her top, and left a tender kiss on her tummy. What had initially began as butterfly-kisses turned into fervent, opened-mouthed ones, trailing a line up to her midriff as he pushed the pink and white material up along the way.

The sensation of Tidus' moist lips on her skin made her slick between the thighs. Never had anything ever felt so good. Her breaths grew heavy and her pulse raced. She didn't know how much more of this erotic torture she could take. A groan escaped her lips in an effort to voice her frustration.

"Don't like being teased, huh?" Tidus noted with a seductive chuckle.

Not when her body was aching for him like it was just then. She was literally pulsating at her center. With her fears now seeming like a fleeting dream, Yuna whimpered, "Please…"

Responding to her request, her lover carefully, tugged her top, up-and-over her head then tossed it aside. His lustful gaze lingered on her exposed chest. And for a brief moment, Yuna felt a bit self-conscious, that is, until Tidus looked into her eyes and whispered in awe, "You're so incredibly beautiful."

Her bashfulness melted away at his words. Tidus had managed to make her feel like a goddess. But he hadn't stopped there. This amazing man of hers teasingly dragged his fingers over her breasts then gave them a gentle squeeze. Yuna gasped and arched her back, feeling her nipples swell at his touch.

"That feel good?"

The only reply she could summon from her lips was a quivering sigh. Of course that felt good. It was better than good—it was absolutely amazing!

Grinning from her response, Tidus left a line of feathery kisses down the middle of her chest. He then paused to meet her gaze and inquired in a seductive tone, "Do I make you feel good?"

"Mhmmm…" Yuna purred, relaxing her head back onto the pillow, as her eyes slipped shut. During her pilgrimage, she'd often fantasized about what it would be like to make love to her special guardian. It was a much more wonderful feeling than anything she could've imagined. Of course, she'd never thought it would actually happen back then. Yuna knew what she had to do. Those loving embraces and tender kisses could've turned into so much more that night at the spring. But they hadn't. And when her fate had changed and Tidus was lost to her instead, she regretted that missed opportunity every day.

Thankfully, she hadn't allowed for her insecurities to get in the way of this opportunity. Everything he did felt amazing. And they'd only just begun.

Enclosing his mouth over one of her breasts, Tidus rolled his tongue over the erect bud then gently sucked on it, while rubbing his thumb back-and-forth over the other.

Yuna mewled and turned her head to the side, grabbing a fistful of sheets in the process. These sensations were very new to her. She'd never dared to touch herself before, hoping somehow she would reunite with Tidus, and he would be the one to bring her to release. Rikku, of course, never really explained to her what it felt like—just that it was the best feeling ever. If it was better than what she was feeling now, she was afraid she might pass-out before fully experiencing it.

With his mouth still hungrily feasting on one of her breasts, his talented hands had slipped down to the rim of her shorts where he popped-open the button then proceeded to slowly pull the zipper down. Tidus hummed into the fleshy mound, giving her nipple one final suck before he released it, and tugged the denim material off her hips.

As eager as she'd been earlier, Yuna couldn't help but feel a bit hesitant at this point. This was still her first time. And no matter what, she was convinced it was normal to be nervous to some extent.

Tidus must've sensed her unease from the way he paused and settled next to her on his side. "Relax…" he breathed into her ear, inching his hand up her thigh. "I promise I'll make you feel great."

And Yuna didn't doubt that. She trusted this man implicitly. It was her irrational fear of the unknown, however, that kept surfacing and threatening to ruin this perfect evening with him. Those dismal thoughts, though, dissolved rather quickly when she felt her lover's hand slither into her panties and begin to massage the sensitive nerves at her core. His touch sent what felt like an electric spark throughout her body. Yuna squeezed her eyes shut as a moan got strangled somewhere in the back of her throat, eventually escaping in the form of his name.

"I love you so much," he whispered. "I want you to feel how much." Pressing a tender kiss against her jaw, Tidus deepened his touch, and slipped a finger inside her wet heat.

"Omigosh…" Yuna rocked her hips against his hand as her moans rose in both frequency and pitch. Never had she imagined such a simple gesture could feel so pleasurable. And while she'd stubbornly refused to experience the thrill on her own, she didn't regret her decision. Having these 'firsts' with the man she loved made this even more special.

Just then, her lover began pumping his finger inside her faster and rubbing even tighter circles into her swollen nerves with his thumb. The pleasure building low in her body was quickly spreading like wildfire throughout. Nothing had ever felt so good. Just when she thought she would hit her pinnacle, he stopped, and withdrew his hand.

