Zootopia: Dark Requiem


Disclaimer: I do not own Zootopia or any of the characters from the movie. Any original characters and original locations are mine. I hope you all enjoy the story.

It is set three months after the Emmett Otterson case (and the incredible resolution to the situation). Warning there will be spoilers, so watch the movie first before reading this fanfic.

This is a slightly darker take on the Zootopia world, so I hope you all enjoy.

Beta Reading done by SAga4000, very thankful for all the help.

The Cover Image belongs to deviantart's Pihguinolog. All rights of ownership of said image belongs to this artist.

Sorry for the long delay in this chapter's update. Christmas, New Years and a few other things got in the way. Chapter Five will hopefully come out sooner.


Chapter Four: Frozen Battlefield

Koslov was driving a black car through the snow. He held his paw steady on the wheel while he thought about what was to come in this snowy town. Everything around them looked peaceful, but his men were about to enter a battlefield.

Kevin looked over at him then said, "Koslov, sir, your phone just lit up from a text, shall I check it?"

Koslov said, "Yes." He was a bear of few words, but what he said commanded respect.

Kevin took the phone and began to check the messages. His eyes widened, as one was sent not too long ago and opened it. He read it aloud, "ZPD Traitor Trap, there is no name on who this was sent from."

Koslov said, "Trick or Truth?"

Raymond looked at the message then said, "It was either sent to throw us off the battle, or it was sent from Judy. Perhaps she doesn't have her phone?"

Kevin said, "Well she did get captured. It is possible she stole a phone."

Koslov said, "Investigate."

The two polar bears nodded in quick agreement. Neither of them dared argue with him.


Nick had started pacing around the garage. He was about to enter Judy's cruiser when a paw touched his shoulder. He spun and pointed his pistol at the animal who did that, then froze when he saw it was Lily. He sighed and said, "What are y'doing? I could've fired!"

She said, "Chief Bogo said I wasn't coming with you! So care to explain?"

Nick answered, "That's simple. It's 'cause you're not trained! Last thing he wants is for you to be killed."

Lily placed her paw on her hip and said, "I can handle myself just fine, thank you very much fox!"

Nick reached out and placed his paw on her head and gently rubbed her fur. He whispered, "Y'know, I think you'd make a pretty good cop."

Lily felt herself flush then said, "That's got nothing to do with this!"

Nick said, "You want to help her animals right? Take the training and you could be the second bunny cop in the force." He slowly lowered his paw and said, "Speak to Clawhauser, maybe y' could help with the rescue forces."

Lily's ears shot straight up and she hugged him tightly then ran off with a hop in her skip.

Nick watched her go and thought, 'Yep, typical bunnies.' He chuckled for a moment then he realized she had also come to try and cheer him up. He clenched his paw on the hilt of the shotgun and whispered, "Judy, I'll save ya, no matter what."


Lily dashed up to Clawhauser and skidded to a stop right in front of the Cheetah. She said, "Nick said I could help you with the rescue forces."

Clawhauser looked at her then grinned widely. His tail began to swish back and forth happily before he said, "Sure! We could always use another pair of paws!"

Lily placed her paws up on the desk and looked at him then asked, "Is my sister going to be alright?"

Clawhauser said, "Oh don't you worry your sweet little cotton tail! She'll be fine."

She sighed in relief then asked, "What do I do?"

Clawhauser said, "You work with the rescuers. So all you have to do is help with the injured."

Lily nodded and walked with Clawhauser to one of the cruisers.


Chief Bogo was putting the finishing touches on the plans when he glanced up at the clock; it was ten in the evening. Five minutes passed before he received a phone call from an unknown caller. He picked it up and heard a voice say, "There's a traitor among you all." The phone hung up almost immediately before he could ask for more information. Chief Bogo paused for a moment as the thought registered in his head, 'There's a traitor amongst us?' That warning… that threat gave him a sense of dread that he'd hoped to never feel in his time as a police chief, but he didn't want to start pointing fingers just yet. However he wasn't going to let the phone call rest, with those thoughts Chief Bogo stood up andleft his office to speak to a few officers.

