Hi guys. Sorry for not writing anything in a while but real life got in the way.

Anyway, This is a Gajevy/Gale story (Thought it would be good especially after chapter 488 of the manga). It is also a High School AU and as a British person, i will likely make it a weird British/Japanese school system so it kind makes sense to people (plus makes it easier for the characters to interact more), sorry for any confusion caused.

I based this off other fan fictions I have read for other couples and thought the idea would work well with Gajeel and Levy.

Please enjoy this story and please leave feedback so that i can keep on improving. Thanks.

Today was like any other day, at least to begin with. Year 13 Gajeel Redfox just went about his life as the lone wolf of his school, with everyone else to scare to even look at him, let alone talk to him.

Not that he would talk back anyway.

Gajeel was a mute or at least that what google said. Gajeel hadn't spoken a word in 7 years. After the death of his last parent, Metalicana, Gajeel just stopped talking. It was almost a way of trying to deal with the loss of his parent by not talking about it but soon enough, Gajeel never uttered a word. Not even in front of his extended family that he was now living with.

The students at Gajeel's high school were scared of him mainly due to his appearance. Well, wouldn't you be scared of a 6 foot 5, muscled and pierced guy with a look of disdain over even being in school. Also the fact he never said a word made him out to be a quiet type you didn't interact with at all costs.

All that might sound hard to bare but Gajeel actually liked the reputation he had gain as it meant he never had to deal with the idiots at the school, he had enough of that already at his home with his two cousins.

However, that all changed when a new transfer student arrived.

Her name was Levy McGarden and she was everything Gajeel wasn't.

She followed the teacher into the form room/home room and everyone took in her appearance. Levy was a small, blue haired girl with one of the sweetest smiles a person could have. She had dark brown eyes that took up most of her face and she was wearing a cute short orange dress that suited her to a tee. Gajeel thought she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

However, he knew better then to let the girl anywhere near him. If she was even interested in a guy like him in the first place, she would soon be put off by him not talking and his demeanour.

Yet Gajeel was about to be proved very very wrong indeed.

Today would be a different day then usual. Today she was starting a new school for her final year of study before she went to university.

Levy was in a new school down to her parent's death so she had to move in with relatives. She was so out of place there, it was not her home. She felt even more out of place now that she was joining a new school 2 months into the school year. This meant introductions, she was never a good public speaker.

She was beginning to think that she should have stayed home that day as she followed her new form teacher into the classroom. However, she knew that doing that would just mean that she had only put it off for the day, she needed to do this to carry on with her school life. it was only for a year.

As the teacher stopped at the front the class, Levy turned to get the first look at her classmates for the rest of the year. The first person Levy was the pink-haired punk, his hair really stood out, who was sleeping and a blonde trying to shake him awake. She was next to the pink haired guy and a red haired girl was on the pink haired guy's other side, getting more annoyed with him, it seemed to Levy. Behind him was a grumpy looking black haired guy who hadn't looked up when the teacher had walked in, Levy assumed he was also asleep. Next to him and behind the red haired girl was a girl with love hearts in her eyes as she stared at the black haired guy. Levy noted that this girl seemed to have slightly darker blue hair than her but it was a lot straighter than hers. This group were in the centre of the classroom.

Looking away from that little group, she turned her head slightly to the left and spotted a girl with bright white hair talking with a two girls with purple hair (one lighter than the other). She also spotted two boys just in front of the white haired girl. These two boys (one with orange hair while the other had black hair but in a very strange hair cut) were staring at her funny and she knew she would be rejecting them very quickly from their slightly protective looks they gave her, she can look after herself thank you very much.

Levy kept looking round at her new classmates until she saw the tall guy in the back right corner of the classroom. He was very striking with his long black hair that reached beyond his shoulders and his red eyes that seemed to be staring at her with interest of a predator and she was the prey. When their eyes met, it felt like the world around her had slowed down around her and focused on the boy. Levy stared at the boy for what seemed a few minutes but was likely a few seconds as she soon realized what she was doing and quickly turned her head to look at the ground as her cheeks heated up. She really hoped that she hadn't been caught string at one of her classmates on her first day, even if the classmate was the sexiest guy she had ever seen.

Levy came out of her thoughts as the teacher, a lovely lady called Mrs Dreyar, introduced her to the class. Everyone in the classroom turned to look t Levy as she stood waiting for the part where she had to talk. She needed time to steel her nerves.

"Well, class I would like to introduce you to a new student today. This is Levy McGarden and hope everyone will make her feel comfortable in this last year. You know what will happen if i find out about bullying, right class!" said the teacher with a sweet voice. However, the entire class shivered as she said the last part. There was a series of heads nodding as they got over their shivers. "Good, now Levy i would like you to introduce yourself a little" carried on Mrs Dreyar.

Levy gulped and opened her mouth "erm... Hi, I am Levy and i hope we can all get on this year."

"Well said. Now where to sit you?" Mrs Dreyar looked for a few seat for Levy to take. When Levy had looked around, she had seen 2 free seats. One was next to the two boys with the protective and obsessive look in their eyes while the other seat was at the back, to the left of the boy with the red eyes.

"She can sit here Miss." Said the boy with orange hair as he stood up to point out the free desk next to him and the other boy. He seemed to really want Levy near him.

His talk made Mrs Dreyar look at him. "Thank you for pointing that out Jet but I don't think Levy should be at the front right at the beginning of the year. Plus i have to point out yet again that I am a married woman now so it is Mrs not Miss." The answer brought the boy, Jet, to shaking as he realized he may have offended his teacher. Mrs Dreyar, meanwhile, just kept smiling and looking for any other seat.

