This is part of a series and will not make sense without reading the previous stories- but in case you want to try it out anyway, what you will need to know most is the boys and Candace can understand Perry via translator, and Monogram is aware of the boys remembering their adventures!

Perry woke up crying.

He couldn't help it, and he felt stupid for doing so. But he couldn't stop himself.

"Perry?" Phineas woke up and jumped out of bed. "Perry, what's wrong?"

Ferb got out of bed, too, and sat down beside him.

Perry began to bawl. He buried his head in Ferb's chest. Ferb wrapped his arms around him and gently stroked his head. Phineas patted his leg.

They sat like that for a while, the boys not saying anything at all, Perry choking up tears. He couldn't think of anything other than what he felt and why he felt that way. It was infuriating.

Finally his breathing began to return to normal, save for a few gasps. Ferb's pajama top was drenched in tears. Perry was shaking.

"Do you want water?" Ferb asked quietly.

Perry nodded.

The boys walked him downstairs into the kitchen. Ferb began to fix him a glass of water. Phineas kept holding onto his hand.

Perry rubbed his eyes and tried to calm himself down.

"It's okay, Perry. It was just a nightmare." Phineas said. "It didn't really happen. Everything's okay."

It did really happen. And I had to relive it. And no, nothing is okay.

Ferb handed him the glass. Perry drank the whole thing and handed it back to him. He felt his eyes beginning to water again.

"Do you want to sleep somewhere else?" Phineas asked. "Sometimes that helps. We could sleep on the couch and turn the TV on really quietly. Maybe the sound will help."

Perry nodded and wiped his eyes again. "Th…thanks. That would… be good."

"I know it might be hard to talk about now, Perry. But if you ever need to… Ferb and I are here."

"That kid with the one eye is here, too." Ferb said.

"No, he lives in the Weavers' basement." Phineas said. He patted Perry on the back. "You feel a little better, boy?"

Perry sniffled. "A little."

Phineas led him over to the couch. All three of them snuggled up together and fell asleep to Lawrence's Mega-Collector Twentieth Anniversary Edition DVD Set of Pinhead Pierre.

After a very strange dream that involved Jeremy Johnson going scuba-diving with Pinhead Pierre, Perry woke up to find himself alone on the couch.

He drowsily made his way into the kitchen, where the boys were already eating their cereal.

"Good morning, Perry." Phineas said.

"Ghhuth muthning, Puddy." Ferb said, his mouth full of cereal.

"We made coffee for you." Phineas said. "We didn't actually know how to make it, though, so we just kind of experimented."

"Thank you… it's lovely." Perry sat down at the table and stared at his mug. "Um, technically you grind the coffee beans up before you put them in the hot water."

"I knew it looked funny." Phineas said. "Ferb, I knew it looked funny…"

"It's fine." Perry said. He ran his hand through his fur. "Look… I'm sorry about all my craziness last night. I guess I sort of lost it."

"Don't be sorry!" Phineas said. "We're sorry you had a nightmare. But don't worry about it, Perry. It's okay to cry. Ferb and I cry sometimes."

"I am not capable of that emotion." Ferb said.

Perry laughed a little. "Okay, I'm not sorry."

"It's gonna be October soon." Phineas said happily. "Are we gonna go to Mickey's Party, Perry?"

"Who's Mickey?" Perry asked.

"Mickey Mouse."

"Agent M? His name's Marlow."

"No, Perry. That Disney Halloween party. Are we gonna go?"

"Oh yeah." Perry smiled. "Sure. That'll be fun."

"They give out free candy." Ferb said.

"You two on a sugar rush. That'll make it extra fun. Yes, boys, we will go."

"YAY!" Phineas said.

"He appears to be on a sugar rush already." Ferb said.

Perry put a hand to his forehead. "…Would you guys mind calling Monogram and tell him I can't come into work today? I have a headache."

"Is it because of last night?" Phineas asked.

