Chapter 23: All Their Answers

Pulling Shinji closer to her, Kirara looked up as Aizen approached slowly.

"How unfortunate, I admit, I had hoped to be the one to finish him," he admitted as Kirara glared hatefully at him. "But this will just have to suffice," Aizen decided, going to lift his Zanpakuto, only to stop. He raised his gaze to the sky, as a shadow cast over him.

"Let's go, Jidanbou!" Kukaku cheered as she and a massive man hurtled to the ground. "Scattered beast bones! Spire, Crimson Crystal, Steel Wheels! The wind if it moves, the sky if it stops, the tone of the spear striking fills the lone castle! Hado #63 Raikoho!" Kukaku roared, firing a powerful kido at Aizen.

"Sis!" Ganju gasped.

"Jidanbou!" Orihime smiled. Aizen went to attack, only for white ribbons to wrap around his hand and sword, while a blade appeared by his neck.

"This is another rather nostalgic face," Aizen commented in amusement.

"Don't move," Yoruichi glared back. "If you move a single muscle..."

"I'll cut off your head," Soi Fon finished.

"I see," Aizen blinked, losing his smile. The Hogyoku remained in his hand. Hearing the heavy footfalls behind them, Yoruichi looked around.

"Kukaku!" she smiled.

"Hey, Yoruichi! I see your Lieutenant still needs a bit of help, even after a century!" she laughed. Kirara stared up at the woman whom she hadn't seen in over a century. "I had too much free time, I took a walk to check on you guys," she smirked.

"My, they're flashy," Ichimaru chuckled. "What should I do?" he wondered, raising a hand. His wrist was suddenly caught, and a sword went to his throat.

"Don't move," Rangiku growled.

"I'm sorry, Captain Aizen. I got caught," Ichimaru called over.

"This is as far as you go," Yoruichi told him.

"What did you say?" Aizen blinked down at her, his glasses shining in the sun.

"Can't you tell, Aizen? You no longer have a place to run away to," Yoruichi told him, her own gold eyes flashing. More figures appeared, until most of the Captains and Lieutenants of the Gotei 13 had appeared. "It's over, Aizen," she said softly. However, Aizen just smirked. "What's funny?" she asked as he gave a small laugh.

"Ah, I'm sorry," Aizen didn't look at her. "It's time," his words made her eyes widen.

"Get away from him, Soi Fon!" Yourichi yelled in horror, and the pair barely managed to get away before a pillar of golden light slammed into Aizen. A crack formed in the sky, and was forced open by Gillians.

"How many are there?!" Omaeda demanded in horror.

"No...there's something behind them!" Hisagi realised. A purple light shone behind the Gillians, before more light shone down and hit Tosen and Ichimaru, forcing their captors to release them.

"They're escaping?" Kirara whispered, staring up at them. "No...after everything..." Aizen smirked down at her as he and the other two rose into the air.

"Stop," Lieutenant Iba stopped at Yamamoto's order. "That light is called Negashion. Menos use it when they are saving one of their own. It's over once they're engulfed in the light. The inside of the light is its own impenetrable, completely solitary world," the Captain-Commander told him. "Everyone who has fought with a Menos knows this," he muttered. "The moment that light was brought down, it became impossible to even touch Aizen," he explained. The ground shuddered as Komamura slammed his fist down, barely able to move.

"Tosen! Come down here Tosen! I won't let you go! Why did you become a Shinigami?!" he roared. "Wasn't it for your friend who perished? Wasn't it to fight for justice? Where did your justice disappear to?" Komamura demanded furiously.

"I've told you, Komamura. All that is reflected in these eyes is a path covered in more blood. That is where justice already is," Tosen told him calmly. "The path I walk is justice," he looked away.

"He's even joined up with the Menos?" Ukitake questioned, staring up at Aizen. "For what purpose?" he demanded.

"To search for greatness," Aizen replied simply.

"Have you fallen so low, Aizen?" Ukitake asked. Aizen gave a small laugh, amused by the man's question.