"Ah. There you go Levy. You can sit at the back next to Gajeel. I'm sure he won't mind." With this Mrs Dreyar pointed to the back of the class at the boy with black hair.

"Wait...wait" said Jet. "You want to put the new girl next to that delinquent. I won't allow it!"

"Neither will I" said the boy next to Jet, the one with black hair but with a weirdly long piece of hair at the back of his hair.

"What did you say? Is my decision not good enough for you?" Mrs Dreyar turned to look at the boys. Levy couldn't really see the look her new teacher was giving them but from the faces of Jet and the other boy, it must be one hell of a look as both the boys turned pale. "What is wrong with Gajeel anyway? he is just a student like the rest of you. He isn't going to do anything, he knows better than that. But it seems neither of you two do."

The whole class was staring at the exchange and some had started to mutter about the "idiots" who were being told off.

"Jet. Droy, i hope to see you in detention this evening. Now Levy please head to your seat and don't listen to what they say, Gajeel is harmless."

Levy quickly made her way to the back of the class and to her seat. She made herself comfortable as she got her stuff out of her new book bag.

"Now on with the class, it is almost time for first period..." Mrs Dreyar continued on but Levy tuned her out in favour of getting a better look at the boy next to her.

It seemed that the boy had started looking out of the window as the conversation of seating arrangements had come up. Levy took full advantage of this and stared at the boy, which she know new was called Gajeel. Her first observation was that his black hair was the longest in the class as it seemed to reach down most of his back, nearly his hips. Levy also stared at the muscles that protruded through his uniform. While Levy's almost swamped her, Gajeel's looked like it could rip at any moment. With this observation, Levy looked at Gajeel's chest and saw that it also seemed as muscly as his arms. Levy moved her eyes up to his face, he had studs on his very triangular nose, a thin mouth, more studs as eyebrows and, the thing that stole her attention in the first place, his red eyes, which were now staring back at her.

She almost let out a gasp as she realized that Gajeel was now looking at her as she checked him out. She turned to look at the front of the class where Mrs Dreyar was still talking. However, her cheeks were again heating up as she blushed at getting caught checking out the guy sitting next to her. Levy wanted to crawl into a hole and hide.

This only brought about the sensation of Gajeel staring at her as he did what she had done to him a few seconds before. Levy tried to turn her attention back to the teacher at the front of the class but the feeling of Gajeel's stare made it very hard to concentrate.

After what seemed like a long time, Levy dared to look at the boy next to her and saw him with a slight smirk on his face as he spotted her looking again. Levy liked this smile from him and gave one back for a quick second before turning back to the teacher, who had began teaching the first lesson of the day.

Gajeel didn't think that Mirajane would put the shrimp next to him. He didn't get what she was thinking but her decision was final, no matter how much anyone protested. You didn't mess with Mrs Dreyar because either her or her husband would come after you and that you never wanted.

"Wait...Wait" spoke up someone at the front of the room. Gajeel realized it was Jet, of course he would object to having the girl anywhere near Gajeel. Jet, along with Droy was one of Gajeel's biggest rumor spreader and the one that Gajeel had the most problems with as Jet knew a lot due to having been in the same class for most of their time in high school. It seemed that the two boys wanted to make Gajeel the biggest, baddest man in the land.

Gajeel also noted the Jet's helper/lackey/copier/friend Droy had also spoke up. Again both seemed to have a real problem with Gajeel but he never did anything to them that he can remember but he never really wanted to remember a lot of his past.

Gajeel shrugged it off and turned his head to look out the window. He was lucky to get a window seat but he guessed because Mira knew him, she made sure to give him the window seat for now. He tuned out the rest of the conversation, knowing full well where it was going. He started to think about the next thing project he was working on in his uncle's garage.

He was brought out of his thoughts by noise of the new girl placing her stuff on the desk next to him. He kept staring out the window, not wanting to scare the new girl with his eyes that 'had taken on the colour he saw the most'. What a ridiculous rumor the idiot brothers had come up with to explain his odd eye colour.

What brought him out of those thoughts was the feeling of being stared at. He turned his head to see the new girl staring at him quite openly with a look of interest and a faint blush on her cheek. She seemed to realize that Gajeel was now looking at her and she quickly turned her head away. However, Gajeel could see that her cheeks had gotten darker. this caused him to have a smirk appear on his face as he realized that he had caught her checking him out.

Gajeel decided that he should return the favour, even if he had checked her out while she was at the front of the class. She had short, light blue hair, very different to how his friend Juvia's hair was like. He also noted that the girl seemed to almost swamped by her uniform which made her look even more adorable then she likely looked in regular clothes. Gajeel had noticed that Levy was slightly more on the flat chested side, unlike most of the girls in his class, but he had always been an ass man.

As Gajeel looked at Levy, he spotted her turning to look at him again. this time he gave a slightly smaller smirk, as he was unsure what expression he should give her, but it seemed to worked as she soon returned Gajeel's smirk with a bright smile of her own before looking back at the teacher to begin the learning.

To say Gajeel was shocked to receive as smile straight away from the girl was an understatement as he had never had that happen before.

Gajeel recovered from the shock and looked away from the new girl to start looking out the window again. However, this time his thoughts were full of images of the petite girl next to him.

This was going to be an interesting year.

End of Chapter One.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. The original plan was for this ti be a one shot but I think it may work best as a multi-chapter piece.

Let me know if there is anything i need to improve on or even if you like the idea of this, and even if you want me to continue this story as i do have a few ideas of how this story can be developed.

Thanks for all the support.