Nick was cleaning the shotgun in the bull pen while Finnick was putting the finishing touches on a new weapon he was developing.

Chief Bogo looked over at the smaller fox who was a lot more skilled than he had thought possible. He roared, "Wilde, my office, now!"

One of the officers whispered, "Uh oh, what did Wilde do now?"

Another whispered, "The hell do we know about Wilde's activities? We all know his checkered past."

Nick shot the two officers a glare then went to the Chief's office and closed the door behind him. He asked, "Y'wanted to see me sir?"

Chief Bogo said, "Sit down Wilde." He was sitting at his desk by now.

Nick sat down then asked, "This better be important, I'm goin' over the plans for saving Judy."

Chief Bogo sighed then said, "I got a unique phone call a few minutes ago." He paused and glanced at the door that was closed then went to it and listened carefully. There was no one outside the door. He turned to face Nick and said, "They said there's a traitor amongst us. I'd say it is likely that this traitor is the reason why Hopps was captured in the first place. Whoever it is was feeding information to the criminals we're about to go and apprehend, which means that the traitor has likely told them about our departure time."

Nick slapped his paw to his face then asked, "Do we abandon the plan then?"

Chief Bogo said, "On the contrary, we go through with it, however I'm changing something with it. The battle ahead is a diversion." He pulled down a map by his board and said, "While the main forces go at their main forces, you will lead a small force behind the compound to locate and free Hopps and possibly any other hostages there. After all the innocents are out of there, we will have no reason to hold back. I saw something that your pu-" He cleared his throat and continued, "Friend is working on. That weapon he is designing is the final tool. I want you to speak to him in private and have him change its design to launch a very special ammunition, here are the specifications." He slid a paper to Nick and said, "Wilde, this is top secret. No one in the ZPD may know about it, not even Clawhauser."

Nick gaped at him for a moment and lowered his shades. He whispered, "You suspect Clawhauser?"

Chief Bogo slammed his hoof onto the table, "Of course not Wilde! I trust Clawhauser with my life, he was my partner before I became Chief. That said, there is a traitor among us. Hopefully we can unmask who it is before they cause too much more damage. The reason this weapon must be kept secret will so that the traitor cannot warn the criminals. They won't escape Wilde, and your task force must also be kept extremely secret."

Nick asked, "If Judy was taken and my brother's involved, it's likely that they want me. 'Course if I'm not with the main force, won't the traitor notice?"

Chief Bogo said, "The original plan called for you to be ahead of the group anyway with Fangmeyer and Wolford. Whoever this traitor is likely joined the ZPD in your class."

Nick thought, 'So one of the graduates alongside myself.' He looked up at Chief Bogo and asked, "How are we gonna unmask him sir?"

Chief Bogo said, "We'll wait for him to make a mistake. Once he does, we'll have him and make him pay for the shame he's brought to the ZPD."

Nick saluted then said, "I'll pass the plans along to Finnick."

Chief Bogo softly said, "You do that."

Nick clenched his right paw in his pocket and said, "Find him sir and I'll make him talk about his reasons, that's a promise."

Chief Bogo said, "Oh and Wilde, your detachment will consist of Wolford and your friend."

Nick grinned and said, "Good choices sir." He turned and left the office with the plans.


Kevin glanced at the snapped in half cell phone in his paws then asked, "Was it necessary to not reveal my name sir?"

Koslov stared at Kevin then said, "Yes, this is a test of the ZPD's competence."

Raymond smiled and said, "Don't worry so much Kevin. Judy and Nick are part of that organization. He fooled us all with that Skunk Butt rug remember?"

Kevin laughed and said, "Well it was fairly amusing, course Mr. Big didn't think it was funny."

Koslov said, "Nor did I."

Kevin's smile faded from his face instantly and said, "Not that I thought it was truly amusing, more so the fact that he actually managed to get a rug made out of that material."

Koslov let loose a rare smile and said, "True, that is no small feat."

Raymond asked, "Think they will figure out who their traitor is?"

Koslov said, "It is in their hands now."


Nick was next seen speaking in private to Finnick. The smaller fox was quite surprised to say the least, "So yer tellin' me there's a traitor in the ZPD? Corrupt bastard!"