"You're too proud, Ukitake. From the very start, no-one was standing in Heaven. Not you, not me, not even God," Aizen pulled off his glasses as he reached the crack in the sky. "However, that emptiness in Heaven which is very hard to endure, shall end," he vowed as he shattered his glasses and smoothed his hair back out of his face. "From here on, I will stand in Heaven. Farewell, Shinigami. And farewell, human Ryoka boy. For a human, you were truly interesting," Aizen smirked, and the Gillians retreated as the crack slammed shut, leaving everyone in silence.

It was chaos on the top of Sogyoku Hill, as the medics of Squad 4 worked frantically to heal the fallen. Orders were being barked as Renji was moved to the barracks, and Byakuya was healed where he lay. A medic kept Rukia back stopping her from interrupting the healing.

"You idiot!" Natsuki smiled weakly at Yumichika as he stormed over to her, looking furious. The medics healing her jumped, but didn't stop. "Taking on that man yourself, why-" he stopped as Natsuki reached up and took his hand.

"I'm not sorry," she told him, and he looked as if he wanted to keep shouting, but after a moment, sighed heavily.

"You're still a complete idiot," he took a seat beside her, ignoring the medics. "I told you, suicide missions aren't beautiful," Yumichika muttered, still angry.

"And I told you before, remember? I'm not beautiful, I'm just cute," Natsuki gave a small laugh, reminding him of their first meeting. "I'm okay, Yumichika..." she murmured softly, her eyes closing as she drifted off. Yumichika scoffed, tightening his grip on her hand.

"Kirara?" the woman didn't react as Unohana approached. She watched, eyes dull as medics worked frantically to heal Shinji. "Oh trouble again, Shinji," she shook her head, taking over the brunt of the healing to allow the others to take a small break.

"I'm never in trouble..." Shinji managed to say back softly. "It's that other one," he murmured. Kirara finally reacted, blinking. Tears swam in her eyes, and she clenched her fists.

"You asshole. I...I..." she covered her eyes as her voice shook. "I'm sorry..." Kirara whispered.

"You're an idiot. Can't you tell I'm teasing?" Shinji sighed, his eyes still closed.

"But I failed...and you got hurt..." Kirara sniffed.

"As long as you're safe, I don't care," Shinji's voice was growing softer. Kirara choked on another sob, rubbing her eyes furiously.

"Goddammit...why do you have to say that shit?" she whispered, and with a sigh, she leaned down and kissed him softly. "It doesn't matter to me if I'm safe, if you're not," Kirara admitted as she pulled away. Shinji managed to open his eyes, and grinned up at her.

"You're cute," he teased, and she couldn't help but laugh softly as his eyes closed again and his breathing evened out.

"He will need rest, but I believe he will recover," Unohana told Kirara softly, not having looked up from her work.

"Thank you," she whispered as Unohana smiled softly.

"You do not need to thank me, Kirara," she told the woman gently. Tears continued to linger in her eyes.

"Yes, I do," she insisted. The healer Captain remained silent, still smiling softly. Kirara sighed, shaking her head as she wiped away her tears, and let her head fall back. She really was an idiot.

"Kirara? May we speak with you?" Kirara let out another sigh at the gentle voice. She'd been expecting this. Getting to her feet, Kirara ignored the dizziness of exhaustion, and turned to Ukitake, Kyoraku, and Yamamoto.

"In light of what has happened, we would speak with you about Sosuke Aizen," Yamamoto spoke, looking entirely unruffled. Kyoraku and Ukitake, on the other hand, looked fairly beaten, with dried blood down the side of Ukitake's face, and bruises covered both him and Kyoraku.

"What about him?" Kirara asked in an irritated voice.

"You knew his true nature already, didn't you?" Kyoraku asked her, not reacting to her attitude. "You said so yourself. ' Sosuke has been treating this place like his own damn puppet show'. You knew he had something planned," he accused. Kirara met his gaze easily.