Perry nodded. "It was… really bad. I'm sorry I'm so vague. It's just… I can't really talk about it right now. Just… tell Monogram anything you can. I'll be in the living room if you need me."

Phineas waited while the phone rang.

"What do I say?" He asked Ferb.

"Perry can't come into work today because my cow." Ferb said.

"Yeah." Phineas rolled his eyes. "Thanks, Ferb."

"Hello?" Monogram said.

"Hi. This is Phineas." Phineas said.

"Phineas who?"

"Phineas Flynn. Perry's owner?"

"Oh, yes. Hello, Phineas. What's the matter?"

"Perry can't come in today. He has a headache."

"That's just as well." Monogram said. "Doofenshmirtz isn't in either. No one has seen him since Tuesday. We've put a few select agents on the ca- AGENT M, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE? Sorry, Phineas. AGENT M! STOP PLAYING CARDS THIS INSTANT AND GET BACK ON THE DOOFENSHMIRTZ CASE!"

"Doofenshmirtz is… gone?" Phineas asked.

"If the agents can't find him, we're putting Victorio Phantasmo on the case. If he doesn't return… then we'll panic. Anyhow, Agent P is cleared to stay home today. We'll call him if we believe he can be of any vital assistance to the Doofenshmirtz case. Until then, he's fine to rest."

"Thanks. Bye." Phineas hung up and looked at Ferb.

Ferb blinked at him.

"We can't tell Perry." Phineas said. "It'll just upset him more."

"Upset him more than the coffee-bean chunks floating in hot water?" Ferb asked, pointing at Perry's mug. "I doubt that."

"Welcome to Devon's Daycare!" Devon said.

Pinky the Chihuahua turned around. Devon the dog was standing in front of at least twenty baby animals.

"Butt!" Ned the baby narwhal said.

"You're holding a daycare service?" Pinky asked.

"Yep." Devon said. "Carriebear and I thought it up. We may want to get married and adopt a child someday, so we have to get used to taking care of children."

A baby panda began to pick its nose.

"Whose kids are these?" Pinky asked.

"Oh, just some cousins and offspring of the agents. You already know Peter's baby cousin Po."

Po stopped picking his nose to wave.

"And you know Jasper the joey, and Baby Ned, and little Mary Davis the magpie…"

"Mary Davis…" Pinky said. "Was she the one magpie I heard about? The one who destroyed the O.W.C.A train service?"

The baby animals all began to sing at different pitches.


"Oh ba-by!" A wolf pup sang.

"That's her!" Devon said. "Is Perry here? Seeing as he has a couple more newborns on his hands, I figured he'd need a daycare service."

"No, he called in sick." Pinky said. "But he wouldn't have come in anyway. Doofenshmirtz is missing. Did you hear about that?"

"No." Devon said, frowning. "What happened?"

Pinky shrugged. "I don't know. They haven't told us any details yet."

"Well, Pinky, if you ever find yourself with some puppy cousins or something, remember you can always call Devon's Daycare!" Devon waved and began heading down the hall. "Come on, kids!"

The baby animals toddled after Devon, singing their song off-key.


"Oh ba-by!"


"Oh ba-by!"

"That was a great day off." Perry ate one last potato chip before stretching out on the couch. "Thanks, boys."

"You're welcome, Perry." Ferb said.

"Oh, Ferb, you'll never believe what I found in our closet earlier today!" Phineas said.

"My cow."

"I expected that reply." Perry said.

"I found a story we wrote when we were little." Phineas reached over the side of the couch and pulled out a book that said PHINEAS AND FERB'S BOOK.

"The R is backwards in Ferb." Perry said.

"Phineas wrote it." Ferb said. "He always writes his R's backwards."

"They are not." Phineas retorted. "Everyone else writes their R's backwards. Let's see what it says."

Ferb opened up the book and began to read. "Once upon a time there were two brothers. Their names were Phineas and Ferb. The end."

"That's a riveting novel." Perry said.

Phineas shrugged. "It seemed like a bestseller at the time."