Disclaimer: I do not own any of the SNK characters...but i'm trying.

Note: A re-upload of the previous Remedial Odyssey but hopefully improved. I really wanted a writing style that fit me and to really get in depth with the characters. I will upload more frequently with this version and we'll see where this goes :) This is something I have been dying to write for a while but have put off and one day I just snapped. I really like the Reincarnation Fics that have been roaming around for a while in certain fandoms. So I decided to try my hand on something more different then what I'm use to. I'm not neglecting my other stories, I just gave into temptation. So expect plot, science, and my best attempt at action mixed in.

A Remedial Odyssey

Prologue: Unusual Child

Sliver grey eyes squeezed shut. Head back and reclining on a old fashioned rocking chair as a light breeze whisk through long chestnut locks. It was always quiet where they lived, being the southern edge of Wall Rose - The Trost District, but she couldn't be more content.

Leila Kawamura could say she had quite a serene life with being married to a loving Asian man; living in a remote home away from the town in the valley. Her husband being a doctor would be gone for a very long period of time, leaving her to care for their little girl. It wasn't the rich life she lived before, and it was more sequestered. Keeping a low profile and all, but it was a decent place to raise their little child.

At the thought of her Leila glanced over to the area where she grew her flowers (the only reminder of her former life that she had left). Eyeing the raven, hunched over figure, nose stuck in her latest book. Her face schooled into a blank expression.

Mei Kawamura.

Named after her husband's grandmother who he cherished and grew his resolve to become a doctor even with his bloodline and heritage as an Asian. He wanted to honor her memory and what better way than to name their daughter after her? Such high hopes were held for their little bundle of joy, but Leila actually found herself categorizing her daughter to being a bit of an abnormality. Her husband found it unusual how their child would just remain silently in her room it was hard to remember that she was even their, most babies gurgled and giggled but Mei spent most days staring at nothing in particular. In fact he was afraid that their child might have been a bit special.

Like when Mei was 10 months old, Leila remembered the first time they went out of the house. As they made their way to the market, she was humming a little tune and her daughter in her arms was looking around in wonder. Turning her chubby little head in all directions from the sky to the flowers on the ground, making little noises here and there like babies do most of the time. It wasn't until they were almost done with their shopping did she suddenly realize how quiet it became although her child has always been quiet, this time it felt more tense. Like a creature afraid to make any sound or it would be found. Looking down at the child she froze. Mei was staring at Wall Maria, not just staring she appeared freighted-frozen in place. An expression freighting on a little baby.

"Good afternoon Leila!" Leila jumped and quickly turned. Noticing one of the friendly soldiers of the Garrison Brigade who knew her husband greeting her. She hesitantly waved in returned but quickly glanced to see her daughter in her arms still staring at the wall.

Almost like she was expecting it to disappear at any moment and not wanting to miss it. Her eyes appeared haunted. He slowly confronted her, a genuine smile appearing as he neared where she stood. She began to get a bit flustered at how her daughter would react.

"Is everything alright?" Her daughter slowly turned to look at the young man and it wasn't until she got a good look at him did Mei begun to cry and scream her throat out.

Leila quickly apologized and left.

Leila sighed thinking back on that, she later found the gentleman again and apologized profoundly. That was the first event that ever made her consider that her child wasn't quite as normal as she believed her to be. Something Mei herself didn't bother to hide either. It was when she was left alone that everything abruptly ceased. Her charcoal eyes would lose the light it held and would appear darker than usual. She would have distant and wistful eyes, staring at absolutely nothing. Lost in her own thoughts, appearing to be in a constant state of mourning.

That's when the denial started to sentiment, that day came when she heard a strange noise in the middle of the night.

Not wanting to wake her husband after coming back from a long travel, she went to investigate. Slowly creeping up to where the noise was coming from. Using her heightened hearing from the pitch blackness of her home to standing right in front of her daughter's bedroom door.

In the dead of night she could hear very closely the whimpers and sobbing coming from the other side of the door. But all she did was freeze in place and listen. The sobs sounded nothing like a little baby should be making. They sounded too much in despair and agony, and in between sobs. It tugged at her heart no matter how much it freighted her, how could a child be in so much anguish– broken even.

