Hello, How are all of my fanfiction peeps? I'm sorry that it's been so long since I've updated. Please review! I would love some feed back on this chapter. Thank you for reading. Enjoy!

"Whis San, I'm going to be sick!" Goku whined.

"You shouldn't have eaten so much before we left."

A prism of light gathered in the night. A scraggly grey alley cat fled at the sound of their voices and looked for somewhere else to hide from the rain. The void vomited Goku onto the ground. Vegeta and Whis came into existence in the snap of a finger, quick and painless.

"You didn't have to kick me out Vegeta!", Goku grumbled as he rubbed his head.

"And let you purge your guts all over me? No."

No, No, No, No, No, No, No, no, no….

Vegeta's quiet response bounced off of every empty structure around them. The city scape was void, or at least they thought…

Goku lifted himself from his knees. Vegeta studied the narrow corridor of trash and disintegrated brick. Whis tightly clutched his staff. His usual, uninvolved yawn did not come to his pursed lips. His gaze dropped to the affairs of the planet, unlike so many other occasions before. Goku's forehead wrinkled at the odd display of concern. Whis looked into the crystal of his staff. Vegeta strained to see, only finding condensation on the stone. Goku stared at the orb intently.

"This way." Whis sighed.

Vegeta stared into the dark stone, while Goku did the same. Whis strolled away, focusing on the staff in his hands. Goku and Vegeta followed the stone with their eyes although their bodies lagged behind. Whis paused, lacing his fingers around his staff once again.

"We are taking far too long.", Vegeta interrupted him.

"Vegeta, I would have thought that you would be less eager to complete such a task."

Whis perked Vegeta's interest. His brows rose at the cautious tone in Whis's voice. His mind wondered to the moment when it would have to happen.

"I hate to say it, but Vegeta does have a point. Why are we just walking around? Where are we?" Goku joined.

"Tell me, Goku, when was the last time you simply walked to your destination?"

The gears grinded in Goku's mind as he tried to remember.

"As I thought.", Whis affirmed mildly, "Both of you are terribly spoiled."

Whis quietly turned on his heels. A meek yet wise smile appeared on his flat features.

"I suppose with the strength of a God, surely you could fly." Whis reminded them.

Whis shrewdly twisted his neck and peered at the two men from the corners of his eyes. Goku's shoulders relaxed throwing then back in routine. He stepped into the sky allowing his ankles to relax. It lasted for a few seconds, until gravity fumbled him into the mud. Goku franticly hopped in the air, but could not focus his ki beneath him to fly. Goku balled his fists and attempted to channel his energy. His voice grew louder and louder as he failed to find his center.

"No amount of screaming will bring you focus Goku." Whis added.

Goku's voice wavered, dampening until it was below a whisper. Vegeta remained unreadable. His right hand was tucked against his breast. He quietly released his palm from his chest, focusing a small ball of energy in his hand. Goku finally caught his breath and looked to Whis for an explanation. A cheeky smile crawled on Vegeta's face.

"Whis what's happened to my ki?"

"It's still there." Whis chuckled as if the statement was silly.

"I feel so weak." Goku rambled.

"Weak? No. You've been subdued. You must have the determination and drive to withdraw it and focus it. It is just more difficult now. Funny what the invention of a mortal can accomplish…"

"No fair! Vegeta, how are you doing that?"

"Goku, your talent may be your sheer strength, but Vegeta's gift is his driven nature." Whis answered.

"A gift…" Vegeta scoffed as he studied the small orb recalling years of hard work.

"Indeed." Whis agreed before all fell quiet, "One might even call if favor…"

"Beerus-sama, must we be so idle in this matter?"

"There is no matter, Whis."

"Oh, come now. Don't tell me you've grown deaf to their pleas."

"Most plead for their own lives. Some beg for the lives of others; this is no different Whis."

"The creator would frown upon this."

"He may. So be it. Only I may answer to Zeno for myself, not him."

"Where is your discretion?" the attendant asked sharply.

