That's it - the Epilogue. The journey is over (for now), maybe I'll get back to writing at some point. Thanks for reading (and lurking). Have a nice weekend, fellas.

Nine months later

It was a bright sunny morning and thankfully not too hot despite the summer high that had taken residence above Coronet City weeks ago and showed no signs of moving. Jaleela stood in the kitchen peeling tubers for the stew she was going to make for lunch, humming along the tune emitted by the music player.

Her son wandered into the kitchen, his eyes still half-closed, the dark rings under them very pronounced and poured himself a cup of caf. "Mornin'," he mumbled. Then a yawn took over.

Jaleela smiled warmly. "Morning, Myn." She knew the source of her son's tiredness, it was currently asleep in her crib in the upper story. Ever since the little hellion named Alina Donos had come into their lives a little less than a month ago there had been no full night's rest for her parents, for the young lady seemed to take a delighted pleasure in disrupting the usual sleep patterns with multiple nightly demands for attention, feedings or a change of diapers. Because the pregnancy had taken a lot out of Kirney her husband had volunteered to take over the nightly duties to give her a chance at recuperating from the ordeal, not knowing what exactly he was getting into.
Jaleela couldn't help but compare the experience with that of her son's own infancy. That little girl was certainly not like her father, she realized ruefully, remembering the relatively unproblematic nature of Myn's first months. He'd been a quiet baby who'd barely caused a fuzz, slept most of the time and had been surprisingly easy to handle. No, Alina Donos was certainly not taking after him and Jaleela had the distinct feeling that her granddaughter was going to give her son gray hairs well before his time.

Myn let out a small groan and pressed the balls of his hands into his eyes.

"You don't need to be awake," she gently reminded him. "You can go back to bed."

He just waved her off. "I wouldn't be able to sleep much, anyway. I think I'll take a nap after lunch, though."

She eyed him for a second. "Want to know what helped me back then? Ice-cold shower. That always made me wake up fast."

He actually shuddered at the thought. "Thanks, but I think I'll pass."

"Wimp," she shot back jokingly before changing the topic. "Where's Kirney?"

"Upstairs in the office," he returned. "She's talking to Jar via the Holonet."

"How is that working out?" Jaleela asked, refering to Jar working for DonoSlane Excursions as a freelance pilot after his own transport company had been closed due to insolvency. None of them knew how he'd managed to circumvent being condemned for the much delayed declaration of bancruptcy, but they hadn't pried and Jarrath hadn't been willing to share details, either. The only thing they knew for certain was that Denna had helped him, their relationship had recovered from the strains of the time before Jarrath's abduction and had grown stronger as well.

Her son took another sip of his caf. "Surprisingly well," he admitted. "I know it still pains Jar not to be his own boss, but that little plan Kirney and Denna put together seems to be to his liking. I mean, Kirney isn't going to fly on a regular base for a few months, so he's quite content to take the Fair Trade and do some work in the meantime."

Jaleela's eyes twinkled in amusement. "And Kolot, too?"

"The two of them have known each other for a few years already." Myn shrugged. "I don't think it's going to be much of a problem." A smirk drifted on his face. "As long as Jar understands who's boss in the cockpit, that is."

His mother choked off a laugh. "I'm sure Kolot will make sure he understands." The chime of the door announcer rang through the house and Jaleela arched an eyebrow. As her son moved to stand she gestured at him to remain seated. "I'll take it," she said, her tone not allowing for objection, and moved out of the kitchen.

When she opened the front door she came to face two people whose faces were hauntingly familiar - Jaleela was sure she'd seen them before - but for some reason she couldn't quite place them. Both were human, one male and one female, and both were wearing big smiles. "Yes, please?"

"Mrs. Donos," the raven-haired man answered and held out his hand. "I'm Garik Loran, this is Shalla Nelprin. We're friends of your son and daughter-in-law." He hesitated for a brief moment as there was no spark of recognition on Jaleela's face. "We met at your son's wedding, remember?"

Her eyes opened wide. "Of course," Jaleela breathed and reached for his outstretched hand to shake it. Loran surprised her, though, when he placed an old-fashioned courteous kiss on the back of her hand. She felt her cheeks redden.

The dark-skinned woman rolled her eyes but her smile never wavered. "You're such a charmer, Face."

"Come in, please." Jaleela stepped aside to let them in. "Wait here. I'm going to get Myn."

It really was just a moment later that Myn wandered out of the kitchen sporting a look of curiosity that turned to surprised delight when he recognized his old friends. "I'll be sat on by a Hutt," he exclaimed and opened his arms wide. "What are you two doing here?"