Leila didn't bother walking back to her bedroom. All throughout the night she remained seated her back against her daughter's bedroom door. Listening to the mourning coming from the other side from her five months old daughter. Tears of her own gathering in her eyes.

She couldn't quite process if that ever happened or it was just another figment of her work related fatigue and drowsiness. Seeing her now it was hard to picture something like that even occurred.

The book she was reading at the moment was her most prized possession as it was the one she first read with her father. A piece of literature Mei cherished since the day of her second birthday. Kai had given himself the day off to spend time with them so it comes as a surprise when Mei appears in possession of a book.

Mei was holding out one of the books from the shelf in their living room to get her father's attention. She wasn't really a social child, never has been actually even after she learned to talk. So he only blinked, slow in reacting at her unexpected request. Causing Leila to suppress a snicker at the strange sight. Mei frowned, her face turned away in embarrassment, book still stretched out. Kai's coal eyes switched from the book to Mei placing the pieces and beamed.

"Alright" He picked her up, chuckling at the little suppressed gasp that erupted from her at being lifted. They made themselves comfortable on the dining table with Mei on his lap (looking a bit awkward) and Leila soundlessly cleaning the dishes. She should have seen it coming although it was late for a child to be getting an education at her age, she couldn't shake off the feeling that she has been silently contemplating it this whole time. Adding to that when Kai sputtered at her choice in literature.

"Ahum Mei dear this is quite advanced maybe you should get something else instead?" Mei furiously shook her head when he tried to get up in an attempt to get another book to start teaching her with.

"No? Are you sure?" She nodded again.

Kai paused and then cleared his throat. "Okay then."

After two months books began to disappear from the house. In which Leila found that they all had one thing in common, medicine. Her suspicions were confirmed when Mei frequently interrupted her father to ask what certain words meant. Her ebony eyes for once blazing with so much intensity Leila thought she was looking at another person and it helped fill her with joy. It was a lot better then the mourning child she was before but still she was tempted to rub her eyes with soap at some point.

Her husband on the other hand was beginning to become intrigued answering her every question and at times putting in his own input. Watching his daughter absorb all the information and mentally calculating and cataloging them. That night as they were going off to bed she has never experience her husband being so lively before, the whole time speaking about how their daughter could possibly be a closet genius. It was too early to jump to conclusions but they both knew he was grasping at straws. They would have still loved their child even if she was special but something that his family always valued was honor and pride.

And just like that Mei would always be found reading. Although it was still hard to hold a conversation with her (she seemed to enjoy peace and quiet) or how she always appeared to be scowling in thought.

If one wanted to find her she would be outside with books scattered all around her.

Since then every time her husband would bring back a new books to give their daughter as she started to get older. At some point they stopped being simple health books as he started experimenting and giving her more complicated subjects like chemistry and physics. Leila didn't want to ask where he got them as books like those were very hard to even find and it was better that she remained oblivious of it. Since a few months back he discovered how fascinated she was with the subjects. He took it upon himself to indulge her young mind with everything it was about being a doctor. Since he couldn't exactly take her around for some hands on experience (as it would be too dangerous if they were discovered) he taught her at home where Leila could watch. And she was pleased that her offspring would be interested at such a redeeming and congruous career as being a doctor.

It was a surprise when one day after almost two years of being engrossed with the medical field did Leila catch her staring at her work. No books anywhere to be seen.

"Mei...what are you doing hun?" Mei attempted to remove her customary scowl and schooled her features into a weak smile. "Ah I was wondering if you could teach me about the plants and well... "she trailed off having come to stand beside her while Leila watered the Agapanthus. Having freshly bloomed for the mid summer weather.

Leile blinked "Y-you want to learn about flowers?"

Her daughter suddenly want to learn of the many flowers they grew in their garden? A garden she has spent years growing ever since they finally settled down in this small cottage. Maybe being surround by them for the most of her 7 years of life finally peaked her curiosity. No that didn't seem right either - wait?

Leila slightly paused, then huffed good naturally.

"Well your father isn't really bright when it comes to the different plants that surround here. Oh he knows them but sometimes he needs my help in growing them to make his medicines" She chortled.