Frustrated and confused by his actions, she let out what sounded like a growl. "Why... Why'd you stop?"

Tidus looked pleased with himself from the way he was grinning. After giving her a peck on the lips, he slid down the length of her body, his eyes never leaving hers as he murmured, "You'll see."

Worrying her bottom lip, Yuna thought about how he'd pleasure her next. He was toying with her. And he made it well-known from his amused expression that he enjoyed it immensely. Frankly, she was enjoying it as well. Leave it to Tidus to ease her nervousness by turning this into a fun, erotic game.

Hooking his fingers into the sides of her silk panties, her beloved slowly slid them off her hips then tossed them somewhere behind. His hands traveled up her legs, squeezing gently as they reached their destination at her thighs. Every touch from his hand, or kiss from his lips felt like an electric pulse rippling throughout her body. She didn't know it was possible to feel this good. It was as though his mere presence could plunge her into a euphoric state. This must've been what Rikku meant by chemistry between lovers. They certainly had that and more.

Carefully, Tidus guided apart her thighs then eased into a position on his stomach. She could feel his warm breath against her folds and shuddered at the erotic sensation. The anticipation was almost maddening, which led her to believe it was all part of his plan.

The teasing he'd been inflicting upon her had finally come to an end with a glide of his tongue. Yuna gasped at the strange, yet delightful feeling, her hands finding a home in his messy, blond hair. Gripping her hips, Tidus altered his technique. In what had been slow, sensual glides changed into lightning-quick flicks. Her breaths grew ragged and uneven as a titillating sensation built deep inside.

When Rikku had first explained this sort of act to her, Yuna had been a little repulsed by the idea. Then again, Yevon's oppressive rules had made almost everything feel like a filthy indulgence, especially when it came to young summoners. Thankfully, her cousin had been successful at reversing a lifetime of brainwashing in a short amount of time. And Yuna couldn't be more grateful. What Tidus was doing to her with his tongue was nothing short of phenomenal.

Just when she thought things couldn't get any better, Tidus sucked on her swollen nerves with such force, an intense feeling of pleasure shot throughout her entire body. She gripped the sheets and arched her back, releasing an erotic cry so loud that unless the room was soundproof, someone, somewhere on the airship must've heard it.

Quivering from the intensity of her release, Yuna glanced over at her lover, who was not quite finished lapping up her essence. He certainly delivered on his promise from earlier. It really had been the best feeling ever.

A joyful chuckle bubbled out of him. In a matter of moments, he resurfaced only inches away from her face wearing a triumphant grin. "Told ya I'd make you feel great! I gotta say—that scream had to earn me a point, or something in all this."

Feeling giddy from the whole experience, Yuna tried to suppress a giggle, but it didn't work. "That was…amazing!"

"Yeah?" his voice playfully raised an octave. "Does that mean I win a prize?"

After his stellar performance he was definitely deserving of one. She was actually quite content with him turning this into a more playful experience rather than how serious it had initially been. Thinking about it now, it was probably one of the reasons she'd been so nervous at first.

Fully intent on rewarding her lover, she grabbed him by the waist, and rolled him over. "You want a prize, huh?" she quipped.

The stunned look on his face was priceless. It was the kind of expression she expected to see if he were the winner of a lottery draw. He probably hadn't expected her to take control. She was no longer the timid girl from her pilgrimage. If he hadn't figured that out yet, he was about to.

Captivated by the muscles on his chest, she decided to start her journey there by running her fingers and tongue along his tanned pecs. Her gentle ministrations were rewarded with a low groan. The sexy sound of his voice urged her to become more daring. She hungrily moved her mouth over his stomach then down to his abdomen, savoring the salty taste of his skin.

Upon reaching the waistband of his boxers, Yuna could feel his excitement poking at her chest. Her stomach fluttered. Technically, she knew what to do to pleasure a man, but it's not like she'd ever put it into action. And this was one of those things that had made her nervous earlier. Battling through her insecurities once more, she grabbed the band of his boxers, and tugged them over his hips then down his legs.

The male anatomy was an odd, yet fascinating, thing. And up until now, the only one she'd ever seen outside of a textbook had been on a male stripper Rikku had hired as a joke for Paine's nineteenth birthday. Needless to say, Yuna had jetted out of there not long after he'd dropped his pants, feeling quite uncomfortable with the whole situation. But this wasn't just anyone in front of her. This was Tidus—the love of her life.

"You alright?" His confidence seemed shaken from how he slightly shifted under her gaze, clearly unsure of her reaction.