Nick's ears were drooped as he said, "Y'said it buddy. The Chief wants ya to join me in the infiltration team."

Finnick crossed his arms over his chest and said, "Sounds deadly, what's in it for me?"

Nick smiled and said, "Remember what I said about a clean record? It's part of the deal buddy. 'Sides, I know that Judy would risk her life to save yours."

Finnick smiled for a moment and said, "Ya, she would. What the hell? Sounds fine. Sign me up, we've been through worse."

Nick handed him a cigar and said, "Don't talk to anyone about it, got it? Wolford will be briefed by the Chief shortly."

Finnick walked outside and lit the cigar, Nick joined him with a paper cup that contained his favorite coffee. Finnick asked, "Ya not gonna have one?"

Nick said, "Nah, gave up smokin' years ago buddy. You know that."

Finnick said, "Yer loss pal, so the secrecy behind the design?"

Nick glanced around to ensure they were completely alone before he continued, "To ensure that no animal escapes. I agree with the Chief, no mistakes on this one buddy."

Finnick said, "It'll be easier than takin' money from those suckers. Still can't believe a year ago we were just hustlers. Never thought that meter maid we met would become yer best friend."

Nick whispered, "It's more than that."

Finnick's eyes widened as he whispered, "Wow, ya sure? I mean-"

Nick held up his paw and said, "Just knowin' she's in danger is more than I can bear buddy. When I thought she was dead I-"

Finnick said, "Say no more pal, we'll get her back."

Nick smiled for a moment then said, "Ya can count on it."

Finnick blew out some smoke then stamped out the cigar and said, "We got work ta do, let's get it done." The two entered the ZPD office.


Wolford entered the Chief's office. He had been called in while Nick and Finnick had been having their heart to heart talk. He stood by the door and asked, "What's up sir?"

Chief Bogo said, "You will be joining a secret team that is unknown to the rest of the force. Your job is to get Wilde to Hopps safe. No matter what happens, those foxes have to reach her unharmed."

Wolford paled then asked, "Why this extra team sir?"

Chief Bogo said, "Because there's a traitor among our ranks Wolford. I admit, I'm at a loss as to who it could be, but it is likely someone who joined the force alongside Wilde."

Wolford said, "Should I keep an eye out for any suspicious behaviour?"

Chief Bogo said, "You have your orders Wolford, just get them there, understand?"

Wolford saluted and left the office after he was dismissed.


Koslov parked the car outside where the battle would soon take place. He got out and pulled out binoculars and began to scan the area. He said, "Too quiet."

Kevin joined him and asked, "It's a trap right?"

Koslov said, "Too few animals. Real trap somewhere else."

Raymond asked, "What about the bridge leading over here? There weren't any animals near it, but it is the only way to this field."

Koslov said, "Go check now."

Kevin got back in the car with Raymond and the two left with Koslov watching the field.


Judy was abruptly woken up by another splash of icy water to the face. Clara was staring straight at her with an angry look in her eyes. Judy asked, "Still planning the perfect revenge Clara?"

Clara scowled and said, "What did you do while you were free Hopps?"

Judy said, "I wouldn't tell you if you were the last animal in the world! Nick will survive and you won't get your way."

Clara snapped her hooves and two foxes approached her. One was the fox Hopps had knocked out and the other was one of the two that had clawed her face earlier that day.

Judy stared at them, her ears behind her head, and waited to see what they would do. She thought, 'I will be strong and I won't let them win.' To her astonishment, she found they were undoing her bindings.

Clara smirked as Judy was lowered to the ground and said, "Oh Wilde will be failing his mission to save you. Ya see, I have plans for you Hopps and you won't like them."

Judy asked, "What are you going to do?"

Clara laughed and said, "You'll see soon enough, take her!"

The two foxes picked her up then followed Clara out of the unit.


Koslov watched the building that the sheep had entered. Soon, he saw them emerge and they were carrying Judy Hopps with them. He pulled out his phone and called Kevin, "Report."

Kevin said, "We have found enough C4 at the base of this bridge to take out half of Zootopia. Raymond is working on disarming it now."

