Zootopia: Dark Requiem


Disclaimer: I do not own Zootopia or any of the characters from the movie. Any original characters and original locations are mine. I hope you all enjoy the story.

It is set ten months after the Emmett Otterson case (and the incredible resolution to the situation). Warning there will be spoilers, so watch the movie first before reading this fanfic. It is set nearly a month after Judy and Nick caught their first perpetrator in a speeding incident.

Thanks go out to gonekrazy3000 for catching that timeline error.

This is a slightly darker take on the Zootopia world, so I hope you all enjoy. It gets darker (especially chapter three and beyond).

Beta Reading done by my wonderful girlfriend SAga4000, very thankful for all the help.

The Cover Image belongs to deviantart's Pihguinolog. All rights of ownership of said image belongs to this artist.


Chapter One: Cause and Effect

A siren cut through the sounds of the bustling morning city of Zootopia. As it shot through the streets, the other cars pulled aside to allow it to get to its mark without being impeded. The driver slammed on the breaks when the target had skidded to a stop just ahead. The left door opened and a rabbit jumped out and surveyed the scene with her own vibrant, purple colored eyes. Her badge shone in the morning light.

The right door opened and a fox got out as well, his blue police-uniform had long since been replaced as the rabbit had gotten him a custom made outfit to come closer to matching hers. His eyes spied their target escaping into a building up ahead.

The rabbit began to scan the area around her carefully as she took in the sight. The buildings were dilapidated and worn out. Paint was peeling off the buildings where there had been paint and the bricks looked like they had been shot at by some kind of weapon years ago. She asked, "Where ARE we Nick?"

Nick tipped his shades and answered, "A very dangerous part of town Carrots. This place isn't really a spot where a cute bunny should be entering."

Judy playfully punched his arm and asked, "What did I tell you about calling me cute?"

Nick rubbed his arm and said nothing as he saw that their target wasn't coming out of the building. He reached over and picked up his walkie talkie and pressed a button.

A few moments later, a jolly voice was heard from the other end, "Hey Officer Wilde, how are you doing? Did you get those donuts yet?"

Nick rolled his eyes and answered, "No, not yet Clawhauser. Hopps and I have reached Rusk and Byrde avenue in Happytown. I want backup here as soon as it is feasible."

The voice said, "It's on the way, be careful you two."

Judy reached into the cruiser and pulled something out of the glove box. She slowly spun it in her paws, and the look on Nick's face was one that said it all. His eyes had narrowed while staring at it, but Judy didn't just sit around waiting for backup and started to move toward the building.

Nick hissed, "Carrots, what are you doing? Wait for backup!"

The rabbit ignored his warning and began to creep her way past the trash cans. The aged newspapers from times long since past blew past her as she approached the aged building.

Her partner groaned and thought, 'Here we go again.' He put his shades in his uniform pocket and slipped through the streets. As a fox, he had always been fairly stealthy and slippery, so he made certain to use that talent to keep himself from being seen from the target's view. He just hoped that Judy wouldn't do anything stupid.

Judy reached the door that the weasel had entered and kicked it open and held the item she had brought from the cruiser in front of her. She turned on her flashlight and began to clear the rooms, ensuring that the criminal wasn't going to make a getaway while she was searching.

Sirens were heard coming from the distance and Nick knew that the backup was on its way. He just had to make sure nothing happened to her until their arrival. He slipped into the building and caught up to her and whispered, "Carrots, are you TRYING to get yourself killed?"

Judy held her paw to his lips and whispered, "Shh, I know he's in one of the next two rooms. I'm going to take him down."

Nick hissed back, "Jeez Carrots, it was just a gas station hold up."

Judy glared at him for a moment then kicked open a door and ducked as a frying pan was thrown in her direction.

Nick wasn't quite as lucky as it struck him in the face. He rubbed his head as the pain was intense at the moment.

Judy darted into the room and caught up to the Weasel who was about to throw a knife that was in the room. She raised the item and pressed the switch. Electricity shot from the front of it and knocked him out cold. She spun it in her paw, turned it off, then placed it in its holster.

Nick groaned and walked up to her and exclaimed, "Who would have thought that a Fox Taser can be used on other mammals."

Judy grinned and said, "Well, my Dad insisted I bring it with me. Ever since the Savage attacks a few months ago, I figured it would be best if I had something to take a culprit down in seconds."

Nick crossed his arms over his chest and said, "Still, you shouldn't be just rushing in every chance you get. You're just asking for trouble and you know it."

Judy's ears popped up as she said, "If it gets results, I don't see the problem."

Nick rubbed his forehead for a moment as Chief Bogo and the rest of the officers showed up on the scene.

Chief Bogo looked down at them and said, "Rushing in as usual Hopps?"

Judy said, "W-well I was just trying to make sure he didn't get away sir."

Bogo motioned with one hoof as the other officers went in to cuff the weasel. They took him down to one of the cruisers as they would question at the precinct. Bogo turned to Judy and Nick. He grunted in frustration then asked, "Do you think this is a game Hopps? If he had a weapon, that little light stick you're carrying will be of no help to you or your partner. Is. That. Clear?"

Judy's ears drooped as she looked down at the ground as though she were ashamed of her actions for a moment. She said, "B-But Sir...I-"

Bogo roared, "CLEAR?"

Nick placed his paw on her shoulder and said, "Don't worry Chief, I'll have a good ol' talk with her."

Bogo said, "See that you do Wilde, I won't have any of my officers going in without backup ever again!"

Judy whispered, "B-but, what if he had gotten away sir?"

Bogo roared out, "I'd rather see a criminal get away then see one of you two killed because you rushed in Hopps!"

Judy winced then said, "Yes sir."

Bogo turned and left the building to return to the precinct.

Judy tapped the floor with her foot rapidly which was something she always did whenever she was aggravated. She thought, 'I had it all covered, why is he acting this way?'

Nick didn't have to ask what she was thinking to have a pretty good idea, just from the way she was behaving. He whispered, "Carrots..."

Judy's ears perked up as she heard that nickname.

Nick continued, "Come on, let's get something to eat."

Judy blinked as she watched Nick leave and gave chase so she wouldn't get left behind.


It was about an hour later when the cruiser parked outside a restaurant in one of Judy's favorite districts, Tundratown. There was about a foot of snow that had fallen the previous night, so it was light and fluffy. The buildings were in good condition and their surrounding areas were covered in snow. The sunlight was striking the snow, creating a serene glow and a brilliance that was refreshing after seeing the depressing state of Happytown. Judy jumped out of the cruiser and instantly sank into the snow to her neck.

Nick got out of the cruiser and lifted her out of the snow. The grin on his face told her more than him just speaking.

Judy's ears drooped as she said, "Don't you look at me like that Nick! It's not my fault I am not as tall as you!"

Nick laughed for a moment and said, "Come on, let's get some food." He carried her through the snow toward their favorite restaurant.

Judy was about to protest when she realized that it was actually warm being carried, so she just moved a bit closer in his arms to stay warm while they made their way to the restaurant.

Nick was still smiling when they came up to the restaurant. The outer walls of the restaurant were made of red brick and the ceiling was a nice charcoal gray. The colors seemed to come close to Nick and Judy's fur colors. This was only part of the reason they loved the restaurant. The second reason was that it was run by Mr. Big and his family.

