You do know that a funeral is not a day in a lifetime, it is a lifetime in a day.
In all her years as daddy's little girl, Kamiyu had never attended an event that was this sad.
Everyone had disregarded the dark and ragged grey clouds, donning robes and other articles of clothing that were pure black. Black tapestries had been affixed to all the buildings, including the library where the funeral was being held.
As Kamiyu had expected, her friends took it the hardest. The space directly in the front had been reserved for them.
Shu's eyes were red and swollen, his face tear streaked and his mouth set in a grim line.
Aunt Bekka just stared at the ground, the quiet plip of her tears falling on the ground the only thing breaking the silence.
Rantaro was just shaking his head, muttering to himself. "It couldn't have happened. It shouldn't have…"
Valt just seemed deflated, he wasn't crying or muttering to himself. He just stared straight ahead as the procession began.
Six men, garbed in black and eyes downcast, bore a black wooden casket upon their shoulders. Kamiyu herself was leading the procession, her head held high and her tears flowing freely. Seeing Valt, she detached herself from the procession and stood next to his side.
Gazing back ahead, she watched as the six men carefully lowered the casket to the ground. One of the six stepped forward, scratching at the ground nervously.
"Jerarudo was a role model to people everywhere…" he stuttered.
The boss instantly cut him off. "Go, before I break your legs in five different places," he growled, pointing in the distance.
The six men galloped off, fleeing as fast as their arms could carry them. The boss cursed under his breath, turning to face the gathered crowd.
"To say that we're the only one that lost a friend," he began, gesturing to the four grieving co-workers in the front, "would be selfish. Yesterday, all of... all of people - lost one of employee a man could ask for, in a storm that somehow wormed out of control."
The boss sniffed. "That man was intelligent beyond belief, always pursuing some business with his free time. I used to tease him constantly about being an egghead…" he paused, choking down a sob. "But he was always looking to help somebody, always willing to lend anybody that asked a hand."
A honest man gathered his hat from the ground and plodded up to stand next to the boss. As he set his hat upon the casket, he said quietly, "He th' only one that could've given me a run for my money in honesty. He may not've been the strongest man around, but he'd always be straight with ya."
Aunt Bekka joined her family. "He would always listen to you, no matter how trivial or meaningless what you were saying seemed. His ear was always a patient one, and he would always offer advice on how to help… he was the sweetest brother I've ever had."
Kamiyu just slowly walked towards the casket. In silence, she walked past the audience, walked past her friends, and just stood at the side of the casket.
"No matter what your personal opinion of my father was," she addressed the crowd slowly, "remember that he was an honest, loyal, and generous man. He was a sturdy father, a faithful husband, and a true family." She rested her hand on the casket before wrapping it in his heart, slowly floating it down into a six foot hole.
"Rest in peace, my faithful father."
The door swung open and her eyes met Shu's, and almost instantly he saw them start to well up.
"Hey, Shu." Kamiyu said, sounding unsurprised. "Please, come on in."
She stepped to the side and let him walk into her house. Immediately he noticed that she and Bekka were in the process of packing their things, and the house was practically bare save for a few windows and doors.
"Moving out right?" Shu said to her with a half-smile, trying to lighten the mood.
"Yeah." Kamiyu said, shifting her eyes from me to look around the room as she spoke. "I found someone who's going to buy all his property. Normally it would be too much but I gave them a great price. My mom and dad used to travel and see Europe since their wedding."
"Well, that was exciting!" Shu said, a little too enthusiastically. he saw the sadness creeping up on Kamiyu and continued on, changing the subject. "Kamiyu, I'm terribly sorry to hear about your dad. He was a very bright man."
This brought on the water works.
"He was." Kamiyu sobbed. "And I want to say thanks, Shu, that day when he left me, he called me and told me he felt better than he had in years. Thank you, Valt, Rantaro, Daina, Reo, Unmei, Isan and Diran, for giving me that one moment of having my dad back before I lost him for good."
Kamiyu started to cry. Shu looked around her house suspiciously, and his eyes found a photograph of a 5 year old Kamiyu, standing next to her tall broad shouldered father, Jerarudo, with a big smile, and his beautiful wife. He walked over to the photograph and picked it up out of its box.
