Small author's note; I haven't proofread this chapter so it may not be nearly as polished as it should be but i sorta lost my steam on this chapter. I can't guarantee future chapters will come out quickly because this story is my baby and i love it. I want to make sure everything is perfect but right now i don't want to keep you all waiting 3 -Ash

Since that day a few weeks ago, they hadn't spoken at all. In passing they'd accidentally make eye contact, only to abruptly look away. She was still mortified that he'd seen the book. Someone as innocent as her shouldn't be caught reading books like those. What if he decided to announce to everyone about her choice of literature? The worry managed to set in pretty comfortably. Was she overreacting? Surely not. It's good to be prepared for the worst. Right?

This train of thought led her absentmindedly to the library, only to be stifled by a wave of loud voices. Why were there so many people in there after school? It didn't look as if they were studying. With a sigh, she retraced her way away from the library. Where else could she go to finish up some work and quickly read some of her book? As she walked aimlessly through the halls, the waft of guitar music caught her attention. She looked into the unlit hall.

"Why would someone be practicing in secret?" she wondered aloud, slightly unnerved by the looming blackness ahead of her. Yet she was still curious as to who was playing. She had nothing better to do at this time and could study at home. Apprehensively she slipped her way to the door, gently pushing the door open to one of the music rooms which were tucked behind a corner. The windows had been blacked out with paper; otherwise she'd have just peered in.

"Shooby doo bo-" The husky voice stopped. Only the dying chord from the guitar hung in the air. Silence. Both of them felt too awkward to talk. Having been discreetly avoiding one another for a few weeks, this confrontation was awkward to say the least.

"Gajeel," she coughed out, face flushed. "I didn't mean to disturb you." He couldn't find it within himself to reply; his face in a worse condition than Levy's. The school's tough delinquent genuinely looked like a rabbit in headlights. It was almost endearing to see him like this. No more tough-guy attitude. He let out an awkward cough.

"We're even now," he grunted, facing away from the blunette. She couldn't help but cock her head at the statement.

"How so?"

"I know your secret. You know mine. "

"I'm sorry for walking in. I won't say anything about it if you don't want me to." He abruptly got up, placed his guitar onto the stand and approached her.

"It's okay shortstack." He patted her head, ruffling her hair in the process. "I don't know why it's a secret really. I've always wanted to be a blues singer." He caught her by surprise. She'd never pegged him to be a blues singer. Her face lit up at the statement though.

"Really? Could you play something for me?" she encouraged. He continued to make her more and more curious. He really wasn't like the person everyone thought him to be.

"It's getting late and I've got work. Maybe another time," his gruff voice suggested in an attempt to detract from the pinkness that coloured his face. Her dejected face caused him to soften a little.

"I'm sure you'll hear it again," he added, coughing awkwardly again. Giving a small smile in response, Levy nodded at the statement. He was grateful she didn't push; he didn't know how much longer he could hide his embarrassment at the situation. Having spent years crafting his tough-ass image, he couldn't afford for one incident ruin all that for him.

"That is, if you don't tell anyone else about this." His gruff demeanour returned as quickly as it had disappeared before. She didn't really want to push him to do anything so she decided to leave it.

"That's fine Gajeel-kun. I'd just love to hear at some point but right now I have work I need to get done."

"Alright Shortstack, see ya tomorrow," he replied, picking up his guitar and sliding past her, out of the music room. Following, she couldn't help but smile at him. Secretly, 'I think he wants someone to hear,' she thought to herself with a smile.