Nick set her on her paws before he opened the door and a blast of warm air rushed over the two of them. The smell of cooking pasta and sauce hit their noses and he heard a sudden rumble from near him.

Judy's ears perked up when she smelt that food and literally dashed into the restaurant and jumped up onto her usual chair near the kitchen.

Nick tipped his shades up and entered as well and walked confidently to the table. The inside walls of the restaurant were a dark shade of red, and the carpet was a nice dark blue which gave a regal feel to the restaurant. The tables were made of redwood and there were chandeliers that looked elegant to say the least hanging above each table. However it was over Judy's consistently reserved table that the most impressive Chandelier was located. It had silver and gold trim around each and every glass covering. This gave the table a glow that he knew his partner loved. He looked around and saw pictures of the Big family adorning the wall, including the man's daughter. He shook his head as he remembered the way in which Judy had actually connected with the family.

Judy saw a Polar Bear walking toward her and grinned. She jumped up and gave him a hug and said, "Kevin! How are you?"

Kevin rubbed the top of her head and said, "Been doing just as well as I can. You haven't stopped by in a while Miss Judy."

Judy said, "Well, fighting crime isn't easy you know."

Kevin smiled at her then said, "I'm just glad you leave the family alone."

Judy asked, "Why would I ever go after any of you? We're family, even though Nick sold you that Skunk Butt Rug."

Nick shushed her, "No! Don't remind them!"

Judy laughed at his panicked expression and said, "Oh don't worry Nick, I'd never let them hurt you. Oh, speaking of little Judy, when is Fru Fru's due date?"

Kevin said, "Sometime in the next few months, we still haven't found out exactly when."

Judy smiled and said, "Well you just have to invite me to be there for her when it happens."

Kevin nodded then asked, "Alright, your usual Miss Judy?"

Judy said, "You know it, what do you want Nick?"

Nick said, "I'll try the Ravioli. I have heard from other customers how much they love it after all."

Kevin said, "Very good sir. Between you and me, I love that dish as well." He took their menus and walked off toward the kitchen.

Nick slipped his shades off his forehead and popped them into his pocket then asked, "Carrots, you have to be more careful if you want to go into a dangerous situation with no backup."

Judy's ears drooped as she looked down at the table. Her eyes were downcast and she felt she couldn't meet his gaze.

Nick reached out and rubbed the top of her head for a split second and said, "Chief Bogo and I are just watching out for you. We both know you can handle yourself as well as any of the other officers. That said, it isn't wise for any officer to do what you do."

Judy's ears perked up and she found herself looking up into those emerald eyes that always made her feel safe. She asked, "Even Chief Bogo wouldn't go in without backup?"

Nick answered, "That's right you dumb bunny. No officer would, that's why he's worried about you."

Judy tapped her foot against the table for a short period then said, "I guess I'll just have to find a way to be more careful while going in."

Nick groaned and slapped his paw against his forehead and said, "As stubborn as ever! Remember when Bellweather shot me? Sure! We switched the serum out, but what if we hadn't? What if she had a real gun-"

Judy interrupted, "But Nick, we-"

Nick stopped her and exclaimed, "I don't want to lose you!"

Judy smiled as she stared right at him then asked, "So you DO care about me?"

Nick just stared right at her. His tail flicked to the right and he crossed his arms.

Judy giggled then said, "Stupid question, I know."

Nick struggled to not smile. Her smiles and her laughs were infectious and he finally broke into a light grin. He said, "You always manage to make me smile, but I'm trying to talk about something serious here!"

Judy said, "You know, when I first met you, I thought you were a kind father with his son. Then, of course, I found out you were just hustling me."

Nick laughed and said, "Well you fell for it, hook line and sinker!"

Judy grinned and whispered, "Oh? I seem to remember a dumb fox who blurted out the amount of money he has made since he was twelve to an officer of the law."

Nick frowned and said, "Yeah, I still am annoyed about you hustling me like that Carrots."

Judy punched his arm playfully and said, "Oh you know you love me, don't even try to deny it."

Nick asked, "Do I know that? Yes...yes I do."

Judy grinned then smelt something really appetizing. It had the aroma of cooked meat, sauce and pasta.

Nick saw her nose twitching and her ears moving as though trying to hear for Kevin's footprints. He merely sat back and picked his teeth clean with a toothpick from his uniform pocket while he waited. Unlike his partner, he was the laid back sort. His food would come when it came, but he was always astounded by her energy. It was one of the things he loved about her. Nothing seemed to get her down, so whenever he saw her depressed, he would always try to help her. It was the same back in the Rainforest District.

Nick's thoughts turned back to how she was like back at that moment in time. She wasn't the bouncy and energetic girl he normally worked with. At that moment, she had seemed so fragile and alone that he had reached out to her. Though he missed being sneaky and sly at points, he was glad he did it. Now he had the best partner in the world and he wouldn't trade her for anything in the world.

Judy blinked as she saw the look in his eyes and her ears perked up. She playfully punched him in the arm and asked, "What's with you? Is... there something on my face?"

Nick rubbed his arm and thought, 'She really does strike hard for such a small rabbit.' He shook his head and said, "It's nothing like that."

Judy cocked her head to the right as she wondered what was going through his head. However, the arrival of their food caught her attention more so she shrugged then began to chow down on the pasta.

Nick watched as she ate with energy and gusto, but she was also very careful not to spill anything. He had always been amazed at the fact she could eat that fast without getting either sick or making a mess. He ate slowly and deliberately, savoring the flavor of the ravioli he had ordered.

Judy finished eating a mouthful then swallowed and took a sip of berry juice from her flask that she had bought the other day. She asked, "Nick, you've been quiet for a while now, something wrong?"

Nick sat back in his chair as he thought how best to answer her. He finally looked straight at her and asked, "Hey Carrots, you be more careful alright? 'Cause you and I both know I wouldn't be the fox here today if I hadn't met you."

Judy blinked and said, "Oh come on, all I did was hustle you." She pressed her paws together and cracked them, "It was nothing."

Nick sighed and set his coffee cup down then said, "Really now? 'Cause I seem to remember a certain rabbit who believed in a fox." He paused for a moment before he continued, "No one's showed me that level of faith like you did."

Judy shook her head and then sank in her seat, her ears still drooped as she whispered, "But I didn't have faith in you when it mattered most. Remember the whole speech on the podium? I sold you out."

Nick reached out and gently took her arm with his paw and said, "Hey, it was your first press conference. I mean c'mon, who wouldn't slip up on the spot? I mean imagine millions of animals watching you live on TV-"

Judy sighed and said, "Yeah, it kind of threw me for a loop to say the least."

Nick smiled and studied her expression carefully. The rabbit girl's ears were drooped and her eyes were downcast. He lifted his paw up to stop her from talking and told her, "Apology accepted. Now can we just put the past behind us and try to enjoy this evening?"

Judy grinned as her ears perked up. She said, "You mean we can hustle other criminals?"

Nick started to laugh and finally said, "Yes of course. Glad I taught you how to think on your paws."

Judy said, "Well I couldn't just let you show me up back then, remember?"