"I—uh—yeah," she embarrassingly stammered. Tidus was well-endowed. And she couldn't stop staring, especially when she thought about what that would mean for her later.

"Y'know…you don't have to do anything you're not—"

Silencing him with a finger to his lips, Yuna gave him a reassuring smile, and whispered, "No, I want to. I love you." Determined to pleasure her lover, she curled a hand around his member, and dipped her head to lick the bead of moisture on its tip. Her erotic gesture earned her a loud hiss. There was something irresistible about hearing him make that sound. She was certain it had to do with her being the source of it.

Not wasting another moment, Yuna took him inch-by-inch into her mouth, relaxing her throat as she slid him deeper inside. Tidus groaned and shut his eyes, throwing his head back onto the pillow. There had never been a more alluring sight to her than how he looked at that moment. She was hooked like an addict and wanted more. Gripping the bottom of his shaft, she moved her mouth up-and-down the length of him, sucking hard.

"Holy shit…" he groaned, carefully grabbing a fist-full of her hair.

Between his labored breaths she would hear a low moan escape him every now and then. With every sexy sound he made, her confidence grew. She loved this man with every fiber of her being. And she wanted him to know it.

"Damn… " Tidus panted. "You're so…so… Mmmm…" Suddenly, his hands were on her shoulders as a loud gasp escaped his lips. "Yuna!" he choked. "S-stop!"

Startled by her lover's reaction, she quickly released him, and sat back on her legs. Her heart sank. Everything had been going so well. She wasn't sure what she'd done wrong. Had she scraped her teeth against him? How embarrassing. Exhaling heavily, Yuna watched as he lay with his arm draped across his eyes, while he steadied his breathing. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to—"

"Wait—what!?" Tidus bolted up with an alarmed expression. "You didn't do anything wrong."

Now, she was more confused than anything. "I don't understand."

"You did everything right. I was close—way too close."

Yuna frowned. "And that's a bad thing?"

"No, it's not a bad thing." His face softened. "Look, sometimes it can take a while for a guy to…recover after something like that. I didn't want the night to be over with."

"Oh, I see." Lowering her gaze, she fixated on the sheets, and tried to hide the embarrassment she felt for her lack of knowledge on the subject.

"Hey…" Tidus laid a comforting hand upon her cheek, drawing her attention. "It's alright. You can think of this as payback for what I did to you earlier." A devilish grin slowly crossed his face.

It took a moment for her to realize what he'd meant, but when Yuna did, she was more at ease. Her lips curved into a relieved smile, grateful for his loving reassurance. "I love you."

"I love you, too, beautiful. Now, c'mere." Slipping a hand to the back of her neck, Tidus pulled her in for a tender kiss then eased back onto the mattress with her pressed against his chest.

His movements were much more careful now, slowly rolling her beneath him, not once parting ways with her lips. The gentle caress of his hands traversed up her sides then back down to her hips. She appreciated the level of care Tidus was showing to her body in the wake of what would happen next. From what she knew, it wasn't going to be very pleasant at first.

Breaking the kiss, her lover's eyes locked with hers in what she assumed was a silent bid to continue. "I love you, Yuna—now and forever."

"Always, remember?"

Tidus positioned himself between her thighs and brushed his lips against hers. "Yes, always."

Steeling herself for what was to follow, Yuna looped her arms around her lover's neck, and melted into his kiss. All the conversations she had with Rikku hadn't prepared her enough for this. A stabbing pain ripped through her core. Her hands dropped to Tidus' shoulders where she gripped him tightly, whimpering against his lips as he slid the rest of the way inside.

After a moment, her lover pulled away from the kiss, but remained still—allowing for her body to adapt at being joined to him. Tidus' worried expression, however, suggested she was doing a horrible job of concealing what felt like sheer agony. Nevertheless, she loved this man. And even though it hurt like hell, their bodies were one at that moment—and that alone made the pain worth it.

"You alright?"

Well, it's not like she could tell him the truth without it ruining the moment. Instead, Yuna forced a smile and nodded, hoping it would assuage his concern.

The skeptical look he gave in return, though, led her to believe she'd been anything but convincing. "I'm sorry…" Tidus' expression fell, indicating he was aware of her discomfort. "I promise it'll only get better. You mean everything to me. I hope you know that."

Yuna managed a weak smile. "I do." Feeling a tad awkward and unsure of what to say in a situation like this, she blurted out the first thing that came to mind. "I never imagined being in love would be so…"

"Intense?" he offered as a response.