"Hmm so I guess that leaves you to come to me doesn't it?" She smirked when Mei scowled and rubbed her arms sheepishly, caught in her little act. Only making Leila chuckle more when she handed her the watering can.

"Well alright let's see how good of a student you are?" Crossing her arms. "Don't expect me to be soft just because you're my daughter" Leila pinched her cheek, a habit she developed when she kept seeing Mei scowling at any person they walked past in the market. Seriously where did she get such a unique personality? Leila blinked rapidly when she noticed Mei flush in shock and duck her head.

'Did I say something to embarrass her?'

She quickly brushed it off not wanting to lose this slight bit of entertainment. And it was, you see with Mei being such a quiet child and Kai not wanting to yap her ear off about how well Mei's coming along in her training she never expected her to be quite the...overzealous type. An interesting one at that, one that once again raised the question on where she got it from. But she was a genius none the less now understanding why her husband was such a gushy father.

So the oblivious family never noticed Mei remain awake in the dead of night. On the other side of the door one could be heard movement. Mumbling and still reading the books her father has given her. The sounds of a pencil pressing against paper.

Little droplets of water can be heard tapping against the window still, the storm clouds were coming in and eventually ruining any chances of outdoor activities for the Kawamura family. Mei was laying on the floor below her feet sprawled out staring at the ceiling, not bothering to pick up a book, a rare sight to see. Kai went out a while ago to grab some milk from the neighbors for supper, Leila was planning on making some of her famous stew. A family recipe.

At the thought her eyes glazed over, dejected.

Her mother had passed it down to her when she was about Mei's age, a beatific moment that she cherished but it wasn't enough to make her choose them over Kai.

She shook her head and in doing so dropped her knitting equipment on top of Mei's forehead. Mei yelped both in shock and confusion, looking upwards to her mother with her common scowl. Leila snickered unable to contain herself at how ridiculous Mei looked scowling with a red mark over her forehead.

Leila looked towards the door. "Your father is taking an awful long time?" She scowled. She saw movement out of the corner of her eye; Mei proceeding to get up and continue to rub at her forehead.

Mei handed her back her knitting equipment, and then their was a sudden noise. She blushed profoundly clutching at her stomach. Leila through her head back and laughed. Giggling she said "Well we don't know when your father with be back so let's find something else to make then."

As they made their way to the kitchen Leila encountered a problem. What do they make? They began to rummaging throughout the kitchen looking more despondent as time passed. Finally she signed the only ingredients she could find were for the stew. Leila made a mental note to go out and buy groceries tomorrow. She turned and stopped seeing Mei before her holding a bag of grain. "We can make porridge?" She raised an eyebrow sceptical. "Do you know how to make porridge?" Mei scowled heavily with a tint of pink coloring her cheeks.

Leila pinched her cheek with a snicker. She took ahold of the bag and proceeded to open in and instructed Mei to start up the cauldron. She showed her how much grain to use and how to cook it properly. Occasionally teasing her daughter, and although she looked annoyed, Leila would catch the hidden smiles that would appear on her face. It was a nice moment for a meal so simple and she found out that Mei needed a lot of work when it came to cooking. She nearly set her hair on fire. Leila attempted not to laugh at her expense.

Looking at her daughter watch their meal cook she contemplated the first time that made her worry about her. The concealed desolation and the fateful night she heard those muffled cries. Was that child the same one she was looking at now? Was she still depressed? I mean what baby feels that way. It paralyzed her with fear and theres so long that time could pass without addressing it.

Leila bit her lip, working up her nerve to confront her own daughter. Would she even remember? Should she bring this up to Kai? "Mei."

Her daughter looked up from watching the food. She paused reading Leila's face. Before she could lose her nerve "D-do you remember when you were a baby…?" she trailed off, cursing her own voice for failing her. As Leila was mentally cursing herself; Mei froze. Quickly shaking it off when Leila looked at her again. Face all scrunched up in discomfort, Leila tried again. "When you were a baby, do you remember-"

"I'm back!" Kai's voice boomed through the house. In the process taking along all the courage Leila worked up. "In here dear!" She wiped down her apron as Mei quickly moved to take out the food already appeared to be ready. "Oh did you already start without me? Sorry about that George can be quite the talker." Kai attempted to smile feeling guilty. Leila only shook her head at her husband's antics briskly brushing away what happened previously. Motioning to get the milk from his hands.