Nick rubbed the top of her head for a moment then placed his fork on the plate. He asked, "Tell me if this sounds familiar Carrots. Cute little bunny works hard to become the first ever cop from her species and finally actually gains the respect of her superiors. Then, whoopsie: She rushes into a very dangerous situation without backup and with no weapons. She gets badly hurt by the assailants. Next, Double Whoopsie, she passes away because she couldn't recover from her injuries. Then her partner, a charming and sly fox has to deliver the news to her family about her death. Then whoopsie number three, that same fox sinks into a depressed state without his partner around." He then picked up his fork and finished eating his Ravioli.

Judy whispered, "B-But I-"

Nick's eyes glanced her way, as he said, "Never again Carrots, I don't want to have to be the one to tell your family that I couldn't protect you."

Judy glared and said, "I don't need your protection Nick. I'm a cop now!"

Nick shook his head and said, "It isn't like that Carrots. Each officer needs the protection of their fellow officer. Do you know why the ZPD is so strong? It isn't because we're cops, or because we have the law on our side. It's because we stick together and wait for backup before rushing into danger. I'm sure Chief Bogo wouldn't be too happy to see one of his officers killed in the line of duty."

Judy glanced down at her empty plate. She didn't say anything, but anyone could tell what she was thinking.

Nick softly said, "Look, I know that's the second time the issue's been brought up, but it's important Judy. You're the ZPD's shining star and everybody looks up to you! What's there not to look up to? You're cheerful, energetic, and the very picture of a good ZPD Cop. Now, picture what happens if Officer Judy Hopps was no more? What'll that do to the team? The Fox and Rabbit duo? And Clawhauser? We can't forget him!"

Judy grinned and said, "Well that's just what I do at the ZPD."

Nick laughed for a few moments. He shook his head and said, "You're something else Carrots, I still can't believe that I got you as my partner. The Chief could've paired me up with somebody else, but I got lucky to have one of the best cops in Zootopia history."

Judy gave him a knowing look as she leaned over with her elbows perched on the table as she asked him, "Is that you talking or are you just hustling?"

Nick raised an eyebrow before he retorted in a know-it-all tone, "Maybe a bit of both, I mean you did hustle me into helping with your first real investigation."

Her ears drooped as she said, "I-I'm sorry about that. I couldn't think of any other way. I needed leads to find Mr. Otterton. His wife was really upset and my career was riding on that case as well."

Nick reached out and took her paw in his. He said, "Don't worry about it, I'm over it Carrots." He heard his communicator go off and picked it off his belt. He answered, "Officer Wilde here, what's the situation Clawhauser?"

Clawhauser's voice said, "The Chief wants to see you, apparently something's been called in and he wants you and Officer Hopps on it."

Nick said, "Tell Chief Bogo we're on our way." He hung up the communicator and said, "Officer Hopps, shall we?" He held out his paw for hers.

She beamed and took his paw and let him help her get up from the table. She asked, "You are such a gentle mammal!" She paused at the door and then gave Kevin a hug. She said, "Give that to Mister Big and Fru Fru for me would you?"

Kevin said, "Of course Miss Judy."

Nick held the door for her as she left the restaurant and was immediately blasted by a wave of a frost filled wind. He saw her start to shiver for a moment while she adjusted and asked, "You alright?"

Judy was about to respond when a lump of snow fell off the roof and buried her in snow. She quickly pushed her head out of the snow and shook it all off. Her purple eyes were wide with surprise and her ears were straight up.

Nick couldn't help laughing at her misfortune.

Judy glared and said, "That was not funny!" After she dug herself out, she found he was still laughing and soon enough she was laughing along with him. She punched him in the arm and said, "You know, you can be a jerk sometimes you dumb fox!"

Nick finally managed to calm down from his laughing fit and helped her into the cruiser. He hopped into the passenger side and the two took off toward the Station.


It took them about thirty minutes to make it back to the station. They pulled into their parking spot and Judy looked at the entrance to the building that had become like a second home to her. Over the past three months, she had memorized the entire building layout. She asked, "Nick, do you think we're making a real difference?"

Nick blinked and looked at his partner. Her ears were drooped and she seemed like she had been thinking heavily about something. During the entire drive, she had scarcely said a single word. He took his shades off and slipped them into his uniform's chest pocket and stared ahead at the building then softly said, "Many animals believe that the ZPD are nothing short of heroes. That said, the only thing we can do is help serve and protect. Then I'd say that we're really making a big difference."

Judy's ears perked straight up and she stiffened in the front seat.

Nick watched her carefully then asked, "Something is up, what did you just hear Carrots?"

Judy whispered, "Three animals, two predators and one large prey. I'd say a Rhino and two large felines."

Nick took the radio off its holster and said, "Officer Wilde calling HQ, pick up please."

Clawhauser's voice came in, "What's up fluffy fox?"

Nick glared and said, "Knock it off Clawhauser this is serious. There are three very large mammals near HQ right now. It's got Officer Hopps on edge, so I'd like backup in Parking Lot A."

Clawhauser let out a gasp and said, "Back up's on the way!"

The two hung up and five officers came out five minutes later. Nick got out of the car fast and Judy was right behind him. He focused with his superior eyesight and sniffed the air carefully. He said, "I smell predators." He sniffed again and added, "Definitely not from the ZPD."

Judy reacted immediately and kicked off the wall and began to wall jump from the parking lot pillar and back until she reached a high vantage point. She pulled out her binoculars and began to search carefully. Her communicator buzzed and she picked it up, "Nick, I can't see them yet."

Nick said, "I had our tech guy add an infrared mode to your binoculars. Switch to it with the red button on them and search for heat signatures."

Judy found the red button and pressed it. Suddenly the view from the binoculars glowed red. She checked the front and saw that red cover had slid over top of the front lens. She grinned and looked through them. She whispered, "I see eight heat signatures. Five are by the entrance and are slowly coming our direction, two are near them, but aren't moving...wait Nick one of them is behind you."

Nick closed his eyes and sniffed the air. He smelt the Rhino and flipped up into the air. He used the momentum to kick off the pillar and land behind the Rhino. As he was in the air, he had pulled out the large cuffs and cuffed the Rhino before he could react. He whispered into the communicator, "Thanks Carrots, that was close. Do you still have that gift I gave you a few days ago?"

She blinked and checked her belt and pulled out the wrapped gift. It wasn't that large, but it was somewhat heavy. She said, "Yep I do!" Before she shook it, "What is it?"

Nick smiled slyly then said, "Oh nothing… just a heavy duty Tranquilizer Pistol. Custom made to fit your paw size."

Judy unwrapped it and saw that it was a sleek pistol. The fact that it shot tranquilizers didn't make her any less nervous. She had never even shot a BB Gun before, let alone a pistol. She cringed and slowly reached in to take the weapon, "I'm… not sure about this." Nick then said, "Chief Bogo already approved of it this morning, and everybody's gonna have one, Carrots."

Judy tried to relax and breathe, but she was having a hard time with it. She put one claw on the trigger as she got the target in her sight. Her paws shook as she tried to take aim. She froze up though before she could fire.

Nick used his agility and his ability to climb to get up to her. He went behind her and said, "It's okay Judy, just relax." Nick helped guide her paws while staying behind her.

She felt her cheeks flush under her fur for a moment before she focused on the task at hand. He was steadying her hands so she could aim properly. She looked down the sight with the Infrared mode active. She saw one of the stationary heat signatures directly in line and with Nick's help, she slowly pulled the trigger.

A tranquilizer dart shot from the pistol and hit the Tiger in the back. At first it seemed like it did nothing, but after a few seconds, the Tiger slowly collapsed.