"Of course. He always does. And now he's got what he wants, you can be sure you'll see him again," she warned him.

"And just what was it, that he claimed?" Yamamoto asked. Kirara hesitated, before giving in, knowing they'd learn eventually.

"The Hogyoku. It's something that Kisuke invented a long time ago. I can't claim to understand exactly what it does, but the basic gist of it..." Kirara scratched her head. "It destroys the boundaries between Hollows and Shinigami, allowing us to harness the power of the other and surpass our limits," she explained briefly.

"And is this what occurred with you, a century ago?" Yamamoto asked her as Ukitake and Kyoraku stared, stunned at the idea. Kirara's eyes narrowed at the Captain-Commander.

"The Hogyoku saved us, back then," she spat. "After Sosuke used us in a sick experiment that caused Hollows to take over. If Kisuke hadn't used it, then we'd have disappeared. He'd hoped it would remove the Hollowfication but...well, that would have been too easy. Sosuke framed Kisuke, and everyone fell for it," Kirara glared defiantly at the older man, who remained silent.

"So you still all possess these 'Hollowfication' powers," Yamamoto gathered after a moment. Kirara didn't respond. "And that would make you what exactly? A Shinigami, or Hollow?" he asked her. Kirara's head lifted a little in her defiance.

"We're Vizards. Not Shinigami, not Hollows. You can shove those titles," she told him. Yamamoto was quiet again.

"That's the power we felt on our way here, isn't it?" Ukitake asked her, earning Kirara's attention. "That dark power that felt neither Shinigami nor Hollow, yet both at the same time," he thought back to shortly after Isane had contacted everyone and revealed Aizen's true nature.

"Like I said. It lets us surpass our limits, but it did nothing to stop Sosuke Aizen," Kirara's voice started growing softer as the dizziness intensified.

"We shall continue this discussion in the morning," Yamamoto decided, seeing her exhaustion and allowing a moment of quiet. "You are to remain in the Squad 4 barracks overnight, and we shall hear more of Sosuke Aizen's plans in a meeting tomorrow, with all the remaining Captains," he glanced to Kyoraku and Ukitake, who nodded. He then vanished.

"Kirara, had we known-"

"Save it. I knew nobody would believe what I had to say. An exile arrested for giving a human Shinigami powers, announcing that a Captain was a deranged sociopath? It's a ridiculous notion," Kirara shook her head. "Sosuke Aizen had won the moment I willingly came back here, to stop Byakuya Kuchiki from killing Ichigo," Kirara looked over to where Orihime was working furiously to heal Ichigo's wounds. The two old friends exchanged worried looks.

"Get some rest, Kirara," Ukitake told her, and the two left her alone. "Such a lack of trust in anyone but themselves and the Ryoka," he murmured.

"Can you blame her?" Kyoraku asked him with a small smile. He glanced around to Kirara, who was still watching Ichigo being healed. "We turned our backs on them when they needed us," he shook his head with a sigh.

Aware she was being watched, Kirara looked up, and met the purple gaze of a man she'd never met, who stood beside Natsuki as the woman was carried away for more healing. There was a wariness in his expression, and something else that Kirara recognised. Blame. She tilted her head, realising that he cared for her old friend. She then shrugged at him, done apologising. Without waiting for a reaction from him, she turned away and approached the group of humans.

"Kirara!" Orihime gasped as she knelt beside her.

"How's he doing?" she asked, looking at Ichigo.

"He'll be fine, I believe in Ayame and Lily," Orihime smiled at her brightly. Kirara arched an eyebrow, not understanding a word Orihime said. Not like that was a new occurrence.

"To think you guys had powers too," Kirara murmured. "And that you'd be insane enough to break into the Soul Society. Why-" she stopped, stiffening as Orihime threw her arms around her in a tight hug.

"I'm so glad you're safe, Kirara," Orihime sniffed, her voice shaking.

