Sorry guys, I haven't updated this story in a while and I feel bad

Genos reflects on his growing feelings for Saitama and tries to see how she feels about him

But it just leaves him more conflicted than before

Genos sat silently in the bath, submerged by water as his system enjoyed the cool, relaxing spring. Gazing at the dark inky blue sky high above him, the giant glowing orb of the moon beaming back down on them brightly. He was so glad to be here to experience this, even if he couldn't be nearby his sensei like he had hoped to be.

He knew how hard she worked as a hero, a lot of citizens throwing abuse at her and giving her shit. Not respecting how much she did for the people in her city or the danger she prevented. Simply seeing her as a wannabe hero, who tried to make their beloved hard working heroes look bad. Despite the fact that she acted as a hero for the good of the people not for fame.

But he would forever stand up for her and believe in her. Even if the rest of the world hated her, he would always stand by her side. But sometimes, he found it to be sad when he had to leave her even if it was necessary. Worrying about her constantly and wanting to make sure she was unharmed even if he acted like an inconvenience.

He longed to be by her side to enjoy this, but he knew that despite being a cyborg he was male. So, the baths were split for the men and the women to enjoy separately while enjoying their privacy. It helped to prevent attacks or perverts, often times with unisex baths people tended to abuse it. Harassing the women or being creepy about it, something he did not understand and found to be rude.

He respected his sensei's privacy and would never dream of embarrassing her. So, he tolerated this loneliness of not being near her, until they finished their baths and returned to their rooms. However, that would take a while as Saitama enjoyed taking long baths. By the time she exited the bathroom, her hands were often wrinkly, and the bathwater was lukewarm.

But he was lonely, he missed his sensei greatly. He enjoyed her company, her dorkiness and humour. She was a truly special woman and he felt sad to be apart from her like this. Every moment he spent with her, he felt his sad memories drift away like a cloud in the wind. No longer tormenting him like they had before, instead they became tolerable and part of his past.

After he lost his home and family, he had been alone with nothing but his doctor whom helped him to become the weapon he was now. He had no place to call home, no company and no relations. Standing as a loner and simply seeking to get revenge for what he had lost. That was until he met Saitama, finding a new sense of meaning in his life.

Now she was what plagued his mind, every minute of every day. She was always in his thoughts and he found himself thinking about her day after day. Starting off as simple admiration to something else entirely. A new emotion blossoming inside of him, one that he was not familiar with or had experienced before in his entire life.

But at least he could imagine her, even if it was strange and rude of him. But he couldn't help but allow his mind to wonder to thoughts of her creamy soft skin, first breasts and long firm legs. Despite the fact she was quiet, casual, spoke her mind and often dense. She was a one of a kind woman, she was the strongest human being on the planet, as well as a part time scrape goat.

He closed his eyes and leaned back into the spring quietly. Allowing the water to submerge him so was floating slightly. The gleam of the lights on the water and the steam around him forming like a fog. Images of his beloved sensei swimming through his mind, feeling a warmth spread through his chest to his lower core.

Saitama sighed pleasantly as she felt herself being submerged by water. It wasn't often she got to go on little holidays like this, having time off and able to just relax without a care in the world. Ever since she became a hero and went up in the ranks, her free time had become less and less. Being asked on important missions and requested to help out with danger more and more.

Being a hero took a lot more strain on the body than you would expect. However, because of her superhuman abilities due to her training, her stamina was above any normal level. She could handle things the lower-class heroes could not. However, this caused rivalries and jealousy of how powerful she was. Not enjoying someone else in the limelight but she just tended to ignore it.

Jealousy and rivalries were natural in this line of work. Though she got along better with the likes of Bang, Mumen rider and king. The higher ups often let their attitude and pride get the better of them, often acting like obnoxious brats. Though she admitted they were indeed powerful, that didn't mean that they couldn't respect their fellow members.

Because of this, when she took damage or strained her body, the effects were barely noticeable. However, that didn't mean she ignored her well-being. In fact, she always made sure to take care of herself on a daily basis. Bang often taught her exercises that would help with muscle strain and other issues. Treating her like a granddaughter or family member, the two developing a very strong bond and trust together.

However, having the likes of Genos around made things so much easier. He was such a good little helper and respected her so much. He had a heart of gold despite having such a sad and traumatic past. Admiring her and eager to finish the missions carefully, while preventing any citizens lives from being taken or harmed in any way.

However, there were a lot of things he failed to understand because of his new robotic form. Processing certain types of information differently, despite having a human brain inside of his robotic body. But, despite being part human he was mostly robotic. Meaning he had been permanently changed and affected not only from loss but the adjustment to a new body.