Shalla was first to embrace him, Face followed closely. "We've been appointed the Squadron's official envoys and spies," Loran said lightly, his tone a mix of joking and honesty. "We've been tasked with congratulating the two of you on the new arrival and satisfying the squad's demand for new holos of the three of you." He held Myn at arms length, noting the dark rings under his eyes and smirked. "Looks like Daddy hasn't got much sleep of late, has he?"

"Ignore him," Shalla advised gently. "He was teasing Kell mercilessly when Doran had just been born."

"Are you going to keep them standing in the anteroom?" Jaleela asked, leaning against the doorjamb of the kitchen, arms crossed and wearing a smirk.

Her son grinned sheepishly, then gestured at the other passage that led to the living room. "Make yourself at home," he said. "I'll get Kirney."

It wasn't long, in fact the two visitors had barely managed to take place on the couch, before the sound of someone storming down the flight of stairs to the upper story thundered through the house. Kirney barged into the living room at break-neck speed, skidded to a stop and stared at her two friends. "Are you real?" she asked as she drew Face into a rib-crunching embrace. "Are you really here?

Face laughed and held her close. "No, you're imagining things, you-who-looks-like-Kirney."

"Don't listen to him," Shalla interjected as she drew Kirney out of Face's arms and into a much gentler hug. "He's just being his usual silly self." She withdrew slightly and studied the redhead intently. "You're looking good, a bit tired but good. Motherhood seems to agree with you."

Kirney smiled. "It does. It's not all Daruvian Champagne and Selonian Oysters, but we couldn't be happier."

"So where is the new arrival? Could we be graced with her presence?"

Myn snorted as he sauntered into the living room but softened it with a smile. "We just got her to sleep and believe me, that's a blissful, blissful state for as long as it lasts. You'll have to be patient but I bet it won't be too long before Her Royal Highness let's us know that she demands her humble servants' attention." The smile widened into a mischievious grin which he directed at his wife. "And given how someone barged down the stairs I was half expecting her to make her displeasure known."

Shalla arched an eyebrow. "The little one's a bit of a handful, eh? Well, then let's use the time she allows us mere mortals and talk."

They sat down on the couch and the two armchairs. "So," Face began and pulled a small satchel from his shoulder. "As I told Myn we're the Squadron's envoys and spies. So let's begin with Squadron business." He reached into the satchel and produced a datacard case which he put onto the low table ahead of him. "We've brought holographic congratulations from all those who know, including General Antilles and Janson."

The redhead gave a sigh of mock relief. "At least he hasn't sent a life-sized stuffed Ewok."

Shalla smirked. "He probably couldn't find one on such a short notice, but given time that still may happen."

Myn groaned and buried his face in his hands, his wife rolled her eyes.

"Suck it up, the two of you," Face remarked, "you are the lucky ones. He already showed up with one for Doran when Tyria was still in hospital. And don't forget you're still in his crosshairs for that prank with Kolot." He looked around. "Where is he, anyway?"

"He's off with a friend of ours who helps out with flying the shuttle while Kirney here stays home," said Myn. "You really think Janson is planning something?"

"He's always planning something." Shalla chuckled. "We're talking about Janson here, after all."

Donos heaved a sigh. "Then we better hope inspiration fails him this time."

"Optimist," Face scoffed in return. "Anyway, back to Squadron business." He reached into the satchel again and produced a datapad. "A little present from all of us, but Tyria gave us the idea. It's information on a 'Our Baby & Us' holiday they took when Doran was about six months old. Tyria highly recommends it, they liked it very much. The Squadron has pooled funds and bought a voucher for you. It's valid for twelve months, so you have a bit of leeway with taking it."

Kirney accepted the datapad with trembling hands. "Thank you," she breathed and wiped a surreptitious tear from the corner of her eyes.

"You're welcome," Face returned with a smile, pleased that the present was appreciated this much. He reached yet again into the satchel and produced a folded pink cloth. "Can you guess what this is?"

Myn frowned. "Looks like a romper suit."

Loran exchanged a mischievious glance with Shalla, then unfolded the piece of cloth and held it up for them to see. Kirney choked off a laugh, Myn actually burst out laughing. It was a romper suit, but a very special one. It was pink, the standard colour for a girl, and there was an eleborate embroidery in the space over the heart depicting the comic-like figure of a friendly and smiling wraith. Above it the writing Junior Wraith Squadron was emblazoned, beneath it Member #002.