Mei silently set the table as Leila served the food, and Kai sat preparing to eat. They passed the time with idle chatter but Mei hardly spoke the rest of the night, afterwards locking herself away in her room.

"You have quite the daughter Leila"

Leila would often visit some kind people that lived down the road from them, most often being the Martins. They've helped them on more occasions than she could recall. Even with this isolated lifestyle it wasn't until Mei turned five that Leila convinced her husband to allow her to meet them. He hid his family away mostly out of fear. Asians and even half Asians were renowned for being targeted for human trafficking. So Kai was always extra paranoid and entrusted that their small family wouldn't be found. As her family had to keep a very low profile, and with her husband being a doctor who went by many names just to throw people off their trails they rarely had any friends or family.

Ghana, a very large woman in her late 40's, was washing the dishes while looking out the window. A perfect view of the prepossessing garden. Not as enormous as Leilas, but it was quite a pleasant one, with vegetables and herbs. While she has been sitting in their kitchen table lost in thought, Ghana had been observing her daughter.

"Have been hearing from your husband that she's quite the genius" Leila's eyes softened.

There was one regret she had when it came to this lifestyle. It was that Mei couldn't make any friends (it would have been quite interesting to see). Mei had been quite easy to raise, she barely ever spoke a word around anyone.

Keeping to herself most of the time, as if she knew that her fast development would bring some unwanted attention. Mei still remained a mystery to her at times and she could never forget the sounds she heard in the other side of the door when she was but an infant. It always caused a shiver to trail down her spine, but Leila refused to bring it to light again and instead keep it in the far corners of her mind. It was a subconscious denial she developed.

Outside Mei was being shown through the plants by Ghana's husband who was a little thrown off at her dark demeanor. Leila sighed in relief at not being the only one to notice how unusual it was. But it's quite comical with two genuinely cheery parents and a moody little daughter. They make quite the sight. It took him a while to get used to her and vise versa, Mei being one of those that disregards human contact. Maybe it was something she developed with their isolated lifestyle and with that thought Leila frowned.

She blinked out of her thoughts when she heard Ghana set down the dishes she was drying.

"Leila, as far as I could remember Mei has always been a very sharp child. A little odd yes...but.." She trailed off trying to find the right words. "Don't you ever get the feeling it's like she's preparing herself for something?" Leila's frown deepened and brows furrowed. "She's always reading those books, very advanced books. You even told me how surprised you were when she took up your interest in gardening. Her little apprenticeship with her father? Don't you find it all odd?"

She opened her mouth to make a retort but quickly sealed her lips. Now that Leila thought about it, as much as Mei didn't like to talk she would always be asking questions frequently, and filing it away in some form of mental vault. Always listening to all of her teachings, absorbing it like a sponge. All occurring after she was two, escaping from whatever revere she was in the beginning.

Even now as her husband has been traveling and leaving for a far longer period of time and coming back beat tired. Mei would silently attend to his needs and once she was sure he was settled she would lock herself in her room.

Leila couldn't expunge the thought she was hiding something; now that this all was shed into light. Mei was a little genius after all so why wouldn't she suspect her? So now she couldn't quite settle this uneasy feeling that has accumulated at the pit of her stomach.

She continued drinking her coffee, somehow it tasted far bitterer than it should be.

The peace was over. No more gardening with her daughter, no more waiting on her husband on his latest trip, attending to his every need. She was over at the Martin's when she heard some people yelling urgencies for all the surrounding areas to run. Mei was inside their house with her father both going over a book he has recently purchased, breaking it down for her. While Leila was attending the garden with Ghana. She has only ever heard stories about the titans so that fact that people were screaming that they broke through made her pale incredibly. People didn't joke about the titans, it was never a laughing matter. Never had she been in so much fear, it was like a bucket of ice cold water washed over her.