Sometimes she wondered, if Genos was so attached to her because he lost his family as a fifteen-year-old. Using her as a form of comfort and replacement for his lost family. Seeing her as a strong role model he lacked as a child. The mother or possibly sibling he had lost when the rogue cyborg had attacked her home, recreating what he had lost onto her.

It would make sense after all, that when he had suffered such a great loss and never been able to find his killer. Someone like Saitama gave him hope that he could become stronger compared the weak boy he had been when he lost his family. She then sighed heavily and sunk deeper under the water. Submerging herself under the water and allowing herself to relax. Her mind wondering to many thoughts, of both past and present.

Saitama wondered out of the spa wearily, feeling refreshed and relaxed. She hadn't been to a hot spring since she had been in middle school. It was a common theme for student trips, but she hadn't been to one in years. Bringing back so much nostalgia from her younger years before she became a hero for fun, then turned official hero. I mean she had been in her early 20's when she started her training, being 25 now.

Sure, she had been to bath houses every now and again, but it was nothing like when you went to an open bath hot spring. Feeling the open air on your skin to cool you from the heat of the bath. Her skin felt so smooth and relaxed, her body feeling alive and relaxed. She would sleep well tonight, but first she could use a drink and a good meal. Wasn't often she got to go to places like this.

She stretched sighing heavily, popping her joints and aching muscles. It had been so long since she had been away from the city, it was so much quieter up here in the mountains. Her chest heaving and swelling from the lose fastening of her robe around her body. Eager to enjoy a relaxing sight of the nearby woods as the moon beamed down.

"Sensei" a familiar voice called out hesitantly. He had heard someone walking about outside and hoped it was her. Upon approaching her was happy to find it was indeed his beloved sensei. However, he had found himself becoming anxious and troubled upon seeing her. His core heating upon seeing her attire, but why? Why was he so drawn to her form? He had never felt this way about anyone.

Seeing her revealed chest, slender neck and the flash of one of her legs. Small teasing hints of her femininity, feeling his face heat up and his core start to whir as these feelings rushed through him. He had never seen his sensei look so seductive and sexy before, showing she was truly a grown woman. Compared to his innocence mind state.

Saitama blinked and turned to him with a casual look on her face, unaware of the effects she was having on him. A warm expression coming across her face as she spotted him standing there. "Hey Genos, have a good bath?" she replied in a friendly tone. She was really grateful he had planned all this. It meant a lot to know he had put so much thought into this trip for the two of them.

Genos blinked and snapped out of his daze awkwardly. Feeling like a weirdo for staring at her like some form of horny pervert. Why did he find himself staring at her so often nowadays, he had no idea? "Y… yes sensei. Very much, thank you" he replied shyly. He didn't want to ruin this for her by acting like some form of peeping tom. So, he would continue to repress his feelings for as long as he could.

Saitama blinked, wondering if the heat of the bath was still affecting his system. She had no idea of how Genos's system worked, but she was sure even he had his limits despite being a cyborg. She then approached him and poked his head, taking him by surprise "You know, just because I take long baths. Doesn't mean you have to" she replied bluntly. He didn't have to push himself for her sake.

Genos blushed, though she had simply poked him his heart fluttered. She was worried about him? His Sensei was worried about his well being? He didn't know what to say or how to act. Unable to muster any speech and simply nodded in response quickly. Somehow unable to process words, wondering if his system was damaged in some way.

Saitama blinked and then saw that his face was bright red, causing her to become worried. Though she fancied a drink of sake, perhaps she should just get something non-alcoholic for Genos. She then headed back to their room silently, eager to order food from the staff and get Genos something cool to drink. Wondering if he had always been this sensitive to heat before.

Saitama sipped her sake quietly, gazing at the moon high above in the sky as she enjoyed her meal. This was so great, it was like middle school all over again. Though this time she could drink. She had enjoyed a long relaxing soak in an open-air bath, could enjoy the great atmosphere and landscape, then enjoy a tasty meal. She doubted how this could get any better than it was now.

Though she tended to remain in a neutral or uncaring mood, she felt different today. Though maybe the alcohol in her system or the calming mood, but she felt genuinely happy today. A sense of wonder and content in her heart, like she was a girl in middle school again. Reliving her youth for a second time, bringing back so many nostalgic feelings and memories.

Her brownish red eyes lightly glazed over, her cheeks slightly flushed from the heat of the bath and the sake. But her mind was clear and calm, gazing at the starry sky high above her. Everything felt so new, so quiet and peaceful. No sound of cars in the distance or people scurrying about after long shifts at an office or bar work.