Koslov said, "Be quick, they move."

Kevin said, "On it sir." He hung up the phone and said, "Hurry it up Raymond."

Raymond said, "This isn't easy! One wrong move and Zootopia would be badly damaged."

Kevin said, "Our targets are on the move, we can't afford any delays."


Chief Bogo gathered in the bullpen with his officers and said, "This is it, we move out in five minutes."

Higgins said, "About time, I want to take these guys down." He clenched his paw and said, "They will pay for hurting our own!"

Chief Bogo felt his mouth curl in a smile at Higgins' remark. Even before she had become a true officer in everyone's eyes, some of the force had thought she was nice.

McHorn asked, "Any more details about the plan of attack sir?"

Chief Bogo was about to answer when he paused. He said, "No real changes, we move forward with the assault on their home base of operations. Wilde will be leading a strike force with Fangmeyer at the head of our officers. Everyone is to stay alive and follow the orders of Fangmeyer and myself in this operation. Any further questions?"

McHorn shook his head and the rest of the force was ready.

Chief Bogo said, "Let's move everyone, I want Hopps home in time for breakfast tomorrow, dismissed!"

The officers filed out for the Cruisers.


Nick waited until the officers had left the bull pen. He shook his head and said, "Sorry sir, didn't want you to lie to them like that."

Chief Bogo said, "It's necessary, but you and I do have something to discuss after this operation is done Wilde."

Nick blinked then asked, "Really? What about?"

Chief Bogo said, "Namely your involvement in the murder of Adrian White."

Nick's ears drooped as he whispered, "There's a name I haven't heard in a very long time. It's also one I've been trying to forget for a long time."

Chief Bogo said, "We'll leave it at that till the day after tomorrow, but I want the truth."

Nick said, "Don't worry sir, you'll have it."

Chief Bogo smiled and said, "I know, now let's see this done."

The two left the bull pen to get into their cruisers.


Fangmeyer went ahead in an empty cruiser, playing the illusion that Nick was in there with him while Wolford took Nick and Finnick in the cruiser right behind him. He pulled out his phone and made a call to the Chief, "Sir, the operation is all set, Wilde, Wolford and Finnick will be in position in five minutes."

Chief Bogo said, "Good, in ten minutes begin the attack. Try and keep yourself covered by darkness. I don't want that traitor to spot that Wilde isn't with you, understood?"

Fangmeyer said, "I already got that covered sir, I won't let you down!" He hung up and looked ahead in the snowy street. He pulled to the side and let the cruiser behind him pass then continued onward.


Kevin and Raymond had finished disarming the C4 about two minutes before the ZPD forces had arrived at the bridge. Kevin made a call to Nick and said, "All done Nick, the trap Judy's mentioned has already been dealt with."

Nick smiled and said, "Great job you two, Mr. Big should promote you guys!"

Kevin laughed and said, "Let's see how this goes, any further developments?"

Nick said, "Try attacking from a different angle, that way they'll be trapped and caught with their pants down."

Kevin said, "We're already on that, but Koslov just called me. It seems Judy was spotted being carried to a different building on the compound. She was in the easternmost building, but now she's been moved to the westernmost building."

Nick clenched his left paw and held the phone tighter. He asked, "Any idea why?"

Kevin said, "I have no idea, but I assume they are planning something."

Nick said, "Agreed, be ready for anything guys. Oh and Kevin, be very careful."

Kevin said, "Got it, see you on the battlefield." He hung up and turned to Raymond, "Let's get back to Koslov."

Raymond nodded and the two entered the black car to drive back to Koslov.


Clara smirked as she had a fox throw Judy against the wall. She began to approach the bound bunny and asked, "Is it prepared?"

Johnathan smirked and said, "Completely, shall we use it?"

Clara shook her head and said, "Not yet, but we will soon. Alexandria are you ready to use it on a moment's notice?"

The female fox with the long scar on her side said, "Yeah, I'll use it when you give the signal boss."

Clara smirked then said, "Good, now go give them a proper greeting." She pressed a button and looked out the window. She asked, "What happened to our C4?"