"Where is your interest truly, Whis?" Beerus asked rhetorically.

"She is but a child-"

"But a child? Never before has such a thing come from your lips. I am no fool; you brought her forth from her mother's womb. Such favor that she was born clean, bundled in satin… the apple of your eye."

"I considered it a gift." Whis rolled his eyes forward to the fish swimming in Beerus' aquarium, "I remember like it was yesterday" Whis began. Beerus' ears angled back slowly in agitation.

"My sister Vados told me to leave that crate alone. She was convinced that it would be full of nothing but trash. I remember her tell me that 'the wind has deceived your ears. I hear no crying.' Instead, I recall us finding two little-"

"Fine. Make your intercession." Beerus interrupted before stalking away to his rounded bed. He had already grown tired of this story.

Whis' quiet thoughts were abruptly drawn back to the present. A voice broke the still of the night. A pain filled moan bounced against their ears.

"There you are." Whis said.

"There who is?", Vegeta asked.

The stern man's voice flinched. To Whis, Vegeta's words might as well have been dripping with anxiety. Vegeta apprehensively edged closer to him. The cusp of the attendant's robe tangled in the torrid wind.

"We are just a few miles away. The flight is short; you will see."

Whis took to the air easily. Vegeta wobbled behind Whis as he elevated himself. Goku again tried to step into the atmosphere. His knees knocked as he slowly levitated from the ground. Goku's face contorted with strain when he finally achieved the same height as the other two men in the sky. They all silently proceeded. Goku and Vegeta dragged a few feet behind Whis. Although the city boiled over with ruin, Goku's mind returned to more innocent images. He recalled watching Gohan tumble in the air as a small boy when he was leaning how to fly. A loud animalistic howl wiped the smile right off of Goku's face. Whis touched down on one of the many leaning towers in the stagnant landscape. Whis held his weight on his right heel; the narrow business tower teetered on its right shoulder. Vegeta and Goku quickly touched down behind Whis. Vegeta balanced himself on the raised edge of the tower. It was no longer a mystery where the bone chilling noises were resonating from. There he was at the other edge of the building, the specter of the city. He was like a mirage to Goku and Vegeta. Goku stared at the young man, who had his back to them, for quite some time. No one spoke a word, and Vegeta struggled to hold his tongue. A chill tingled between Vegeta's shoulder blades. He couldn't pry his eyes away from the metal contraption protruding from the back that faced them. It was a maze of metal platforms crossing his wide shoulder blades, narrowing to the small of his back. It was like the body of a scorpion in form. Vegeta had seen many things in his jaded years, but he struggled to wrap his mind around it. He could easily discern that his condition was not an organic one. Vegeta was no stranger to technology, yet that answer also did not clearly fit.

"Excuse me!" Goku called.

"Kakarrot, what are you doing?"

"Are you alright?!" Goku said as he ignored the saiyan prince.

The trio waited for a reply, but Goku's docile request went unanswered.

Vegeta watched the silhouette of the man shuffle in the rain. First his head turned, and Vegeta traced the outline of his nose and chin with his eyes. Vegeta's spirit stirred as the strangers rigid joints moved. He began to twist stiffly at the waist. The rain began to be dumped from the clouds in fat droplets.

"Are you hurt?!" Goku yelled again, "What happened to this place?"

The stranger remained within their line of sight. He refused to move or part his lips to speak to the on lookers. Goku's curiosity continued to build, warping with each passing second into apprehension. Goku had come to learn that small, still voice inside was usually right.

I've got a bad feeling about this…

"Hiya, sorry to be rude, my name is Goku."

Like rubbing salt in a wound, the figure took notice of his voice, unable to avoid them any longer. He finally turned. The rain tumbled off of his bare shoulders, each small drop bounced off his bones collecting on his neck and chin. A long scarlet cloth was wrapped around his neck and head. The waist of his black pants dipped just below his navel. Vegeta edged forward, inspecting the blurry load clutched in his arms.

"Who are you?" Goku continued.