She saw the other heat signature start to make a break for it. She began to follow it and Nick let go of her hands, as she was calmer now. Judy saw that he was making for a car nearby and aimed ahead of him to the door. Just before he got there, she fired and the tranquilizer hit the Snow Leopard in the neck. Judy pulled the communicator out and said, "Targets neutralized, there's another one that is not too far from your location. Take him in for questioning." She hung up and looked up at Nick and asked, "How did you know I'd be calmer for that shot?"

Nick said, "Remember? I've lived on the streets for a long time. Let's just say that I know what it takes to shoot a gun and that first shot's always the hardest."

Judy took a step back as she stared up at him.

Nick saw her reaction and asked, "What?"

Judy shook her head then jumped to a nearby street sign and slid down it to arrest their runner. As she cuffed the snow leopard, she realized that the second target was a female. She shuddered slightly.


It took about six hours for the tranquilizers to wear off. Judy, who had slept at the ZPD in one of the side rooms was woken up by Chief Bogo to interrogate the criminals who had been caught.

Judy rubbed her eyes then jumped off the cot where she had slept. She shook her head and thought, 'I gotta remember to bring a change of clothes from now on, I feel so gross from sleeping in this uniform.' She turned to Chief Bogo and asked, "So are they awake now? Which one is first sir?"

Chief Bogo said, "I've brought the Snow Leopard into the interrogation room, the Rhino in lockup and the Tiger's still out cold."

Judy turned on the sink nearby and splashed water in her face and held out her paw. Chief Bogo slipped a to go coffee from Pawbucks Coffee to her. She took a sip and let out a soft moan as the bitter flavor filled her mouth. She was more of a fan of tea in the long run, but she didn't dislike coffee by any means. She sighed as the drink started to help her wake up, and then asked, "Alright, which room?"

Chief Bogo answered, "Room 223, you know where it is."

Judy nodded and ran some water over her ears and then shook her head, getting the excess water off her head and ears. She was awake now and walked to the room. She saw that Nick was already waiting for her outside the door.

Nick asked, "You alright?"

Judy looked up at him for a moment, and then nodded. She didn't know what he did while he was on the streets before he met her. Judy knew one thing in her heart of hearts Nick would never hurt her. That was all the reassurance she needed. She placed her right paw on his left arm and said, "I trust you." That was all she said before she opened the door and went inside.

Nick blinked as he watched his partner enter the room and followed soon after.

Judy sat down in one chair across from their detained Snow Leopard. At first glance, the female feline was a fairly attractive one. She was wearing a pair of cargo shorts that was camo in design and had a camo vest on with a black t-shirt under it. In her ears were a pair of white gold stud earrings with a purple gem set in the center.

The snow leopard growled at her and asked, "Why am I here? I didn't even do anything wrong!"

Judy crossed her paws over her chest and exclaimed, "I wouldn't consider skulking around the Police Station in the mid afternoon nothing wrong. Why were you there? And more to the point, why were you hiding in the darkness… miss…?"

She glared back at the rabbit in front of her and slammed her paw on the table. The leopard said, "My name isn't "miss" it's Aura Colt."

Judy leaned closer and asked, "Okay then. Why were you there Miss Colt?"

Aura answered, "Why should I tell you anything? You've got no proof that I did anything wrong!"

Judy pulled out a file and said, "How about trespassing for starts? Parking Lot A is for Police Officers only. And you're no officer."

Aura huffed and sat back in her chair, her claws dug into the table.

Nick said, "Miss Colt, I'd appreciate it if you don't destroy our property, or do we have to add Vandalism to the charges?"

Aura glared at the fox and asked, "Why is HE here?"

Judy blinked and glanced between the two and asked, "You know her Nick?"

Nick said, "Uh huh, I told you before, I know everyone. This is Aura Colt, she is the daughter of Zanto Colt, a notorious gangster. The real question is, why is the daughter of a gangster like that doing in the ZPD parking lot?"

Aura crossed her paws over her chest and glared back at them then said, "I'm not talking till that fox leaves the room!"

Nick leaned forward in his chair and said, "Tell me if this sounds familiar Miss Colt. A young leopard, tries so hard to follow in her father's footsteps. Unfortunately she finds out that whoopsie, she fails at everything she attempts to do. Desperate, she tries to gather dirt on our resident bunny cop. Only, double whoopsie, she fails at that as well and lands up being arrested. Then whoopsie number three, she sinks into an emotional depression when her dear old daddy she is trying so desperately to impress abandons her for being a failure. Eventually, she sinks into a dark state where she curls up in a ball. Finally, she dies in prison alone and miserable."

Aura paled and whispered, "You're bluffing fox, you wouldn't dare!"

Nick said, "Maybe I would, but maybe I wouldn't. You won't know if you don't talk. I can say this much, your dear old daddy isn't going to bail you out of trouble this time Miss Colt. Your only hope to get out of this is to help us out."

Aura swallowed hard and licked her muzzle before she asked, "And if I refuse?"

Nick smiled and said, "Oh Carrots and I have our ways of getting the most resolute people to talk."

Judy blinked then looked at him as if confused for a moment. She gasped when she saw him twirling the carrot pen in his claws.

Aura said, "Look, all I did was enter the police parking lot."

Judy asked, "And why would you do that?"

Aura stared right at her and said, "Why? That is none of your business cottontail!"

Judy glared and said, "You're going to want to refrain from calling me cottontail!"

Aura laughed and said, "So this is who you chose fox? A cheeky rabbit?"

Nick said, "This 'cheeky rabbit' is smarter than your entire family. Now I won't ask again, what was your reason for being there? And I want the truth."

Aura said, "Fine, the real reason I was there was to take files on one Officer Judy Hopps. I wanted find anything to get her discredited, but seeing as I'm a highly respected member of the community, it's my word against yours."

A rewinding sound was heard and her voice was heard from the carrot pen, "I was there to take files on one Officer Judy Hopps. I wanted to find anything to get her discredited."

Judy grinned and said, "Actually it's your word against yours."

Aura's eyes widened as she stared at the two of them.

Judy said, "It's called a hustle sweetheart. Boom!"

Nick leaned over and said, "Looks like you'll be a good little leopard and give us what we need. So, tell us why were you trying to dig dirt on Officer Hopps? And none of this will be leaked to the press."

Aura scowled then sunk back in her chair and softly said, "Fine...I'll talk..."

Judy said, "Out with it, what do you know Miss Colt?"

Aura sighed and said, "My father wanted me to get dirt on the new rabbit officer of the ZPD. He didn't say why though."

Judy tapped her paw on the floor and asked, "You honestly believe I'm going to just accept that's all you got? You're crazy. What else do you know?"

Aura said, "That's all I know rabbit!"

Nick put his paw on Judy's shoulder and said, "C'mon Carrots." He walked out while leading her out as she was protesting, then she throw his arm off her and said, "No Nick, we're so close to figuring it out, I know we are if we just-" Judy let out a grunt of frustration before Nick said to her, while putting his paw on her shoulder, "Let's just leave it to the other cops and get some real rest."

Judy huffed and exclaimed, "We're on a case Nick! We can't just leave!"

Nick placed his shades on his eyes and said, "We won't do any good if we haven't got sleep."

Judy sighed then asked, "How do you know exactly what I need?"