A male rhino came racing up and said almost breathlessly, "It seems that two polar bears saw the C4 and were disarming it for the past hour. I spotted them five minutes ago as they were finishing disarming the final batch."

Clara cursed then crushed the remote in her hooves. She swung her arm out and said, "Get our snipers and shooters in position, the ZPD must not breach our lines. Looks like we go to plan B."

The animals nodded and picked up their rifles, five squirrels grabbed their sniper rifles and climbed to the top of the compound and laid down with their rifles pointed at the road.

Clara smiled and turned to the unconscious Judy Hopps and whispered, "You will be the final blow to Nick Wilde. He will pay for what happened to my father. Adrian will be avenged, no matter what I have to do." She turned and left the room. Alexandria was laying in the dark, ready to strike at a moment's notice.


Nick's cruiser pulled up in the snow just out of viewing distance of the sniper squirrels. He got out of the cruiser and said, "This is where we walk. We will use the trees and snow as cover, I don't want us spotted until we reach the compound. We get in, we get out and we try not to be seen or heard by anyone while we are there."

Finnick said, "Ya, I hear ya."

Wolford said, "I'll take point, let's move you two." He pulled out his tranquilizer gun and activated the thermal scanners. He looked through the scope as he darted from snowdrift to tree with speed and agility.

Nick followed with the same level of speed. Finnick followed using his size to his advantage. The three began making their way toward the compound.


Chief Bogo watched them leave the cruiser then called out on the radio, "Attack!"

Fangmeyer pulled up in the lead car first and opened the door. He rolled out and pulled out his assault rifle and began to fire toward the compound. After about ten shots, he stopped firing and hid behind one of the buildings.

The other cruisers began to pull up. The officers began to file out and held their guns, ready to fire at a moment's notice.

A sniper shot rang out and narrowly missed McHorn who had gotten to the left right after getting out.

Chief Bogo got out of his cruiser just as the shot had missed McHorn. He called out, "Snipers! Everyone take cover!"

Two feline officers began to make their way towards the roof of the first building. They fired three shots, taking out three of the criminal forces before they were able to reach the rooftops. They laid on the snow covered building and used the snow as camouflage. In this position, they were able to take careful aim at the buildings. When another sniper shot rang out, one of them used his keen vision to spot the flash from the gun. He fired swiftly with the shot, taking out one of the five snipers.


Clara watched the battle unfold. The ZPD officers were holding their ground and using cover well. Not a single one had been shot yet. She pulled our a walkie talkie then said, "Send in the Bull."

A voice said, "Yes Ma'am." The two broke the connection.


About one minute later, the ground began to shake as a huge animal began to walk toward the officers. He was huge, the only animals present bigger than him were the elephants. It was a giant male cow.

Chief Bogo's eyes widened. He called out, "Fall back to a defensive line, do not let yourself get separated. That animal is no ordinary one."

The feline officers didn't obey that command; they knew their place was on top of the roof, preventing the snipers from getting pot shots at their officers.

The bull caught up to Snarlov and threw him back like he was a rag-doll. The polar bear slid down a tree, unconscious.

Chief Bogo pointed his assault rifle and fired shots. The bullets hit the Bull, but due to the kevlar armor, they didn't do much damage. The Bull did, however, turn his attention towards him and that was his main objective.

Higgins, Hornsby and McHorn began firing their tranquilizer guns. Their shots kept striking the kevlar, but they kept up the barrage.

Out of the corner of his eye, Chief Bogo saw Lily and another EMRS member get Snarlov out of harms way. He pulled out his own tranquilizer gun and carefully took aim. While his officers gathered him time, he found what he was searching for. There was an opening at the Bull's neck. He squeezed the trigger right when his shot lined up. The tranquilizer shot forward and struck in the nerve inside the animals' neck. It delivered the knockout fluid directly into the Bull's veins. The Bull's eyes closed as he fell over with a deafening crash, out cold.

Higgins wiped his paws on his pants and whispered, "Well that was close, I wonder how many more of them there are?"

Chief Bogo said, "Enough to keep us busy, that's for sure."


