Chapter 4: Onwards to Pewter City

Lyra the Espeon: Jason, what are you doing?

Sir Espeon: I'm doing some research on some Pokemon. Did you know that Dratini are 1.8m long?

Lyra the Espeon: Really?!

Lex the Dragonite: *pops in randomly* Yes, they are!

Lyra the Espeon: How did you get in here?

Lex the Dragonite: Oh, through the roof.

Sir Espeon: *see a giant hole at the roof* Goddamnit! Gotta get that fixed again!

Lilypad: Lex! There you are! *pulls Lex out the door* Sorry Jason! Let's get you home you oversized dragon!

Sir Espeon: *sigh* It's fine.

Lyra the Espeon: Cain! Go fix this hole on the roof! *Sigh as Cain the Conkeldurr go fix the roof* Enjoy the chapter guys.

Jack opened his eyes as the first sunlight of the day got in through the window. Looking to his left, he saw the clock was still six in the morning. Slowly getting up, he reached out to his backpack and grabbed his clothes. After getting dressed and having brushed his teeth, he grabbed his stuff and got out of the room. He was eager to get a head start on the second day of his journey. When he reached the lobby, he found Nurse Joy reading a Pokemon breeding magazine. She slowly looked up as she saw Jack walking out to the lobby.

-You're leaving already?

He gave her nod.

-Yeah, I want to get a head start to get to Pewter as soon as possible.

Nurse smiled with genuine interest. She rarely ever see such a dedicated young trainer these days.

-Well, before you go, Pichu has been wanting to see who has saved his life.

Jack's immediately remembered about the poor injured little Pokemon.

-There's no harm in a little meeting right? Please lead the way Nurse Joy.

The nurse's smiled grew wider. This trainer is also really caring and he strongly reminded her of a certain famous trainer that was a great friend of her aunt. Come to think of it, the have a lot of similarities in appearance too. She wondered what that was about.

-Right this way.

She slowly led Jack down the ward. She stopped at the third room and opened the door, signaling Jack to go inside. Walking inside, Jack saw the same little Pichu that he had saved yesterday resting on the bed. His injuries were partly healed. He looked at Jack with wide eyes and glint of hesitation.

-Pichu pi?

-Hi Pichu, I'm Jack Ketchum, I found you severely injured yesterday.

Pichu tilted it's head to the side in pure curiosity.


Jack smiled and bent down to pat the little Pokemon on the head. Even though he doesn't understand Pokespeech, he still had an idea of what Pichu was trying to say.

-Yes I did. And I'm glad I did.

Pichu watched as Jack slowly caressed his head. It felt more comforting than he first thought.

-Pichu pi.

Jack, while caressing the young Pokemon's head, asked a question that just popped into his mind.

-Why did you end up in that situation in the first place Pichu?

Having heard this, Pichu's ears drooped and he started tearing up. Jack immediately regret asking the little guy about this touchy subject.

-I'm sorry! I didn't know you are not comfortable with this.


The little Pokemon frowned. He was still trying to forget about it but the haunting memories were still fresh in his mind. Jack spent another half an hour with the little Pichu before noticing the time. It was already seven, he ought to get going.

-Well, I think this is goodbye Pichu.

-Pichu Pi!

The little Pokemon shot up. He grabbed onto Jack's T-shirt with his tiny little arms.

-I'm sorry Pichu, I have to go. You need to stay here to recover from your injuries.

-Pi chu!

Pichu still latched onto him. This human saved him! He's the only one that Pichu trust right now!

-I'm so sorry Pichu.

Jack got Pichu off of his T-shirt and gently set him on the bed to the little Pokemon's squirming and trying to hold onto his fingers.

-Bye Pichu.

Jack said as he closed the room's door behind him. A frown was clearly evident on his face. He hated abandoning the little guy like that but he must refrain himself from being too greedy. Pichu needs to stay back at the Pokemon Center and he's not going to take Pichu away.

-Please come again!

Nurse Joy spoke to him as he got outside. People were starting to go about their usual routines on the Viridian streets. He set off for North, to Viridian Forest. After one and a half hour of hour hiking, he finally got into Viridian Forest. Everything was covered in green, from the rows of trees to the rustling grass and the mossy rocks.