"These idiots are your friends, Yamada," Ganju said gruffly. "They weren't about to leave you to rot," he told her. Chad and Uryu nodded in agreement. Kirara didn't respond, but after a moment, she hugged Orihime back, hiding her face in the girl's shoulder.

"Thank you..." she whispered.

Night had fallen in the Soul Society; a peaceful night that heavily contrasted with the events of the day. The air was heavy with the silence that had fallen, as everyone was recovering from injuries, trying to get some rest, or drinking away the memories of the betrayal that nobody had seen coming. Kirara hadn't slept for very long. She was too on edge, and the medics of Squad 4 were running around, still working to save Byakuya and Renji, as well as the Lieutenant of Squad 5 and the Captain of Squad 10.

Kirara shook her head, sitting on the wooden decking of the path in the Squad 4 barracks, out of sight of everyone there. Her legs swung freely from the side as she studied the stars above. It was surreal to do so, without a narrow window obscuring the view, at least. Hearing unsteady footsteps, she looked around sharply.

"You shouldn't be up," she got up and walked over to Shinji, reaching out to support him.

"Neither should you," he retaliated.

"I didn't take a sword through the damn chest," Kirara scowled at him as he allowed himself to lean on her slightly. While he was mostly recovered already, there was still pain, and his energy would take a while to recover as well.

"No, just a hand," Shinji grumbled, and Kirara's scowl deepened. When he met her glare evenly, she then sighed heavily, grumbling under her breath before the pair sat down. "It's strange, isn't it?" she didn't look around as Shinji spoke again.

"Yeah," she nodded. "I can't decide what's weirder. Seeing this sky again like this, or that we're able to appreciate the view right now," Kirara admitted, her voice quiet. Shinji hummed in agreement, leaning forwards as he followed her gaze to the sky. Silence fell again, comfortable between the two, as a warm gentle breeze blew by. "About what I said before..." Kirara broke the silence, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear as it lay loose around her, pooling out behind her.

"You're not worth saving," Shinji recalled in as quiet a voice. Kirara's hand, resting on her lap, closed into a fist.


"Forget it, Kirara. You know it's bullshit, and so do I. And not just because of that damn thing you let Kisuke hide in you," Shinji said before she could apologise.

Kirara didn't reply, but after a moment, she took his hand.

"Thanks, Shinji," her voice was barely audible, and he linked his fingers with hers, squeezing softly.

"You don't have to thank me, you idiot," he muttered, still refusing to look at her. Something about it all was making his pulse race, and he had a compulsion to avoid even glancing at the woman beside him.

"I know. But I want to," Kirara nodded, smiling again. She finally looked at Shinji, whose black shirt was ripped and bloodstained. Kirara's grip on his hand tightened very slightly as she thought back to the battle on Sogyoku Hill, when he'd saved her life. Again. Letting go of his hand, she turned, moving closer, and Shinji turned his head as she leaned in to touch her lips to his mouth. It was only a short kiss before she drew back, but it had made his pulse sky-rocket, and his lips tingled from the touch. Kirara then gave a small laugh, her eyes darting away as her cheeks coloured red. Shinji didn't blink as he studied her bashful face, unable to voice aloud how he'd felt, when he'd been sure Aizen would kill her.

The image flashed in his mind, of Kirara in the maniac's grip, struggling uselessly as Aizen took what he wanted without a fight. Subconsciously, Shinji reached out and touched his fingers to her face, brushing the scar by her chin. Her eyes met his, before he tilted her head back up and kissed her.

Pulling away when the need for air was too great, Shinji kept Kirara close, letting them both catch their breath. He watched her for a moment, before sighing, glancing away.

"You know what we need to do now," Kirara nodded at his quiet words.

"Sosuke's not going to just keep the Hogyoku as a keepsake. He's going to use it, and we need to be ready," she said, and Shinji nodded. She got to her feet, and held out her hands to help Shinji up slowly.

"I am not that delicate you know," Shinji grumbled, making her smile.

"Quit bitching," she told him, and he rolled his eyes, taking her hand.