Running towards her house she made quick work. She shot inside the house, bursting into the living room and snatching her daughter's hand. Mei was shocked to be suddenly manhandled but Leila had no time to consul her. Yelling quickly to Kai that the titans have invaded. She was frantic and most of all panicking. They were living peacefully for 100 years, and just like that it was all crushing down on them. That seemed to shock Mei to the very core, all color disappearing from her porcelain skin.

"Wait!" Mei yanked free from her mother's hold before she dashed to her room.

"Mei this is no time to lock yourself in your room!" She quickly followed her daughter, barging into her room to shake her into running before the titans could appear where they resided. She froze in front of the door when she saw her rummaging through her collection of books in a state of disarray. No more than a second passed before she did a short cheer of triumph, holding out what she was looking for.

In her hand was a note book, big enough to fit in a grown man's pocket, already appeared to be in use.

"Leila! Mei! Hurry!" The sudden yell of her husband quickly shook her out of her thoughts. Grabbing her daughter's hand and sprinting down the stairs. Kai already prepared. As they ran out of the house, across the valley Mei got her first glimpse of a titan. It was appeared to be a 5-meter class its site set on the poor house not too far from theirs; the Martins. All Leila could do was send a silent prayer before they made their getaway.

Hoping they would see them again soon, but the odds weren't likely, and that depressing thought had her suppressing a choked sob.

They were still a rest away from any other nearby titans some still having yet to reach the area that they were at. But the fact that one was spotted so far in the valley confirmed that they had already raided the Shiganshina District. So the rest of their time was filled with lots and lots of running.

Adrenaline being the only reason that they hadn't slowed down, no way stopping for any breaks when those titans can snatch them up. She would frequently looked behind her frightened to find a titan hurtling towards them. So far they were lucky, her husband never kept towards the trail, only going by pure instinct which she starting to question with how long they were taking. Panic was starting to bubble more and more the longer they continued running. They made sure to keep away from open area, concealing themselves in either nearby forest or hills.

Relief washed over when they arrived closer to Wall Rose already being able to spot some people arriving inside where they were perched. But it shattered just was quickly as it appeared; she heard a scream behind her. Mei was shaking, white as sheet. A 7-meter class titan was right around the corner staring right at them. Its wide mouth set into a huge grin. She was petrified, stuck in place, shaking. Mei screamed again when it started running towards them. A violent shaking below their feet, her husband the first to snap out of it, snatched both their hands and renew their running.

But it was pointless as they continued to hear it follow them and getting closer and closer. They weren't stupid enough to draw it closer to the arriving people.

Instead they tried to take a detour in hope of losing it to be able to make it to the wall. She couldn't remember what happened but they were suddenly shoved towards the opposite direction when they rounded a corner. They stumbled and fell to the ground, throwing her daughter and herself apart. Leila landed on her knees and tried to get up but a cry to her left caught her attention. Whirling her head to find right there in front of her daughter was the titan they were trying to lose. So close its breath lightly gusted through into her obsidian hair. Its heinous eyes boring into her soul, Mei frozen in the face of death. Paralyzed with fear and unable to move. Everything was happening in a matter of seconds. Everything was slipping away from her fingers.

"MEI!" Leila didn't know how her body moved on its own, or who screamed or who was the one to scream her name. All she knew was she was in the hands of a titan, it's mouth open to devour her. It was grotesque and she was partially choking on its tight grip around her waist.

In those subtle seconds, there was so much she had wished to accomplish in her life. Watch her husband fulfill his dream of being an established doctor, not having to fear for his life. Seeing her own daughter grow up, as she saw her father push her to run with tears streaming down their faces. From her height she saw how close the walls were, how close they were all as a family, safe within the walls. Life was cruel that way, death laughing at their misfortune. Her vision blurred by the tears running down her face. What she wouldn't do to take it ALL back.

The last thing she was her daughter's back turned, her own shed tears cascading down her face, as she turned to run towards safety and-

Meh some parts remained the same others I altered more but hopefully its an improvement. Thank you for reading and for new readers I hope you come to enjoy this story. I'll upload as often as possible, but no promises I have college and work to worry about so.

Please Review and those that have read this story before hollar!