Perry wrote his name down on the checkout list in the reception desk.
"Thank you." Mandy the meerkat said. "Come back soon!"
"That's… a horrible thing to say when you work in a medical wing." Perry said.
"Good point." Mandy said. "I'll work on another parting message."
Perry started to leave. He was looking forward to getting home… after he made a small stop along the way.
Perry had been notified that the Danville police force had secured the Plumpkin Mansion, or so Phineas called it, and that they were clearing it out. The ghosts would have to move. Once outside of the mansion, they wouldn't be dangerous anymore.
Perry was all for it. But he did feel a little sorry for the ghosts having to leave their home… especially the musical ghosts. He felt slightly obligated to apologize to Roquefort.
"Perry the platypus?"
Perry looked behind his shoulder. Doofenshmirtz was standing next to the front desk, wringing his hands. He had a small bandage over his left eye, and another one wrapped around his arm.
"I had no idea what I was doing in there… and anyway… thanks for… caring enough to come in there looking for me."
Perry smiled and tipped his hat.
I'd never leave you. You know that. You'd do the same for me.
Doofenshmirtz smiled a little. He turned to the checkout list and began scribbling down his name.
Perry entered the mansion.
Police were walking around very quickly, talking to each other. It was strange to be inside when all the lights were on. The portraits on the walls no longer moved or seemed to be watching him.
Perry passed the dining hall and the music room, which was blocked off with caution tape. It made him a little sad.
He entered the room Matilda had trapped him in. It was very bright now, and all of the trinkets and clothing articles were piled in one corner next to a policeman. Another policeman was examining the ropes hanging from the ceiling.
Perry found a stairwell next to the water room, which no longer had a stream running through it, and he climbed it. He reached a landing and took the next stairwell up.
After a long time, he finally made it to the top floor. He walked over to the very edge of the indoor balcony, put his paws on the railing, and looked up.
The dapper skeleton still hung from its place on the window. It looked very different in bright light. Almost… silly.
"Hey." Perry said awkwardly.
The skeleton did not move. Its eye sockets remained as empty as ever.
"I don't know why I'm bothering with this." Perry said. "I know you're not here. I mean… this is the least likely place you'd ever be. But… I don't know how else to find you… so… I just wanted to say thanks… Roquefort."
There was no reply. The skeleton remained lifeless.
"I don't know why you thought I was worth saving… but I'm really grateful for that. And looking back… aside from all the creepiness, the tour was kind of fun. I'm sorry you can't move rooms around anymore… and I'm sorry about your house. Anyway… I know it was no small feat saving us last night, and… yeah. Thank you. …I'm gonna let the policemen know not to throw you out or anything… you can have a nice spot all to yourself in Danville Graveyard. I feel like that's a good way to thank you… rather than…"
Perry bent his head. He was making himself tear up. He turned around and started to leave.
"Come now." The deep voice said. "Don't leave me hanging."
Perry turned around. The skeleton remained limp.
"I'm not there." Roquefort said. "I'm here."
Perry turned back around and stared at the space in front of him.
"Sorry." Perry said. "I was… just saying…"
"So I heard." Roquefort said. "It was a riveting speech. I am pleased with it."
"Sorry about your house." Perry said.
"The house that trapped me for many years?" Roquefort gave a maniacal laugh. "I'm glad to be rid of it. I'd have burned it down, given the chance. Not to mention all of those OTHER creeps wandering around… complaining about rooms moving, attacking fine guests such as yourself…"
Perry suddenly remembered something. "But you attacked Tory."
"He wasn't properly frightened upon entering." Roquefort said.
Perry shook his head.
Lightning flashed, and the room became dark.
"And allow me to thank you." Roquefort said. "For freeing me. I do believe we will see each other again sometime. Perhaps I shall drop by for Halloween."
"…I guess." Perry said. He still wasn't sure how he felt about Roquefort. "Anyway… have fun." He turned and began to head back down the stairs.
"And Perry?" Roquefort said.
"Yeah?" Perry turned.
He saw the fuzzy image of a man seated on the edge of the balcony railing. He had thin, long black hair, a cruel smile, large blue eyes, and a crooked nose.
"I'm very glad you were my last guest." Roquefort whispered. He vanished, and the room became light again.
"Hold up." Perry said. "You didn't tell me what to do with your body."
Perry sighed. He started back downstairs.
Happy haunts and plumply plumps
Poppygums and Lollidrops
Flickerlamps and coelacanths
Goldentails and fairysails
Blowtyblumps and Fishyflips
Potpurri and Supperdish
October is the current month
For happy haunts and plumply plumps
"Well… it's very good." Perry said. "But it doesn't make any sense."
"It's a poem." Phineas said. "Poems aren't supposed to make sense."
"In that case, you did very well, Ferb." Perry said.
"I figure this lovely poem shall transition you out of the horrors of the Plumpkin Mansion and into the fun of October… and Halloween." Ferb said.
"The real Halloween." Phineas said. "With ghosts and goblins and pumpkins."
"As opposed to ghosts and plumpkins?" Perry asked.
"Yes." Phineas said.
"Is your arm still going to go as a blimp for Halloween?" Perry said.
"Yes." Phineas said. "A deflated blimp."
"Blimpity blimps and shippity shoes." Ferb said. "I was going to add that into the poem, but I forgot."
"Well…" Perry took Ferb's pen out of his hand. "There's still room on the paper for another verse."
Blimpity blimps and shippity shoes
How mountains fall when they fish
New nannies for little Andy Bill
As Wurny the Purr grants a wish
And... I'm out. Happy Halloween.