That was definitely one word for it. And while she was inclined to agree it's not quite how she'd describe it. "Actually, I was thinking of…incredible."

An adoring smile spread across Tidus' lips. "Being in love with you is definitely incredible."

It was almost surreal being with him like this. She'd never been one to lose hope. But even after talking with the fayth in the Farplane, she'd resigned herself to the notion of never seeing him again. And now, he was here, making love to her.

The pain seemed to ease with her last thought. Certain she'd become acclimated to her lover, Yuna wrapped her legs around his waist, and moved her hips against him. A sharp twinge of pain, however, proved otherwise. Sucking in a quick breath, she cringed, and tried to hide her expression by tucking her face into the crook of his neck.

"Easy there." Tidus drew back to leave a cluster of feathery kisses upon her cheek. "Let me guide."

Trusting her man, Yuna nodded, and allowed for him to take the lead. His thrusts were slow at first, enabling her to adjust to him without being overwhelmed. And only when her wincing eased, did he slightly increase the tempo in which he moved his hips. This man was truly amazing. She couldn't get enough of him—his musky scent, his dreamy eyes, his soft lips—never in her life had she been so entranced by someone. It was as if he had become her obsession.

Tidus' heavy breaths were hot against her skin. The temperature in the room felt like it rose by at least ten degrees. Every groan and grunt escaping her lover's lips sent a fiery rush throughout her body.

Slow, careful movements had eventually turned into desperate thrusts. Yuna wasn't sure when the pain had gave way to pleasure, but a familiar tingling sensation was already building at her core. Her breaths came in heavy pants and her vision blurred. He felt so good. She didn't want this to end.

Gripping her even tighter, Tidus angled her hips, and slapped their slick bodies together. The force of his thrusts were rattling the canopy posts and pushing her closer to the edge. "So... So close," she panted.

Her lover grinned and leaned down to give her a quick, sloppy kiss on the lips. "So good… Yuna, you feel soo… I… Ahh…"

One look at Tidus' blissful expression with his eyes squeezed shut, snapped the last of her resolve. The pleasure culminating inside her body finally erupted into a blinding ecstasy. Through her erotic cries, she heard his grunts grow louder followed by the wild and unruly groan of his release. Never had she imagined hearing a man make such a sexy sound. It was both exhilarating and satisfying at the same time. In an expression of gratitude, she raked her nails down his back as his thrusts slowed to a stop.

Tidus gave her hips a gentle squeeze, before collapsing onto the pillow beside her, breathing heavily on his back.

Still trying to catch her breath, Yuna watched his chest rise-and-fall as, he too, focused on slowing his breathing. He'd been so gentle and perfect—exceeding her expectations. Rikku had warned her that she probably wouldn't climax her first time. But Tidus had certainly found a way to defy the odds in that regard. She was convinced it had everything to do with how much they loved each other. This evening had truly been special. And she would never forget it as long as she lived. "I love you."

Tidus rolled onto his side and draped an arm over her waist. "Yeah—how much?"

The playful tone of his voice made her lips curve into an amused smile. "Didn't I just show you?"

He chuckled before his expression turned serious. "I love you more than life itself. And I can't imagine living without you by my side."

Something about his admission made her uneasy. It seemed rather desperate and final as though Tidus expected her to leave him at some point. She sensed this had more to do with his insecurities than anything else. "I'm not going anywhere. We're going to be together always, remember?"

"…Then marry me."

It felt like all the air had escaped her lungs. Had she heard him, correctly? Propping herself up on her elbows, she searched his eyes, trying to get a better read on him. "Are you being serious?"

"Yuna…" He matched her motions, propping himself up on an elbow as well, so his face was level with hers. "I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. I've been thinking about it ever since I came back." Looking rather sheepish all of a sudden, he nervously rubbed the back of his neck then added, "I—uh… I don't have a ring for you yet. But I promise I'll get one."

To say she was stunned would be an understatement. The last thing she expected from him today was a marriage proposal. Her heart soared. She already knew what her answer would be. "You know I'm not materialistic. But...I guess I wouldn't mind having one to show off."

His face brightened. "Is that a yes?"

With a toothy grin, Yuna nodded, and happily exclaimed, "Yes!"

Tidus pounced on her amid a gleeful chuckle, knocking her back down onto the pillow where he captured her lips in a passionate kiss. This moment marked the beginning of what Yuna believed would be a long life together. Their love was special—it survived through time, death, and defied all logic. She'd never been happier than she was right then. Finally, the future looked bright.