"I hereby present you with the official Junior Wraith Squadron romper suit. It can't be purchased anywhere, we had it made specifically for your daughter." He patted the satchel. "Knowing the habits of babies we actually brought three of them so you don't need to worry about ruining it." He folded the item again and put it onto the table.

Myn picked up the folded cloth, his fingers tracing the embroidery. "This is cute," he said with a smile. "Let me guess - Doran has a set of blue ones with membership number one."

"Of course." Loran grinned broadly. "It's an exclusive club, after all. Only children of former or active Wraiths can become a member." His expression turned sly. "So, if you're looking to secure number three ..."

"No way, poster boy," Kirney interrupted him, giving Shalla a look who gracefully acquiesced and slapped the back of Face's head. "We've just got one and that's how it'll stay for a while."

"And I can live without having to prepare late-night snacks of sweet bread with bluefruit jam, mustard and gherkins," Myn remarked slyly and got a slap from his wife as well.

Face shuddered at the combination. "Okay, I get the drift." His demeanour changed to something utterly professional as if someone had flipped a switch. "There's one more thing, something inofficial, but I think you'd like to know."

Shalla nodded. "The data you sent on this narcotics smuggling operation has proved to be invaluable to Coruscant Security."

Myn leaned forward with interest sketched on his features. "We haven't had much time to scour HNE for stuff, but I can't remember any great wave of arrests."

Shalla nodded. "Because there weren't any. Cracken is playing the long game and has used the data you provided to systematically monitor those channels of illegal trade. While that didn't reveal anything spectacularly new with regards to underworld channels and players itself, it allowed CSF to connect a lot of threads, people and places, and gained insight into methods of smuggling and the associated communication channels."

"One revelation, however, was so embarrassing for the New Republic political body that even CSF was not made aware of it," Face added gravely. "One slice of the data dealt with a network of crooked low- to medium-level officials on Coruscant itself - immigration, customs, Spaceport Law Enforcement and the likes. And when NRI agents followed that particular trail of narcotics to its final customers they found themselves looking at highly placed officials of the government, armed forces, media and even some folks in close proximity to well-known celebrities."

Kirney narrowed her eyes. "What kind of officials are we talking about here?"

"Senatorial aides, ambassadorial staff, junior officers of the General and Naval Staff," he answered. "So far nobody knows if they are indeed the end users, and that would point to a massive drug problem within the senatorial bureaucracy and the armed forces, or if they were playing middle men for their superiors. I honestly can't decide which option sounds worse."

Myn gave a snort. "At least it would explain some decisions they've made, like putting Fey'lya in charge of the budget committee."

"Yeah, that would explain a lot," his wife agreed with a chuckle. Looking at her friends she asked, "Can any of that be proven or are they still collecting hard evidence?"

Shalla shrugged. "Like I said, they're still looking into this. So far no big names have been implicated directly ..." She hesitated. "Except for one."

Kirney tilted her head curiously. "Who?"

Loran exchanged a glance with Shalla. "Tuovo Santorini."

Myn felt his eyes bulge and his jaw drop. "The star forward of the Coruscant Capitals?" he asked, refering to one of the galaxy's greatest Smashball stars.

Face nodded. "He admitted it even, though his drug scan was negative. He said it's for his younger sister who suffers from a bad case of incurable bone and joint degeneration due to a genetic fault ... and apparently that's true. The poor girl is living under constant and excrutiating pain, even the strongest legal painkillers don't show much of an effect anymore. A mild dose of Spice gets her through the day and a somewhat stronger one allows her to sleep at all."

"That's just sad," Kirney muttered. "Imagine having nearly unlimited funds at your disposal and still not being able to really help a person close to you. And then to be forced to break the law ..." She shook her head.

"Maybe the Senate will finally debate some exceptions for those patients who couldn't get any other treatment," said Shalla. "There have been a number of attempts to hammer out such legal exceptions over the years, but the fear of fueling the narcotics market had always swept those attempts aside. This time they have a very famous sports star to provide some public relations support."

"Well, in that case the Senate would finally do something for the people instead of ..." Face was interrupted by a high-pitched wail emitted by the baby com in the wall system.

"Ah," Myn remarked with a chuckle. "Looks like our little Princess has decided to cut short her forenoon nap and demand the presence of us lowly servants." He rose from the armchair, gesturing at his wife to remain seated. "I'll see what she wants and then bring her down. Get the holocam ready, Face. You've got holos to make."

The End