While all this was going on, Nick was using the confusion to slip into the compound without being detected. He could see the Chief far away in the distance, holding off the main force of the criminals. To the east of the compound, Mr. Big's men were also engaged in a struggle. He knew where his main mission lay and made his way toward the westernmost building.

Wolford said, "Finnick and I will handle searching for any other hostages, you just do what you need to do."

Finnick said, "Be careful out there pal, ya can't die before ya pay me back for our poker game the other night."

Nick chuckled for a moment and clicked his tranquilizer gun then said, "I got this. 'Course I'm not dyin' here." He slipped into the snow and between the trees and buildings toward the building where Judy was being held hostage.

Wolford said, "Let's go." He led Finnick away so they could start searching the back buildings.


Kevin pointed his own assault rifle at the Eastern front. Upon Koslov's command, he began to fire. He kept up the barrage until his clip was empty, then ducked behind Raymond who began to fire in his place. While Raymond was firing, he began to reload.

Near him were polar bear pairs doing the exact same thing. They had formed a line of about forty that were unleashing constant fire.

Koslov held his phone to his ear, "You got the West?" Getting his answer, Koslov nodded his head, "Got it boss."

Another set of polar bears approached from the west and began to fire in the same pattern.


Clara watched around her as the forces were slowly converging on her location. She spotted something red heading toward the building where Judy was being held. She held the walkie-talkie to her ear and said, "Get ready Alexandria."

The female fox smirked as she held the gun at the ready.


Nick opened the westernmost door. It was pitch black inside, so he pulled out his light and began to look around. It seemed mostly empty, save for one form that was laying on the ground. He gasped and ran up to her. Nick checked her and whispered, "Judy?" He checked for a pulse and found she was still alive.

Judy groaned and slowly opened her eyes. She whispered, "Nick?" She slowly sat up and said, "Why did you come? Didn't you get the message I sent to Clawhauser? This is all to get you here!"

Nick pulled her into his arms and held her close to him. He whispered, "I don't care, all that matters is that you're safe."

Judy felt herself melt into his hug and whispered, "Thanks for coming."

A shot rang out from the darkness and Judy gasped as something hit her. She felt something strange about her and shoved Nick back. She held her head as though she were in great pain.

Nick cried out, "Judy? What happened?"

Judy gasped out, "G-Get away from here Nick...run..." She cried out in agony then fell to the ground again. She panted as something vile felt like it was taking over.

Alexandria slipped out while Nick was watching Judy with growing fear in his eyes.

Nick began to approach her, but stopped when he saw that she was on all four.

Judy looked up at him then she let out a grunt like growls. Her purple eyes, which were normally so vibrant and full of life, now fixated on him with a wild predatory gaze.

Nick's eyes widened as he remembered that stare. It was the same one that the Savage Predators had worn during their captivity.

Judy lunged toward Nick to bite him, but he quickly dodged her bite.

Nick kept dodging her attacks, but seeing as she was faster, he couldn't get a good shot off with the tranquilizer gun. He didn't want to hit her anywhere vital.

Judy managed to finally catch him and sank her teeth into his neck.

Nick cried out in pain and forced her off him then began to back away.


Clara watched the development from the second floor, and then called out, "What's the matter Wilde? Not exactly the welcome you were hoping for? She's going to kill you, oh and this is a special strain of the Night Howler compound. A tranquilizer will kill her."

Nick called into the darkness, "Who the hell are you?"

Clara said, "Someone who hates your very guts. You're going to have to either kill her or die yourself. Either way, you lose and I win."

Nick glared in her direction then spun to found himself being attacked by Judy again. He held her back and shouted, "You can't make me kill her!"

Clara laughed and said, "Such a shame, farewell Nick Wilde."

A gunshot rang out and Clara looked down at her chest in shock as blood began to cover her chest. She looked up and saw the angry eyes of Johnathan Wilde. She whispered, "W-why?" before she collapsed on the cold floor.

Johnathan lowered the smoking pistol before he said, "For taking so many foxes hostage, that's why you psychotic bitch." He looked down at Nick who was struggling with Judy and thought, 'We'll meet again someday, little brother.' He pulled Clara's walkie talkie off her and stepped outside. He called out, "Use the escape tunnels and let's get out of here. Anyone who can make it in two minutes will get away with me and those won't don't well… prepare to be captured or killed." He hung up the walkie-talkies.

