A/N: Ok…. It's been forever since I've updated. Sorry for all of that. Thanks to those who reviewed and pestered me to finish an update!

---- Chapter 5 ---

I woke up and groaned. My head throbbed. My stomach ached. My eyes felt swollen shut. It wasn't until I caught a whiff of Marty's cologne that I remembered the events from the night before and tears began to flow. I could feel the warmth as they trickled down my cheek.

I opened my eyes and was confronted by a familiar, yet unfamiliar scene. A large room was cluttered with all of my father's old photos. There was something different about these though. I threw the covers off of myself and walked closer towards the frames. I realized that they were not yellowed by time, as were the ones I knew so well that hung on the wall in my house.

A familiar groan erupted from the tangled sheets on the bed. I pulled them away and gasped. Marty was on his back and without a shirt, sleeping inches from where I had been, but what shocked me was his face. He had a bandage on his cheek and the makings of a black eye. I was furious with Biff, but even more upset that Marty had hurt himself in the process. I lay in bed next to him, curling up on my side, unable to keep myself from staring. I reached over and placed my hands on his face ever so lightly, but withdrew them as footsteps approached the door. I snuggled up to Marty, not for my own amusement, but for protection. I had no idea who would be walking through that door.

I closed my eyes as the door creaked open and Marty moved beside me. I opened my eyes and found myself staring in to Marty's very awake and swollen face. He was eyeing me cautiously as if he couldn't make up his mind to be upset or thrilled that I was lying in his arms. Our eyes wandered to the crazy wild haired man that was my father, standing in the doorway.

I tried to speak, but no sound came out. I tried to move, but my body would not obey. I could only look back at Marty with confused and distressed eyes. He chuckled and tenderly kissed my forehead.

"1955," he whispered to me, inaudible to my father's younger counterpart.

"Right," I choked out, not understanding, but speaking anyway. There he was, alive, and right in front of me. "Dad." I said, my eyes watering for the second time this morning. He shook his head and stared back at me with a determined glare.

"I don't want to hear anything about the future." I tried to interrupt, but he interjected before I could get out two words. "Don't you understand the space time continuum?! It is more fragile than life itself and holds in its balance the fate of the entire universe!"

I couldn't help but to laugh out loud. This was my father. Plain and simple.


A/N: I am really, really sorry this is so short and so long coming, but it's college application crunch time! And I'm sorry, but I can't make any promises for a timeline of updates. But I'll try my darndest.