The figure in the rain was like a statue, rigid and forged out of hard mottled stone. A few moments of silence passed between the two parties. Vegeta watched as the heavy bundle tumbled from the stranger's arms. His arms were bare before them, and his elbows were locked as if he was yet to be aware that it had fallen. Goku clenched his teeth when soupy red pool formed beneath the dumped mass.

"GOKU…?" his deep scared voice called across the rooftop.

"Yes, I'm Gok-."

He brought one foot in front of the other before Goku finished his name. Vegeta watched him raise his stiff knee pausing at Goku's words before stepping over the obstacle in his way. Goku pressed ahead, eager to close the gap between them. Vegeta crossed his arms and quietly paced behind him. Goku's mind wondered again to his own sons as the face beneath the red hood became clear. His face was as stern as a man who had prowled the earth for many years, but there were no lines on his skin.

You might be a few years older than Goten, Goku thought.

Goku stopped with both of his feet together and threw his hand up in a friendly wave now that they were a few feet apart. The stranger jerked back from the waist and lowered his head when Goku raised his hand.

"Whoa, hey there, it's alright." Goku called and instinctually threw his hands in the air.

"Goku…" he slowly growled from beneath his scarf.

"We're wasting time Kaka-", Vegeta scolded Goku before he looked beneath the red hood.

Those glaring eyes stole his attention. His yellow irises glowed against his raised cheeks. The cracking golden flame swirled around his narrowing pupils. The skin crinkled at the corners of his flared nostrils. Water trickled from the wet strands of hair draped across his forehead.

"It's alright. I'm just trying to help you." Goku quietly explained as he slowly reached for the stranger's muscular shoulder. His ruddy skin was mottled with hues of yellow and green.

A closed fist darted from the stranger's waist, blocking Goku's hand with the outside of his wrist. His knees bent and his left boot edged toward his back, shifting his weight. A pleased grin tugged at the corners of Goku's mouth. Vegeta recognized that look; it was Goku's very nature. He couldn't resist a fight.

"I see." Goku said calmly as he stepped back.

Goku looked over his shoulder at Whis, who lingered at the edge of the building. Whis didn't bat an eye, but he lowered his gaze. His index finger and thumb framed his chin and cheek. He nodded at the three men on the center of the roof. Thunder shook the heavens and the bottom fell out, dumping torrents of cold rain. Darkness covered the land from east to west. Goku mustered his strength and tried to draw it forth from deep within. His body glowed and his hair fluttered on end, but his eyes were still as black as coal. His hair was still as dark as the feathers of a raven. Goku assumed his stance and waited. The stranger stretched out his hand and long fingers. Goku stared at the end of the hooded man's finger tips. He could feel the pull inside of his chest. The man beneath the hood glowed from the inside out. Vegeta could see the outline of his thick bones beneath the jade hue of his skin. Goku gasped at the energy thief stealing what he had to work so hard to bring forth. The young hand plowed his fist into Goku's jaw, tossing his head back toward his shoulders. Goku threw his knee into his opponent's abdomen. The man's saliva sprayed Goku's shoulder as the breath was being pushed from his body. Goku quickly returned to his ready stance. The assailant hurled his leg at Goku's head. Goku ducked beneath his thick leg feeling the ends of his bangs grazing the fabric of his slacks. They exchanged a flurry of kicks and punches. Goku's fist was caught in the palm of his opponent's hand. Goku's elbow cracked as it gave under the wrenching pressure. Goku continued called upon his ki, but it wouldn't come. The taller man wrapped his arms around Goku and squeezed. Goku's head was trapped against his chest and bicep. The other arm constricted around his ribs like a python around its prey. Vegeta's mouth fell agape when he heard the sound of crunching bone and failing ribs. Goku split Vegeta's ears with pain until…


Goku broke away from his opponent. The ends of the red scarf were the final thing to fall to the ground. Goku's opponent lay motionless on the roof of the building. Goku burned red in the dark of the night. His hands rested on his knees. His hot breath was visible in cool air. Static gathered around the still body sprawled before him. The warrior rose straight up from his muddy rest in an eerie resurrection. His arms were spread wide to balance his broad shoulders over his narrow hips. Goku narrowed his eyes on the still form before him.