Genos sat opposite her, curious by her silence. Wondering if the alcohol had gotten the best of her. Wondering if because of her powers, Saitama's alcohol tolerance was much lower. "Sensei? Are you ok?" Genos asked worriedly. He hoped she was ok, the last thing he wanted was for her end up with a painful hangover. Worrying about her well-being.

Saitama blinked and smiled at him, she always found it so cute how much Genos doted on her. He really looked up to her, something she had never seen anyone do before. "I'm good Genos, just reminiscing" she replied. To his surprise, there was no slur or any form of drunkenness in her tone. Stunned by her alcohol tolerance.

He relaxed upon thinking this, wondering what thoughts were rushing through her semi drunken mind. What she was remembering or worrying about, she did have a lot of pressure to deal with. "Would you mind telling me sensei?" he asked curiously. If she did not wish to share them, he would respect her wishes. But he would forever wonder what her teenage years were like.

But it wasn't often that he and Saitama shared stories, as she wasn't much of a talker. However, he couldn't help but hope that while intoxicated, she would feel more like sharing. Answering questions he had wanted to get a response to ever since he came to live with her and work by her side at the hero association.

Saitama stared at him in surprise, had she not told him about it before? She had no problem with doing so, meaning it had never come up before. Though, they weren't all that interesting. She then rubbed her chin thoughtfully. A pool of memories swimming about her mind, some good, some bad and some awkward as hell. But then ever teenager experienced these sorts of things.

"Let's see. Well for one thing I had hair back then" she laughed rubbing her bald head. It had been black and silky, though somewhat spiky and rough. Hard to deal with a perpetual bedhead. Her mother had quite thick hair, which she had passed onto her. Making it hard to deal with and most days tying it back to keep it from sticking out so much. Something she didn't really miss after losing it.

Genos blinked, he had wondered how Saitama had lost her hair and wondered what she looked like with it. Perhaps he may be able to find some old photos upon wondering about. Though he felt bad about the idea of rummaging through her personal belongings without her permission, despite how curious he was about it.

He then shifted, if she was as truly drunk as he expected. She would never remember having this conversation with him. He knew it would be risky, but he may as well take this chance while he could. He then took a deep breath shakily, gathering up what little courage he could. Hoping to let her know how he felt. Not knowing if she would remember it or even understand him.

"Sensei, how do you feel about me?" he asked shakily. He had lived as her roommate and sidekick for almost a year now. He would soon be 20 and she would be 25, both changing their lives. She treated him so kindly and worried about his well-being. She was comfortable around him, yet naïve to her own sexuality. Not realizing the affect, she had on him as an individual.

She got mad if anyone hurt or badmouthed him, she relied on him and enjoyed his company. She always asked his opinion of things and relied on Genos every now and again if someone became too much for her. But why would she ask these things of him? Did she have feelings for him? Or perhaps just saw him as a kid with a crush?

Saitama was taken aback by this question, a look of genuine surprise on her face. Not expecting him to hit her with such an abrupt and forward question. His face as red as her gloves. She then blinked and coughed awkwardly. She had just become so used to having him around that she had never really thought about it. Simply seeing him as a companion or roommate.

"I guess…I dunno. Your serious and rational, but you can be clueless about many things. But you're a good kid and hardworking" she replied awkwardly. He was a good kid but had many things to learn. But he had a good heart and he had obviously had a tough life before now. But she enjoyed having him around. Not realizing how lonely she had been before now.

Genos was stunned, he had no idea she felt this way about him. But she called him a good kid, the way a mother or kindly person would. Causing him to wonder if his affections were one sided. This caused a surprising aching to form in his chest. But he had no idea why, his upbeat and positive reactions in his system now changing. But why, why had he changed so suddenly from her response.

Saitama blinked seeing him look so disheartened. Was it something she had said? Was he feeling ok? He sure had been acting strange since they came here. What was he hiding from her? She hadn't meant to hurt his feelings and she didn't recall saying anything mean. "Genos?" she asked curiously. Just what was running through that that shiny head of his? She couldn't help but wonder.

Genos blinked and snapped out of his daze, he hadn't meant to upset her in any way. Feeling guilty, he then got to his feet slowly. "Its nothing sensei. Please enjoy, I'm going to take a walk for a while" he replied. He then headed to the door quietly, opening the sliding door quietly. Leaving Saitama in the room alone. Confused as to what could be wrong and what could possibly be bothering her protégé.