'Long live Queen Anna!' the whole kingdom erupted with cheers. A new queen had been crowned in the world of Meridian. Queen Elyon had stepped down from the throne so that her only daughter could take over. Elyon could now join the High Council of Kandrakar, just as planned 96 years ago. Also on the council were the former guardians of Air, Hay Lin, and of the heart of Kandrakar, Will Vandom. On Earth they were no longer living souls; but they were very much alive in Kandrakar since magic had allowed them to live a life on Earth and return in the life after.

Anna was a high spirited woman with a knack for understanding people. She knew how to read them and find out what could be wrong; it was a skill many people do not posses and were never blessed with. Who better to rule the land? She had a daughter, Tia, who had gone on a visit to Earth to learn about the life there. She had been there for a year and visited every day since portals were now (and long before) safe to open. But Tia had come back for her mother's coronation and as next in line, she had to take interest.

Anna was standing alone in the throne room, her head held high, practising walking like a queen. Her long fair hair was braided down her back and stood out on her deep green robe. Her dress underneath it was a lighter green. The door to the room creaked open but Anna did not notice until her daughter was hugging her from behind.

'Mother!' she laughed. Anna smiled back and hugged her daughter.

'Hello, darling! How was today?' she asked as they walked toward the large set of stairs in the main corridor of the palace. There were portraits of all the royal family for the last three centuries. Most of them smiling and some had stern faces. One in particular almost glared at you from the wall. Prince Phobos. He was Elyon's brother, but he was rarely talked about because he had tried to murder her and take her rightful powers. His reign had been known as the Dark Ages, and the people of Meridian had suffered deeply. Luckily with the help of the rebellion and Guardians of the Veil, he had been stopped just in time and defeated. The Light of Meridian restored fully.

'It was okay, school was boring but I went out into the city with my friends.' Tia replied. Her short blond hair was tied in a small knot at the back of her head and she was wearing her Earth clothes as she had not had a chance to change.

'Oh? Those four girls? Who were they again?' Anna gathered her the hem of her long dress and climbed the stairs after her daughter. Tia looked back at her mother, smirking.

'Can you really not remember their names?' she laughed.

'I'm sorry darling, I'll try.' Anna said apologetically.

'Okay, their names are Mei Lin, Ashley, Natalia, and Kara.' Tia said in one breath.

'Yes, I remember Mei Lin, the name Lin sounds familiar to me for some reason...' Anna trailed off.

'Doesn't matter, I have to do some homework, see you later Mom!' Tia was beginning to fit in more with the Earth girls and Anna was happy for her. After all Tia was turning fifteen in a few weeks, it'll be good for her to have friends, but just not bring them to Meridian. Meridian was one of the best kept secrets for all Anna was concerned. From her mother Elyon she had heard the many stories of adventures that the Guardians of the Veil and herself had many years ago. Earth sounded intriguing however odd it may have been at the time.

'As long as Tia's happy and safe, then I have nothing against Earth.' Anna murmured to herself as she continued on her way.