Jack stopped in his tracks when he heard this cry. Slowly turning around, he found a nerve-racking sight. Hovering a few feet above the ground was a massive Pidgeotto. It was probably almost as big as a fully grown Pidgeot. What did it set it's eyes on? A small little Caterpie whimpering and shaking in fear on the ground. Jack couldn't see this and not allow himself to do anything. He had to help this Caterpie. He didn't care if it's unnatural to do this, his subconscious self wouldn't it.

-I choose you Pidgey.

With a flash, Pidgey appeared from her ball, ready for the task that Jack would give her.

-Pidgey, interrupt the Pidgeotto with Gust!

Pidgey flapped her wing creating a strong wind and sent it towards the Pidgeotto. The wild Pidgeotto was about to go for the kill on its prey when it was interrupted by a strong Gust. Annoyed with getting interrupted, the Pidgeotto turned to direction of the attacker to see a trainer in red jacket, blue jeans and a cap standing there with a Pidgey on his shoulder.


It squawked menacingly before launching itself at the attackers with a Wing Attack.
Pidgey, with her analytical thinking, quickly jumped off Jack's shoulder before kicking off the sand on the ground, sending it in the direction of the hostile Pidgeotto. Intercepted with a sudden Sand Attack, the Pidgeotto immediately flinched and flapped its wings non-stop in mid-air, trying to get sand off its eyes. Just as Pidgey expected, this Pidgeotto has Big Pecks as an ability instead of Keen Eye. She was able to tell from the way it recklessly charged them without paying any attention to its surroundings.

Taking her opportunity, Pidgey lift off and send Air Slash after Air Slash at the Pidgeotto's direction. Though the attacks don't do a lot of damage due to the difference evolutionary stage, they were enough to keep the hostile Pokemon at bay. While Pidgey kept the Pidgeotto busy, Jack sneaked in and grab the little Caterpie who was frozen in fear.

-Caterpie pie...

It cried softly, tears welling up in its eyes. Jack patted it comfortingly.

-It's okay Caterpie, I'll get you to safety.

He rushed out of the fighting zone with Caterpie in his arms. Placing the shivering Bug-type on a near stump, he turned to his Pokemon who was still fighting her massive evolution. They were putting up a spectacular aerial fight, countering Wing Atack, Gust and Air Slash at an incredible speed. Jack wasn't too surprised to see Pidgey holding her own so well against this Pidgeotto. He knew what she was capable of by now.

-Pidgey! I have an idea!

Pidgey, hearing her trainer flew away from the hostile Pidgeotto to get her command.

-Try combining Gust with Sand Attack.

With only a second of processing, she knew what her trainer was planning. She immediately kicked off as much sand as possible and sent it flying at her opponent with a powerful Gust. Trapped in the sandy gust of wind, Pidgeotto struggled to keep itself off the ground.

-Now come in with Quick Attack!

With a flash, Pidgey sped through the air, making on onslaught in mid-air at the disabled avian Pokemon. And because of her Keen Eye ability, she was unaffected by the sandy gust. After striking Quick Attack and Wing Attack at the tired and disabled Pidgeotto. Pidgey decided to flew back to a distance and took her aim. Her wings ready to make the move Air Slash but was cut off.

-Pidgey, stop!

She immediately cancel her aim and flew towards Jack, landing on his shoulder with a questioning look.


Jack shook his head disapprovingly.

-Look at your opponent Pidgey. It's already really tired and injured. And we don't want to affect its future life with this battle don't we?

Pidgey listened closely. Her instincts must have taken over her mind and told her to finish off this poor Pidgeotto.

-Pidgey pidgey...

She lowered her head in shame.

-Don't worry Pidgey, you only followed your instincts, which is natural. Why don't we go help Pidgeotto out now that it has calmed down.

She nodded in approval and approached the injured Pidgeotto with her trainer. It was on the ground, panting. Its feathers were all messed up and several cuts and bruises could be seen on its body. Pidgey's expression dropped. She wondered what would have happened if Jack hadn't stopped her. Even thinking about it made her shiver. Jack fumbled his bag for a Potion. Pidgey noticed that the downed Pidgeotto was eyeing them with confusion. They defeated it, what are they trying to achieve now? Jack sprayed the Potion onto Pidgeotto's cuts and bruises and they slowly got better. The cuts shrunk and the bruises started to fade. Pidgeotto was genuinely surprised by this action. It clearly didn't expect this human to heal it up.