"Your move."

A thin grin dimpled Goku's right cheek. He studied his opponent's response.

Let's see what you got.

Sound sleep had not visited Vegeta for days. His eye lids had not been this heavy since his daughter was an infant, but he was unable to settle. Those yellow pits in the young man's eyes stirred his spirit. His brows furrowed and his eyes were wide with anticipation.

"Kakarrot, what are you waiting for?!", he barked, "I've had enough of this foolishness!"

The stranger cocked his head over his brawny right shoulder in curiosity. He then drew his gaze forward toward the coarse voice that called to his opponent. The fierce lines that carved his face had disappeared. Goku thought that he could hear a distinctive gulp. His diamond shaped eyes stared through Goku, paying him no mind. Goku's tense stance softened and he drew his legs closer together. Goku turned at the waist to find what grabbed his attention. Vegeta would not relent, determined to win this staring contest. Goku's attention returned when he heard footsteps pattering along the puddles of the roof top. Goku's sure spirit was filled with hesitation when the stranger's hand ventured away from his side, lingering in the space between them.

"Hi there, fella." Goku said quietly as he reached with his own hand, "Nice to meet ya."

Their hands met, and rain droplet sprayed from their squeezing palms. Goku's friendly smile was interrupted. He flinched, jerking his elbow. Goku looked down finding that his wrist was ensnared between the stranger's long fingers and thumb. His bones were bending under the pressure of his strong grip. Before he could free himself, Goku's veins bulged, his heart raced, and his pupils dilated. His red aura crossed the threshold of his wrist into the stranger's hand. His wrist was burning from the inside out. Goku's knees buckled as if he was melting. The stranger placed his other hand between Goku's bare neck and shoulder pushing him closer to the ground. Goku's voice reached a new octave as he cried out in agony. He felt that he had been invaded, drained for all he was worth, like cancer in his bones. Goku's red aura was being leeched into his opponent's dark skin.


Whis remained still with eyes made of stone. Vegeta quivered in his boots. He had never heard Goku's voice so plagued. Just years ago, Vegeta imagined the day he would hear Goku cry out his name in pain, begging for mercy. I thought it would be the nectar of all sweet things, how he would relish it.

I never thought I could be so wrong, that one day when that voice comes that I would be coming to your rescue. Damn you Kakarrot.

Goku collapsed onto the concrete roof. He felt his skin shrinking across the bones of his chest. The thief stood over him, his glowing heart in plain sight under his skin. The energy was circuiting through his circulation illuminating the shadows of his bones. Goku was amazed that his heart could endure such shocking abuse.

This is it. There is no helping him. He's going to kill me.

Goku closed his eyes and focused on his breath, when his thoughts were interrupted by Vegeta's boot. Vegeta leapt from the sky, drilling his heel into the side of the thief's heavy skull. The bruised warrior fell clumsily on his side.

"Get up Kakarrot!" Vegeta urged him without taking his eyes off of the thief.

The thief lumbered to one knee. He rubbed the side of his head with his fingertips. A groan escaped his lips, like a child being scolded.

"I'd like to see you try to pull that trick on me." Vegeta warned.

Whis took a single casual step forward, and the stranger stepped back, dipping his boot into a puddle. Vegeta watched the speechless man's eyes dart back and forth between them.

What are you looking for?

He ran as fast as his feet could carry him. Whis' purple lips turned down in a soft frown as he watched the boy dash directly to the edge of the building. He leapt to the ledge and looked over his shoulder once again. His stern eyes rounded when he looked at Vegeta. He loomed over the edge of the roof.

What are you waiting for boy? Vegeta thought.

Vegeta edged to the spilled mound on the roof careful not to enter the watery scarlet pool slowly escaping from it. He looked up expecting to see him on the corner ledge, but he was gone.

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