"This must be your father, right?" Shu asked. Kamiyu looked up from sobbing and saw the photograph in his hands.
"Yeah." Kamiyu answered as she walked over. "That's my dad there, Lord he was handsome. And of course there's my mom."
A chill ran up his spine as she said her father's name. Something told me Kamiyu knew very little if not nothing about the dreams she was having. Shu looked down at the box he took the photograph from and saw a proposal to buy a property. he was about to look away when something caught his eye.
"Kamiyu, I thought all the property you owned was in the city?" Shu said, not lifting his eyes from the paper.
Kamiyu blinked at him for asking such an out-of-the-moment question.
"Well, yeah it is." Kamiyu answered, studying his face.
"Sorry it's just, I couldn't help but notice this proposal here, for a property in Sisuta town?" Kamiyu looked lost for a second and then he saw the memory hit her.
"Oh yes, that was a property my brother was looking into. He simply adored that house. I'm not too sure how he even found the place quite honestly. In fact, when he first started trained down there every other weekend I was all but sure he was having an affair, but when I asked if I could come with him he didn't put up a struggle at all." Bekka picked up the proposal and thumbed through the pages until she found a picture and handed it to him.
The house was huge and old, with big columns that framed the front of it, and a black gated fence surrounding the yard. The windows were too dark to see through but it looked to be two stories, only wide enough barely to fit in the picture. It looked a little run down but Shu could see why Jerarudo was interested in this house, it had potential to be absolutely gorgeous.
After looking over the picture for some time he finally spoke.
"And this house…" Shu began. "Are you selling this as well?"
"Why, no, we don't own it Shu." Kamiyu said, looking hurt by those words. "My dad passed before we could finish up the paper work. Such a shame too because the place was lovely."
Shu doesn't know why but his heart sank a little bit with this.
"But your dad visited there often, right before his death?" Shu asked.
"Yeah. Yeah he did." Kamiyu responded. "The funny thing is, dad was known for closing on properties quickly, sometimes too quickly." She said with a chuckle. "It was like he was afraid to finally go through with it."
Kamiyu watched him scrutinize the photograph of the house. "You look interested Shu." She said, the chuckle returning as well. "Are you looking to make a move as well? Or get into the real estate biz?"
"Maybe…" Shu said trailing off.
"Well tell you what. That whole box is full of information Jerarudo kept on that house, separated a bit amongst some other paperwork. I'm just gonna shred all this stuff so if you're interested help yourself."
It took Shu a bit to register what Bekka just said.
"Sure, yeah." he finally managed to push out. "That sounds great Mrs Shai, thank you."
Aunt Bekka picked up the box and slowly started walking to the door. Then she left the room.
"Say, just for curiousity's sake…" Shu started. "Who was the previous owner of the house?"
"Oh well it didn't have an owner, it wasn't in use when we viewed it." Kamiyu said. "Technically it's owned by the Bank of Sisuta Town. Before that, it was a school."
"A school huh?" Shu asked.
"Yep. If what the woman who showed us the property told us was true, it was the first all-black school in the whole state."
Shu stood there for a minute.
Thinking about how bizarre this whole thing was. Why was Jerarudo looking to buy an old run-down school in Sisuta Town? Why this one specifically? And why wouldn't he close on the property?
As Shu and Kamiyu turned to leave they heard Bekka call out.
"Oh, Kamiyu." She said. "One last thing."
"What's that?"
"I won't ask why– although I think I know– but if you're gonna walk around on the perfume, rose perfume."
She was startled.
"Sorry? What?"
"Rose, honey." She said. "It's easier to smell of beautiful scent of roses. That's what your mother used to do."
They left that old house feeling out of place. As if everything that just happened was a dream. They walked straight to Valt's. It was tough business at first. Kamiyu wasn't too adept at identifying real estate documents so she didn't quite know what she was looking at at first, but about an hour in she got the hang of it.
Everything you ever wanted, is one step outside of your comfort zone.
- Lily Eclipse