He smiled then walked her out of the ZPD building before he answered, "I've worked with you long enough to tell when you're not sleeping. Something going on?" He got into the driver's side of the cruiser.

Judy got into the cruiser's passenger side and closed her eyes before she answered, "I don't know, I've just been tired lately. These long nights are taking it out of me."

Nick grinned and said, "Tell you what Carrots. You're going to get some rest, then I'm taking you out for a nice dinner. Just the two of us, sound good?"

Judy's eyes snapped open and she shifted in her seat. She found herself starting to fidget for a moment before she asked, "Nick, you know how I feel about you. I don't want to complicate the job."

Nick smirked and said, "Well you're going to let me take you out Judy, or else I'll just let Chief Bogo hear about how tired you are lately."

Judy glared and exclaimed, "No way Nick, besides it's my word against yours!"

He pressed a button and a pen that looked like a normal pen played her voice, "I've just been tired lately. These long nights are taking it out of me." Nick smiled and said, "If you don't let me take you out for a nice night, I'll play that for the Chief."

Judy glared for a moment then she suppressed the smile that was forming on her face. She laughed for a moment and finally said, "Oh alright, what time Nick?"

Nick placed the pen in his pocket and said, "5pm. I'll pick you up, sound good?"

Judy smiled and said, "Fine, now can you take me home?"

Nick turned on the cruiser and drove off after the two had put on their seatbelts.


Nick pulled up to her apartment and looked over at his partner. He chuckled then undid their seatbelts and picked her up gently. He went to her apartment door and then reached into her purse for her keys and saw that she wasn't carrying her repellent at all anymore. He smiled at that and let them in, then placed her in bed and covered her up. He sat down near her to make sure she was asleep before he saw her phone had a message. Curiosity got the better of him as he checked it. It was from her parents.

"Hey sweetie, I hope you are doing okay? And how is that Nick guy doing? Well message us back soon bun-bun, love you."

Nick blinked then closed the message and put her phone back in her bag. He thought, 'I just hope she's been saying good things about me to her folks.' He then saw she was shivering in her bed. Nick sighed and thought, 'Carrots, you didn't even pack a warmer blanket before you moved here?' He went to the cruiser and got a blanket he had purchased earlier. He then went back and placed it over top of her blanket and her shivering stopped. Nick then slipped out of the apartment and locked the door. Finally, he slid the key under the crack between the door and floor, then left to go do a patrol while his partner slept.


When Judy woke, she found that she was in her bed. She sat bolt upright and thought, 'What the heck? I was in the cruiser, why am I in my bed?' She slipped out from under the covers and noticed the second blanket. Her eyes fell on her bag and found her phone and checked her messages. There was one from her parents. She quickly sent a message to reply which said, "I'll tell you how things are going later on. Love you guys too." She pressed send then began to check the apartment. It was locked, but her keys were on the floor not far from the door. She began to piece it all together and thought, 'Nick...you clever fox. You let yourself in and made sure I was nice and warm didn't you?' She shook her head and laughed for a moment then realized she was still in uniform. Judy picked up her towel and bathrobe from her closet then dashed down the hallway to the public bathroom. She entered, took off her uniform, she shuddered with how grimy it felt. "That's what you get for wearing it a few days straight…" She said, sighing to herself before she slipped into the shower and turned it on.

Judy let out a soft groan as she felt the sweat and grime from three days of being on without much rest washing off her body. She closed her eyes and used the shampoo all over to properly clean herself before she rinsed and got out. Judy shivered from the cool air and used her towel to dry off then shook off. She slipped into her bathrobe and tied it closed carefully, then picked up her uniform and walked back to her room. When she checked the clock, it said 4:15 in the afternoon. She thought for a few moments then remembered that Nick was picking her up in 45 minutes. She gasped and ran over to where her clothes were hanging and began to search through them. There wasn't much in there, but then her eyes fell upon an emerald green top that she hadn't worn near him at all. She picked it up and checked herself in the mirror then softly said to herself, "Perfect."


It was about thirty minutes later when she was dressed and had started to pace the room. Her heart was hammering in her chest in anticipation and partial fear. It was more a fear and anticipation combo. She realized one thing; she had never been on a date before. Now she was going on one with Nick, the guy who had saved her on so many different occasions. She picked up her phone and hesitated before she called her mother.

Her mother answered and asked, "What's up sweetheart? You don't usually call us at this time."

Judy asked, "You alone Mom?"

She said, "Well your father is out with the little ones minding the stall. What is it? Oh wow, you're in that nice outfit. Wait a minute, are you about to go on a date?"

Judy answered, "W-well I-something like that Mom. Look, I just want to know if you have any tips?"

She smiled and said, "Just be yourself bun-bun. And Nick sounds like a nice, respectable young fox. You're one of a kind, sweetheart. And if he's asked you out that means he sees it. So, just act natural, stay calm and have a good time okay?"

Judy smiled and sighed in relief then said, "Thanks Mom. I'll call you tonight and tell you how it went okay?"

She grinned and said, "Okay, bun-bun. Have a good night and good luck on your date." She hung up.

Judy put her phone in her bag then looked at a lipstick she had bought a few weeks ago. She shook her head and thought, 'Nah, I doubt Nick would really want me in lipstick. Maybe for a second date'. She gasped and realized she was already planning a second one. Judy smacked her face a few times then thought, 'Let's see how this goes first.'

She glanced at the clock. It read 4:57. She went to her mirror and checked herself carefully one final time. Her outfit consisted of an emerald green shirt that somewhat hugged her body, but didn't reveal too much. It was similar in design to her pink farmer shirt. Her pants were a dark blue pair of slacks that looked really nice. She picked up her meter maid hat she had recovered near her car after catching Weaselton earlier and smiled as she remembered the first time they had met and how much he had infuriated her when she found out he had hustled her. She laughed for a moment then hung it back up and sat back in her chair to wait the last minute or so before Nick was supposed to pick her up.


Just outside her apartment, Nick was also pacing. He was dressed in his collared shirt and tie as well as his pants from when they first met. Over top of that was a nice suit jacket that matched the color of his pants. His shades were slipped into the pocket of his shirt. In his right hand was a bouquet of flowers and in his right was a really tasty pie for dessert later on. He took a deep breath then knocked on her door right on the dot of five.

Judy answered the door and took the sight of him in. She whispered, "Wow, you look really handsome Nick."

Nick saw her in a nice emerald colored shirt that reminded him a lot of her pink farmer's shirt. It wasn't flashy, but that was something he loved about her. She was energetic and always upbeat. Despite that, she was never flashy. He realized she was waiting for him to say something and cleared his throat before he said, "Evening...I brought something for you." He handed the bouquet of flowers over to her.

She stared at them and realized they looked exactly light Night Howlers. She was about to drop the bouquet when she took a closer look. They were actually a different flower entirely. The color and shape were the same as Night Howlers, but they were actually a flower called Violetta. These flowers were extremely rare. She whispered, "Oh Nick..." She carried the bouquet over to her table and saw that Nick had pulled out a pair of scissors and a vase. Judy smiled and carefully cut the flowers in a way so they would drink water and filled the vase with some cool water then put the flowers in the vase and just stared at them for a few minutes. She finally said, "They're beautiful, thank you. How did you find them though? They're extremely rare."

Nick said, "Well it was no real big deal, your family grows them along with the produce from your farm."