It rose up, stood on its two legs and stared at the human. After a moment of thinking, Pidgeotto took a bow to Jack before suddenly taking off into the depths of Viridian Forest. A smile cracked on Jack's face when he saw the Pidgeotto was okay after the confrontation. Pidgey, who was still on Jack's shoulder thought to herself. She would really need to control her instincts the next time she is in a battle. The same situation shouldn't happen again. Jack turned around to see little Caterpie was still sitting on the stump where he placed it.


Jack crouched down to Caterpie's eye level.

-Are you okay Caterpie.

It nodded in approval.


Jack grinned happily.

-That's good. Now go back to the forest, you're family is probably waiting for you.

Jack flashed a final smile to the little Bug-type.

-Return Pidgey.

He started walking out off the forest and towards Pewter City. But he was stopped in his track by a cry from behind.


He jolted and turned around to see Caterpie still there, watching him expectantly.

-Pie caterpie.


Jack didn't understand.

'Why isn't this Caterpie going back? Doesn't it have a home to go back to?'


Caterpie slithered towards Jack and got on his right arm, still eyeing him with expectations.

-Maybe... do you want to join me Caterpie?

Hearing that, Caterpie immediately nodded its head excitedly. Jack took out a Pokeball and gently touched the little Bug-type with the button. A red flash enveloped Caterpie as it was sucked into the red Pokeball. After rolling once, the ball let out a big 'Ding' indicating a successful capture. A huge grin grew on his face as he picked up the Pokeball holding his newly captured Pokemon.

-Come on out Caterpie!

Caterpie appeared from the ball and immediately crawled up to Jack's shoulder and made itself comfortable by snuggling Jack's neck affectionately.

He took out the Pokedex to scan Caterpie.

"Caterpie, the Worm Pokémon. Caterpie uses the suction cups on its feet to climb trees and feed on its favorite leaves.
Gender: Male
Moves: Tackle, String Shot
Ability: Shield Dust"

Jack's smile didn't fade as he continued his trek to Pewter City while thinking to himself.

'I wonder when I'm gonna start capturing Pokemon like normal trainer. So far, I've only captured Pokemon in "odd" ways.'

Adding Caterpie, the third member to his team after saving it from an encounter with a Pidgeotto, out hero continue onwards with his journey. Questions like what would happen to Pichu will stay with him on this journey, waiting to be answered. But our hero will always press onwards with determination as the journey continues...

Sir Espeon: I just realized I forgot to do the ending sequence in the last chapter.

Lyra the Espeon: *shakes head* When will you start learning from your mistakes...

Shade the Umbreon: Welp, seems like we don't have a lot to say today, especially after that event with the roof...

Sir Espeon: Stop bringing that up!

Shade the Umbreon: Oops, my bad. Anyway, here the review response:

To Werewingwolfxx:
-Yes, I've had part of them planned out ahead. However, I still need suggestions for future arcs and for other important characters.

To pokemonking0924:
-Thanks! I'll try my best on future chapters! (Even though this one seems a bit rushed) Also, I think you can guess a lot better than that with which Psychic type Jack's gonna have. Also, I'm really inspired by the Sand Rush Sandshrew because I thought up of a cool strategy for it so it is likely that the Sandshrew's going in. Though I would have to save it for Johto though, cause my pal already suggested me another Kanto ground type.

Lyra the Espeon: We also made a brief team summary which we'll be doing every 4 chapters:

Charmander (M):
-Nature: Hasty
-Ability: Solar Power
-Lv: 9
-Main Moves: Flare Blitz (Egg), Ember, Scratch, Growl.
Pidgey (F)
-Nature: Modest
-Ability: Keen Eye
-Lv: 19
-Main Moves: Air Slash (Egg), Wing Attack, Quick Attack, Sand Attack
Caterpie (M)
-Nature: Naive
-Ability: Shield Dust
-Lv: 3
-Main Moves: Tackle, String Shot

Sir Espeon: Alright, enough stalling for this chapter. We're out! PEACE!