I've skipped stuff. I was inspired and just wanted to get this chapter out there. I might add one in the middle to join up the previous chapter. I might delete it all together, and just make this fanfic shameless Keenler fluff.

Ressler's Apartment 7:00pm.

"I think we need to talk." Liz announced finally after poking her noodles around in the box, for twenty minutes.

"Sure." Ressler nodded, adjusting his position to make himself more comfortable. He looked in to his own box of rice, before carefully picking up some food to put in his mouth. The perfect excuse not to start "the talk."

Liz looked at him with his mouth full. She had hoped he'd say something, but of course, he wanted her to start. "I like how you decide to take a mouthful when I said that." She snarked. Ressler liked avoiding his emotions, she was fully aware of this.

"Quit profiling me, Keen." He retorted, mouth half full, before letting out a small laugh. Ressler remembered how much he'd resented her for effortlessly being able to profile him when they'd first met. Ressler would try to do the same, but Elizabeth Keen was someone he could never get to the bottom of.

"Liz." She kinked her brow, playfully, remembering how he'd instructed her to call him Don earlier.

"Liz." He smirked, before rolling his eyes, teasing with her.

She didn't know how to start this conversation. She was so familiar with him, yet they were stepping in to completely new territory. "We had sex last night." Her heart fluttered and her cheeks flushed as soon as the words escaped.

"We did."

"Did you plan it?"

He thought carefully. "I don't know what you mean. Had I thought about it before? Sure. Of course

I had."


Ressler chuckled. "Liz, I'm a guy. Have you seen you?" He paused. He looked down at his food before resting his chopsticks on the table top. He wasn't hungry anymore. "What I mean is, you're a beautiful kick ass woman. What guy wouldn't want to wake up next to you in the morning?"

Liz grinned ear to ear. Feeling a little more comfortable with the situation and taking a bite of her noodles. "You said something this morning."

Ressler's cheeks burned, but he was trying his best to act nonchalant. "I love you?" He tried his best to laugh is off. He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, focusing on the corner of the table next to her. "Well, I am kind of… maybe… in love with you."

"What do you mean maybe?" She crossed her arms, and stared at him. Sort of enjoying watching his squirm.

"Keen I -"

"-Liz" She corrected.

"Elizabeth Scott Keen," He challenged, looking her directly into her eyes while he spoke. Ressler offered his hands out to her over the table. Liz uncrossed her arms and tangled her fingers in his. Both Liz and Don smiled at their hands meeting. "Of course, I'm in love with you. I have been since…" He shook his head. "Heck, I sound so cheesy…" Donald broke eye contact with her, before laughing at himself and the butterflies in his stomach. "I think I was in love with you way before I even realised I was. We've had our ups and our downs, but… yeah…"

Liz smiled to herself. Hearing his words made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. She felt at home. She found herself lost in thoughts of what her life would've been like had she met Donald under normal circumstances. Perhaps it would've been at a work conference, and their eyes would meet across the conference room.

"Hey." Don squeezed her hand. "Throw a guy a bone here."

"Oh!" Liz snapped back to reality. The reality of it was she was an unemployed single mother. Her ex was a spy, and she was previously known as a terrorist – heck some people believed she was. Ressler was an agent, with a future at the FBI. She firmly believed he would be director one day.

"Oh? That's all you have to say?" He looked confused.

"Res – Don. Are you sure you know what you're getting yourself in to?"

"I've been here for the past four years. I think I know what I'm getting myself in for."

"My life is dangerous."

"Mine too."

"If you want to be assistant director someday, you can't date a terrorist."

"It's a good thing you're not a terrorist."

"I have a daughter."

"That's what's making that noise in my bedroom? I thought it was a mouse." He teased. Liz glared at him, as he shut down her points. Ressler wiggled his eyebrows at her, and she couldn't help but laugh at him.

"Screw it, I love you too." Liz left her chair to sit herself on his knees and kiss him desperately on the mouth. Ressler returned the kiss momentarily, before backing off to brush a strand of her hair behind her ear. He looked at her with a smile before kissing her mouth softly. Their night of passion had been a long time coming. It had left both of them confused. It was passionate, tender and could've easily been mistaken for a friends-with-benefits type situation. Small moments, had demonstrated to Liz that Ressler's feelings were deeper. When he'd been concerned about how rough he was being with her, he'd ask her if she was okay and if she was comfortable with what he was doing.

"Last night was amazing." She rested her forehead on his.

"You were amazing." He brushed his nose against hers.

"If we're going to do this, I think we should move back to my old apartment." Starting a new relationship was complicated enough. Liz and Agnes had already taken up so much of his life, backing off would be the best thing to do.

"Why?" Ressler looked confused, before looking around his apartment and seeing her point. "I mean I guess it's bigger than this place for us."

Us. Liz beamed, realising how their wires had gotten crossed, but enjoying where this was going and loving seeing his mind work.

"Or, we could find some place a little bigger. We both got our places thinking it would just be one of us and now there's two and I mean, Agnes is small now but she's gonna get bigger." He nodded in agreement with himself, as he lightly traced shaped on her back with his thumb.



"When I said for us to go back to my old apartment. I meant Agnes…"

"Oh." His eyes widened. He'd well and truly gotten ahead of himself.

"Did you just ask us to move in with you?" She giggled at his mortified expression, but her arm remained firmly wrapped around him.
"I guess I did." He barely realised his suggestion had been such a big deal. It felt right. The thought of Liz and Agnes moving out made his heart sink. "I love you and Agnes. I want you both to be happy. I want us to be… us."