Judy's eyes widened as she whispered, "Wait, you went to my family farm, just for these flowers? What did you say to my parents?"

Nick grinned and said, "Well, I told them it was a gift for someone. Didn't tell them who though."

Judy groaned and whispered, "Mom already knew that you had asked me out, didn't she?"

Nick laughed then answered, "Probably, she isn't a dumb bunny."

Judy stared at him for a moment then asked, "Do you have any idea how much my dad is going to panic when he finds out?"

Nick smiled then said, "He didn't seem too worried about it when I bought the flowers and the vase from him."

Judy's ears immediately drooped as she thought about her father's reaction. She asked, "Are you sure they were okay?"

Nick said, "Well, let's see here. He didn't seem mad about it. 'Course I also saw another fox down there. I believe they called him Gideon Grey? I bought something for later from him." He picked up the pie box from the hallway and put it on her table.

Judy looked at the pie in surprise then whispered, "You brought a piece of home back for me?"

Nick smiled and said, "Well I know you've been a bit homesick, so I thought this might help."

Judy's eyes widened as she exclaimed, "How did you even know that? I never told you!"

Nick answered, "That's simple. I saw you staring at your parents' picture in your wallet yesterday. You had such a sad look on your face, so I figured that I'd bring you a piece of pie to remind you of home."

Judy moved close to him and gave him a hug. She rested her head against him and whispered, "Awwww… Nick, thank you!"

Nick said, "I didn't even show you the best part yet, but that's in the cruiser."

Judy asked, "You brought the Police Cruiser for our date?"

Nick said, "Well I don't really have a different car for us to use, so yeah I brought it."

Judy thought to what had happened after they had saved Zootopia. She had returned her father's truck with the promise she'd come visit at least once a month. That didn't end up happening as she and Nick had been so busy with cases. She made a mental note that she would have to go visit them soon.

Nick cleared his throat, "Let's go Carrots, our dinner reservation is waiting."

Judy smiled and walked beside him as they left the apartment and locked the door. She asked, "Where are we going?

Nick answered, "It's a surprise." They got into the cruiser with Nick in the driver's seat.

Judy looked on the floor in front of her, then picked up a basket. She opened it and gasped as she saw a large supply of vegetables and fruit. Blueberries and carrots were in the greatest supply. She asked, "Is this...from home?"

Nick answered, "Yup, I got it from your dad. He seemed insistent that you got the carrots. He said something about not trusting the big city vegetables." He started the cruiser and began to drive.

Judy laughed and said, "Well that's just like him. He never did like big cities much."

Nick said, "Well the blueberries are for me of course. I can say this; your family grows the best blueberries I've ever tasted. Seriously, how do they make them taste so good? Even the carrots taste great."

Judy smiled and saw him put his shades on before he made a turn that told her that they were headed for the Sahara District. She said, "Well we have been doing it for generations Nick. Our family would have gone out of business if we hadn't learned some tricks to make our food taste better than the other farms."

Nick glanced over at her and said, "You really look cute in that Judy."

Judy didn't feel the same annoyance when someone else called her cute. It actually made her feel good about her choices before the date. She asked, "Where did you get the suit jacket?"

Nick said, "Finnick had it and wouldn't you know he had one in my size."

Judy sighed and muttered to herself, "I just hope he got it through proper channels."

Nick made a right turn and saw the sign above saying Sahara District up ahead. He said, "We're off duty Carrots, so where Finnick got it isn't the point. He did me a favor, that's all." The cruiser shot into the tunnel leading into the hot District up ahead. A few minutes later, they drove out of the tunnel and were blasted by a wave of heat.

Judy opened the window as they zipped along the roads, the air was hot, but the speed they were moving cooled her off. She couldn't help but let her mind wander. Over the past three months, she had really gotten to know him, yet he had never talked about going to the Sahara District. Judy looked in his direction as they were getting closer to the restaurant. She could tell because of the way he was looking around for the right place. Judy saw a large building that was built into the base of what looked like a giant Palm Tree. It was a hotel of some kind. The hot air mixed with the coolness of the speed they were traveling felt wonderful on her fur.


As they were about to reach the restaurant, they saw a car shoot through a red light. Nick sighed and turned on the siren. He slammed his foot on the gas pedal and turned left to follow the speedster.

Judy reached into the glove compartment and pulled out the tranquilizer gun that he had bought her. Apparently Nick had thought of everything.

They shot from street to street as the car sped up instead of slowing down. Nick pulled the radio and called it in, "Clawhauser, we are in pursuit of a blue pedan. License plate 07CTX92. He is not slowing down to the siren, we need backup in the Sahara District."

Judy saw a street sign and took the radio then said, "We just passed Gyoga and Setsuna Way."

Clawhauser answered, "They're on the way, please be careful you two."

She clicked the radio back in place and Nick handed her his phone, and simply said, "Call the place and tell them we're gonna be late."

Judy unlocked his phone, quickly went through his call history, called the restaurant and a female voice answered, "Hello? Gyoza Restaurant, how may I help you today?"

Nick turned the car into a tunnel. It was leading to the Rainforest District.

Judy said, "The reservation under Nick is delayed."

The female said, "Ah, that's the fox officer who stopped in right? Don't worry, we'll keep the table reserved just for you!"

Judy beamed and said, "Thanks, that's great! We'll be there as soon as we can."

The female said, "Thank you, we look forward to serving you soon." They hung up.

Judy put the phone on the dash and saw the car ahead shoot into the tunnel. She picked up the radio, "Update, the car is headed into the Rainforest District, where's our backup?"

Clawhauser answered, "Oh! Oh! I'll redirect them to come from the other two exits of the Rainforest District. And… okay! Backup's coming through from the Tundra District and Downtown District. Just chase them to one of those exits and we'll do the rest."

Judy smiled then hung up and said, "You heard him clever fox, let's do it!"

Nick sped up and caught up closer to the car. He looked ahead and saw a rabbit in the front seat driving the car. It looked like a girl as well.

Judy pulled out her binoculars then whispered, "Lily? What is she doing here?"

Nick blinked then asked, "You know the driver?"

Judy said, "Yes! That's my sister! What is she doing here? Why is she even here?"

Nick said, "Well, looks like we're gonna to find out."

Judy stared at him and asked frantically, "How am I supposed to enjoy myself knowing we're going to have her in custody?"

Nick answered, "Simple, we'll be talking to her tomorrow."

Judy said, "But I can't just-"

Nick interrupted her, "No Carrots, we're not questioning her tonight." Judy picked up the radio and said "Tundra Town Roadblock, you ready? The car's headed your way!"

Francine answered, "We have it ready, just get them here!" The elephant hung up and said, "Boys, its on the way here, are the spike chains in position?"

Higgins said, "Course they are Fran, we've been waiting for this!"

She smiled as she saw the car turn the corner and head toward them. They had been clever and hidden the cars, and put the spike chains inside the tunnel.

As the car shot through the tunnel, all four tires were punctured and the car started slowing.

Nick saw his chance and stopped the cruiser just before the spikes. He got out as the car ahead stopped about three hundred feet ahead.

Judy got out as well with the tranquilizer gun in its holster that Nick kept in the cruiser with the gun. The two approached the window and she pointed the tranquilizer gun at the door. She called, "Come out with your hands up Lily, I know you're in there."