The animals holding the lines began to flee at that moment.


Chief Bogo watched as they began to flee. He unveiled the hidden weapon that Finnick had made. He fired it into the center of the compound. It was filled with a powerful knockout grenade that would spew forth a huge cloud of gas. Anyone who breathed it would be knocked out.

Most of the animals fleeing did not have gas masks and were knocked out quickly, Johnathan slipped into the tunnel with his gas mask on, as did most of the foxes who had been forced to work with her. Only the female fox that had cared for Judy was not among his forces.

Chief Bogo raced up into the compound with his gas mask on; the other officers were following quickly. They began to arrest any animal they found knocked out. Mr Big's men retreated back toward the Big Compound as they were no longer needed there. Kevin, Raymond and Koslov were not with them, they entered with their own masks on to help with any injured and also to check on Judy and Nick.


Inside the Westernmost building, Nick found himself in the worst situation possible. Judy was still trying to kill him under the influence of the Night Howlers. To make matters worse, anything that would make her lose consciousness such as a tranquilizer would kill her. The only way to stop her was to use a large enough impact to knock her out. The problem was that delivering that impact wouldn't be easy. If he hit her too hard, he could accidentally kill her. If he hit in the wrong place, same problem.

Nick dodged another attack, this time a slash from her bunny claws. He watched as she bared her teeth at him. He thought, 'Damn that psychopath!' He knew that if he kept playing defensively that she'd eventually wear him down, but he didn't see what other choice he had. The only other option was to go on the offensive and he was too afraid of hurting her.

Judy began to slowly approach him. Her fur was slicked back against her body and her ears were straight back. Her purple eyes scanned the room quickly as her nose twitched. She spotted him again, hiding in the darkness and charged toward him growling dangerously.

Nick caught her and flipped her over his back, slamming her onto the ground.

Judy shook the dizziness away then flipped back onto her four paws and growled ferociously.

Nick groaned as he felt dizzy himself and then remembered she had bit him hard in the neck earlier. He must have open wounds from that.

Judy lunged again and this time got him with another bite to his side.

Nick flung her off again and began to back away toward the door.

The door behind him opened and Nick glanced back to see Chief Bogo standing there. He called out, "Sir, it's Judy!"

Chief Bogo saw her lunge toward Nick again and stepped between them. He picked her up by the scruff of the neck just as she lunged.

Judy thrashed in his grip; at least she did until she was struck on the back of the head with his hoof. She lost consciousness at that moment.

Chief Bogo glanced down at Nick then asked, "Are you alright Wilde?"

Nick groaned in pain and held his neck with one paw. He said, "She was infected with a special strain of the Night Howler. She can't be medicated to sleep or it will kill her." He groaned again then collapsed on the ground.

Chief Bogo called outside, "We need a stretcher in here. Get Wilde and Hopps to the ERMS."

Clawhauser came up with Lily beside him. The two put Nick and Judy on the same stretcher. Lily looked up and asked, "What happened to Nick?"

Chief Bogo said, "Judy attacked him, I'll explain later. We have to get them both to the hospital now, same with any of our wounded."

Clawhauser said, "The ERMS will be ready to transport them."

Chief Bogo placed his hoof on Clawhauser's shoulder and said, "Use caution, she's infected with the Night Howler poison. If she regains consciousness, she will attack again. Also tell them not to use anything to put her to sleep or it could kill her. The only reason she is out right now is because I literally knocked her out."

Clawhauser said, "Got it, so time is critical here."

Chief Bogo watched as Lily and Clawhauser took Nick and Judy to the ERMS. Mostly it was Clawhauser carrying them while Lily was running beside them. He softly said, "Well at least we know how to treat her."


A few hours later, the doctors at the hospital found themselves in a perilous situation. Judy Hopps had woken up and was thrashing about in her restraints. She growled angrily and snapped her teeth at anyone that came near her.