"Hey Ichigo!" Natsuki burst in on Ichigo, making him yelp in alarm.

"Should you even be up?" he demanded, eyeing her bandages warily. Natsuki waved a dismissive hand.

"I'm fine. How are your own wounds?" she asked.

"Gone, Orihime did a great job," Ichigo gestured, and the girl in the room blushed at the praise. "What's up anyway Natsuki?" he asked her curiously. Natsuki then remembered why she'd burst in on the Ryoka.

"Oh, yeah! Have you seen Kirara or Hirako? They're not in the Squad 4 barracks, and they're supposed to be at a meeting with the Captains," Natsuki told them, leaving out that of course once again, her own Captain was skipping it.

"Nope. You guys?" Ichigo glanced to the others, who shook their heads. Natsuki frowned, not understanding where they could have gone to.

"You won't find them," they looked around quickly to Yoruichi, who was lazing in the sun in cat form. "They're gone. Left during the night," this took everyone by shock.

"Wh-what? After everything we did to save Kirara?" Ichigo demanded. "They just leave us here?!" he growled.

"They knew you weren't in any danger. After all, you're being hailed as heroes for helping against Sosuke Aizen," Yoruichi's deep voice was amused at the thought. "They, however, still have the death penalty over their heads. That, combined with their overdramatic distrust of all things Shinigami," she rolled her golden eyes. "Led them to slip out when nobody thought to watch them," she commented lightly.

"But...she didn't even say goodbye..." Natsuki mumbled, staring at the ground. It hurt to think that just like that, once again while she slept, Kirara had vanished.

"I hardly believe that this is the last time that you'll see that menace that is my former Lieutenant," Yoruichi's tail gave a dismissive flick as she closed her eyes and lay her head down. "After all, the war with Sosuke Aizen will be fast approaching, so everyone will need to be ready," Ichigo's brown eyes were full of worry, and he looked to his friends, who looked just as concerned. Orihime then smiled, and gave a confident nod. Ichigo found himself grinning back, ready for whatever came next.

"Hi Ichigo, good morning!" Orihime called out as Ichigo came into the classroom, back to school after their wildly eventful summer. He approached Orihime, who was standing with Chad at Uryu's desk as the Quincy sat.

"Oh, you're standing around together like you've got a secret club and I'm not allowed to join it!" Keigo wailed loudly as he bore witness to the scene. "Why is Chad with Orihime and Uryu, it's like the Beauty, the Beast and the Nerd altogether without me! Ever since the beginning of summer break you've been stuck together like glue! I demand to know why that is!" he yelled, heartbroken.

"Honestly Asano, do you ever shut up?" the eyes of the four humans who had broken into the Soul Society widened at the casual question. "You'd think eventually you'd run out of steam," Kirara yawned, leaning back in her seat with her feet on the desk.

"Kirara?!" Ichigo stared at her.

"Hey Ichigo, good morning," she winked as he gaped, not sure what to say. After she had vanished, he hadn't expected to see her again anytime soon. Yet now she was sitting at her desk, as if nothing had ever happened.

"Kirara!" she let out a cry as Orihime tackled her in a hug, knocking them both to the ground.

"Careful Orihime, you're gonna start some rumours," Kirara laughed, patting her head.

"What are you doing back here?" Uryu couldn't stop himself from asking. Kirara glanced up, with Orihime still around her waist in a tight hug, and met Ichigo's brown eyes. His expression turned from stunned, to worried, as Kirara gave him an apologetic smile. He had a suspicion he knew exactly why she was back. A low chuckle echoed in the back of his mind, having the same suspicion as he did.

And that's the end of that! Thanks to everyone who took their time to read this story, if you stuck with me through my sporadic at best updates, or are just checking it out now, you're all amazing. Thank you to all of you!

The real sequel to Shadowed Heart, Beyond The Battle, will be posting soon, once I manage to get a little farther through writing it.

I really hope you enjoyed my own take on the Soul Society arcs, please let me know what you think!

Please review!