There was no answer. After about a minute, Judy opened the door and found...nobody there. She gasped and asked, "Where? I know I saw her in there Nick!"

Nick shook his head and said, "We've been had, the occupants must have jumped from the car and rolled. We drove right by them on the way to this tunnel. Rabbits are good at digging, so they likely dug a tunnel to hide before we could spot them.

Judy groaned and whispered, "Lily...what happened to you?"

Nick took her paw in his and said, "We'll figure something out." He walked back with her paw in his then spoke to Francine. He said, "We're looking for Lily Hopps, that rabbit was driving the car in question."

Francine asked, "How do you know that?"

Judy answered, "I saw her through my binoculars, but she dove out before the car reached the tunnel."

Higgins asked, "Has Miss Hopps had any history of criminal activity?"

Judy shook her head and said, "No! She's never done anything like this. Lily's a sweet, kind, good young bunny. She'd never do anything like this."

Francine said, "Well, we'll find her and bring her into custody. Do you have a picture of her?"

Judy opened her purse and pulled out a large family picture. She pointed out one of her sisters, "That's her, she looks very similar to me. Please, go easy on her."

Higgins looked at the picture then said, "So basically...look for you and we will find her."

Judy nodded then said, "I'll do the questioning myself.`"

Francine said, "Are you sure that's a good idea, Officer Hopps?" Judy then told her, "She's my sister. I'll make her talk." Unaware that Chief Bogo was walking over toward the scene, and that he'd heard the whole exchange.

"Hopps!" He shouted to get her attention. Judy slowly turned around, looked up and saw his disapproving face and said, "You will not be interrogating the other miss Hopps." Judy quickly looked up at him and immediately protested before Bogo cut her off with a warning, "You're too emotionally involved and I can't afford mishaps, is that clear?" Judy looked up at him and continued, "But she's my sister! Sir." Bogo didn't back down and said to her in a stern tone, "Which is precisely why you're unfit to interrogate her." Her ears drooped as she looked down on the ground as a reflection of her disappointment; but as much as she hated to admit it, Chief Bogo was right.

Chief Bogo saw the sadden look on the young officer's face, and took a deep breath before exhaling from his snout, "Officer Hopps, Wilde you're off duty tonight. Now you two enjoy your evening." Judy looked up at him with a raised an eyebrow before he eyeballed her awkwardly and bellowed, "That's an order!"

Nick slapped his paw to his forehead then asked, "How many on the force know?"

Francine grinned and said, "Oh most of them know Wilde. How you two look at each other is plainly obvious."


Nick stopped the cruiser at the restaurant and asked, "You okay Carrots?"

Judy sighed and answered, "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just worried about Lily. Why was she driving that car? She's not a criminal Nick, okay? She'll never do anything like this. Ever."

Nick placed his paw on her arm and reassured her, "Don't worry, we'll find out the truth. For now, let's enjoy our night okay?"

Judy turned her eyes to meet his green eyes. She whispered, "Nick, I'm scared. I'm really scared… I mean what if she's silenced—o-or worse! What if she's involved-"

Nick said, "Take it easy there, fluffy bunny! Look, I'll talk to Bogo and arrange a visit for you, when she's caught, all right? Feel better now?"

Judy sniffed and said, "Yeah…" As she felt his paw squeeze her arm gently before he got out. She got out of the cruiser. Part of her wanted to just go home. She shook her head and watched as he headed into the restaurant. Heading home wouldn't solve anything. If anything that'd only make it worse. She needed and a distraction, and so Judy strode forward confidently now and took in the sight of the restaurant. It was made of a combination of sandstone and a reddish type of material. She found herself wondering how Zootopia truly was built. Each District seemed so different from the other. Their climates were regulated so that each animal could live in comfort. She finally entered the restaurant and looked around. Inside were some Gazelles that were dancing in attractive outfits. She moved close to Nick and whispered, "Nick, what kind of restaurant is this?"

Nick smiled and answered, "Don't worry Carrots. This place celebrates Egyptian Cuisine." He walked up to the table and said, "Wilde for two? Sorry for the delay."

The female Gazelle, who had answered the phone earlier, said, "Oh so you're the ones huh? Well your table is still on reserve, come along now."

Nick and Judy followed the pretty Gazelle to their table. He smiled at her then said, "To start, I'd like two Yansoons and give us need a few minutes to decide order the main course, but a start with two orders of Eish Masri sounds good."

She wrote it down and said, "Very good Sir." The waitress then walked off to order the appetizer from the kitchen.

Judy looked around then said, "How did you find a place like this?"

Nick smiled and said, "I personally know the chef."

Judy blinked then saw the pita bread brought out which was their appetizers along with two teas. She took a sip and her ears instantly perked straight up. She licked her lips and took another sip. The tea had a unique flavor, kind of like black licorice.

Nick grinned and said, "Good tea huh?"

Judy nodded and couldn't help taking another sip. It felt like she was being warmed up straight to the bone. She asked, "How do they make these?"

Nick took a sip of his own tea and said, "Well… I don't know, but I do know that Anise Seed is the main ingredient."

Judy felt her body relaxing as she sipped the tea. She almost didn't want dinner, just to drink this tea all night. She looked at the menu and picked out different kinds of kebabs for her to eat.

Nick smiled and waved over the waitress and ordered about ten different kebabs for each of them. He also ordered some falafels for them to eat.

Judy sat back as she tried some of the flat pita bread and drank some more of the tea. She found her entire body felt content as she had the unique cuisine and took in the smells around her. There was a lot of spice mixed with the scent of cooking meat. She asked, "Nick, is this alright? I mean, I'm not really much of a meat eater."

Nick said, "Don't worry, we got some carrots from the farm as well. We can have those after dinner."

Judy thought for a few minutes before she said with a small shrug, "Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to try?"

Nick smiled and said, "Nope. Now quit your fussing and enjoy dinner."

A few minutes later, their food arrived and Judy found herself sniffing the food hungrily. She was particularly taken with the kebabs.

Nick watched as she practically devoured the kebabs and thought, 'Here I thought I was supposed to be the predator, not her.'

Judy swallowed a bite then wiped her mouth with a napkin and asked, "What's wrong Nick? You haven't touched most of your food."

Nick smiled and rested his muzzle in one of his paws then said, "I was just admiring how good your appetite is. My dad always said a healthy appetite means a healthy animal."

Judy blinked then picked up another kebab and pulled a piece of meat off it and started to chew it. She closed her eyes as she chewed it slowly and thoughtfully.

Nick began to eat as well, but he was used to the type of cuisine. It never ceased to amaze him how good the food was in the restaurant.

It took them about thirty minutes to go through all the food. Nick ate the most, but Judy ate about three quarters as much as Nick. This genuinely surprised him as he hadn't seen her eat that much.

Judy moaned softly as she took another sip of her Yansoon tea before she finally said, "That was delicious. I really need to come here more often."

Nick laughed and said, "I'll take you here anytime you want?"

She looked up at him and asked, "Nick, why did you really want to go out on a date with me?"

Nick scratched his ears for a moment then said, "Well, I noticed how tired you were from all the late night stakes out, so I figured why not give you a break? 'Course that's only half of it."

She asked, "And what was the other reason?"

Nick took a sip of his tea, then got up and paid for the meal. He gently took her paw and walked out with her and returned to the cruiser with her.


