Chapter 24 : Carly's Promotion

Carly : a promotion ?

Carly's boss : yes you're getting a promotion for all your scoops during the Dark Signers arc & Jack Atlas incident

Carly : i don't know what to say boss

Carly's Boss : no need to thank me i'm doing this to make up to you for the hardships i put you through during your time here and i thought to myself that you deserved more better

tears were in her eyes as she hugged him tightly with her arms he hugged her back telling her that he was going to change from now on not being mean or extremely hard on her afterwards Carly left his office really happy about getting a promotion at her job she returns to her home to let jack know that she just got the one she was searching for her entire life .

Jack Atlas : that's wonderful Carly

Carly : thank you Jack for helping during those events

Jack Atlas : you are most welcome and i just want to tell that i'm sorry for being cold toward you

Carly : i know Jack i deserved it anyway i was always annoying toward you

Jack Atlas : yes but you also stood by my side when no one else would

Carly : i guess but i wasn't much of big help because i didn't have signer powers like you or the others had

Jack Atlas : that's alright with me you're perfect just the way you are

Carly : thank you jack that means a lot coming from you

Jack Atlas : anytime Carly

the phone conversations ends and carly hangs up sitting on her soft bed looking out at the window at the nighttime lights of New Domino City and begins walking toward the window with a big smile on her face full of confidence .

Carly : thank you everyone for giving me the courage and strength to move forward no matter what especially you Jack Atlas you were there for me the most despite me being such a pain toward you i owe you a lot

elsewhere Luna was getting for her first day of school along with her twin brother Leo she was wearing her pink short sleeved shirt pink jeans white socks and red sneakers along with her pink book bag Leo was wearing his blue short sleeved shirt blue jeans white socks and blue sneakers and a blue book bag waving goodbye to their parents walking out the door closing it as they left walking toward the bus stop waiting for the bus .

Luna : i can't wait to began my first day of high school

Leo : yeah this is going to be so much better than Duel Academy

Luna : we can make new friends

Leo : and fit in with the others

Luna : and so much more

Leo : yep so much more

the bus arrives at the bus stop the doors open for them by the bus driver the twins climb aboard and the doors close after they enter Leo and Luna head back for the middle section of the bus where Luna sits in one seat while Leo sits in the second seat behind her where she meets another girl around her age her name was samantha she was like Luna she had the ability to speak to duel monsters spirits as well the two became good friends Leo met this boy named Carlos who was like him except for he was more brave and heroic than he was Leo chose to ignore that and they became good friends as well .

on the bus Luna was remembering the adventures she had alongside the other signers and she was glad to meet them because if she hadn't met them then her life would be boring and she wouldn't be able to keep her promise to the spirits the bus finally arrives at the high school all of the students get off the bus Leo and Luna were the last ones to get off the bus Leo and Luna looked up at the sky to see a image of herself , leo , Yusei , Akiza , Crow , Jack without Bruno who died just before they left New Domino reminding them that now matter where they are the bond they share will never be forgotton or broken as long as they believe in the power of friendship .

Luna : thank you Yusei Fudo for teaching how to accel synchro

the twins head inside before the bell rings for first period to attend their first class of the semester where a brand new adventure unfolds for the twins as they begin their high school tale as for the spirit world they were watching Luna and thanking her for everything that she's done for them they made peace across the land creating a bridge between the spirit world to connect to the human world to aid them in any future threats that will come along that will force the twins to rise up and defend the earth once more with their powerful duel monsters .

The End .