Nick was being treated in the next room. He hissed as an antiseptic spray was being used on his wounds. After a few minutes, the pain began to fade and the doctors began to stitch up the bites from Judy's attacks. A nurse said, "You're one very lucky Officer Wilde, had she bitten any harder, the veins on your neck would have been pierced."

Finnick was sitting next to him and asked, "How long 'til he's good enough to move?"

The doctor said, "At most, a few hours yet, but my main concern is Officer Hopps. She isn't responding to the Night Howler antidote."

Nick groaned and slowly began to get out of the bed. He said, "She's alive right?"

The doctor said, "If you can call that living, sure. The regular antidote is having no effect on her though. It is like someone tampered with the plant's toxin and made it very hard to make a cure."

Nick held his head in his paw and said, "You gotta to save her Doctor!"

The doctor said, "We're working on it, I just wish we had a sample of the modified toxin. If we had that, a cure would come really fast."

Nick asked, "Can I see her?"

The doctor said, "Yes, but she won't recognize you."

Nick said, "Just…let me see her."

The nurse sighed and said, "Alright, but you won't like it." She led him to the next room over.


Nick walked in and saw Judy lying on the bed. She was growling and her eyes were shifting back and forth. He walked up to her side and took her paw in his.

Judy growled and tried to claw at him, but she was completely held down.

He whispered, "Judy, I'm sorry, but I'm gonna get you out of this." Tears slowly slid down through his furry cheeks.

Judy struggled against the restraints, trying to get at him for her next meal while Nick wept next to her.

Chief Bogo entered the room and gently placed a hoof on his shoulder. He used great care to avoid the spot where she had bitten him. He said, "We got her back, that's all that matters. I've also set up guards around the hospital, no one will get to her."

Nick slowly straightened and said, "No offense Chief, but she's not back, not till she's back to her perky self. And I'm not gonna rest till we get our old Judy back, that's a promise sir." He turned and went to the door before he looked back at her. He opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn't find the words, and he had no time to dwell over it. Nick took one last glance at Judy before he slammed the door shut, leaving Chief Bogo alone with her.

Chief Bogo looked down at Judy who was growling at everyone around her and thought, 'If I had just been more careful, she wouldn't have been infected like this.' He shook his head then left the room as well. He stopped beside Fangmeyer and Wolford outside the room. He said, "I want you two to take turns at watch, twelve hour shifts. You will be inside the hospital room, let no one this room without my authorization, not even her next of kin or other officers. Is that clear?"

They both saluted and Wolford went to go have a rest in the next room while Fangmeyer stayed watch inside the room where Judy was located.


Outside the hospital, Nick slammed his paw into the wall and thought, 'Damn it all to hell! I get her back and this is the condition she's in! What am I supposed to say to her family?' A gentle paw touched his and he jumped, and then spun to see who it was. He whispered, "Lily? What are you doing out here?"

Lily softly said, "I wanna help find a way to save her."

Nick said, "I told you already, you're not trained for this sort of thing."

Lily tapped her foot on the ground and said, "Maybe I'm not, but I know that it will be very hard for you to focus on searching for a cure when you're standing around and blaming yourself."

Nick stopped in his tracks as he turned to her with an astonished look on his face,

Lily smiled and said, "You wanna know how I know you'd be blaming yourself? You obviously care for Nick. I do too, that's why I wanna help." He continued staring at her with hard eyes, Lily sighed and begged him, "She's my sister. Nick, you understand that right?"

Nick sighed and said, "Fine, but don't go around getting yourself killed y'hear me?"

Lily let out an excited gasp, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank—" She spoke as she ran up to hug him till he put his paw at her shoulder, keeping her at arm's length.

Nick said, "Look, I'm in a hurry here. And we need to get back to compound to search for samples."

Lily said, "Okay let's go!"

Nick walked over to the driver's seat door and put his paw on the door. He paused for a moment and looked up at his partner's sister, "Oh and Lily." She looked up at him, her ears shooting straight up as she waited for him to finish.


Lily smiled and said, "Anytime."


Will Nick and Lily be able to find a way to cure Judy in time? This chapter was intentionally shorter (as Chapter 4 and 5 were originally one chapter, but it built better keeping them separate). Stay Tuned for Chapter Five: Race for the Cure.