Nick drove them to Beach Promenade in the Sahara District and the two got out of the cruiser. Nick walked with her by the ocean their paws in the sand. He finally chose to answer her question from back in the restaurant, "Judy... you asked me what my other reason is for asking you out, but what I want to know is: Why would ask that? You should the answer by now."

Judy stared at the moon as she thought about how her life had drawn her to this very moment. It was like everything she had gone through was a beacon that had led her to him. She slowly turned to Nick and said, "Nick... I-"

Nick placed a claw on her lips and whispered, "Quiet... someone's watching us." He pulled out the tranquilizer gun he had brought from the cruiser just in case. He focused his sense of smell then shook his head. He picked Judy up in his arms and raced back to the cruiser.

Just before they got to the cruiser, she pushed herself out of his arms, and then tackled him to the ground. A gunshot rang through the cool night air. The bullet went past the cruiser and struck a palm tree. She took the tranquilizer gun and activated the thermal scanner. She stayed low with Nick beside her and began to search the surroundings.

Another shot rang out and struck the tree again. Nick sprang into action as he grabbed Judy and dove into the Cruiser with her beside him. He turned on the engine and slammed his paw on the gas pedal and got them out of there before the shooter could fire again. He sighed in relief as he said, "That was close." He glanced over at her and asked, "Are you alright Judy?"

The bunny said, "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just glad we got away." She reached over to the radio and reported what had happened to the ZPD.

Clawhauser said, "I'll send some cruisers to investigate."

Nick took the receiver and said, "Hold it Clawhauser. If that sniper is still in the area, we aren't equipped for it yet. So let me handle it."

Clawhauser asked, "You're kidding right Nicky? I can't let you go out there! Not when you're on a date!"

Nick said, "Clawhauser, just trust me. We'll wait for the right opportunity and then take them down."

Clawhauser said, "I don't like this…" Nick could hear the cringe in his voice, "Are you and Officer Hopps okay?"

Nick answered, "Yeah, we're fine. On another note, any luck finding Lily Hopps?"

Clawhauser said, "Oh! We actually captured her fifteen minutes ago! And you'd be happy to know that the trap went well. So she should be in the cells in an hour."

Nick said, "Keep that girl comfortable, you hear me?"

Clawhauser said, "You got it, Nicky." Nick stared on with an annoyed on his face as he said to him, trying to sound as polite as possible, "Oh and Clawhauser." The Cheetah immediately perked up and replied, "Yes?" Nick then told him flat out, "Don't call me Nicky." They both heard the wince from the other line before the administer said with a sheepish chuckle, "Right, Sorry. Okay… note to self, do not call Officer Wilde Nicky. And… Done! All right have fun you two, and please let me know how it went? Bye!" Before he hung up and went back to his donuts. Nick took a deep breath and put the receiver back in its stand.

Judy asked, "What now?"

Nick said, "We'll head back to your place, that okay?"

Judy nodded as they pulled into the Downtown District and headed back for her apartment.


It was about thirty minutes later when they pulled into a parking space by her apartment. Nick put in ten dollars, which granted him a nighttime park, and then walked up with her by his side.

Judy unlocked her door then paused at the door. She asked, "Nick, did you come in here while I was sleeping?"

Nick grinned and said, "Well I couldn't just leave you sleeping in the cruiser now, could I?"

Judy smiled and said, "You always have to put me first, don't you?"

Nick cleared his throat and said, "Come on, let's watch a movie and have some that pie I got from Gideon Grey."

She sat down on her chair and then asked, "Where are you going to sit?"

Nick sliced up the pie as he spoke, "I figured we could just sit on the bed and watch on your new TV."

She smiled and put on Pig Hero 6 for them to watch and closed her blinds she had gotten for her window. After that, she scooted back on the bed so she could rest her back against the wall and Nick soon joined her. The two sat eating the pie in the flower scented room. She moved closer to Nick and rested her head on his chest and whispered, "I'm so glad that you're okay Nick. I couldn't imagine what I'd do without you."

Nick rubbed the top of her head with his paw and said, "That's how I feel every-time you rush in without waiting for backup Carrots."

Judy looked up into his eyes and whispered, "Oh... I didn't think about it like that."

Nick found himself staring into those purple eyes of hers. He whispered, "Hey, did I ever tell you have such beautiful eyes?"

Judy smiled and said, "No, you haven't."

Nick found himself moving slowly closer to her, as if he couldn't help himself. His lips suddenly felt bone dry as if he hadn't had anything to drink all night. His heart was hammering in his chest and the only thing he could see now was her.

Judy saw him leaning closer to her and smiled. She could feel her heart hammering in her chest and her mind was racing. This was a dream come true for her. Right next to her was the guy that had changed her entire life. All she could think of was showing to him just what he meant to her. She leaned up towards him and slowly closed her eyes, showing her intentions. Their mouths were just inches apart when Judy's phone started ringing.

Nick jumped and the two scrambled apart.

Judy thought, 'Oh cheese and crackers WHY NOW?' She pulled out her phone, visibly agitated at it. Part of her wanted to throw it out the window and just continue where they were, but the caller was her parents so she had to take it. She answered the phone, "Hi Mom, Dad."

Her father asked, "Did he behave himself?"

Judy blinked and asked, "Oh you mean Nick? Yeah. Dad, he's not a bad guy." Her father sighed and said, "I know, I know, but just remember when you're young things tend to get a little… well crazy and—"

Her mother elbowed him and said, "Knock it off, you're embarrassing her! How did the date go bun-bun?"

Judy said, "It is going just fine, I mean we got shot at by a sniper."

Her mother gasped, "A sniper?! Oh honey are you alright?"

Judy smiled and said, "Yes we're fine, but it's late and we're going to get some sleep soon. I love you two, thanks for calling."

Her father was heard saying in the background, "Wait, we?" He took the phone from her and said, "Is he there with you right now?" Her mother, Bonnie let out an irritated groan and said, "Yes, Stu he's over there right now."

He took the phone from her and said, "Now, you two be careful all right? A-And no funny stuff!" His wife then shouted from the background, "Stu!" He then let out a nervous chuckle and said to her abruptly, "I gotta go. Love you bun-bun!" Before he hung up.

Judy groaned and put her phone back in her purse and moved back close to Nick and said, "Sorry about that. I forgot to message them and let them know I was okay."

Nick smiled and put his paw around her and held her close to him. He whispered, "It's fine Judy."

Judy moved herself closer to him and stared up into his emerald eyes. She then rested her head on his chest.

Nick put the blankets around them and whispered, "You tired?"

Judy yawned cutely and whispered, "Yeah, it's been a long day for us. You aren't going anywhere right?"

Nick said, "There's no place I'd rather be Carrots."

Judy smiled at the nickname he used for her, but for some reason she could sense the nickname wasn't simply a nickname anymore. She murmured as she slowly fell asleep.

Nick couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking, but she wasn't speaking intelligibly anymore. He chuckled then held her closer to him. He felt her paws automatically go around him and hold him close to her. He fell asleep with her in his arms and a peaceful smile on his face.


Will Nick finally kiss Judy? What will happen to Lily Hopps? Will they catch that Sniper and what about that trio that tried to break into the ZPD? All these answers and more on the next chapter of Zootopia Dark Requiem. Stay tuned for Chapter Two: Darkened Dawn.